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Dealing with depression

Let’s talk about depression!

It’s perfectly normal to feel sad sometimes. As a teenager, the moods can frequently
go up and down. But if these feelings are become hard to endure , your may be
suffering from depression.

What are the reasons for teenager depression?

There are several reasons why you may be feeling this way. As you approach
adulthood, not only do you have to cope with fitting in with friendship groups, you
also have to adjust to having increasing responsibility for yourself and others.

If you are suffering from depression, you may have a very low opinion of yourself,
or even hate yourself, you may also feel very angry. Unlike adults depression, a teen
may not always feel sad, but might behave in a very aggressive way.

This is a little advice for you!

It can be very difficult to explain how you are feeling. For this reason many
teenagers resist offers of help from friends and family . But however hard it is to tell
people, it’s important to persevere. Teenage depression can be easy to treat is plenty
of help available.

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