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What is an Emotional Impairment?

An Emotional Impairment, better known as an emotional disturbance or emotional behavioral

disorder, is a term that individuals use to describe someone that has emotional, behavioral, and
mental disorders. People that have emotional impairments can demonstrate a great deal of
problems, including but not limited to:
 Aggression
 Anxiety
 Depression
 Immaturity
 Low self-esteem
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
 Withdraw
People with emotional impairments can find it hard to have stable relationships and emotions,
and in some cases find it hard or have the inability to learn.

What Causes Emotional Impairments?

While there is no one exact cause of emotional impairments, researchers find that genetics, brain
disorders, diet, stress, and family functioning can impact someone’s genetic makeup, and can
cause them to have an emotional impairment.
Many emotional impairments, such as anxiety and depression can be hereditary. It is very
common that if a parent struggles with one of those factors, their children will, as well.

How many people have Emotional Impairments?

Emotional impairments can affect any type of individual, not matter race, gender, socioeconomic
status, religion, ethnicity, etc. With this being said, there is a great and increasing number of
individuals that have some type of emotional impairment.
 Over 8 million children aged 4-17 have some type of emotional impairment
 40 million American adults have been diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression
 Around 37% of those diagnosed have been prescribed some type of medication

Are Emotional Impairments common?

As stated before, emotional impairments can affect any type of individual, making them very
common. According to John R. Colvin, one of the most common disabilities that individuals in
the United States of America have is depression, which is one of the more common and widely
discussed emotional impairments.

Are Emotional Impairments treatable?

While emotional impairments can never be completely eradicated, there are many treatment
options that those who struggle with can utilize. Some of the most popular treatment methods
 Medication
 Therapy
 Counseling
There are also many activities and lifestyle changes that many individuals find that helps with
their emotional impairment, including:
 Exercise
 Healthy diet
 Relaxation/Meditation
 Regulated sleep

How can Emotional Impairments impact the general education setting?

Children and students who have emotional impairments can face many challenges while in
school. Because of the wide variety of different emotional impairments, those with the disability
can face struggles that another individual may not. However, emotional impairments can not
only make school hard for the individual with the disability, but for those around them, too.
 Students with the Emotional Impairment
o Students with emotional impairments face a great deal of difficulties when living
their day-to-day lives. For some students, it hard to continue to stay focused,
which makes it hard to learn in a general education classroom. Other students may
have behavioral issues, making them fidgety and anxious. This could cause these
students to get in trouble more frequently, causing them to continuously be
excused from their general education classroom. When students are continuously
removed from their classroom, they are not able to learn what they need to and
can ultimately fail tests and assignments. This can hinder their grades and could
possibly make them less likely to finish or graduate from high school.
 Other Students
o Depending on if the student with the emotional impairment has a behavioral issue,
other students within the classroom can find it difficult to focus. If a student is
continuously misbehaving or being disruptive, other students can lose focus. This
makes it hard for students, as they have to learn and can become stressed when
having to encounter another student who is acting out.
 Teachers
o Teachers can find it hard to create lesson plans and contribute accommodations
for students that have emotional impairments. Because each student is different,
each student’s needs are different. This can cause teachers to have a large amount
of stress, which can hinder the success of all of their students. Teachers can also
find it difficult if students are also misbehaving, because then they have to
continuously stop their teaching to focus on the needs of one student, instead of
the class as a whole.
Evidence Based Interventions
There are many different scientific and evidence-based interventions that help those effected by
different emotional impairments to cope with the stressors that their disability causes them. The
following 5 interventions, while helpful, may not be suitable for all individuals with specific
emotional impairments, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc., so it is important to
check with a doctor or therapist about which intervention would be best for you, your child, or
your student.

* Anger Management
What is it?
Anger Management is a process done for individuals to understand where their anger
comes from, and how to control their anger in a positive manner. Anger Management can be
done as a therapy session, group therapy session, or can be learned at home. Anger Management
teaches people how to release their anger in a nondestructive way, and helps people learn how to
appropriately express their emotions.

What is the cost?

The cost for Anger Management varies. If it is done at home, the cost could be as little as
buying resources to learn about, including books or videos. However, if therapy is the option,
costs can vary depending on the therapist and how long the individual is in session.

Is it timely?
Anger Management can vary in length. While some meetings or sessions could be as long
as two hours, some could go as little as thirty minutes. If done at home, individuals could
research about Anger Management as long as they see fit.

Can it be done in the classroom?

While it is not common for Anger Management to be done within a classroom setting,
teachers can help out students who face anger issues by implementing strategies into their
lessons. For example, a teacher could make a list of rules and explain to the class would the
consequences would be for breaking those said rules.

Additional References
* Exercise
What is it?
Physical exercise is a bodily activity that helps with both physical health, as well as
emotional and mental wellbeing. Exercising helps those with emotional impairments by getting
blood pumping and allowing their body and brain to create certain endorphins, which helps with
anxiety as well as depression.

What is the cost?

The cost of exercise can vary. If an individual is simply walking, the cost is free.
However, if an individual wants to use exercise equipment, people could pay up to $20 a month
on gym memberships, or thousands of dollars on personal, at home equipment.

Is it timely?
Exercising on a regular basis can be timely. It is better to have a set schedule for exercise.
It is important that all individuals, both with emotional impairments and not, exercise or are
physically active for 30 to 60 minutes per day.

Can it be done in the classroom?

It can be difficult for students to exercise in the classroom, unless that particular
classroom is the gym. Teachers can incorporate low amounts of exercise, however, including
stretching and breathing techniques

Additional References

* Medication
What is it?
For emotional impairments, antidepressants are a very common type of medication.
Antidepressants can help to increase serotonin levels for those who struggle with anxiety and
depression. There are many different types of antidepressants, including Lexapro, Zoloft, Celexa,

What is the cost?

Medication cost varies depending on the type of drug and insurance that an individual
has. The lowest price according to for Lexapro, Zoloft and Celexa is
 Zoloft - $8.13
 Lexapro - $7.35
 Celexa - $4.00
While these prices are low for a 90-day dosage, the average is always different depending
on an individual’s insurance.

Is it timely?
The process of getting the correct diagnoses and medication can be quite timely. On
average, it takes 4-6 weeks for a medication to work. However, if the medication does not work,
it is common that individuals have to switch medications, which can add a great deal of time.

Can it be done in the classroom?

While medications cannot be used directly in a classroom, it is possible that a student’s
medications are kept within the school office and are available for the student when needed.

Additional References

* Positive Behavior Management

What is it?
Positive Behavior Management is something that teachers do in the classroom to promote
a positive attitude. Because of the behavioral issues that students with emotional impairments
have, it is important that they are constantly reminded that they are cared for, and that they have
an expectation set for them.

What is the cost?

Positive Behavior Management costs nothing! Teachers can look up online some great
strategies to use in their classroom for free.

Is it timely?
Depending on what a teacher does, PBM does not have to take much time. Teachers can
do very basic things for their students, like great them at the door and repeat rules at the
beginning of each class period.

Can it be done in the classroom?

Positive Behavior Management is done frequently in the classroom. However, it can be
done at home between parents and children, too.

Additional References

* Therapy
What is it?
Therapy consists of a doctor and a patient, where the two communicate on issues that the
patient is having. From therapy, individuals can express their feelings without judgement. Then,
therapists and doctors can find out more about their patient and determine whether or not they
need further help from medication or more intensive therapy.
Therapy can be done one-on-one, or in a group setting. While it can be uncomfortable for
some, therapists make sure that patients feel safe and secure. Therapists cannot release patient
information without their consent, making the meeting very private.

What is the cost?

The cost of therapy can vary depending on the therapist, social setting and insurance.
Some therapies are free, while some can cost up to thousands of dollars. However, sometimes
therapy sessions done at school can be free for students and families.

Is it timely?
The length of therapy sessions can vary. Some sessions can last hours, while some can be
short. Depending on how long a patient has met with there therapist also determines the amount
of time that a session could last.

Can it be done in the classroom?

Because therapy sessions need to be done with a qualified therapist or doctor, teachers
cannot hold therapy sessions. However, in many cases, doctors and counselors will come to
schools to talk to students who need the additional support.

Additional References

Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

 Breathe2Relax
o App
 This app allows individuals to manage their stress. The app allows people
to practice breathing techniques and try calming methods in order to battle
emotions such as anger, sadness, and excessive stress. The app is free to
use and can be used on most smartphones.
 Happify
o App
 The happify app allows individuals to decrease and manage their stress.
With different games and activities, the Happify app attempts to
emphasize the importance of happiness and allows individuals to explore
the things in their life that bring them great pleasure and make them feel
like an important asset.
 Why Are You So Sad?
o Children’s Book
 This book helps children to understand depression from a different
perspective. In this book, a child has a parent is who has depression. The
child begins to understand and learn about depression and begins to
understand that depression can happen to anyone and is not something that
can be controlled without additional help and resources.
 Wilma Jean the Worry Machine
o Children’s Book
 This book is about a child who struggles with anxiety disorder. Because
anxiety is so common, this book aims to show children that while
worrying is common, excessive worrying can actual be harmful to an
individual. This book shows children the struggles that some of their peers
could face, and how to help them and be their friends in their time of need.

 5 Signs Your Teenager is Battling Depression

o Video
 This short video is a helpful tool for parents of children with depression.
This video discusses some of the warning signs that parents should look
out for, including extreme weight loss or gain, disinterest in activities that
were once enjoyable, and other extreme mood changes. This video
describes that while teenagers can be “moody”, depression is an extreme
emotional impairment, and is not something that will go away on its own.
 Child with Emotional Disturbance
o Video
 In this video, a teacher discusses some of the most common emotional
impairments and what teachers can do in the school setting to help. The
teacher discusses the struggles that these students may face and gives a
great deal of accommodations and strategies that work well for students
with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and other emotional
 The Ups and Downs of Raising a Bipolar Child
o Parenting Book
 This parenting book, written by therapists, doctors, and other experts of
bipolar disorder helps parents to understand how to help their children.
This book also helps parents to learn ways to help their children interact in
a positive and safe manner.
 Helping Your Depressed Child
o Parenting Book
 This book helps parents determine whether or not they believe that their
child has depression. This book gives parents warning signs to look for,
and accommodations that they can give to their child in need. This book
also allows parents to look at the options they have to help better their
child, including medication or therapy.
 Teaching Students with Emotional Disturbances: 8 Tips for Teachers
o Teacher’s Guide
 This pamphlet helps teachers to understand many different emotional
disturbances and impairments that their future students could have. This
pamphlet gives teachers tips and tricks on how to manage their classroom
in a way that helps every type of student, whether they have a disability or
 Teaching Students with Emotional Disturbance: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher (A
Practical Approach to Special Education for Every Teacher)
o Teacher’s Guide
 The book is a very valuable tool for teachers. Written by a special
education teacher, this book helps general education teachers learn about
different ways to help their students succeed. This book allows teachers to
explore different techniques and strategies that they can utilize in their
classrooms in order to help students.

Resources About Inclusion

 How Teacher Help Students with Mental Health Disorders
 Inclusive Teaching: Mental Health Condition
 Anxiety and Depression: Teaching for Inclusion
 Strategies to Support Anxious Children in the Classroom
 How to Teach to Students with Social Anxiety

Additional Resources

Accommodations in the Classroom

 Tests
o So many students with emotional impairments struggle with extreme stress, which
can lead into their school lives. Because of the added stresses that taking tests can
cause, it is beneficial for students to:
1) Have additional time to take a test
2) Have a non-standard test—teachers can make tests less stressful by not
even saying that they are tests, and make the test more like a project or
regular assignment
 Presentations
o Students with emotional impairments such as anxiety can make it extremely hard
to do things like presentations and talk in front of large groups of people. While it
is important for students to learn about public speaking, it can be helpful for
students to:
1) Present only to a small group of people/teacher
2) Allow students to present in groups instead of individually
 Assignments
o Assignments can add a great deal of stress to students. Because of the complexity
that some assignments can have, teachers should:
1) Break large assignments into smaller ones
2) Allow students to work with others in order to complete tasks at a faster
 Classroom Setup
o Students with emotional impairments can have both behavioral issues as well as
anxiety and depression. To help students with the disability as well as those
around them, teachers should:
1) Have students sitting closer to the teacher and/or the door
2) Allow students to sit near their peers who they feel the most comfortable
with and who could help them when they become over anxious or stressed
 Emotional Support
o Emotionally impaired students go through a lot of stressors and can become very
stressed just by being in the classroom. In order to help students, relax, teachers
1) Allow students to have short breaks where they can leave the classroom or
just sit in the hallway
2) Give students comforting objects like small toys in order to focus

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