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1. I think right now in Ukraine the most common surnames are Sidorenko, Kovalenko, Ivanov.
These are family names that are distributed in the territories of the countries of the former
Soviet Union. Therefore, they remain widespread in Ukraine and we can often meet people with
such last names. As far as I know, the most common names in the world are John, Anna,
Muhammad and Maria. It seems to me that in every country one can meet a person with one of
these names, because they are popular among people and are ancient and quite classical. Now,
there are many interpretations of these names, but everyone remembers their roots and
2. I think, my name is difficult to pronounce to foreigners because not all languages have the same
soft letter as the Ukrainian language, especially if you pronounce the full form - Tatiana.
Therefore, of course, the pronunciation is different from what I often hear in my country.
3. There are several reasons, probably the most common is that a man doesn’t like the name his
parents gave him at birth, I think it’s perfectly normal and everyone has the right to decide how
they want to identify themselves. Or a name that’s too common. To be confused with other
names like that, a person chooses a rarer one.
Sometimes it’s just that parents call their children outlandish names. A child can often be
laughed at, bullied, and the trauma of childhood is disturbing even when the ridicule and the
horseshoe are gone.
4. There may be companies with taboo names, but it’s pretty weird and I don’t know that for sure.
The name must have no effect on a person getting a job. It’s not a personal choice, it’s not a
social or professional choice, so it’s bad to judge a person by their name.
1. I think my mother had a pretty strong influence on me, because until I was 15, she
raised me very strictly and always put my studies first. So I developed "A-plus"
syndrome when I was in high school because I was afraid of disappointing her. It
affected my exams, but surprisingly, I didn’t hear any reproaches, just the support,
which really struck me. And even though I’m a little mad at my mom for being a kid,
she’s a strong guardian of support for me no matter what.
2. I believe that I’m a judging person, because I approach life in a structured way, making
plans and organizing things. It’s wrong for me to decide something important based on
my feelings. This may seem strange to someone, because we’re used to hearing the
phrase "listen to your heart," but I think it’s important to think with your head. because
the heart can often tell us about a false choice that you can regret, because we didn’t
think about it enough before.
3. Of course, one can influence a person by giving them their point of view, but changing
their mind simply by talking to them seems impossible to me.
I hold the view that only the grave and nothing else will fix a man.
You can talk endlessly about what is right and what is wrong , but a person will hold
their position until the last, it’s the law of life that works always, it’s my personal
4. Most people tend to trust doctors and teachers, because these are professions where
people should help others and heal them and give knowledge. It’s pretty obvious and
unquestionably right, because the people of these professions give us the basis for life.
The least trusted people in society are politicians and officials, because they are poorly
positioned in countries, because of their low productivity, and people feel they are
doing nothing useful to the country. I think over the years, the credibility of some
professions has changed considerably, because a lot of things change in people’s minds
and ways of working, too.
For example, I think that medicine used to inspire more trust in people than it does
now, because doctors were more highly qualified and knew more (this concerns
That’s what many say about schooling, politics.
Time changes, opinion changes
1. I totally agree with that expression, because it describes very vividly how you
should feel at home.
If you come in after work or school, you’re completely relaxed and you’re not
tied up and you’re just bummed out on the bed - you’re really in the right house
and this is your comfort zone.
2. The problems associated with urbanization are: High population density,
inadequate infrastructure, lack of affordable housing, flooding, pollution, slum
creation, crime, congestion and poverty. Of course, it is common knowledge
that in large cities, the main problem is the huge congestion of machines, which
affects the environment, including human health. It’s very difficult to maintain
the right lifestyle in a city where the percentage of exhaust emissions exceeds
the percentage of human life expectancy. Every day we go outside, we’re
already inhaling a lot of harmful substances.
The sick and the most affected topic among the inhabitants of the big cities are
the prices that will bite accordingly in a city with a million
inhabitants. Megalopolis is not a hinterland or even a suburb, so it has to work
hard and earn enough money to cover housing, food and personal needs. I can
tell you, in my hometown, there’s a lot of good and nice things I like.
But there are also so many problems and shortcomings.
For example, we don’t have enough infrastructure, we often don’t know where
to go on weekends, we don’t have, like, photography schools or studios where
we can make them.
Most of the city is empty, which is bad, because the government can allocate
land to entrepreneurs and make a city liveable.
And the problem is that the city is contaminated with garbage, and people are
just making landfills, and they don’t think about how bad it is for our
And the main problem, as in many small cities, is transportation, which often
breaks down and rarely goes to remote areas.
3. Of course, the capital is the heart of the country, the largest and most
developed city in the world, in which life boils every day, but I do not believe
that there is a special character in the capital.
To me, this is as ordinary a city as any other big city.
Now life in the capital is too romantic. People believe that in Kiev or Moscow,
for example, there are many opportunities to become a popular person and to
make business, because there are many opportunities here.
I totally disagree with that, because you can do something worthwhile in a small
city, and you become a man known to millions.
There is no special spirit of the capital, it is simply an old stereotype of many
4. Ukraine has a lot in common with the countries of the former CIS, for example
history, culture, kinship ties, status of independent state, but these are common
If you look at something separately, for example, Ukraine is not as strong an
economic country as its neighbor Poland, because in Poland people’s standard
of living is much higher than in Ukraine.
But despite this, our country has many good things in common with others.
1. The reasons why teenagers commit crimes are many, but the most
common are: lack of positive role models, ideals to which teenagers
could aspire; weakening of kinship, family and other ties, which
significantly reduces the possibilities for social control; lack of social
experience, age characteristics; lack of self-control and self-awareness.
I think that the best methods of fighting juvenile crime will be to talk to
police officers, go to jails and have dialogues with criminals so that
children understand what follows their actions and diligent parent and
teacher education.

2. Away From Homе

It is important to take extra care in securing your home when you are
going to be away for any length of time. Not only should your home be
secure but it should also appear lived in. 1. Secure all windows, doors
and garage before you leave.2. Leave a radio playing to indicate that
someone is home.
3. Leave one or two lights on, preferably timers that turn on according to how dark it is outside.
5. Arrange to have someone pick up any newspapers or mail that are left on your step.

Safety on the Street

If street crimes (purse snatching, robberies, assaults, etc.) are a problem in your neighbourhood and you
have a fear of being victimized, there are ways in which you can reduce the risk of victimization and
increase your sense of personal security. Prevention Tips 1. Walk only in well-lit areas.2. Do not burden
yourself with packages and a bulky purse.3. Never display large sums of money in public.4. Go shopping
in pairs or in a group.5. Walk in the centre of the sidewalk, away from alleys and doorways.6, If you
suspect you are being followed, cross the street, go to the nearest home, service station or business and
call the police.

The authorities should simply put more police officers on the patrol, who would be in every district of
the city and oversee the order, and raise the profile of crimes.

3. I think the most important issues in the world are increasing

unemployment ;

violence and organised crime; greenhouse effect; pollution of seas and oceans; air pollution;

global warming; ozone holes; the problem of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and AIDS; terrorism;

asteroid hazard;
4. An important thing to keep in mind when learning how to fight for social
justice is what social justice really is. Fighting for social justice is a way of
solving social inequalities. Social inequalities can come in different
forms, but they revolve around two major categories: inter-social
treatment and unequal government regulation. Taking action on a social
issue is a major step in learning how to fight for social justice. Activism,
by definition, is using consistent campaigning to bring social and/or
political change. With the technology available today, even the busiest
of people can become activists for social issues through a variety of
Using social media
One of the easiest ways to fight for social justice is to use a social media
platform. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are all great starting points
to grow an active voice for social justice. In today’s age of technology,
something as small as a hashtag can be the start of a worldwide social
justice movement, such as the “Black Lives Matter”, “Love Wins” and
the “Me Too” movements.
Organizations are always in need of donations to their cause because to
fight for social justice, organizations need funding. For some, it is not
always practical to donate money, so an alternative is to consider
donating your time. Holding fundraisers, hosting rallies and participating
in sponsored walks are all great ways to fight for social justice through
Contacting Congress
A critical part of fighting for social justice is starting from the ground up
in local government. Big movements take small steps towards
greatness, and one way to help move forward for social justice is
making a change in government. Contacting Congress about issues and
concerns is a pivotal part of creating change. Voting in leadership who
support important causes is another important step in fighting for social
Joining local groups
Connecting with local activist groups can help you stay up to date on
events, fundraisers, news and information on social issues.

1. People keep secrets because it’s the basis of their relationship. If you
can confidently go to your friend and tell him any secret that nobody
knows about and you can be sure that he won’t tell it to anyone - you
have a really good and loyal friend. When I want to share my secret
thoughts or tell some gossip, I tell it to my girlfriends, there are two of
them and they understand me better than anyone and always keep
their mouths shut and it will remain behind closed doors if the situation
demands it. I am sure that my secrets they will not spill the beans to
anyone. Even when something bad happens or I cry, I can go to the girls
and tell them everything, because they always see when something bad
has happened to me.
2. Of course, it’s very unpleasant for someone you trusted with your
secret to spill it.
If I find out that a man has told something I didn’t ask you to tell
anyone, I have a very strong anger and resentment for this man,
because I don’t like a little bird on my tail bringing me such news.
Right away, I’m trying to figure out with this man why he did it, and if I
can’t see that the person is genuinely sorry, then there’s a conflict and a
very strong resentment. Over time, of course, it’s gone, but it’s still a
nasty residue.
3. For some, the Internet is just a means of communication, and for some,
it is a way of earning money and even of self-realization. Our online
capabilities are virtually unlimited, which contributes to the continuous
development of potential: we reveal our talents, share our thoughts. It’s
a place where we can hear and be heard.
With the global network in our life we have included Internet stores,
multiplayer online games, a huge number of thematic sites, and all this
is just a small part of the conditions created for the comfortable
existence of a person through the Internet. It is enough to have a
computer with access to the Network to open up a lot of possibilities
without leaving the house. In online shops we can find anything of
interest to us, wherever we are. The Internet has its drawbacks. The
main problem of this generation is that people often forget the purpose
of the Internet. From being a limitless source of information and a
medium for comfortable communication, it has gradually become a
haven for people wishing to escape from real life. Finding their
«salvation» there, within the virtual world, these people lose
themselves. They lose, because what’s real and important is actually a
big thing.
4. I think it’s necessary for them to keep information secret, but only
information that doesn’t need to be disclosed to the public.
For example, such information , which relates to State secrets (places of
storage of weapons, military bases) is not needed by ordinary citizens
because they do not need it. And the necessary information that
authorities can withhold (about criminals, new laws) needs to be made
public and should not be kept secret.

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