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My favorite latest movie is the new Transformers, a movie that presents the story of a battle between the good

and the bad. The story highlights the fight of the two, the good being the Autobots and the bad being the
Megatrons, the last being who wants to destroy the whole world. While the story is primary about the fights
between these two, but shows a little of how the human species behave.
Firstly, the most interesting fact about this movie is how fast it can grab your attention. The movie keeps you
wanting more and keeps you wondering what’s next. This action packed movie is one of the best that I have ever
seen, while it can be very overwhelming at some point this keeps you wanting to know more and more. The action
while it showcases the fight between the bad and the good it also shows the relationships that bonds between the
Autobots and the humans. Even though the humans try to annihilate even the Autobots they still manage to save
the world and after that they can show the real truth.
Secondly, I strongly believe that this movie can teach you the real bonds between any species, while the fights
happens we can clearly see how the Autobots manage to still do everything in their power to keep the earth safe
even though the other humans try to destroy them. Thru this situation we can clearly see that the Autobots did
respect the human species and that they wanted the best for our earth.
In conclusion, I highly recommend this movie as it is an action packed movie that not only shows an amazing plot
but also showcases one of the most amazing bond between the Autobots and the humans in their fight against the

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