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Nama : Fahmi Muhammad Izzuddin

NRP : 10411810000002


Satoshi Nakai, Hiroshima University

Mechanochemical (MC) treatment is a MOAFF-approved technology. A typical MC

treatment system consists of ball mills, in which mechanical energy is transmitted via balls to the
target compounds to drive solid-phase reactions. Although MC treatment has mainly been used
for material synthesis processes, such as improvement of the physical and chemical properties of
various materials and the development of new materials. the method has also been used to
degrade hazardous chemicals such as organochlorine compounds. For example, MC treatment of
fly ash in the presence of calcium oxide (CaO) caused degradation of dioxins in the fly ash via

Experiment 1 (Confirmation of dioxins (DXN) degradation by MC treatment)
1. Prepare 7 steel balls (φ=1,5 cm; diameter=45 cm3 ¿
2. Add fly ash 1 gram and CaO 4 gram
3. Do rotation 700 ppm and revolution 700 ppm
4. Do HR-GC/MS Analysis

Experiment 2 (Elucidation of DXN degradation mechanisms in the MC treatment)

1. Prepare 7 steel balls (φ=1,5 cm; diameter=45 cm3)
2. Add MCB or Biphenyl 200 mgram and CaO 4 gram
3. Do rotation 700 ppm and revolution 700 ppm
4. Do HR-GC/MS Analysis

Experiment 3 (Confirmation of Pb immobilization and elucidation of its mechanisms)

1. Prepare 7 steel balls/agate ball mill (φ=1,5 cm; diameter=45 cm3 ¿
2. Add fly ash 1 gram and CaO 4 gram, which is the contents of fly ash are Pb 4050 mg/kg, Cd
207 mg/kg, Cr 119 mg/kg, Hg 12,6 mg/kg.
3. Do rotation 700 ppm and revolution 700 ppm for 8 hour
4. Cementation (process of altering a metal by heating it by high temperature > 1300oC in
contact with a powdered solid)
5. Do leaching test according to the environment agency notification no. 46 (pH 6)
6. Then do analysis for morphology of Pb


Experiment 1 (Confirmation of dioxins (DXN) degradation by MC treatment)
1. There is changing in DXN concentration in the fly ash during MC treatment, it decreases
with time
2. There is changing in TEQ concentration in the fly ash during MC treatment, it decreases with
So the conclusion of experiment 1 is confirming feasibility of degradation dioxins using MC

Experiment 2 (Elucidation of DXN degradation mechanisms in the MC treatment)

Nama : Fahmi Muhammad Izzuddin
NRP : 10411810000002

1. Cl- was not detected and the MC treatment caused dichlorination of MCB
2. Degradation of MCB by the MC treatment progressed via biphenyl
3. MC treatment induced hydrogenate reduction and polymerization reactions

Experiment 3 (Confirmation of Pb immobilization and elucidation of its mechanisms)

1. Decreasing of Pb leachability by MC treatment and cementation from 540 mg-Pb/g-fly ash to
39 until <0,4 mg-Pb/g-fly ash
2. Solubility of PbO 0,107 g/L > Pb 3,1 x 10-4
3. Solubility orthorhombic (β type) 0,107 g/L > tetragonal (α type) 0,0502 g/L (decrease of
solubility by changing of morphology)


Proses pembuatan biogas ada tiga, yaitu:

1. Proses Hidrolisis
Pada proses anaerobik, senyawa polimer organik kompleks yang tidak larut seperti materi
partikulat dan koloid yang melalui proses hidrolisis/bakteri hidrolitik (Cellulomonas,
Eubacteria, Clostridium, dan Ruminococcus)
(C6H10O5)n + n H2O  n C6H12O6
Protein + H2O  soluble amino acids
Sucrose + H2O  glucose+ fructose
2. Proses Asidogenesis dan Asetogenesis
Pada stage kedua, monomer yang dihasilkan dari proses hidrolisis kemudian terdegradasi oleh
berbagai macam bakteri fakultatif anaerob dan melalui fermentasi (Pseudomonas, Escherichia
coli, Clostridium, Actinomyces, Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Flavobacterium)
Substrat  CO2 + H2 + asetat
Substrat  propionate + butyrate + ethanol
C6H12O6  2 CH3CH2OH + 2CO2
C6H12O6 + 2H2  2 CH3CH2COOH + 2H2O
3. Proses Metanogenesis
Stage terakhir menghasilkan gas methane yang diproduksi dari bakteri methanogenik.
Methana terbentuk 66% dari asetat dengan dekarboksilasi asetat menggunakan bakteri
asetoclastic methanogenic (Methanosaeta spp. dan Methanosarcina spp.)
Substrat yang dikonversi ke CO2, H2, dan asetat digunakan dengan bakteri asetoclastic
methanogenic untuk membentuk methane:
CH3COO- + H2O  CH4 + HCO3-

Memanfaatkan hidrogen:
Nama : Fahmi Muhammad Izzuddin
NRP : 10411810000002

4 H2 + HCO3- + H+  CH4 + H2O + energy

Hasil biogas dengan persentase CH4 tertinggi adalah ketika menggunakan raw material natural
water hyacinth (eceng gondok natural) tanpa ada treatment sebelum direaksikan. Dibandingkan
dengan raw material dari kotoran sapi dan eceng gondok yang sudah di pre-treatment. Hasil dari
biogas ini terdapat beberapa parameter yaitu:
- Organic Load Rate (OLR) : jumlah zat organik yang ditunjukkan dengan COD padatan
organik. OLR adalah perhitungan konversi biologis dari kapasitas proses sistem anaerobik
- Hydraulic Residence Time (HRT) : adalah pengukuran yang menunjukkan rata-rata waktu
substrat yang menetap di proses, bisa didefinisikan rasio volume liquid (m 3) dengan debit
aliran yang masuk (m3/day)
Hal-hal yang penting dalam proses anaerobik padatan:
- Mixing: pencampuran sangat penting karena dapat menyediakan kontak antara substrat
yang masuk dengan jumlah bakteri yang memadai. Mixing juga mencegah perbedaan
termal dan pembentukan buih di permukaan pada saat proses berlangsung
- Inhibitor: penambahan inhibitor pada umpan biogas berdampak pada saat proses

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