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is is be was

is is is be

was be play live

like look ask run

buy eat know drink

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were are am am

are am am are

die work been were

ran answer show dislike

drank knew ate bought

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have have has come

go make take get

get think write say

see wake sleep do

do can would may

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came had had had

got took made went

said wrote thought got

did slept woke saw

might will could did

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don’t doesn’t would cat

food mountain country sea

student English room food

thing girl school building

I he it we

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dog should does didn’t

river city valley drink

water house language teacher

garden class boy something

they its she you

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I we he she

they I my our

me it of of

in in on from

of in in on

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her him us you

their your me them

to to its you

by at for for

at for for to

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up in over with

and and and but

but as so now

tonight yesterday there there

what when the a

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without under out down

if but or or

then because like if

back here tomorrow today

an one who where

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the a a this

this many many some

each no no no

these hot new fun

long good -ed -ed

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that an an two

any more some that

not not not every

boring old cold those

-ing -ing bad short

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-s -s -s -s

-s wild card wild card wild card

wild card wild card -ed -ed

-ly mother daughter car

small slow blue happy

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-es -es -es -es

wild card wild card wild card -es

-ly -ing wild card wild card

bus son father -ing

sad green fast big

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