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DESARROLLAR, EN SU CUADERNO U HOJAS DE BLOCK, TOMAR ESCANNER O FOTOS, REALIZAR UN ESTANDAR GENERAL DEL GRADO Elestudiante puode comprender instrucciones sencillas,interpretar textos corlos con un vocabulario acorde a Si nivel (00; A2.2), Tambign esta on la capacidad do participar en didlagos preparados con estructuras y vocabulario simple. PROPOSITO: iza descripclones fisicas y psicolégicas en las que puede estab! “TEMA CONCEPTO: Present simple and present continu .er comparaciones sencillas, 0J0: Observa este video para mejor comprensién de la actividad. Q. Rw Kone OQvoage umn Qdosd_s W-O1 En este espacio adicionar la actividad o actividades que le ayudaran al estudiante a conseguir el propésito planteado. Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence: 1. John Plays. (play/plays) soccer. >. They__doo'\_(don't/doesn"t) study after school. 3. We__koke (take/takes) the metro to the office every day. 4. What co (do/does) you want to study? 5. On Tuesdays, 1____(go/goes) to the mall. 6. Teny lous _ (play/plays) soccer, he e@cices (practice/practices) every day. 7. Does __ (DomDoes) Lucy ride her bike to school, or_dyes__(do/does) she take the bus? 8. On Sunday, he_coesoy _ (don’t/doesn't) read the newspaper. 9. Where do (do/does) they work? 10.How___ So __(do/does) you spell your name? DESARROLLAR, EN SU CUADERNO U HOJAS DE BLOCK, TOMAR ESCANNER O FOTOS, REALIZAR UN bserva este video para mejor comprensién de la actividad. htt Read the text and complete with verbs into PAST SIMPLE according to the number. ve can check Famed ‘at Gosforth Hall late in the evening: It was a very dark night but |o-\6 “sae there was a church with a cemetery noxt to the hotel. | CoeckaiIn, and the receptionist gave me the key andl showed me to my room 'e@jmy things in the room and came Cownstairs, There wer: as many guests. , There were only three inclueiing ma. f

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