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Mahrukh Khan

Michele Tubbs

ENGL 1301

December 6, 2020

Writing Process Reflection

The purpose of writing this essay was to inform my audience about euthanasia.

Euthanasia has long been a contentious topic. And To increase public awareness of

hospice/palliative care.

To educate the public on the harm and risks associated with promoting euthanasia and

assisted suicide through pamphlets, information seminars, media campaigns, and research


I imagine my readers to be my classmate and the teacher. But I want to tell the world

about this and aware of them.

I always wanted to talk about this topic especially since my grandfather’s death, but I

never had a chance. When I looked at this essay topic, I knew that what I am going to talk about.

Euthanasia personally relates to me. When my grandfather was about to die, they gave us this

option. I do not think this should be an option because who are we to decide who gets to live and

who die. Luckily, all of my family members thought the same. When some people have to decide

between living painfully or dying, most of them choose to practice euthanasia.

Only one member did a peer review. She said that my essay has some grammar mistakes

so I worked on my essay to correct those mistakes and hopefully I do not have them anymore.

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