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GDriver Metabot Readme

Bot Overview
This metabot accomplishes the following:
• Performs multiple functions in Google Drive using the Google Drive REST API v3; see complete list of logics below.
• Performs multiple functions in Google Sheets using the Google Sheets REST API v4; see complete list of logics below.

• Automation Anywhere Enterprise v11.x.
• A new or existing Google email account for use with GDrive.
• A Google API & Services Console Setup with:
o Google Drive API
o Google Sheets API
o Compute Engine API (already installed)
o Apps Activity API (already installed)
o Cloud OS Login API (already installed)
o Cloud Source Repositories API (already installed)
• OAuth 2.0 client IDs Downloaded from the Google API & Services Console (used to authenticate services)
• Ensure that scopes are set to in the OAuth Consent Screen for your application as below:
o This is done through your application control panel here:
o<your project id>
• Refer to for Google's Quick Start instructions for how to enable the Drive API (Step 1 only):

1. Download the bot from Bot Store.
2. Unzip the zip archive.
3. For first time users, create “Bot Store” folder under <AA Directory>/My Tasks (on your local disk).
4. Copy folder “GDriver” to above created Bot Store folder inside <AA Directory>/My Tasks in Automation Anywhere folder on your local disk.
5. Move the “GDriver.mbot” file from (unzipped) GDriver/My Metabots to <AA Directory>/My Metabots folder in Automation Anywhere
directory on your local disk.
Create the following folder structure of the content in the AA Dir:
- <AA Directory>
o My Tasks
▪ Bot Store
• GDriver (Folder)
o My Tasks
▪ Test Mbot Logic - *.atmx (test files, each file allows for testing of each function)
o Error Folder
▪ Logs (Folder)
• Error Logs Month-Day-Year.txt
▪ Snapshots (Folder)
• Error Snap Month-Day-Year.png
o My Metabots
▪ GDriver.mbot

How to Use the Bot:

Use the following information to configure your bot:
GDriver Metabot Readme ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Common Concepts ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
GDrive File Id ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Google Sheet Id (Tab Id)....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Output .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
GDrive Functions .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
About.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Authorize ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Changes List ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Comment Create ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Comment Delete ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Comment Get ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Comment List ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Comment Update............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
File Change File Description ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
File Change Folder Color .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
File Copy ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
File Create Document ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
File Create Drawing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
File Create Folder ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
File Create Presentation..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
File Create Sheet ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
File Delete .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
File Download .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
File Export .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
File Rename........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
File Star .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
File Touch ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
File Trash ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
File Trash Empty ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
File Unstar .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
File Untrash ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
File Upload ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Files List .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Permissions Create............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Permissions Delete............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Permissions Get ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Permissions List .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Permissions Update ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Google Sheets Functions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Authorize ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Cells Change Border Style .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Cells Change Color Background ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Cells Change Color Foreground.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Cells Change Font Name and Size ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Cells Change Font Style Bold .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Cells Change Font Style Italic ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Cells Change Font Style Strikethrough ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Cells Change Font Style Underline ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Cells Change Number Format ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Cells Change Text Alignment.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Cells Clear ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Cells Copy and Paste .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Cells Cut and Paste ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Cells Filter Add ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Cells Filter Delete ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Cells Filter Update .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
Cells Find and Replace........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Cells Get ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Cells Named Range Add ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Cells Named Range Delete ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Cells Paste Data .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Cells Set .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Cells Sort Range ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 50
Cells Unmerge Range ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Column Add New (Blank) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Column Add Range............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Column Delete ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Column Delete Range ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Column Hide....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Column Merge Range ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Column Set Width .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52
Column Set Width Auto Resize (Autofit)............................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Column Set Width Default ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Column Unhide .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Conditional Formatting, Add Color Scale Rule ................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Conditional Formatting, Add Single Color Rule ................................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Conditional Formatting, Delete Rule ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Conditional Formatting, Update Color Scale Rule ............................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Conditional Formatting, Update Single Color Rule ............................................................................................................................................................................ 61
Get Sheets Info................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Row Add (Append) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Row Add New (Blank) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 63
Row Add Range .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Row Delete ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Row Delete Range .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Row Hide ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
Row Merge Range .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 65
Row Set Height ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Row Set Height Auto Resize (Autofit) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 65
Row Set Height Default ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Row Unhide ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 66
Sheet Add (Tab).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Sheet Change Tab Color ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Sheet Create....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Sheet Delete (Tab) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 67
Sheet Hide (Tab)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 68
Sheet Move or Copy (Tab) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 68
Sheet Rename (Tab) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Sheet Unhide (Tab) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 68

Common Concepts
Many of the functions below use the same variables from either the GDrive API or the Sheets API. Please refer to the description of these variables wherever

GDrive File Id
Every file on GDrive has a unique id or identifier as follows:
string vGDriveFileId – the id of the file on GDrive upon which you want to take the specified action (Ex:; the bold red portion of the
document URL above is a GDrive file id).
Note: that the Sheets API refers to the GDrive File Id as the Spreadsheet Id. For the purposes of Metabot functions dealing with the Google Sheet
API, the term GDrive File Id and the variable above is used to refer to the Spreadsheet Id for internal consistency.
Note: GDrive file names are non-unique. In other words, you can have two files with the same name. The file id is what distinguishes them from
one another.

Google Sheet Id (Tab Id)

Every sheet (or tab) in a spreadsheet in Google Sheets has a unique id or identifier as follows:
int vGoogleSheetId – the sheet id (tab id) in the Google Sheet upon which you want to take the specified action (Ex:; the bold red portion of the
document URL above is a sheet id (tab id).

string vOutput = "Success" or "Google API says: " followed by and API-specific API error message.
Most of the functions produce an output string against which decisions in code can be made. In short, when an API call succeeds the API returns "Success."
When the API call does not succeed due to an error, the API will report the API error instead. These errors are generally out-of-scope for the Metabot itself and
fall into the realm of Google's API documentation (see above). In most cases, such errors are generally caused by providing unexpected inputs. For example, not
providing a cell range reference where a cell range reference is expected. Please see Google's API documentation for understanding how such issues may occur
and how to best resolve them.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path Gets information about the user, the user's
filename that indicates where you drive, and system capabilities
want to save or log the About • string vOutput
About information (Ex: • A .txt or .json file Please refer to Google's API documentation
$AAApplicationPath$\Automation • See comments for more detailed specifics about the
Anywhere\My Docs\GDriveAbout.txt); format of the output: About.
may also be saved as a .json file.
Authenticate user using the json file from
the GDrive API.

When authenticating for the first time a

browser window may popup asking for
string vJsonCredentialFile – a full-path
account information and GDrive access
filename to your GDrive Application's
confirmation. This information is thereafter
credential file (Ex:
cached in a local folder created by the API
Authorize string vOutput called "g.token.json" (Ex:
Anywhere\My Docs\
gdrive.credentials.json). See Pre-
Anywhere\My Tasks\Bot
Requisites above for obtaining a
Store\GDriver\Input Files\g.token.json\).
credential file.
Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about:

string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path

filename that indicates where you Lists the changes for a user or team drive.
want to save or log the Change • string vOutput
Changes List information (Ex: • A .txt or .json file Please refer to Google's API documentation
$AAApplicationPath$\Automation • See comments for more detailed specifics about the
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.txt); format of the output: Changes.
may also be saved as a .json file.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
The comment id of the
string vGDriveFileId – see Common Creates a new comment on a file.
newly created
document (which can
Comment Create string vCommentText – ordinary text; Please refer to Google's API documentation
be used directly or
indicates what you want the for more detailed specifics about:
logged to a file for
comment to say. Comment Creation.
future use).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
string vGDriveCommentId – the id of the
Deletes a comment.
comment on the GDrive file (Ex:
Comment Delete string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about:
Comment Deletion.
AACgEKRY4; the boldfaced portion of
the comment URL above is the GDrive
comment id on a specific file).
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
• A .txt file containing
the requested
comment capturing
the following fields:
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
▪ GDrive file id
▪ GDrive comment
string vGDriveCommentId – the id of the
comment on GDrive file (Ex: Gets a comment by id.
▪ Comment text
▪ Author's display
s/d/1JCJxxW_ZDPvpOUtnX3QdReLUT Please refer to Google's API documentation
yYq4B54aTHya0I2vuA/edit?disco=AA for more detailed specifics about: Getting a
▪ Author's email
AACgEKRY4; the boldfaced portion of Comment.
Comment Get address (if
the comment URL above is the GDrive
comment id on a specific file). Note: The logged information has been
▪ Created time
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path formatted and pipe delimited for more
▪ Modified time
filename that indicates where you convenient use than the standard return
▪ Deleted
want to save or log the Comment (json).
information (Ex:
▪ Resolved
(true/false; if
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.txt).
▪ anchor (future
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
Lists a file's comments.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common • A .txt file containing
Concepts. ALL comments made Please refer to Google's API documentation
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path on the file capturing for more detailed specifics about:
filename that indicates where you the following fields: Comments List.
Comment List want to save or log the Comment ▪ GDrive file id
information (Ex: ▪ GDrive comment Note: The logged information has been
$AAApplicationPath$\Automation id formatted and pipe delimited for more
Anywhere\My Docs\ ▪ Comment text convenient use than the standard return
GDriveCommentsList.txt). (json).

string vGDriveFileId – see Common

Updates a comment.
string vGDriveCommentId – the id of the
comment on GDrive file. (Ex:
Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about:
Comment Update.
Comment Update yYq4B54aTHya0I2vuA/edit?disco=AA string vOutput
AACgEKRY4; the boldfaced portion of
Note: The logged information has been
the comment URL above is GDrive
formatted and pipe delimited for more
comment id on a specific file).
convenient use than the standard return
string vCommentText – ordinary text;
indicates what you want the updated
comment to say.
Adds, updates, or removes the description
of a GDrive file (visible in the right-side
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
information panel).
File Change File Description string vNewFileDescription – ordinary string vOutput
Please refer to Google's API documentation
text; indicates what you want the file
for more detailed specifics about: File
description to say.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFolderId – the id of the
GDrive folder to receive the color
change; this must be a folder id and
Changes the color of a GDrive folder.
not a file id (Ex:
The "GDrive About" logic above captures
the About resource in files that contain the
LC1uxlz; the boldfaced portion of the
RGB color palette mentioned in Google's
folder URL is a GDrive folder id).
File Change Folder Color string vOutput documentation.
string vFolderColorHex – The color for a
folder as an RGB hex string (Ex:
Please refer to Google's API documentation
#FF0000). The supported colors are
for more detailed specifics about: File
published in the folderColorPalette
field of the About resource. If an
unsupported color is specified, the
closest color in the palette will be
used instead.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
string vNewFileTitle – ordinary text;
indicates what you want the new, Creates a copy of a file on GDrive either in
copied file to be called on GDrive (Ex: the root or to a specified GDrive folder.
The file id of the newly
string vGDriveFolderId (optional) – the id The returned id can be used to perform
created document
of the GDrive folder where you want further actions on the new file.
File Copy (which can be used
the file to be copied; this must be a
directly or logged to a
folder id and not a file id (Ex: Note: GDrive file names are non-unique. In
file for future use). other words, you can have two files with
olders/1KUSjzYPlIl4IZT1JG8eAsUWS4 the same name. The file id is what
LC1uxlz; the boldfaced portion of the distinguishes them from one another.
folder URL is a GDrive folder id). If not
provided, the file is copied in GDrive's
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vFileTitle – ordinary text; indicates
what you want the new file to be
called on GDrive (Ex: RootDoc1).
string vGDriveTargetFolderId (optional) – Creates a new file from scratch or from an
the id of the GDrive folder where you existing source file.
want the file to be created; this must
be a folder id and not a file id (Ex: Supported and tested file types:
The file id of the newly • Microsoft Word (.docx)
created document • Microsoft Word (.doc)
LC1uxlz; the boldfaced portion of the
File Create Document (which can be used • Rich Text (.rtf)
folder URL is a GDrive folder id). If not
directly or logged to a • Plain Text (.txt)
provided, the file is created in
file for future use).
GDrive's root.
Please refer to Google's API documentation
string vLocalSourceFile (optional) – a full-
for more detailed specifics about: File
path filename from which the new file
should be created (Ex:
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.*); if
omitted (left blank) a new file is
created from scratch.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vFileTitle – ordinary text; indicates
what you want the new file to be Creates a new file from scratch or from an
called on GDrive (Ex: RootDraw1). existing source file.
string vGDriveTargetFolderId (optional) –
the id of the GDrive folder where you Tested file types:
want the file to be created; this must • Bitmap (.bmp)
be a folder id and not a file id (Ex: • Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) • Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)
The file id of the newly
olders/1KUSjzYPlIl4IZT1JG8eAsUWS4 • Portable Network Graphics (.png)
created document
LC1uxlz; the boldfaced portion of the
File Create Drawing (which can be used
folder URL is a GDrive folder id). If not Please refer to Google's API documentation
directly or logged to a
provided, the file is created in for more detailed specifics about: File
file for future use).
GDrive's root. Creation.
string vLocalSourceFile (optional) – a full-
path filename from which the new file Note: The graphic formats above are
should be created (Ex: imbedded in a Google Doc instead of
$AAApplicationPath$\Automation converted to drawings per Google's
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.*); if Documentation.
omitted (left blank) a new file is
created from scratch.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vFileTitle – ordinary text; indicates
what you want the new folder to be
called on GDrive (Ex: NewFolder1).
string vGDriveTargetFolderId (optional) –
the id of the GDrive folder where you
The folder id of the Creates a new folder.
want the folder to be created; this
newly created folder
must be a folder id and not a file id
File Create Folder (which can be used Please refer to Google's API documentation
directly or logged to a for more detailed specifics about: File
file for future use). Creation.
LC1uxlz; the boldfaced portion of the
folder URL is a folder id). If not
provided, the file is created in
GDrive's root.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vFileTitle – ordinary text; indicates
what you want the new file to be
called on GDrive (Ex: RootSlide1).
string vGDriveTargetFolderId (optional) –
the id of the GDrive folder where you
Creates a new file from scratch or from an
want the file to be created; this must
existing source file.
be a folder id and not a file id (Ex:
The file id of the newly Supported and tested file types:
created document • Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)
LC1uxlz; the boldfaced portion of the
File Create Presentation (which can be used • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)
folder URL is a folder id). If not
directly or logged to a
provided, the file is created in
file for future use). Please refer to Google's API documentation
GDrive's root.
for more detailed specifics about: File
string vLocalSourceFile (optional) – a full-
path filename from which the new file
should be created (Ex:
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.*); if
omitted (left blank) a new file is
created from scratch.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vFileTitle – ordinary text; indicates
what you want the new file to be
called on GDrive (Ex: RootSheet1).
Creates a new file from scratch or from an
string vGDriveTargetFolderId (optional) –
existing source file.
the id of the GDrive folder where you
want the file to be created; this must
Supported and tested file types:
be a folder id and not a file id (Ex:
• Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
The file id of the newly • Microsoft Excel (.xls)
created document
LC1uxlz; the boldfaced portion of the
File Create Sheet (which can be used Please refer to Google's API documentation
folder URL is a folder id). If not
directly or logged to a for more detailed specifics about: File
provided, the file is created in
file for future use). Creation.
GDrive's root.
string vLocalSourceFile (optional) – a full-
Note: Google Sheets Metabot section also
path filename from which the new file
has a method for creating a new Google
should be created (Ex:
Sheet. See the Create Sheet logic below.
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.*); if
omitted (left blank) a new file is
created from scratch.
Permanently deletes a file owned by the
user without moving it to the trash.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
File Delete string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about: File
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Concepts. The file id of the newly Downloads a non-GDrive file from GDrive.
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path created document
File Download filename that indicates where to save (which can be used Please refer to Google's API documentation
the downloaded file (Ex: directly or logged to a for more detailed specifics about: Get File.
$AAApplicationPath$\Automation file for future use).
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.*).
Exports a Google Doc to the requested
MIME type and returns the exported
content. Please note that the exported
content is limited to 10 MB.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
• string vOutput
• An exported file of Supported and tested file types:
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path
the specified type. • Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
File Export filename that indicates where to save
• .csv • Microsoft Word (.docx)
the exported file (Ex:
• .rtf • Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.*). • .pdf
Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about: File

string vGDriveFileId – see Common Renames a GDrive file.

string vNewFileTitle – ordinary text; Please refer to Google's API documentation
File Rename string vOutput
indicates what you want the file to be for more detailed specifics about: File
called (renamed as) on GDrive (Ex: Update.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
Adds a star or "favorites" a GDrive file.

string vGDriveFileId – see Common Please refer to Google's API documentation

File Star string vOutput
Concepts. for more detailed specifics about: File

"Touches" or updates the timestamp on a

GDrive file.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
File Touch string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about: File

Moves a GDrive file to the trash.

string vGDriveFileId – see Common Please refer to Google's API documentation

File Trash string vOutput
Concepts. for more detailed specifics about: File

Permanently deletes all of the user's

trashed files.
File Trash Empty (None) string vOutput
Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about: Empty
Removes a star or "unfavorites" a GDrive
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
File Unstar string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about: File
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
Removes a GDrive file from the trash.

string vGDriveFileId – see Common Please refer to Google's API documentation

File Untrash string vOutput
Concepts. for more detailed specifics about: File

string vFileTitle – ordinary text; indicates

what you want the uploaded file to be
called on GDrive (Ex: Filename or
Filename.jpg, etc.).
string vGDriveFolderId (optional) – the id
of the GDrive folder where you want
the file to be uploaded; this must be a Uploads a non-Google file to GDrive.
The file id of the newly
folder id and not a file id (Ex:
created document Please refer to Google's API documentation
File Upload (which can be used
olders/1KUSjzYPlIl4IZT1JG8eAsUWS4 for more detailed specifics about:
directly or logged to a
LC1uxlz; the boldfaced portion of the Managing Uploads.
file for future use).
folder URL is a GDrive folder id). If not
provided, the file is uploaded to
GDrive's root.
string vLocalSourceFile (optional) – a full-
path filename to be uploaded (Ex:
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.jpg).
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path
filename that indicates where you
want to save or log the File List
information (Ex:
Anywhere\My Docs\
string vOrderBy – Per Google's
documentation: "A comma-separated list
of sort keys. Valid keys are:
• createdTime
• desc • string vOutput
• folder • A pipe delimited .txt
• modifiedByMeTime file capturing the
• modifiedTime following fields: Creates a local file containing a list of files
• name ▪ File name found on GDrive.
• name_natural ▪ File id
Files List
• quotaBytesUsed ▪ File MIME type Please refer to Google's API documentation
• recency ▪ File description (if for more detailed specifics about: List Files.
• sharedWithMeTime any)
• starred ▪ Created time
• viewedByMeTime ▪ Modified time
Each key sorts ascending by default, ▪ Version
but may be reversed with the 'desc'
modifier. Please note that there is a
current limitation for users with
approximately one million files in
which the requested sort order is
string vFilterBy – Per Google's
documentation: "A query for filtering
the file results. See the "Search for
Files and Team Drives" guide for the
supported syntax."
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
string vGDriveEmailAddress – the Gmail
address of the person to which you
want to grant permissions.
string vEmailMessage – ordinary text; an
additional message you want to send
to the user with a notification
string vSendNotification – yes/no;
indicates whether you want to send a
notification to the user at the email
address above.
The permission id of Creates a permission for a file or team
string vTransferOwnership – yes/no;
the newly created drive.
indicates whether you want to
permission (which can
Permissions Create transfer ownership of the file to the
be used directly or Please refer to Google's API documentation
user at the email above.
logged to a file for for more detailed specifics about: Create
string vGDrivePermissionType – Valid
future use). Permissions.
values are:
▪ "user"
▪ "group"
▪ "domain"
▪ "anyone"
string vGDrivePermissionRole – Valid
values are:
▪ "owner"
▪ "organizer" (valid only for Team
▪ "fileOrganizer"
▪ "writer" ("Can Edit" in the UI)
▪ "reader"
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
Deletes a permission.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Please refer to Google's API documentation
int vGDrivePermissionId – the id of the
Permissions Delete string vOutput for more detailed specifics about: Delete
permission on the GDrive file; see the
"Permissions List" logic for obtaining a
list of permission ids.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGDrivePermissionId – the id of the
permission on the GDrive file; see the
"Permissions List" logic for obtaining a Gets a permission by id.
• A .txt file containing
list of permission ids.
the requested
Permissions Get string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path Please refer to Google's API documentation
filename that indicates where you for more detailed specifics about: Get
want to save or log the Permissions Permissions.
information (Ex:
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.txt);
may also be saved as a .json file.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path Lists a file's or team drive's permissions.
• A .txt file containing
filename that indicates where you
ALL permissions
Permissions List want to save or log the Permissions Please refer to Google's API documentation
made on the file.
information (Ex: for more detailed specifics about: List
$AAApplicationPath$\Automation Permissions.
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.txt);
may also be saved as a .json file.
GDrive Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGDrivePermissionId – the id of the
permission on the GDrive file; see the
"Permissions List" logic for obtaining a Updates a permission.
list of permission ids.
string vGDrivePermissionRole – Valid Please refer to Google's API documentation
Permissions Update string vOutput
values are: for more detailed specifics about: Update
▪ "owner" Permissions.
▪ "organizer" (valid only for Team
▪ "fileOrganizer"
▪ "writer" ("Can Edit" in the UI)
▪ "reader"
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
Authenticate user using the .json file from
the Sheets API.

When authenticating for the first time a

browser window may popup asking for
string vJsonCredentialFile – a full-path
account information and Google Sheet
filename to your Google Sheet
access confirmation. This information is
Application's credential file (Ex:
thereafter cached in a local folder created
Authorize string vOutput by the API called "s.token.json" (Ex:
Anywhere\My Docs\
sheets.credentials.json). See Pre-
Anywhere\My Tasks\Bot
Requisites above for obtaining a
Store\GDriver\Input Files\s.token.json\).
credential file.
Please refer to Google's API documentation
for more detailed specifics about the
format of the output: Authorization.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range
indicating what cells are to be
included in the border setting
operation (Ex: "A1:Z100").
string vBorderStyleSetting – The border
style setting is a three-part, pipe Updates the borders of a range.
delimited string that communicates
all of the border information the API Please refer to Google's API documentation
needs to set border properties. Below for more detailed specifics about the
is an example setting: format of the output: Spreadsheets,
• "LRTB|Solid|0,0,153,0.30" Update Borders Request.

The 1st part of the pipe-delimited Also see Google's API documentation on
Cells Change Border Style
string indicates where to draw a string vOutput Cell Styles.
border as follows:
• "L" = Left edge of a cell Also see Google's API documentation on
• "R" = Right edge of a cell
• "T" = Top edge of a cell
Also see Hex to RGBA Converter Online
• "B" = Bottom edge of a cell
Tool for formulating colors from Hex codes.
The second pipe-delimited string is
the style of the border as follows:
• "Dotted" = The border is dotted.
• "Dashed" = The border is dashed.
• "Solid" = The border is a thin solid
• "Solid Medium" = The border is a
medium solid line.
• "Solid Thick" = The border is a
thick solid line.
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
• "None" = No border. Used only
when updating a border in order
to erase it.
• "Double" = The border is two solid

The 3rd and last pipe-delimited string

is a comma-delimited string of values
representing RGBA (red-green-blue-
alpha) colors. A few colors are
provided below as example inputs:
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue)
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green)
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
• "255,255,255,1" (White)

Note: Use "LRTB|Solid|226,227,227,1" to

reset the grid to Google's default gridline
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Concepts. Changes the background color of cells.
string vCellRange – a target cell range
indicating what cells are to be Please refer to Google's API documentation
included in the color change for more detailed specifics about the
operation (Ex: "A1:Z100"). format of the output: Spreadsheets,
string vColorValue – a comma-delimited Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
Cells Change Color string of values representing RGBA string vOutput
Background (red-green-blue-alpha) colors. A few Also see Google's API documentation on
colors are provided below as example Colors.
Also see Hex to RGBA Converter Online
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
Tool for formulating colors from Hex codes.
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue)
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green)
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
• "255,255,255,1" (White)
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Concepts. Changes the foreground color (the color of
string vCellRange – a target cell range the cell content or its text) of cells.
indicating what cells are to be
included in the color change Please refer to Google's API documentation
operation (Ex: "A1:Z100"). for more detailed specifics about the
string vColorValue – a comma-delimited format of the output: Spreadsheets,
Cells Change Color string of values representing RGBA string vOutput Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
Foreground (red-green-blue-alpha) colors. A few
colors are provided below as example Also see Google's API documentation on
inputs: Colors.
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue) Also see Hex to RGBA Converter Online
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green) Tool for formulating colors from Hex codes.
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
• "255,255,255,1" (White)
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Concepts. Changes the font name and size of cell
string vCellRange – a target cell range content.
indicating what cells are to be
Cells Change Font Name included in the font change operation Please refer to Google's API documentation
string vOutput
and Size (Ex: "A1:Z100"). for more detailed specifics about the
string vFontNameSize – a pipe-delimited format of the output: Spreadsheets,
pair indicating the desired font and Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
size (Ex: "Lobster|12" where
"Lobster" is the name of a Google-
accessible font and "12" is the size).

string vGDriveFileId – see Common

Changes the font style of cell content to
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
bold face.
string vCellRange – a target cell range
Please refer to Google's API documentation
Cells Change Font Style Bold indicating what cells are to be string vOutput
for more detailed specifics about the
included in the font change (Ex:
format of the output: Spreadsheets,
Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
string vToggle – yes/no; indicates
whether you want to turn the font
style on or off.
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Changes the font style of cell content to
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range
Cells Change Font Style Please refer to Google's API documentation
indicating what cells are to be string vOutput
Italic for more detailed specifics about the
included in the font change (Ex:
format of the output: Spreadsheets,
Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
string vToggle – yes/no; indicates
whether you want to turn the font
style on or off.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Changes the font style of cell content to
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range
Cells Change Font Style Please refer to Google's API documentation
indicating what cells are to be string vOutput
Strikethrough for more detailed specifics about the
included in the font change (Ex:
format of the output: Spreadsheets,
Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
string vToggle – yes/no; indicates
whether you want to turn the font
style on or off.
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Changes the font style of cell content to
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range
Cells Change Font Style Please refer to Google's API documentation
indicating what cells are to be string vOutput
Underline for more detailed specifics about the
included in the font change (Ex:
format of the output: Spreadsheets,
Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
string vToggle – yes/no; indicates
whether you want to turn the font
style on or off.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range
indicating what cells are to be
included in the find and replace
operation (Ex: "A1:Z100"). This is Changes the displayed number format of
ignored if vSearchScope is not equal cell content.
to "Range" (see below).
string vNumberFormat – a pipe-delimited Please refer to Google's API documentation
pair indicating the desired number for more detailed specifics about the
format type and number format format of the output: Spreadsheets,
pattern (Ex: Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
00)" where "Currency" is the format Refer to Google's Built-In Number Formats
type and for information about number formats.
Cells Change Number string vOutput
Format "$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00" is the
pattern). See Comments for Refer to Google's Date and Number
important documentation. Formats Guide for information about
number patterns.
Valid format types are below:
Note: Google seems to have provided no
• "Number" = Number formatting,
method in the API for setting a number
e.g., 1,000.12
format back to Automatic or to Text.
• "Percent" = Percent formatting,
e.g. 10.12%
• "Currency" = Currency formatting,
e.g. $1,000.12
• "Date" = Date formatting, e.g.
• "Time" = Time formatting, e.g.
3:59:00 PM
• "Date Time" = Date+Time
formatting, e.g. 9/26/08 15:59:00
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
• "Scientific" = Scientific number
formatting, e.g. 1.01E+03
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range
indicating what cells are to be
included in the find and replace Changes the text alignment of cell content.
operation (Ex: "A1:Z100"). This is
ignored if vSearchScope is not equal Please refer to Google's API documentation
Cells Change Text Alignment to "Range" (see below). string vOutput for more detailed specifics about the
string vAlignment – Valid values are: format of the output: Spreadsheets,
Horizontal alignments: Update Spreadsheet Properties Request.
• Left
• Right
• Center
Vertical alignments:
• Top
• Middle
• Bottom
Clears a cell range from a google sheet.

Please refer to Google's API documentation

string vGDriveFileId – see Common
for more detailed specifics about the
format of the output: Spreadsheet, Clear
string vCellRange – a target cell range to
Cells Clear string vOutput Values.
be cleared; the values in the range are
permanently erased (Ex:
Note: This logic uses the sheet name to
target the cell range instead of a Google
Sheet Id (see Common Concepts).
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRangeFrom – a target cell
range indicating what cells are to be
included in the copy paste operation
(Ex: "A1:Z100").
string vCellRangeTo – a target cell range
indicating what cells are to be Copies data from the source to the
included in the copy paste operation destination.
(Ex: "A1:Z100").
Cells Copy and Paste string vPasteType – Valid values are: string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
• "Paste Normal" for more detailed specifics about:
• "Paste Values" Spreadsheets, Copy and Paste Request.
• "Paste Format"
• "Paste No Borders"
• "Paste Formula"
• "Paste Data Validation"
• "Paste Conditional Formatting"
string vPasteOrientation – Valid values
• "Normal"
• "Transpose"
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRangeFrom – a target cell
range indicating what cells are to be
included in the cut and paste
operation (Ex: "A1:C3"). Moves data from the source to the
string vCellTo – a single target cell destination.
indicating where the cells should be
Cells Cut and Paste pasted (Ex: "D6"). string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
string vPasteType – Valid values are: for more detailed specifics about:
• "Paste Normal" Spreadsheets, Copy and Paste Request.
• "Paste Values"
• "Paste Format"
• "Paste No Borders"
• "Paste Formula"
• "Paste Data Validation"
• "Paste Conditional Formatting"
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range
indicating which cells to filter (Ex: Adds a filter view.
"D2:G4"). Set the range to exclude
headers and/or footers. Please refer to Google's API documentation
string vFilterId – According to Google's for more detailed specifics about:
API documentation: "The ID of the Spreadsheets, Add Filter View Request.
filter view."
string vSortSpec – one or more pipe- Unsupported Date-Based Rules: The date
delimited pairs of sort specifications options listed below are normally available
that are in turn comma-delimited. through the Google Sheets UI, but are
Below is an example sort specification unsupported in the API because Google's
for the example cell range: Relative Date options don't support the
"10,Ascending|3,Descending|4,Ascendin "date equals" [DATE_EQ] Condition Value).
Cells Filter Add g" string vOutput • "Date is today"
string vFilterTitle – ordinary text • "Date is tomorrow"
indicating what you want to name the • "Date is yesterday"
filter view. • "Exact date is|[value or formula]"
string vFilterCriteria – a pipe-delimited list
of conditions representing the filter Per Google's documentation: "A relative
rules. Below is an example criteria: date (based on the current date). Valid only
0,Less Than,110|9,Greater Than,1900 if the type is DATE_BEFORE, DATE_AFTER,
The 1st value is the zero-based DATE_ON_OR_AFTER. Relative dates are
column number to which the filter not supported in data validation. They are
criteria should be applied. In the supported only in conditional formatting
example above, the filter is applied on and conditional filters".
column A (column 0) and column J
(column 9 when counting by zero).

The 2nd value in the delimited list is

the Boolean condition that must be
met for the filter to be applied and
the 3rd is the text to which the
Boolean condition applies. In the
example above, the filter on column 0
is "less than 110" and the filter on
column 9 is "greater than" 1900.

If a formula is provided, it must be

preceded by an equal sign ("="). Valid
values are:
• "Cell is empty"
• "Cell is not empty"
• "Text contains|[value or formula]"
• "Text does not contain|[value or
• "Text starts with|[value or
• "Text ends with|[value or
• "Text is exactly|[value or

Date-based rules:
• "Date is in the past week"
• "Date is in the past month"
• "Date is in the past year"

Math-based rules; note that the two

between options below require a 3rd
parameter separated by "AND"
instead of a pipe:
• "Greater than|[value or formula]"
• "Greater than or equal to|[value
or formula]"
Google Sheets Functions
Logic Inputs Outputs Comments
• "Less than|[value or formula]"
• "Less than or equal to|[value or
• "Is equal to|[value or formula]"
• "Is not equal to|[value or
• "Is between|[value or formula]
AND [value or formula]
• "Is not between|[value or
formula] AND [value or formula]"
• "Custom formula is|[value or
string vGDriveFileId – see Common Deletes a filter view.
string vFilterId – According to Google's Please refer to Google's API documentation
Cells Filter Delete string vOutput for more detailed specifics about:
API documentation: "The ID of the
filter view." Spreadsheets, Delete Filter View Request.

Updates the properties of a filter view.

Please refer to Google's API documentation

for more detailed specifics about:
Spreadsheets, Update Filter View Request.

Per Google's documentation: "A relative

See the Cells Filter Add. The inputs are date (based on the current date). Valid only
Cells Filter Update string vOutput
the same. if the type is DATE_BEFORE, DATE_AFTER,
DATE_ON_OR_AFTER. Relative dates are
not supported in data validation. They are
supported only in conditional formatting
and conditional filters".
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range
indicating what cells are to be
included in the find and replace
operation (Ex: "A1:Z100"). This is
ignored if vSearchScope is not equal
to "Range" (see below).
string vSearchScope – Valid values are:
• "All Sheets" – Indicates that the
find and replace operation should
be performed across all sheets Finds and replaces data in cells over a
(tabs) in the spreadsheet; range, sheet, or all sheets.
vCellRange (see above) is ignored.
Cells Find and Replace
• "Range" – Indicates that the find string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
and replace operation should be for more detailed specifics about:
performed only on the range Spreadsheets, Find and Replace Request.
indicated by vCellRange (see
above) on the sheet specified by
vGoogleSheetId (see above).
• "This Sheet" – Indicates that the
find and replace operation should
be performed on the sheet (tab)
indicated by vGoogleSheetId (see
above); vCellRange (see above) is
string vFindText – ordinary text or a
RegEx expression when searching by
using a RegEx expression (see below);
indicates what you want the find and
replace operation to find.
string vReplaceText – ordinary text;
indicates what you want the find and
replace operation to replace.
string vMatchCase – yes/no; indicates
whether you want to perform a case
sensitive or case insensitive find and
replace operation.
string vMatchEntireCell – yes/no;
indicates whether you want to match
text in the entire cell or partial text
found in the cell.
string vSearchByRegex – yes/no; indicates
whether you want to use Regular
Expressions to perform the find and
replace operation.
string vIncludeFormulas – yes/no;
indicates whether you want to look in
formulas when performing the find
and replace operation.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
string vOutputOption (optional) – Valid
values are:
• "formatted value" (default)
• "formula"
• "unformatted"
• See Google's API documentation:
Value Render Option
string vDateOption (optional) – Valid
values are:
• "formatted string" (default)
• "serial"
Returns a range of values from a
• See Google's API documentation:
Date Render Option • string vOutput
string vCellRange – a target cell range • A file containing the
Please refer to Google's API documentation
indicating what cells are to be data from the cell
for more detailed specifics about:
Cells Get included in the return (Ex: range as indicated by
Spreadsheets, Get Values.
"Sheet1!A1:Z100"). the file type
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path provided.
Note: This logic uses the sheet name to
filename that indicates where you target the cell range instead of a Google
want to save or log the Cell data (Ex: Sheet Id (see Common Concepts).
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.*).
Valid file extensions for the output file
• .txt – saves the file as a pipe-
delimited file.
• .csv – saves the file as comma-
delimited file.
• .json – saves the raw API output
as a Json file (useful for web-
based operations or web
applications that speak or expect
.json input).
Adds a named range to an existing Google
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Concepts. Please refer to Google's API documentation
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common for more detailed specifics about:
Concepts. Spreadsheets, Add Named Range Request.
string vRangeTitle – ordinary text;
indicates what you want the new Developer's Note: Additional functions in
named range to be called in the the metabot's DLL allows a user to specify a
Google Sheet (Ex: "NamedRange1"). string vOutput Cell Range instead of the index values
Cells Named Range Add int vNamedRangeId – a number used to mentioned in Google's API documentation.
identify the named range for other These functions calculate the index values
operations such as updates and/or from the cell notation, cutting down on the
deletes (Ex: 0). number of parameters necessary for
string vCellRange – a target cell range defining a named range. As of this writing,
indicating what cells are to be there appears to be a defect in the Google
included in the named range (Ex: API that prevents the ending column index
"A1:Z100"). from going beyond column Z (column 26).

Deletes a named range from an existing Google

string vGDriveFileId – see Common Sheet.
int vNamedRangeId – a number used to string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
Cells Named Range Delete for more detailed specifics about:
identify the named range for other
operations such as updates and/or Spreadsheets, Delete Named Range
deletes (Ex: 0). Request.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellTo – a single target cell
indicating where the cells should be
pasted (Ex: "D6").
string vPasteType – Valid values are:
• "Paste Normal"
• "Paste Values"
• "Paste Format"
• "Paste No Borders"
• "Paste Formula" Inserts data into the spreadsheet starting at the
• "Paste Data Validation" specified coordinate.
• "Paste Conditional Formatting"
Cells Paste Data string vPasteDelimiter – a single ordinary string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
text character which serves as the for more detailed specifics about:
delimiter for the data to be pasted. Spreadsheets, Paste Data Request.
string vIsHtml – yes/no; indicates
whether the data is in HTML format
or not.
string vPasteData – A pipe-delimited
string of ordinary text, values,
formulae, etc. comprised of the data
desired to complete entry in the
desired cell or cells (Ex:
100|200|300|400|500); entries will
start at the target cell and fill row-
wise; values will overwrite existing
cell values.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
string vInputOption (optional) – Valid
values are:
• "raw"
• "userentered" (default)
• See Google's API documentation:
Value Input Option
string vCellTarget – a target cell address
Sets values in a range on a Google Sheet.
where data entry should start
including the name of the target
Please refer to Google's API documentation
sheet (Ex: "Sheet1!A1"); a valid cell
for more detailed specifics about:
range can also be provided but should
Spreadsheets, Update Values.
Cells Set match the number of pipe-delimited string vOutput
values selected for input.
Note: This logic uses the sheet name to
string vCellText – Valid values are:
target the cell range instead of a Google
• A single string of ordinary text,
Sheet Id (see Common Concepts).
values, formulae, etc.
• A pipe-delimited string of ordinary
text, values, formulae, etc.
comprised of the data desired to
complete entry in the desired cell
or cells (Ex:
100|200|300|400|500); entries
will start at the target cell and fill
row-wise; values will overwrite
existing cell values.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Sorts data in rows based on a sort order per
string vCellRange – a target cell range
indicating which cells to unmerge (Ex:
Please refer to Google's API documentation
"D2:G4"). Set the range to exclude
for more detailed specifics about:
Cells Sort Range headers and/or footers. string vOutput
Spreadsheets, Sort Range Request.
string vSortSpec – one or more pipe-
delimited pairs of sort specifications
Note: Don’t include a header in your sort
that are in turn comma-delimited.
specifications or they will be sorted along
Below is an example sort specification
with the data you actually want sorted.
for the example cell range:
• "10,Ascending|3,Descending|4,As
cending "
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Concepts. Unmerges all cells in the range.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Cells Unmerge Range Concepts. string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
string vCellRange – a target cell range for more detailed specifics about:
indicating which cells to unmerge (Ex: Spreadsheets, Unmerge Cells Request.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Adds a column on a Google Sheet.
string vCellRange – a target cell range
Column Add New (Blank) string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
indicating where to insert columns(s)
for more detailed specifics about:
(Ex: "D1:G1"; inserts 4 columns,
Spreadsheets, Append Dimension Request.
columns D through G; universal
column references such as "D:G"
don't work).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Concepts. Inserts cells into a range, shifting the
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common existing cells down.
Column Add Range string vCellRange – a target cell range string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
indicating where to insert cells (Ex: for more detailed specifics about:
"D6:G9"; inserts partial columns in Spreadsheets, Insert Range Request.
the cell range, shifting the existing
cells down.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common Deletes a column on a Google Sheet.
string vCellRange – a target cell range Please refer to Google's API documentation
Column Delete string vOutput
indicating which columns(s) to delete for more detailed specifics about:
(Ex: "D1:G1"; deletes 4 columns, Spreadsheets, Delete Dimension Request.
columns D through G; universal
column references such as "D:G"
don't work).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common Deletes a range of cells, shifting other cells
Concepts. into the deleted area.
Column Delete Range string vCellRange – a target cell range
string vOutput
indicating where to delete cells (Ex: Please refer to Google's API documentation
"D6:G9"; deletes partial columns, for more detailed specifics about:
shifting existing cells over to the left; Spreadsheets, Delete Range Request.
universal column references such as
"D:G" don't work).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common Hides a column.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common Please refer to Google's API documentation
Column Hide Concepts. string vOutput for more detailed specifics about:
string vCellRange – a target cell range Spreadsheets, Update Dimension
indicating which columns to hide (Ex: Properties Request.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Concepts. Merges cells in the given column range.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Concepts. Please refer to Google's API documentation
Column Merge Range string vOutput
string vCellRange – a target cell range for more detailed specifics about:
indicating where to merge cells (Ex: Spreadsheets, Merge Cells Request.
"D6:G9"; merges columns in the
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common Sets the width of a column on a Google
Concepts. Sheet.
string vCellRange – a target cell range
Column Set Width string vOutput
where column width(s) will be set (Ex: Please refer to Google's API documentation
"D1:G1"; universal column references for more detailed specifics about:
such as "D:G" don't work). Spreadsheets, Update Dimension Request.
int vPixelValue – a number indicating the
column width to set in pixels.
Sets the width of a column on a Google
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Sheet to the column's content (i.e. fit to
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Column Set Width Auto Concepts.
string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
Resize (Autofit) string vCellRange – a target cell range
for more detailed specifics about:
where column width(s) will be set (Ex:
Spreadsheets, Auto-Resize Dimension
"D1:G1"; universal column references
such as "D:G" don't work).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common Sets the width of a column on a Google
Concepts. Sheet to Google's default (100 pixels).
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Concepts. Please refer to Google's API documentation
Column Set Width Default string vOutput
string vCellRange – a target cell range for more detailed specifics about:
where column width(s) will be set (Ex: Spreadsheets, Auto-Resize Dimension
"D1:G1"; universal column references Request.
such as "D:G" don't work).
Unhides a column.

Please refer to Google's API documentation

for more detailed specifics about:
Spreadsheets, Update Dimension
Properties Request.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Note: This metabot logic executes the
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
"Column Set Width Default" immediately
Column Unhide Concepts. string vOutput
after unhiding the column. Although the
string vCellRange – a target cell range
column is unhidden, the API leaves it with a
indicating which columns to unhide
width of zero (i.e. it seems to have
(Ex: "D6:G9").
forgotten what the original column width
from before the column was hidden). You
can use the "Column Set Width" logic to set
the column as desired if you prefer a
specific width.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
string vCellRange – a target cell range Adds a new conditional format rule at the
indicating which columns to include in given index. All subsequent rules' indexes
the conditional format rule (Ex: are incremented.
string vMinpoint – See Google Please refer to Google's API documentation
documentation for the meaning of these for more detailed specifics about:
values. Valid values are: Spreadsheets, Add Conditional Format Rule
• "Min value" Request, Gradient Rule, and Interpolation
• "Number|[a number]" Point Type.
• "Percent|[a number]"
• "Percentile|[a number]" Please also see the following developer
string vMidpoint – See Google notes:
documentation for the meaning of these
Conditional Formatting, values. Valid values are: string vOutput Formatting: Please note that the API does
Add Color Scale Rule • "" (blank when no midpoint is not currently support the full set of
needed) formatting options available in the UI (for
• "Number|[a number]" example, underline is not available). See
• "Percent|[a number]" the error discovered during development
• "Percentile|[a number]" below:
string vMaxpoint – See Google
documentation for the meaning of these Google Sheets API:
values. Valid values are: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Invalid requests[0].addConditionalFormatRule:
• "Max value" ConditionalFormatRule.format only supports
• "Number|[a number]" bold, italic, strikethrough, foreground color and
• "Percent|[a number]" background color. [400]
Errors [
• "Percentile|[a number]"
string vMinPointColorValues – a comma-
delimited string of values
representing RGBA (red-green-blue-
alpha) colors. This value determines
the background or fill color behind
the text. A few colors are provided
below as example inputs:
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue)
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green)
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
• "255,255,255,1" (White)
string vMidPointColorValues – a comma-
delimited string of values
representing RGBA (red-green-blue-
alpha) colors. This value determines
the background or fill color behind
the text. A few colors are provided
below as example inputs:
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue)
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green)
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
• "255,255,255,1" (White)
string vMaxPointColorValues – a comma-
delimited string of values
representing RGBA (red-green-blue-
alpha) colors. This value determines
the background or fill color behind
the text. A few colors are provided
below as example inputs:
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue)
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green)
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
• "255,255,255,1" (White)
int vRuleIndex – According to Google's
API documentation: "The zero-based
index where the rule should be inserted."
string vGDriveFileId – see Common Adds a new conditional format rule at the
Concepts. given index. All subsequent rules' indexes
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common are incremented.
string vCellRange – a target cell range Please refer to Google's API documentation
indicating which columns to include in for more detailed specifics about:
the conditional format rule (Ex: Spreadsheets, Add Conditional Format Rule
"A1:B10"). Request and BooleanRule.
string vFormatRule – a pipe-delimited
pair of conditions representing the Please also see the following developer
format rule. The 2nd value in the notes:
delimited pair is either optional or
required depending on which Formatting: Please note that the API does
condition is selected. Those requiring not currently support the full set of
a second condition are shown with a formatting options available in the UI (for
pipe while the pipe is omitted from example, underline is not available). See
those that don't require a 2nd value. the error discovered during development
Conditional Formatting, If a formula is provided, it must be string vOutput below:
Add Single Color Rule preceded by an equal sign ("="). Valid
values are: Google Sheets API:
Text-based rules: Invalid requests[0].addConditionalFormatRule:
• "Cell is empty" ConditionalFormatRule.format only supports
bold, italic, strikethrough, foreground color and
• "Cell is not empty" background color. [400]
• "Text contains|[value or formula]" Errors [
• "Text does not contain|[value or
formula]" Custom Formulas: Please refer to Google's
• "Text starts with|[value or support documentation for more detailed
formula]" specifics about: Use custom formulas with
• "Text ends with|[value or conditional formatting.
• "Text is exactly|[value or Unsupported Date-Based Rules: The date
options listed below are normally available
through the Google Sheets UI, but are
Date-based rules: unsupported in the API because Google's
• "Date is in the past week" Relative Date options don't support the
• "Date is in the past month" "date equals" [DATE_EQ] Condition Value).
• "Date is in the past year" • "Date is today"
• "Date is tomorrow"
Math-based rules; note that the two • "Date is yesterday"
between options below require a 3rd • "Exact date is|[value or formula]"
parameter separated by "AND"
instead of a pipe: Per Google's documentation: "A relative
• "Greater than|[value or formula]" date (based on the current date). Valid only
• "Greater than or equal to|[value if the type is DATE_BEFORE, DATE_AFTER,
or formula]" DATE_ON_OR_BEFORE or
• "Less than|[value or formula]" DATE_ON_OR_AFTER. Relative dates are
• "Less than or equal to|[value or not supported in data validation. They are
formula]" supported only in conditional formatting
• "Is equal to|[value or formula]" and conditional filters".
• "Is not equal to|[value or
• "Is between|[value or formula]
AND [value or formula]
• "Is not between|[value or
formula] AND [value or formula]"
• "Custom formula is|[value or
string vFormatStyle – a pipe-delimited set
of text formatting options including
any of the options below. Omitting
any of the options below also toggles
them off. Valid values are:
• "Bold"
• "Italic"
• "Strikethrough"
• "None"
string vTextColorValues – a comma-
delimited string of values
representing RGBA (red-green-blue-
alpha) colors. This value determines
the color of the text. A few colors are
provided below as example inputs:
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue)
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green)
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
• "255,255,255,1" (White)
string vFillColorValues – a comma-
delimited string of values
representing RGBA (red-green-blue-
alpha) colors. This value determines
the background or fill color behind
the text. A few colors are provided
below as example inputs:
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue)
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green)
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
• "255,255,255,1" (White)
int vRuleIndex – According to Google's
API documentation: "The zero-based
index where the rule should be inserted."
Deletes a conditional format rule at the
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
given index. All subsequent rules' indexes
are decremented.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Conditional Formatting, Concepts.
string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
Delete Rule int vRuleIndex – According to Google's
for more detailed specifics about:
API documentation: "The zero-based
Spreadsheets, Delete Conditional Format
index where the rule should be
Rule Request.
Updates a conditional format rule at the
given index or moves a conditional format
rule to another index.

Please refer to Google's API documentation

for more detailed specifics about:
Spreadsheets, Add Conditional Format Rule
Request and BooleanRule.

Please note that the API does not support

the full set of options available in the UI
(for example, underline is not available).
See the error discovered during
See the Conditional Formatting, Add development below:
Conditional Formatting,
Color Scale Rule Logic. The inputs are the string vOutput
Update Color Scale Rule same. Formatting: Please note that the API does
not currently support the full set of
formatting options available in the UI (for
example, underline is not available). See
the error discovered during development

Google Sheets API:

Invalid requests[0].addConditionalFormatRule:
ConditionalFormatRule.format only supports
bold, italic, strikethrough, foreground color and
background color. [400]
Errors [
Updates a conditional format rule at the
given index or moves a conditional format
rule to another index.

Please refer to Google's API documentation

for more detailed specifics about:
Spreadsheets, Add Conditional Format Rule
Request and BooleanRule.

Please note that the API does not support

the full set of options available in the UI
(for example, underline is not available).
See the error discovered during
See the Conditional Formatting, Add development below:
Conditional Formatting,
Single Color Rule Logic. The inputs are the string vOutput
Update Single Color Rule same. Formatting: Please note that the API does
not currently support the full set of
formatting options available in the UI (for
example, underline is not available). See
the error discovered during development

Google Sheets API:

Invalid requests[0].addConditionalFormatRule:
ConditionalFormatRule.format only supports
bold, italic, strikethrough, foreground color and
background color. [400]
Errors [
• string vOutput
string vGDriveFileId – see Common • A .txt file containing Get a list of spreadsheet ids, sheet ids, and
Concepts. the following pipe- sheet names associated with a Google
string vLocalTargetFile – a full-path delimited fields Sheet.
filename that indicates where you about the Google
Get Sheets Info want to save or log the Sheets Sheet: Please refer to Google's API documentation
information (Ex: ▪ GDrive file id for more detailed specifics about the
$AAApplicationPath$\Automation ▪ Sheet id format of the output: Spreadsheet, Get.
Anywhere\My Docs\Filename.txt). ▪ Sheet name/title
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
string vInputOption (optional) – Valid
values are:
• "raw"
• "userentered" (default)
• See Google's API documentation:
Value Input Option
Appends a new row to the end of a Google
string vWriteOption (optional) – Valid
Sheet or starting at a target cell.
values are:
• "insertrows" (default)
Please refer to Google's API documentation
• "overwrite"
for more detailed specifics about:
• See Google's API documentation: string vOutput Spreadsheets, Append Values.
Row Add (Append)
Insert Data Option
string vRowTarget – a target cell address Note: This logic uses the sheet name to
from which to start a search for target the cell range instead of a Google
empty cells; this is where the append Sheet Id (see Common Concepts).
operation should start (Ex:
string vRowValues – a pipe-delimited
string of values comprised of the data
desired to complete a new row entry
(Ex: 100|200|300|400|500); values
will not overwrite existing row values
and will append below existing rows
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Adds a new (blank/empty) row on a Google
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Row Add New (Blank) string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
string vCellRange – a target cell range
for more detailed specifics about:
indicating where to add row(s) (Ex:
Spreadsheets, Append Dimension Request.
"A6:A9"; inserts 4 rows, starting on
row 6 and ending on row 9).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Inserts cells into a range, shifting the
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
existing cells over.
Row Add Range string vCellRange – a target cell range
string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
indicating where to insert rows(s) (Ex:
for more detailed specifics about:
"D2:G4"; inserts partial rows in the
Spreadsheets, Insert Range Request.
cell range, shifting the existing cells to
the right; universal column references
such as "E:H" don't work).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Concepts. Deletes a row on a Google Sheet.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Concepts. Please refer to Google's API documentation
Row Delete string vOutput
string vCellRange – a target cell range for more detailed specifics about:
indicating which rows(s) to delete (Ex: Spreadsheets, Delete Dimension Request.
"A6:A9"; deletes 4 rows, rows 6
through 9).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common Deletes a range of cells, shifting other cells
Concepts. into the deleted area.
Row Delete Range string vCellRange – a target cell range string vOutput
indicating where to delete cells (Ex: Please refer to Google's API documentation
"A6:A9"; deletes partial rows in the for more detailed specifics about:
cell range, shifting the existing cells Spreadsheets, Delete Range Request.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common Hides a row.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common Please refer to Google's API documentation
Row Hide Concepts. string vOutput for more detailed specifics about:
string vCellRange – a target cell range Spreadsheets, Update Dimension
indicating which rows to hide (Ex: Properties Request.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Concepts. Merges cells in the given row range.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Row Merge Range Concepts. string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
string vCellRange – a target cell range for more detailed specifics about:
indicating where to merge cells (Ex: Spreadsheets, Merge Cells Request.
"D2:G4"; merges rows in the range).
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Sets the height of a row on a Google Sheet.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Please refer to Google's API documentation
Row Set Height string vCellRange – a target cell range string vOutput
for more detailed specifics about:
where row height(s) will be set (Ex:
Spreadsheets, Update Dimension Request.
int vPixelValue – a number indicating the
row height to set in pixels.
Sets the height of a row on a Google Sheet
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
to the row's content (i.e. fit to contents).
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Row Set Height Auto Resize Please refer to Google's API documentation
Concepts. string vOutput
(Autofit) for more detailed specifics about:
string vCellRange – a target cell range
Spreadsheets, Auto-Resize Dimension
where row height(s) will be set (Ex:
Sets the height of a row on a Google Sheet
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
to Google's default (21 pixels).
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Please refer to Google's API documentation
Row Set Height Default Concepts. string vOutput
for more detailed specifics about:
string vCellRange – a target cell range
Spreadsheets, Auto-Resize Dimension
where row height(s) will be set (Ex:
Unhides a row.

Please refer to Google's API documentation

for more detailed specifics about:
Spreadsheets, Update Dimension
string vGDriveFileId – see Common Properties Request.
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common Note: This metabot logic executes the "Row
Row Unhide Concepts. string vOutput Set Width Default" logic immediately after
string vCellRange – a target cell range unhiding the row. Although the row is
indicating which rows to hide (Ex: unhidden, the API leaves it with a width of
"A6:A9"). zero (i.e. it seems to have forgotten what
the original row width from before the row
was hidden). You can use the "Row Set
Width" logic to set the row as desired if you
prefer a specific width.

Adds a new sheet (tab) to an existing Google

string vGDriveFileId – see Common
The sheet id (tab id) of Sheet.
the newly created
string vSheetTitle – ordinary text; Please refer to Google's API documentation
Sheet Add (Tab) sheet (which can be
indicates what you want the new for more detailed specifics about:
used directly or logged
sheet (tab) in the Google Sheet to be Spreadsheets, Add Sheet Request.
to a file for future use).
named (Ex: "NewSheet1").
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Concepts. Changes the color of a sheet (tab) within a
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common spreadsheet.
string vColorValues – a comma-delimited Please refer to Google's API documentation
string of values representing RGBA for more detailed specifics about:
(red-green-blue-alpha) colors. A few Spreadsheets, Update Sheet Properties
colors are provided below as example Request.
Sheet Change Tab Color string vOutput
Also see Google's API documentation on
• "0,0,0,1" (Black)
• "0,0,153,0.30" (Blue)
• "0,153,51,0.50" (Green)
Also see Hex to RGBA Converter Online
• "255,255,102,0.60" (Yellow)
Tool for formulating colors from Hex codes.
• "255,255,255,1" (White)

Creates a new Google Sheet.

Please refer to Google's API documentation

The file id of the newly
string vSheetTitle – ordinary text; for more detailed specifics about the
created sheet (which
indicates what you want the new file format of the output: Spreadsheet, Create.
Sheet Create can be used directly or
to be called on GDrive (Ex:
logged to a file for
"LuckySheet1"). Note: GDrive Metabot section also has a
future use).
method for creating a new Google Sheet.
See the File Create Sheet logic below.

Deletes an existing sheet (tab) from a

Google Sheet.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Sheet Delete (Tab) string vOutput Please refer to Google's API documentation
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
for more detailed specifics about:
Spreadsheets, Delete Sheet Request.
Hides a sheet (tab) within a spreadsheet.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Please refer to Google's API documentation
Sheet Hide (Tab) string vOutput for more detailed specifics about:
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Spreadsheets, Update Sheet Properties

string vGDriveSheetIdFrom – the GDrive

File Id (see Common Concepts) from
Copies a single sheet from a spreadsheet to
which you want to copy.
another spreadsheet.
string vGDriveSheetIdTo – the GDrive File
Id (see Common Concepts) to which
Please refer to Google's API documentation
Sheet Move or Copy (Tab) you want to copy. string vOutput
for more detailed specifics about:
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Spreadsheets, Update Sheet Properties
string vSheetTitle – ordinary text
indicating what you want the copied
sheet (tab) to be named.
Renames a sheet (tab) within a
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Please refer to Google's API documentation
Sheet Rename (Tab) Concepts. string vOutput
for more detailed specifics about:
string vSheetTitle – ordinary text
Spreadsheets, Update Sheet Properties
indicating what you want the sheet
(tab) to be renamed.
Unhides a sheet (tab) within a spreadsheet.
string vGDriveFileId – see Common
Please refer to Google's API documentation
Sheet Unhide (Tab) string vOutput for more detailed specifics about:
int vGoogleSheetId – see Common
Spreadsheets, Update Sheet Properties

Error Handling
- Each Bot folder contains the below hierarchy.
o Error Folder
▪ Logs
• Error Logs Month-Day-Year.txt: In case of any error, this file logs error message along with time stamp
▪ Snapshots
• Error Snap Month-Day-Year.png: In case of any error, this file captures screenshot of error.
- Task Status of bot is set to failed in case of error.

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