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import java.util.

import java.util.Locale;
public class CombLine {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Create aScanner
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Digite o valor da frequência central
fo em MHz = ");
double f0 = input.nextDouble();

System.out.println(" Digite o valor da largura de faixa Bw

= em MHz " );
double Bw = input.nextDouble();

double f1= f0 - Bw/2;

double f2 = f0 + Bw/2;
System.out.println(" Frequência inferior da largura de faixa f1
= " +
f1 + " [ MHz ] " );

System.out.println(" Frequência superior da largura de faixa f2

= " +
f2 + " [ MHz ] " );
double W = Bw/f0;
System.out.println("A relação Bw / f0 = "+ W );
System.out.println("Digite o valor da frequência de rejeição f
em torno de fo ,exemplo se fo= 1000 e f = +/- 100 [MHz] " +
" a frequencia de rejeição superior será 1100MHz e a inferior
900MHz " );
double f = input.nextDouble();
double fupper= f+f0;

System.out.println("Digite o valor da rejeição em [dB] em fo

+/- f [MHz] ");
double La = input.nextDouble(); // Rejeição

double T = (2/W)*((fupper-f0)/f0) ;

// System.out.println( T);

// Cálculo de " EE " O ripple dentro da faixa de passagem

do filtro
System.out.println("Digite o valor do ripple Lar desejado
dentro da faixa de passagem do filtro em [dB] ");
double Lar = input.nextDouble(); // ripple Lar desejado
dentro da faixa de passagem do filtro em [dB]
double EE = (Math.pow(10,Lar/10))-1;
// System.out.println(EE);

// Cálculo do número de seções do filtro "n"

double x = Math.sqrt( (Math.pow(10,La/10)) -1/EE );

double GG= Math.log( x + Math.sqrt(x*x -1));
double UU= Math.log( T + Math.sqrt(T*T -1) );
double n = ((GG/UU)+1); // +1 Fator de segurança
System.out.println("O número de elementos necessários : " +
double C = 3e5 ; // Para resposta de ResL em mm
System.out.println("Digite o valor do comprimento elétrico do
ressonador em graus. Theta = 45º é o seu valor ótmo. Theta = ");
double Theta = input.nextDouble();
double Theta_Rad= Theta*Math.PI/180;

double ResL = (C*Theta/360)/(f0); // Comprimento do

Ressonador Lambda/8
System.out.println("O comprimento do ressonador = " + ResL+
" [mm]");

System.out.println("Digite o valor da impedância de entrada Zo=

Double Z0 = input.nextDouble();
double YA= 1/Z0;
System.out.println("Digite o valor da impedância dos
ressonadores Res =78 Ohms é o valor óptmo . Res = ");
double Res = input.nextDouble();
double Yaj= 1/Res;
double D= Yaj/YA;
// System.out.println( D);
double CC= (1/Math.tan(Theta_Rad)); // Cotangente
//System.out.println( CC);
double DD= 1/( Math.sin(Theta_Rad)*Math.sin(Theta_Rad)); //
//System.out.println( DD);

double BB = D*( CC + Theta_Rad*DD )/2;

System.out.println("bj/YA" + BB); // bj/YA

/* Cálculo dos valores g

double ZZ= 1/( Math.tan(Lar/17.37) );
double Beta = Math.log(ZZ);
// System.out.println( Beta);

double Gama = Math.sinh(Beta/(2*n));

int bb= ((int)(Math.ceil(n))) ; // Número inteiro de elementos
arredondado para cima
System.out.println(" bb = "+ bb);

int cc= bb+1; // Se perde um elemento porque no sistema adotado

não existe o elemento zero
int yy= cc+2;
System.out.println(" cc = "+ cc);
System.out.println(" yy = "+ yy);
double[] ak= new double [cc];// O tamanho da matriz é por exemplo
double[] bk= new double [cc]; // no momento de endereçar cc-1
double[] g= new double [yy];
for (int i =1;i<cc;i++)
ak[i]=Math.sin(Math.PI*(2*i-1)/(2*bb)) ;

System.out.println(" ak"+i+" = "+ ak[i]);

for (int i =1;i<cc;i++)
bk[i]=(Math.pow(Gama, 2))+ Math.sin(i*Math.PI/bb )*
Math.sin(i*Math.PI/bb) ;

System.out.println(" bk"+i+" = "+ bk[i]);



System.out.println(" g"+0+" = "+ g[0]);

for (int i =1;i<yy-2;i++)

if (i==1){
g[i]= 2*ak[i]/ Gama ;

if (i>=2 ){
g[i]= (4*ak[i-1]*ak[i])/(bk[i-1] *g[i-1] ) ;

System.out.println(" g"+i+" = "+ g[i]);

int dd=bb%2 ; // bb número de polos for par resto 0

if (dd==0){
g[yy-1]= 1/(Math.tanh(Beta/4)*Math.tanh(Beta/4));
System.out.println(" g"+cc+" = "+ g[yy-1]);

else {

System.out.println(" g"+cc+" = "+ g[yy-1]);

double WWW = 1.0; // por definição

double QQ = (W*BB)/( g[0]*g[1] *WWW ); // QQ= GT1/YA
System.out.println("GT1/YA = "+QQ);
double[][] jj;
jj=new double [bb][bb+1]; //

for (int i =1;i<bb;i++) // Jxx/YA

double RRR=(BB*BB);
double ttt=g[i]*g[i+1];
double yyy=RRR/ttt;
jj[i][i+1] = W*Math.sqrt( yyy ) ;

int ctt=i+1;
System.out.println("J"+i+ctt +"/YA = " +jj[i][i+1] );
double RR= W*BB/g[bb]*g[yy-1]; // GTn/YA
System.out.println("GT"+bb + "/YA =" +RR );


System.out.println("Cálculo das Capacitâncias normalizadas "+

"por unidade de comprimento Ressonador para o terra " );

double[] caplineGround= new double [yy];

caplineGround[0]= 376.7*YA*( 1- Math.sqrt(QQ) );

System.out.println( caplineGround[0] );

caplineGround[1]= 376.7*YA*(D-1 +QQ - (jj[1]

[2])*Math.tan(Theta_Rad) ) + caplineGround[0] ;

for (int i=2;i<bb;i++)

caplineGround[i]=376.7*YA*( D - (jj[i-1]
[i])*Math.tan(Theta_Rad) - (jj[i][i+1])*Math.tan(Theta_Rad) ) ;


caplineGround[bb+1]= 376.7*YA*( 1- Math.sqrt(QQ) );
caplineGround[bb]= 376.7*YA*(D-1+RR-(jj[bb-1]
[bb])*Math.tan(Theta_Rad)) + caplineGround[bb+1] ;



System.out.println("Cálculo das Capacitâncias normalizadas mútuas "+

"por unidade de comprimento entre Ressonadores
adjacentes " );

double[][] capLineLine;
capLineLine=new double [yy][yy+1];

capLineLine[0][1] =376.7*YA- caplineGround[0];

System.out.println( "C 0,1/e ="+ capLineLine[0][1]);

for (int i =1;i<bb;i++){

capLineLine[i][i+1] =376.7*YA*(jj[i]
int ppp=i+1;
System.out.println("C "+i+","+ ppp+"/e= "+
int iii=bb+1;
System.out.println("C "+bb+","+ iii+"/e= "+ capLineLine[bb]


double [][] spaceLine;

spaceLine= new double [yy][yy+1]; // SJ,J+1 para t/b=0.2
for(int i=0; i<yy-1;i++){

if(capLineLine[i][i+1]>= 0.022 && capLineLine[i][i+1] <


else if(capLineLine[i][i+1]>= 0.195 && capLineLine[i][i+1] <

else if(capLineLine[i][i+1]>= 0.73 && capLineLine[i][i+1] <
else if(capLineLine[i][i+1]>= 1.60 && capLineLine[i][i+1] <
else if(capLineLine[i][i+1]>= 3.55 && capLineLine[i][i+1] <
else if (capLineLine[i][i+1]>= 5.2 && capLineLine[i][i+1] <

for(int i=0; i<yy-2;i++){

int zzz= i+1;
System.out.println("S"+i+","+zzz + "/b = "+spaceLine[i][i+1]);


double [][] capacitorCfe; //

capacitorCfe= new double [yy][yy+1]; // Para t/b=0.2
for(int i=0; i<yy-1;i++){

if(spaceLine[i][i+1]>= 0.022 && spaceLine[i][i+1] < 0.4){


else if(spaceLine[i][i+1]>= 0.4 && spaceLine[i][i+1] < 1.0){


else if(spaceLine[i][i+1]>= 1.0 && spaceLine[i][i+1] < 1.5)


for(int i=0; i<yy-2;i++){

int zzz= i+1;
System.out.println("(C'fe)"+i+","+zzz + "/e =

System.out.println("Capacitância Normalizada de uma barra isolada


double tB= 0.2 ; // Relação t/b fixa em 0.2

double capInOutlineGnd= 2*tB*tB +0.1*tB+0.59 ;

System.out.println("C'f/e = "+ capInOutlineGnd);


double[] larguraResonadorRetangular= new double [yy];

System.out.println("Cálculo das larguras normalizadas dos

ressonadores retangulares ");

for(int i=1; i<bb+1;i++){

tB)*(0.5*caplineGround[i] - (capacitorCfe[i-1][i]) -( capacitorCfe[i][i+1]) );

System.out.println("W"+i+" /b= " +

larguraResonadorRetangular[i] );

capInOutlineGnd-( capacitorCfe[0][1]));
tB)*(0.5*caplineGround[bb+1]-capInOutlineGnd-( capacitorCfe[bb][bb+1]));
System.out.println("W"+0+" /b= " + larguraResonadorRetangular[0]
int ssss=bb+1;
System.out.println("W"+ssss+" /b= " +
larguraResonadorRetangular[bb+1] );
double condicao=0.35*(1-tB);

System.out.println("A condição Wk/ n"

+ "ecessária < "+condicao);

for(int i=0; i<yy-1;i++){

int flag=0; // Flag para teste de condição
if( larguraResonadorRetangular[i] > condicao)
System.out.println("Valores W"+i+"/b não ok");

flag=1; // Condição não satisfeita

if (flag==1){
larguraResonadorRetangular[i]= (0.07*(1-tB)
System.out.println(" Novo Valor de W"+i+"/b = "+
larguraResonadorRetangular[i] );

System.out.println("Digite o valor da Largura da cavidade em [mm]

System.out.println("Larguras maiores resultam em menores perdas

double larguraCavidade = input.nextDouble();

double espessuraBarra = tB*larguraCavidade;

System.out.println( "A largura da cavidade = "+larguraCavidade

System.out.println( "A espessura das barras dos ressonadores =
"+espessuraBarra + "[mm]" );
double[] larguraResonadorRetangularReal= new double [yy];

for(int i=0; i<yy-1;i++){

System.out.println(" Largura resonadores W"+i+ "=" +
larguraResonadorRetangularReal[i] +" [mm]" );

System.out.println( );
System.out.println( );
System.out.println("Espaçamento entre ressonadores ");
double [][] spaceLineReal;
spaceLineReal= new double [yy][yy+1];
for(int i=0; i<yy-2;i++){
int zzz= i+1;
spaceLineReal[i][i+1]= spaceLine[i][i+1]*larguraCavidade;

System.out.println("S"+i+","+zzz + " = "+spaceLineReal[i]

[i+1]+" [mm]");


System.out.println("Cavidade com Ressonadores Cilindricos");

System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println(" Diâmetros dos Cilindros

double[] diametroResonadorCilindricoReal= new double [yy];

for(int i=0; i<yy-1;i++){

System.out.println(" Diâmetro ressonadores cilindricos D"+i+ "="

+ diametroResonadorCilindricoReal[i] +"[mm]" );


System.out.println("Diâmetro médio dos Ressonadores Cilindricos");

double diametroMedioCilindro=0;
for(int i=1; i<bb+1;i++){
diametroMedioCilindro =diametroMedioCilindro+


System.out.println("Diâmetro médio ressonadores cilíndricos =

"+diametroMedioCilindro+" [mm]");
System.out.println("Diâmetro ressonadores cilíndricos Entrada e
Saída = "+diametroResonadorCilindricoReal[0]+" [mm]");
System.out.println("Espaçamento entre ressonadores cilíndricos ");

for(int i=0; i<yy-2;i++){

int zzz= i+1;
spaceLineReal[i][i+1]= spaceLine[i][i+1]*larguraCavidade;

System.out.println("S"+i+","+zzz + " = "+spaceLineReal[i]

[i+1]+" [mm]");

// Capacitância para sintonia pag 499 Filter Book

System.out.println( );
System.out.println( );
System.out.println( "Capacitância de sintonia " );
double[] capTune= new double [yy];
for(int i=1; i<bb+1;i++){
System.out.println("Resonador nº "+i+" Capacitor de sintonia =
"+capTune[i]+" [pF]");

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Locale;
public class Iris_Coupled_Filter {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Create aScanner
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Digite o valor da frequência central
fo em MHz = ");
double f0 = input.nextDouble();

System.out.println(" Digite o valor da largura de faixa Bw

= em MHz " );
double Bw = input.nextDouble();

double f1= f0 - Bw/2;

double f2 = f0 + Bw/2;
System.out.println(" Frequência inferior da largura de faixa f1
= " +
f1 + " [ MHz ] " );

System.out.println(" Frequência superior da largura de faixa f2

= " +
f2 + " [ MHz ] " );
double W = Bw/f0;
System.out.println("A relação Bw / f0 = "+ W );
System.out.println("Digite o valor da frequência de rejeição f
em torno de fo ,exemplo se fo= 1000 e f = +/- 100 [MHz] " +
" a frequencia de rejeição superior será 1100MHz e a inferior
900MHz " );
double f = input.nextDouble();
double fupper= f+f0;

System.out.println("Digite o valor da rejeição em [dB] em fo

+/- f [MHz] ");
double La = input.nextDouble(); // Rejeição

double T = (2/W)*((fupper-f0)/f0) ;

// System.out.println( T);

// Cálculo de " EE " O ripple dentro da faixa de passagem

do filtro
System.out.println("Digite o valor do ripple Lar desejado
dentro da faixa de passagem do filtro em [dB] ");
double Lar = input.nextDouble(); // ripple Lar desejado
dentro da faixa de passagem do filtro em [dB]
double EE = (Math.pow(10,Lar/10))-1;
// System.out.println(EE);

// Cálculo do número de seções do filtro "n"

double x = Math.sqrt( (Math.pow(10,La/10)) -1/EE );

double GG= Math.log( x + Math.sqrt(x*x -1));
double UU= Math.log( T + Math.sqrt(T*T -1) );
double n = ((GG/UU)+1); // +1 Fator de segurança
System.out.println("O número de elementos necessários : " +
double C = 3e5 ; // Para resposta de ResL em mm
System.out.println("O valor do comprimento elétrico do
ressonador em graus. Theta será de"
+ " 90º ");
double Theta = 90;
double Theta_Rad= Theta*Math.PI/180;

double ResL = ( (C*Theta/360)/(f0))*0.82; // Comprimento do

Ressonador Lambda/4 * fator de encurtamento prático
System.out.println("O comprimento do ressonador = " + ResL+
" [mm]");

System.out.println("Digite o valor da impedância de entrada Zo=

double Z0 = input.nextDouble();
System.out.println( "Digite o tipo de cavidade : 1 par Circular
ou 2 para Quadrada ");

int cavidadeTipo = input.nextInt();

double diametroCavidadeGlobal=0.0;
double larguraCavidadeGlobal =0.0;
double D=0; // Diâmetro ou largura em polegada cavidade
double resDGlobal=0;
if(cavidadeTipo==1) {
double aAA= 76.0/60.0;
System.out.println("Digite o valor do diâmetro da cavidade
em [mm] ");
System.out.println("Diâmetros maiores resultam em menores
perdas ");

double diametroCavidade = input.nextDouble();


double ResD= diametroCavidade/ Math.exp(aAA)

System.out.println("O diâmetro do ressonador : "+ ResD);

else{System.out.println("Digite o valor da Largura da cavidade em

[mm] ");
System.out.println("Larguras maiores resultam em menores perdas
double AAA=76.0/59.96;

double larguraCavidade = input.nextDouble();

larguraCavidade =larguraCavidade*1.0;
double ResD= 1.079*larguraCavidade/(Math.pow(Math.E, AAA));
larguraCavidadeGlobal =larguraCavidade;
System.out.println("O diâmetro do ressonador : "+ ResD+" [mm]");

//Cálculo dos valores g

double rfT=Lar/17.37;
double ZZ= 1/( Math.tan(rfT) );
double Beta = Math.log(ZZ);
// System.out.println( Beta);
double juH=Beta/(2*n);
double Gama = Math.sinh(juH);
int bb= ((int)(Math.ceil(n))) ; // Número inteiro de elementos
arredondado para cima
System.out.println(" bb = "+ bb);

int cc= bb+1; // Se perde um elemento porque o endereçamento de

matrizes adotado começa do elemento zero
int yy= cc+2;
System.out.println(" cc = "+ cc);
System.out.println(" yy = "+ yy);
double[] ak= new double [cc];// O tamanho da matriz é por exemplo
double[] bk= new double [cc]; // no momento de endereçar cc-1
double[] g= new double [yy];
for (int i =1;i<cc;i++)

double cfvB=Math.PI*(2*i-1)/(2*bb);
ak[i]=Math.sin(cfvB) ;

System.out.println(" ak"+i+" = "+ ak[i]);

for (int i =1;i<cc;i++)
double ertT=i*Math.PI/bb;
bk[i]=(Math.pow(Gama, 2))+ Math.sin(ertT )*
Math.sin(ertT) ;

System.out.println(" bk"+i+" = "+ bk[i]);



System.out.println(" g"+0+" = "+ g[0]);

for (int i =1;i<yy-2;i++)

if (i==1){
g[i]= 2*ak[i]/ Gama ;

if (i>=2 ){
g[i]= (4*ak[i-1]*ak[i])/(bk[i-1] *g[i-1] ) ;

System.out.println(" g"+i+" = "+ g[i]);


int dd=bb%2 ; // bb número de polos for par resto 0

if (dd==0){

double ytyt=Beta/4;
g[yy-1]= 1/(Math.tanh(ytyt)*Math.tanh(ytyt));
System.out.println(" g"+cc+" = "+ g[yy-1]);

else {

System.out.println(" g"+cc+" = "+ g[yy-1]);

double thetaA = 0.9675;

double thetaB = 0.8534;
double[][] Xm;
Xm=new double [yy][yy+1];

//double flP =4.0*Math.cos(thetaB)*Math.cos(thetaB);

for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){

double fgT=g[i]*g[i+1];
// System.out.println(fgT);
double tyU=Math.sqrt(fgT);

int erT=i+1;
Xm[i][i+1]= Math.PI*76.0*W/(1.72883*tyU);
System.out.println( "(X "+ i+","+ erT + ") m = " +


double ttY= Z0*W*76.0*Math.PI/(4.0*g[0]*g[1]);

double ttU=Math.sqrt(ttY);

System.out.println( "(X "+ 0+","+ 1 + ") m = " + Xm[0][1]);

double ttO= Z0*W*76.0*Math.PI/(4.0*g[bb]*g[bb+1]);
double ttP=Math.sqrt(ttO);
int lnM=bb+1;
System.out.println( "(X "+ bb+","+ lnM + ") m = " + Xm[bb]


double lambdaInches= 3e5/(f0*25.4 );

System.out.println("Lambda médio = "+lambdaInches+ " [inches]");

double larguraCavidadeInchesGlobal=0.0;
double diametroCavidadeInchesGlobal=0.0;

double diametroCavidadeInches= diametroCavidadeGlobal /25.4;

System.out.println("Diâmetro da cavidade em polegadas = "+

else {

double larguraCavidadeInches= larguraCavidadeGlobal /25.4;

System.out.println("Largura da cavidade em polegadas = "+

System.out.println("Cálculo da Polarização Magnética Inicial ( M
j,j+1) ");

double[][] M;
M=new double [yy][yy+1];

for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){

int erL=i+1;
M[i][i+1]= (lambdaInches*D*D*Xm[i][i+1])/60.0;
System.out.println( "(M "+ i+","+ erL + ") m = " + M[i]


double wW=D/2.7; // Valor da Largura da Ires 2.7 é um fator

System.out.println("Largura da Ires adotada em polegadas = " + wW


System.out.println("Resolva os seguintes polinômios :");


for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){

int mNJ=i+1;
System.out.println("L"+i+","+mNJ+ " 0.2425*Lexp3 +" + wW
+"*Lexp2 - "+ 4.75* M[i][i+1]+ " = 0");


System.out.println("Digite os valores dos comprimentos das Ires
obtidos L ");
double[][] Liresuncompensated;
Liresuncompensated=new double [yy][yy+1];

for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){

int mNJ=i+1;
System.out.println("L"+i+","+mNJ+" = ?" );
Liresuncompensated[i][i+1] = input.nextDouble();

double expIres =5.0;
System.out.println("Cálculo das Polarizações Magnéticas Compensadas
System.out.println("Digite o valor da espessura da ires = ?
5 [mm] valor prático ");
expIres = input.nextDouble();
double expIresPolegada = expIres/25.4;
System.out.println("Espessura da ires em polegada = " +
expIresPolegada + " [ Polegada ]" );
double[][] Mcomp;
Mcomp=new double [yy][yy+1];
cCC=new double [yy][yy+1];
eCC=new double [yy][yy+1];
dCC=new double [yy][yy+1];
gCC=new double [yy][yy+1];
System.out.println("Valores das Polarizações Magnéticas Compensadas
for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){

cCC[i][i+1]= 1- ( ( ( 2*Liresuncompensated[i]
[i+1])/lambdaInches)*( ( 2*Liresuncompensated[i][i+1])/lambdaInches));
dCC[i][i+1]=Math.sqrt( cCC[i][i+1]);
gCC[i][i+1]= (eCC[i][i+1])*dCC[i][i+1];

Mcomp[i][i+1]= M[i][i+1]*(cCC[i][i+1] )*( Math.pow(10,

gCC[i][i+1]) ) ;
int erL= i+1;

System.out.println( "(Mcomp "+ i+","+ erL + ") m = " +


System.out.println( " Cálculo dos Comprimentos Finais

corrigidos " );


System.out.println("Resolva os seguintes polinômios :");


for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){

int mNJ=i+1;
System.out.println("L"+i+","+mNJ+ " 0.2425*Lexp3 +" + wW
+"*Lexp2 - "+ 4.75* Mcomp[i][i+1]+ " = 0");


System.out.println("Digite os novos valores compensados dos
comprimentos das Ires obtidos L ");
double[][] Lirescompensated;
Lirescompensated=new double [yy][yy+1];

for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){

int mNJ=i+1;
System.out.println("L"+i+","+mNJ+" = ?" );
Lirescompensated[i][i+1] = input.nextDouble();

System.out.println( " Dimensoes Mecânicas da Cavidade


System.out.println(" Tipo da Cavidade : Cilíndrica "

System.out.println(" Diâmetro da Cavidade = "+ D+ "
[mm]" );
System.out.println(" Tipo da Cavidade : Quadrada "
System.out.println(" Largura da Cavidade = "+ D+ "
[mm]" );

double alturaCavidade= ResL+resDGlobal; //

System.out.println(" Altura da cavidade = "+ alturaCavidade+

" [mm]" );

System.out.println("O comprimento do ressonador = " + ResL+ "


System.out.println("O diâmetro do ressonador : "+ resDGlobal + "

System.out.println("O número de ressonadores : " + Math.ceil(n));
System.out.println("Largura das Ires = " + wW *25.4+ " [mm]" );
System.out.println("Expessura das paredes da Ires = "+ expIres + "
[mm]" );
System.out.println("Comprimento das Ires ");
for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){
int mNJ=i+1;

System.out.println("L"+i+","+mNJ+" = " +
Lirescompensated[i][i+1] *25.4 +" [mm]" );


System.out.println("Parâmetros Elétricos ");


System.out.println(" Coeficientes de acoplamento ");

double[][] coeficienteAcoplamento;
coeficienteAcoplamento=new double [yy][yy+1];

for (int i =1;i<bb;i++ ){

double nGK=g[i]*g[i+1];
int dPL= i+1;
coeficienteAcoplamento[i][i+1] = W / nGK;
System.out.println("K" +i+","+ dPL+"= " +
coeficienteAcoplamento[i][i+1] );

double qExterno= g[0]*g[1]/W;
System.out.println(" Q externo Qex = "+qExterno );


System.out.println(" Cálculo da tensão nos ressonadores ");

System.out.println("Digite a potência de saida em [W]");

double Pout = input.nextDouble();

Pout= Pout*1.0;

for (int i =1;i<cc;i++ ){

double mJK=g[i]*g[i-1] ;
double bGT=Math.sqrt(mJK);

double cPO=4*Pout*Z0*qExterno* bGT;

double VoltageResonator =Math.sqrt(cPO);

System.out.println(" A voltagem no Ressonador " + i + " = "

+ VoltageResonator + " [Volts] " );


import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Cálculo_k {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Create aScanner
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


System.out.println(" Digite o valor da frequência f1 MHz = ");

double f1 = input.nextDouble();

System.out.println(" Digite o valor da frequência f2 MHz = " );

double f2 = input.nextDouble();

double k= 2*(f2-f1)/(f2+f1);
System.out.println(" k = " + k );

double Q = ((f2+f1)/2)/ (f2-f1);

System.out.println(" Q = " + Q );


Digite o valor da frequência central fo em MHz =
Digite o valor da largura de faixa Bw = em MHz
Frequência inferior da largura de faixa f1 = 470.0 [ MHz ]
Frequência superior da largura de faixa f2 = 476.0 [ MHz ]
A relação Bw / f0 = 0.012684989429175475
Digite o valor da frequência de rejeição f em torno de fo ,exemplo se fo=
1000 e f = +/- 100 [MHz] a frequencia de rejeição superior será 1100MHz e a
inferior 900MHz
Digite o valor da rejeição em [dB] em fo +/- f [MHz]
Digite o valor do ripple Lar desejado dentro da faixa de passagem do filtro
em [dB]
O número de elementos necessários : 4.0
O valor do comprimento elétrico do resonador em graus. Theta será de 90º
O comprimento do resonador = 130.02114164904862 [mm]
Digite o valor da impedância de entrada Zo=
Digite o tipo de cavidade : 1 par Circular ou 2 para Quadrada
Digite o valor da Largura da cavidade em [mm]
Larguras maiores resultam em menores perdas
O diâmetro do resonador : 48.60356232362264 [mm]
bb = 4
cc = 5
yy = 7
ak1 = 0.3826834323650898
ak2 = 0.9238795325112867
ak3 = 0.9238795325112867
ak4 = 0.3826834323650899
bk1 = 1.5249939559931653
bk2 = 2.0249939559931653
bk3 = 1.5249939559931653
bk4 = 1.0249939559931653
g0 = 1.0
g1 = 0.7559777334383273
g2 = 1.2266986050163389
g3 = 1.3744504267271003
g4 = 0.6747110066679316
g5 = 1.234252985138317
(X 1,2) m = 1.8191891065987105
(X 2,3) m = 1.3491735192539631
(X 3,4) m = 1.8191891065987102
(X 0,1) m = 12.472933178923231
(X 4,5) m = 12.472933178923231
Lambda médio = 24.97045163223519 [inches]
Largura da cavidade em polegadas = 6.299212598425197
Cálculo da Polarização Magnética Inicial ( M j,j+1)
(M 1,2) m = 30.04177062183628
(M 2,3) m = 22.280015446147846
(M 3,4) m = 30.041770621836278
Largura da Ires adotada em polegadas = 2.3330417031204433
Resolva os seguintes polinômios :
L1,2 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 142.69841045372235 = 0
L2,3 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 105.83007336920227 = 0
L3,4 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 142.69841045372232 = 0
Digite os valores dos comprimentos das Ires obtidos L
L1,2 = ?
L2,3 = ?
L3,4 = ?
Cálculo das Polarizações Magnéticas Compensadas
Digite o valor da espessura da ires = ? 5 [mm] valor prático
Espessura da ires em polegada = 0.1968503937007874 [ Polegada ]
Valores das Polarizações Magnéticas Compensadas
(Mcomp 1,2) m = 24.93258896752414
(Mcomp 2,3) m = 20.09389661290421
(Mcomp 3,4) m = 24.93258896752414
Cálculo dos Comprimentos Finais corrigidos
Resolva os seguintes polinômios :
L1,2 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 118.42979759573967 = 0
L2,3 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 95.446008911295 = 0
L3,4 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 118.42979759573967 = 0
Digite os novos valores compensados dos comprimentos das Ires obtidos L
L1,2 = ?
L2,3 = ?
L3,4 = ?
Dimensoes Mecânicas da Cavidade
Tipo da Cavidade : Quadrada
Largura da Cavidade = 160.0 [mm]
Altura da cavidade = 178.62470397267126 [mm]
O comprimento do resonador = 130.02114164904862 [mm]
O diâmetro do resonador : 48.60356232362264 [mm]
O número de resonadores : 4.0
Largura das Ires = 59.25925925925926 [mm]
Expessura das paredes da Ires = 5.0 [mm]
Comprimento das Ires
L1,2 = 143.62030230692272 [mm]
L2,3 = 131.070290549383 [mm]
L3,4 = 143.62030230692272 [mm]
Parâmetros Elétricos
Coeficientes de acoplamento
K1,2= 0.013172453433465734
K2,3= 0.009769146754218208
K3,4= 0.013172453433465733
Q externo Qex = 59.596244652721474
Cálculo da tensão nos resonadores
Digite a potência de saida em [W]
A voltagem no Resonador 1 = 5090.045919740567 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 2 = 5356.8090807306535 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 3 = 6220.297943772225 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 4 = 5356.8090807306535 [Volts]
Digite o valor da frequência central fo em MHz =
Digite o valor da largura de faixa Bw = em MHz
Frequência inferior da largura de faixa f1 = 638.0 [ MHz ]
Frequência superior da largura de faixa f2 = 644.0 [ MHz ]
A relação Bw / f0 = 0.0093603744149766
Digite o valor da frequência de rejeição f em torno de fo ,exemplo se fo=
1000 e f = +/- 100 [MHz] a frequencia de rejeição superior será 1100MHz e a
inferior 900MHz
Digite o valor da rejeição em [dB] em fo +/- f [MHz]
Digite o valor do ripple Lar desejado dentro da faixa de passagem do filtro
em [dB]
O número de elementos necessários : 4.0
O valor do comprimento elétrico do resonador em graus. Theta será de 90º
O comprimento do resonador = 95.94383775351012 [mm]
Digite o valor da impedância de entrada Zo=
Digite o tipo de cavidade : 1 par Circular ou 2 para Quadrada
Digite o valor da Largura da cavidade em [mm]
Larguras maiores resultam em menores perdas
O diâmetro do resonador : 48.60356232362264 [mm]
bb = 4
cc = 5
yy = 7
ak1 = 0.3826834323650898
ak2 = 0.9238795325112867
ak3 = 0.9238795325112867
ak4 = 0.3826834323650899
bk1 = 1.5249939559931658
bk2 = 2.024993955993166
bk3 = 1.5249939559931658
bk4 = 1.0249939559931658
g0 = 1.0
g1 = 0.7559777334383271
g2 = 1.2266986050163389
g3 = 1.3744504267271
g4 = 0.6747110066679316
g5 = 1.234252985138317
(X 1,2) m = 1.3423969538552112
(X 2,3) m = 0.9955679791062786
(X 3,4) m = 1.342396953855211
(X 0,1) m = 10.714456631820802
(X 4,5) m = 10.714456631820802
Lambda médio = 18.42593388774921 [inches]
Largura da cavidade em polegadas = 6.299212598425197
Cálculo da Polarização Magnética Inicial ( M j,j+1)
(M 1,2) m = 16.358058171229164
(M 2,3) m = 12.131701333844132
(M 3,4) m = 16.358058171229164
Largura da Ires adotada em polegadas = 2.3330417031204433
Resolva os seguintes polinômios :
L1,2 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 77.70077631333852 = 0
L2,3 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 57.62558133575963 = 0
L3,4 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 77.70077631333852 = 0
Digite os valores dos comprimentos das Ires obtidos L
L1,2 = ?
L2,3 = ?
L3,4 = ?
Cálculo das Polarizações Magnéticas Compensadas
Digite o valor da espessura da ires = ? 5 [mm] valor prático
Espessura da ires em polegada = 0.1968503937007874 [ Polegada ]
Valores das Polarizações Magnéticas Compensadas
(Mcomp 1,2) m = 13.48197082616533
(Mcomp 2,3) m = 11.035093582603045
(Mcomp 3,4) m = 13.48197082616533
Cálculo dos Comprimentos Finais corrigidos
Resolva os seguintes polinômios :
L1,2 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 64.03936142428532 = 0
L2,3 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 52.41669451736446 = 0
L3,4 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 64.03936142428532 = 0
Digite os novos valores compensados dos comprimentos das Ires obtidos L
L1,2 = ?
L2,3 = ?
L3,4 = ?
Dimensoes Mecânicas da Cavidade
Tipo da Cavidade : Quadrada
Largura da Cavidade = 160.0 [mm]
Altura da cavidade = 144.54740007713275 [mm]
O comprimento do resonador = 95.94383775351012 [mm]
O diâmetro do resonador : 48.60356232362264 [mm]
O número de resonadores : 4.0
Largura das Ires = 59.25925925925926 [mm]
Expessura das paredes da Ires = 5.0 [mm]
Comprimento das Ires
L1,2 = 110.43891107971166 [mm]
L2,3 = 101.2370392661807 [mm]
L3,4 = 110.43891107971166 [mm]
Parâmetros Elétricos
Coeficientes de acoplamento
K1,2= 0.009720078742635403
K2,3= 0.007208746356856806
K3,4= 0.009720078742635401
Q externo Qex = 80.7636211889946
Cálculo da tensão nos resonadores
Digite a potência de saida em [W]
A voltagem no Resonador 1 = 5925.4337215779 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 2 = 6235.9785486245555 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 3 = 7241.184809619205 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 4 = 6235.9785486245555 [Volts]
Digite o valor da frequência central fo em MHz =
Digite o valor da largura de faixa Bw = em MHz
Frequência inferior da largura de faixa f1 = 856.0 [ MHz ]
Frequência superior da largura de faixa f2 = 862.0 [ MHz ]
A relação Bw / f0 = 0.006984866123399301
Digite o valor da frequência de rejeição f em torno de fo ,exemplo se fo=
1000 e f = +/- 100 [MHz] a frequencia de rejeição superior será 1100MHz e a
inferior 900MHz
Digite o valor da rejeição em [dB] em fo +/- f [MHz]
Digite o valor do ripple Lar desejado dentro da faixa de passagem do filtro
em [dB]
O número de elementos necessários : 4.0
O valor do comprimento elétrico do resonador em graus. Theta será de 90º
O comprimento do resonador = 71.59487776484283 [mm]
Digite o valor da impedância de entrada Zo=
Digite o tipo de cavidade : 1 par Circular ou 2 para Quadrada
Digite o valor da Largura da cavidade em [mm]
Larguras maiores resultam em menores perdas
O diâmetro do resonador : 48.60356232362264 [mm]
bb = 4
cc = 5
yy = 7
ak1 = 0.3826834323650898
ak2 = 0.9238795325112867
ak3 = 0.9238795325112867
ak4 = 0.3826834323650899
bk1 = 1.5249939559931653
bk2 = 2.0249939559931653
bk3 = 1.5249939559931653
bk4 = 1.0249939559931653
g0 = 1.0
g1 = 0.7559777334383273
g2 = 1.2266986050163389
g3 = 1.3744504267271003
g4 = 0.6747110066679316
g5 = 1.234252985138317
(X 1,2) m = 1.0017187979292086
(X 2,3) m = 0.7429092835938587
(X 3,4) m = 1.0017187979292084
(X 0,1) m = 9.255557520405295
(X 4,5) m = 9.255557520405295
Lambda médio = 13.749736463384453 [inches]
Largura da cavidade em polegadas = 6.299212598425197
Cálculo da Polarização Magnética Inicial ( M j,j+1)
(M 1,2) m = 9.108806568339354
(M 2,3) m = 6.755405784606478
(M 3,4) m = 9.108806568339352
Largura da Ires adotada em polegadas = 2.3330417031204433
Resolva os seguintes polinômios :
L1,2 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 43.26683119961193 = 0
L2,3 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 32.08817747688077 = 0
L3,4 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 43.26683119961192 = 0
Digite os valores dos comprimentos das Ires obtidos L
L1,2 = ?
L2,3 = ?
L3,4 = ?
Cálculo das Polarizações Magnéticas Compensadas
Digite o valor da espessura da ires = ? 5 [mm] valor prático
Espessura da ires em polegada = 0.1968503937007874 [ Polegada ]
Valores das Polarizações Magnéticas Compensadas
(Mcomp 1,2) m = 7.5179010596141085
(Mcomp 2,3) m = 6.258572299172515
(Mcomp 3,4) m = 7.517901059614107
Cálculo dos Comprimentos Finais corrigidos
Resolva os seguintes polinômios :
L1,2 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 35.710030033167016 = 0
L2,3 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 29.728218421069446 = 0
L3,4 0.2425*Lexp3 +2.3330417031204433*Lexp2 - 35.71003003316701 = 0
Digite os novos valores compensados dos comprimentos das Ires obtidos L
L1,2 = ?
L2,3 = ?
L3,4 = ?
Dimensoes Mecânicas da Cavidade
Tipo da Cavidade : Quadrada
Largura da Cavidade = 160.0 [mm]
Altura da cavidade = 120.19844008846547 [mm]
O comprimento do resonador = 71.59487776484283 [mm]
O diâmetro do resonador : 48.60356232362264 [mm]
O número de resonadores : 4.0
Largura das Ires = 59.25925925925926 [mm]
Expessura das paredes da Ires = 5.0 [mm]
Comprimento das Ires
L1,2 = 85.52676526973138 [mm]
L2,3 = 78.83861259067588 [mm]
L3,4 = 85.52676526973138 [mm]
Parâmetros Elétricos
Coeficientes de acoplamento
K1,2= 0.007253283438916522
K2,3= 0.0053792856981900025
K3,4= 0.007253283438916521
Q externo Qex = 108.2308121705872
Cálculo da tensão nos resonadores
Digite a potência de saida em [W]
A voltagem no Resonador 1 = 6135.256233674548 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 2 = 6456.797605242876 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 3 = 7497.598712584235 [Volts]
A voltagem no Resonador 4 = 6456.797605242876 [Volts]

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

The RFS 6PPXX45E is designed for global filtering applications associated with DTV television
transmission. It is a 6-pole filter incorporating two cross couplings to meet all mask requirements.

Very compact for easy integration into equipment.
Very low insertion loss (lowest for this size).
Highest power rating for size/class.
Tunable over full UHF band (470 ²MHz).
Adjustable bandwidth, available for 6, 7 & 8 MHz channels for global applications.
External, non-invasive coupling adjustment.
Tunable for ETSI and ISDB-T critical and non-critical, and ATSC applications.
-5 to 55 degree ambient temperature operation.

6PPXX45E Filter

Technical Features
Product Line Filters
Product Type Band IV/V (UHF) TV Bandpass Filter
Model 6PPXX45E
Filter Type 6 Pole with 2 cross couplings - 45 mm ground plane spacing
Input / Output Connector 7-16 DIN Female (Standard)

Dimensions mm (in) 183 x 122 x 150, (7.2 x 4.8 x 5.9)
Color Black
Weight kg (lb) 2.5 (5.4)

Cooling Natural air

Out-of-Band Emissions Mask DVB-T ETSI DVB-T ETSI critical Australia ISDB-T subcritical ISDB-T critical ATSC ATSC Stringent
Channel Bandwidths MHz 8 8 7 6 6 6 6

Frequency Range MHz 474-858 474-858 529.5-816.5 473-803 473-803 473-803 473-803

Input Power Rating kW 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.15

Output Power Rating kW 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.12 0.12

Insertion Loss at Fc dB <0.56 <0.67 <0.66 <0.87 <0.94 <0.9 <0.7

Attenuation at Fc dB <1.9 ± 3.8 MHz <3.5 ± 3.8 MHz <1.1 ± 3.2 MHz <3.25 ± 2.79 MHz <3.8 ± 2.79 MHz <1.7 ± 2.69 MHz <2.05 ± 2.69 MHz
>5.0 ± 4.2 MHz >13.0 ± 4.2 MHz >5.8 ± 3.7 MHz >8.0 ± 3.15 MHz >11.0 ± 3.15 MHz >1.3 ± 3.25 MHz >7.0 ± 3.25 MHz
>16.0 ± 6.0 MHz >24.0 ± 6.0 MHz >13.8 ± 5.25 MHz >24.0 ± 4.5 MHz >26.0 ± 4.5 MHz >3.4 ± 3.5 MHz >7.0 ± 3.50 MHz
>41.0 ± 12.0 MHz >42.0 ± 12.0 MHz >42.8 ± 10.5 MHz >50.0 ± 9.0 MHz >53.0 ± 9.0 MHz >40.0 ± 6.0 MHz >36.0 ± 6.0 MHz
>50.0 ± 9.0 MHz >36.0 ± 9.0 MHz
VSWR Average Across Carriers <1.1 <1.2 <1.1 <1.17 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1

Return Loss Average Across Carriers dB 26.4 20.8 26.4 22.1 20.8 26.4 26.4

Group Delay Variation ns <295 ± 3.8 MHz <495 ± 3.8 MHz <350 ± 3.33 MHz <475 ± 2.79 MHz <585 ± 2.79 MHz <150 ± 2.69 MHz <290 ± 2.69 MHz

Maximum Operating Temperature °C (°F) 80 (176)

Ambient Temperature Range °C (°F) -5 to 55 (23 to 131)
Maximum Temperature Rise °C (°F) 40 (104)
Freq Drift - Tx Operation kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)
Freq Drift - Ambient Temperature kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)

6PPXX45E SERIES REV: 01.4 REV DATE: 25 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 1 of 2

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

6PPXX45E response 6PPXX45E Filter Views

External Document Links Notes

Application guide ETSI DVB-T and T2
6MHz Australian attenuation specifications are WRT fc
Application Guide ETSI DVB-T and T2
Application guide ATSC 6MHz
Application guide ISDB_T 6MHz

6PPXX45E SERIES REV: 01.4 REV DATE: 25 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 2 of 2

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

The RFS 6PPXX45E is designed for global filtering applications associated with DTV television
transmission. It is a 6-pole filter incorporating two cross couplings to meet all mask requirements.

Very compact for easy integration into equipment.
Very low insertion loss (lowest for this size).
Highest power rating for size/class.
Tunable over full UHF band (470 ²MHz).
Adjustable bandwidth, available for 6, 7 & 8 MHz channels for global applications.
External, non-invasive coupling adjustment.
Tunable for ETSI and ISDB-T critical and non-critical, and ATSC applications.
-5 to 55 degree ambient temperature operation.

6PPXX45E Filter

Technical Features
Product Line Filters
Product Type Band IV/V (UHF) TV Bandpass Filter
Model 6PPXX45E
Filter Type 6 Pole with 2 cross couplings - 45 mm ground plane spacing
Input / Output Connector 7-16 DIN Female (Standard)

Dimensions mm (in) 183 x 122 x 150, (7.2 x 4.8 x 5.9)
Color Black
Weight kg (lb) 2.5 (5.4)

Cooling Natural air

Out-of-Band Emissions Mask DVB-T ETSI DVB-T ETSI critical Australia ISDB-T subcritical ISDB-T critical ATSC ATSC Stringent
Channel Bandwidths MHz 8 8 7 6 6 6 6

Frequency Range MHz 474-858 474-858 529.5-816.5 473-803 473-803 473-803 473-803

Input Power Rating kW 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.15

Output Power Rating kW 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.12 0.12

Insertion Loss at Fc dB <0.56 <0.67 <0.66 <0.87 <0.94 <0.9 <0.7

Attenuation at Fc dB <1.9 ± 3.8 MHz <3.5 ± 3.8 MHz <1.1 ± 3.2 MHz <3.25 ± 2.79 MHz <3.8 ± 2.79 MHz <1.7 ± 2.69 MHz <2.05 ± 2.69 MHz
>5.0 ± 4.2 MHz >13.0 ± 4.2 MHz >5.8 ± 3.7 MHz >8.0 ± 3.15 MHz >11.0 ± 3.15 MHz >1.3 ± 3.25 MHz >7.0 ± 3.25 MHz
>16.0 ± 6.0 MHz >24.0 ± 6.0 MHz >13.8 ± 5.25 MHz >24.0 ± 4.5 MHz >26.0 ± 4.5 MHz >3.4 ± 3.5 MHz >7.0 ± 3.50 MHz
>41.0 ± 12.0 MHz >42.0 ± 12.0 MHz >42.8 ± 10.5 MHz >50.0 ± 9.0 MHz >53.0 ± 9.0 MHz >40.0 ± 6.0 MHz >36.0 ± 6.0 MHz
>50.0 ± 9.0 MHz >36.0 ± 9.0 MHz
VSWR Average Across Carriers <1.1 <1.2 <1.1 <1.17 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1

Return Loss Average Across Carriers dB 26.4 20.8 26.4 22.1 20.8 26.4 26.4

Group Delay Variation ns <295 ± 3.8 MHz <495 ± 3.8 MHz <350 ± 3.33 MHz <475 ± 2.79 MHz <585 ± 2.79 MHz <150 ± 2.69 MHz <290 ± 2.69 MHz

Maximum Operating Temperature °C (°F) 80 (176)

Ambient Temperature Range °C (°F) -5 to 55 (23 to 131)
Maximum Temperature Rise °C (°F) 40 (104)
Freq Drift - Tx Operation kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)
Freq Drift - Ambient Temperature kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)

6PPXX45E SERIES REV: 01.4 REV DATE: 25 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 1 of 2

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

6PPXX45E response 6PPXX45E Filter Views

External Document Links Notes

Application guide ETSI DVB-T and T2
6MHz Australian attenuation specifications are WRT fc
Application Guide ETSI DVB-T and T2
Application guide ATSC 6MHz
Application guide ISDB_T 6MHz

6PPXX45E SERIES REV: 01.4 REV DATE: 25 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 2 of 2

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

The RFS 6PPXX45E is designed for global filtering applications associated with DTV television
transmission. It is a 6-pole filter incorporating two cross couplings to meet all mask requirements.

Very compact for easy integration into equipment.
Very low insertion loss (lowest for this size).
Highest power rating for size/class.
Tunable over full UHF band (470 ²MHz).
Adjustable bandwidth, available for 6, 7 & 8 MHz channels for global applications.
External, non-invasive coupling adjustment.
Tunable for ETSI and ISDB-T critical and non-critical, and ATSC applications.
-5 to 55 degree ambient temperature operation.

6PPXX45E Filter

Technical Features
Product Line Filters
Product Type Band IV/V (UHF) TV Bandpass Filter
Model 6PPXX45E
Filter Type 6 Pole with 2 cross couplings - 45 mm ground plane spacing
Input / Output Connector 7-16 DIN Female (Standard)

Dimensions mm (in) 183 x 122 x 150, (7.2 x 4.8 x 5.9)
Color Black
Weight kg (lb) 2.5 (5.4)

Cooling Natural air

Out-of-Band Emissions Mask DVB-T ETSI DVB-T ETSI critical Australia ISDB-T subcritical ISDB-T critical ATSC ATSC Stringent
Channel Bandwidths MHz 8 8 7 6 6 6 6

Frequency Range MHz 474-858 474-858 529.5-816.5 473-803 473-803 473-803 473-803

Input Power Rating kW 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.15

Output Power Rating kW 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.12 0.12

Insertion Loss at Fc dB <0.56 <0.67 <0.66 <0.87 <0.94 <0.9 <0.7

Attenuation at Fc dB <1.9 ± 3.8 MHz <3.5 ± 3.8 MHz <1.1 ± 3.2 MHz <3.25 ± 2.79 MHz <3.8 ± 2.79 MHz <1.7 ± 2.69 MHz <2.05 ± 2.69 MHz
>5.0 ± 4.2 MHz >13.0 ± 4.2 MHz >5.8 ± 3.7 MHz >8.0 ± 3.15 MHz >11.0 ± 3.15 MHz >1.3 ± 3.25 MHz >7.0 ± 3.25 MHz
>16.0 ± 6.0 MHz >24.0 ± 6.0 MHz >13.8 ± 5.25 MHz >24.0 ± 4.5 MHz >26.0 ± 4.5 MHz >3.4 ± 3.5 MHz >7.0 ± 3.50 MHz
>41.0 ± 12.0 MHz >42.0 ± 12.0 MHz >42.8 ± 10.5 MHz >50.0 ± 9.0 MHz >53.0 ± 9.0 MHz >40.0 ± 6.0 MHz >36.0 ± 6.0 MHz
>50.0 ± 9.0 MHz >36.0 ± 9.0 MHz
VSWR Average Across Carriers <1.1 <1.2 <1.1 <1.17 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1

Return Loss Average Across Carriers dB 26.4 20.8 26.4 22.1 20.8 26.4 26.4

Group Delay Variation ns <295 ± 3.8 MHz <495 ± 3.8 MHz <350 ± 3.33 MHz <475 ± 2.79 MHz <585 ± 2.79 MHz <150 ± 2.69 MHz <290 ± 2.69 MHz

Maximum Operating Temperature °C (°F) 80 (176)

Ambient Temperature Range °C (°F) -5 to 55 (23 to 131)
Maximum Temperature Rise °C (°F) 40 (104)
Freq Drift - Tx Operation kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)
Freq Drift - Ambient Temperature kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)

6PPXX45E SERIES REV: 01.4 REV DATE: 25 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 1 of 2

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

6PPXX45E response 6PPXX45E Filter Views

External Document Links Notes

Application guide ETSI DVB-T and T2
6MHz Australian attenuation specifications are WRT fc
Application Guide ETSI DVB-T and T2
Application guide ATSC 6MHz
Application guide ISDB_T 6MHz

6PPXX45E SERIES REV: 01.4 REV DATE: 25 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 2 of 2

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

The RFS 4PPX160E is designed for global filtering applications associated with DTV television
transmission. It is a 4-pole filter incorporating one cross coupling to meet global mask requirements.

Very compact for easy integration into equipment.
Very low insertion loss (lowest for this size).
Highest power rating for size/class.
Tunable over full UHF band (470 ²MHz).
Adjustable bandwidth, available for 6 & 8 MHz channels for global applications.
External, non-invasive coupling adjustment.
Tunable for ETSI, ISDB-T and ATSC applications.
-5 to 55 degree ambient temperature operation.

4PPX160E filter

Technical Features
Product Line Filters
Product Type Band IV/V (UHF) TV Bandpass Filter
Model 4PPX160E
Filter Type 4 pole with one cross coupling - 160mm ground plane spacing
Input / Output Connector 3-1/8" EIA UF Female (standard) 1-5/8" EIA UF Female, NAX39D, NAX77D, WX39D (optional)
Dimensions mm (in) 434 x 353 x 268 (17.1 x 13.9 x 10.6)
Color Black
Weight kg (lb) 24 (52.9)
Cooling Natural air
Out-of-Band Emissions Mask ISDB-T Combiner 6MHz Combiner 6MHz Combiner 8MHz
Channel Bandwidths MHz 6 6 6 8
Frequency Range MHz 470-710 470-806 470-806 470-862
Output Power Rating kW 5.0 6.7 5.0 5.0
Insertion Loss at Fc dB < 0.17 @ fc = 473 MHz < 0.16 @ fc = 473 MHz < 0.16 @ fc = 473 MHz < 0.16 @ fc = 473 MHz
< 0.22 @ f c= 707 MHz < 0.19 @ fc = 803 MHz < 0.19 @ fc = 803 MHz < 0.19 @ fc = 803 MHz
Attenuation at Fc dB < 0.42 @ fc ± 2.79 MHz > 30 @ fc ± 9.0MHz > 30 @ fc ± 9.0MHz > 30 @ fc ± 12 MHz
> 10 @ fc ± 4.0 MHz > 35 @ fc ± 15 MHz > 35 @ fc ± 15 MHz > 35 @ fc ± 20 MHz
> 15 @ fc ± 4.36-15.0
VSWR Average Across Carriers < 1.15 < 1.12 < 1.12 < 1.12
VSWR - Maximum Peak Across Carriers < 1.20 < 1.18 < 1.18 < 1.18
Group Delay Variation ns < 100 ± 2.79 MHz < 29 ± 2.69 MHz < 29 ± 2.69 MHz < 20 ± 3.8 MHz
Maximum Operating Temperature °C (°F) 80 (176)
Ambient Temperature Range °C (°F) -5 to 55 (23 to 131)
Maximum Temperature Rise °C (°F) 40 (104)
Freq Drift - Tx Operation kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)
Freq Drift - Ambient Temperature kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)

4PPX160E SERIES REV: 01.2 REV DATE: 09 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 1 of 2

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

4PPX160E response

External Document Links Notes


4PPX160E SERIES REV: 01.2 REV DATE: 09 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 2 of 2
Technical Data Sheet 6PPXX80E Series

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter.

Product Description
The RFS 6PPXX80E filter is designed for global filtering applications
associated with DTV television transmission. The filter is a 6-pole filter
incorporating two cross couplings to meet ETSI critical and non-critical mask
filtering requirements.

• Very compact for easy integration into equipment.
• Very low insertion loss for filter size, (lowest IL for this size).
• Highest power rating for size/class of filter, tested for 24kW peak power
(@10dB PAR, B=6MHz, fc-803MHz).
• Tunable over full UHF band (470 – 862 MHz)
• Adjustable bandwidth, available for 6, 7 & 8 MHz channels for global
• External, non-invasive coupling adjustment.
• Tunable for both ETSI critical and non-critical applications.
• 0 – 45 degree room temperature operation.

Model 6PPXX80E 6PPXX80E
Filter Type 6-pole 6-pole
Out-Of-Band Emissions Mask DVB-T ETSI non-critical DVB-T ETSI critical
Channel Bandwidth , MHz 8 8
Input Power Rating 474MHz, kW 1.7 1.35
Input Power Rating 858MHz, kW 1.35 1.1
Insertion Loss at fc 474MHz, dB < 0.32 < 0.4
Insertion Loss at fc 858MHz, dB < 0.4 < 0.5
Attenuation, dB < 1.4 ± 3.8MHz < 2.1 ± 3.8MHz
> 5 ± 4.2MHz > 13 ± 4.2MHz
> 16 ± 6MHz > 24 ± 6MHz
> 41 ± 12MHz > 42 ± 12MHz
VSWR averaged across carriers < 1.1 <1.2
Group Delay variation, nS < 270 ± 3.8MHz < 450 ± 3.8MHz
Weight, kg (lbs) 10 (21) -
All information contained in the present brochure is subject to confirmation at time of ordering

Width, depth, height cm (in) 16.5, 34.9, 36 (6.5, 13.7, 7.14) -

ETSI non-critical mask ETSI critical mask

R F S T h e C l e a r C h o i c e ™ 6PPXX series Date: 29.04.2010

Please visit us on the internet at Radio Frequency Systems

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

The RFS 6PPXX45E is designed for global filtering applications associated with DTV television
transmission. It is a 6-pole filter incorporating two cross couplings to meet all mask requirements.

Very compact for easy integration into equipment.
Very low insertion loss (lowest for this size).
Highest power rating for size/class.
Tunable over full UHF band (470 ²MHz).
Adjustable bandwidth, available for 6, 7 & 8 MHz channels for global applications.
External, non-invasive coupling adjustment.
Tunable for ETSI and ISDB-T critical and non-critical, and ATSC applications.
-5 to 55 degree ambient temperature operation.

6PPXX45E Filter

Technical Features
Product Line Filters
Product Type Band IV/V (UHF) TV Bandpass Filter
Model 6PPXX45E
Filter Type 6 Pole with 2 cross couplings - 45 mm ground plane spacing
Input / Output Connector 7-16 DIN Female (Standard)

Dimensions mm (in) 183 x 122 x 150, (7.2 x 4.8 x 5.9)
Color Black
Weight kg (lb) 2.5 (5.4)

Cooling Natural air

Out-of-Band Emissions Mask DVB-T ETSI DVB-T ETSI critical Australia ISDB-T subcritical ISDB-T critical ATSC ATSC Stringent
Channel Bandwidths MHz 8 8 7 6 6 6 6

Frequency Range MHz 474-858 474-858 529.5-816.5 473-803 473-803 473-803 473-803

Input Power Rating kW 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.15

Output Power Rating kW 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.12 0.12

Insertion Loss at Fc dB <0.56 <0.67 <0.66 <0.87 <0.94 <0.9 <0.7

Attenuation at Fc dB <1.9 ± 3.8 MHz <3.5 ± 3.8 MHz <1.1 ± 3.2 MHz <3.25 ± 2.79 MHz <3.8 ± 2.79 MHz <1.7 ± 2.69 MHz <2.05 ± 2.69 MHz
>5.0 ± 4.2 MHz >13.0 ± 4.2 MHz >5.8 ± 3.7 MHz >8.0 ± 3.15 MHz >11.0 ± 3.15 MHz >1.3 ± 3.25 MHz >7.0 ± 3.25 MHz
>16.0 ± 6.0 MHz >24.0 ± 6.0 MHz >13.8 ± 5.25 MHz >24.0 ± 4.5 MHz >26.0 ± 4.5 MHz >3.4 ± 3.5 MHz >7.0 ± 3.50 MHz
>41.0 ± 12.0 MHz >42.0 ± 12.0 MHz >42.8 ± 10.5 MHz >50.0 ± 9.0 MHz >53.0 ± 9.0 MHz >40.0 ± 6.0 MHz >36.0 ± 6.0 MHz
>50.0 ± 9.0 MHz >36.0 ± 9.0 MHz
VSWR Average Across Carriers <1.1 <1.2 <1.1 <1.17 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1

Return Loss Average Across Carriers dB 26.4 20.8 26.4 22.1 20.8 26.4 26.4

Group Delay Variation ns <295 ± 3.8 MHz <495 ± 3.8 MHz <350 ± 3.33 MHz <475 ± 2.79 MHz <585 ± 2.79 MHz <150 ± 2.69 MHz <290 ± 2.69 MHz

Maximum Operating Temperature °C (°F) 80 (176)

Ambient Temperature Range °C (°F) -5 to 55 (23 to 131)
Maximum Temperature Rise °C (°F) 40 (104)
Freq Drift - Tx Operation kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)
Freq Drift - Ambient Temperature kHz/°C(°F) <2 (1.2)

6PPXX45E SERIES REV: 01.4 REV DATE: 25 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 1 of 2

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter

6PPXX45E response 6PPXX45E Filter Views

External Document Links Notes

Application guide ETSI DVB-T and T2
6MHz Australian attenuation specifications are WRT fc
Application Guide ETSI DVB-T and T2
Application guide ATSC 6MHz
Application guide ISDB_T 6MHz

6PPXX45E SERIES REV: 01.4 REV DATE: 25 June 2017

All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 2 of 2
Europäisches Patentamt
(19) European Patent Office *EP001258941A2*
Office européen des brevets (11) EP 1 258 941 A2

(43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.7: H01P 1/205

20.11.2002 Bulletin 2002/47

(21) Application number: 02425250.4

(22) Date of filing: 22.04.2002

(84) Designated Contracting States: (71) Applicant: Comtech S.r.l.

Designated Extension States: (72) Inventor: Valenti, Daniele
AL LT LV MK RO SI 23018 Via Erbosta (IT)

(30) Priority: 18.05.2001 IT SO20010002

(54) Minimum order UHF TV coupled-cavities broadcasting filter

(57) UHF TV broadcasting band pass filter featuring with a sign reversal between the middle resonators, the
four cylindrical square-cavity resonators with general- filter end sections being coupled to the input and output
ized couplings and Cascade Quadruplet configuration connectors by means of adjustable rotating probes.
EP 1 258 941 A2

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 1 258 941 A2 2

Description needed to conveniently filter a television channel.

[0009] This invention consists of a filter made up of
[0001] This invention is a passive radio frequency four resonators only, and featuring all the requirements
(RF) filter with coupled cavities specifically conceived for perfect filtering of a television channel. The main ad-
for UHF TV broadcasting. 5 vantages of this invention are a reduction in loss with a
[0002] As is known, high-frequency low-loss filters are given resonator quality factor, a greater mechanical and
required by TV broadcasting systems in order to remove thermal stability, and a decrease in the size, weight and
any undesirable signal. cost of the device.
[0003] The latest television transmitters supplied with [0010] To do this, is required the realization of a gen-
solid-state AB Class amplifiers need accurate filtering 10 eralized coupling filter featuring perfectly symmetrical
of high-frequency-transmitted signals. Particularly, in frequency response and allowing for the correct placing
the case of common amplification of sound and vision of the attenuation poles at the desirable frequencies.
carriers (SC and VC) strong 3rd Order Intermodulation This makes it possible to exploit the typical response of
Products - whose analytical value is 2*f (VC)-f (SC) and such a filter not only as regards the increase in the tran-
2*f (SC)-f (VC) (IMD) - are generated through beat, and 15 sition slope but also in the very high rejection rate of the
are the most widespread and difficult to eliminate since two attenuation poles in correspondence with the fre-
they are quite close to the transmitted-signal-occupied quencies of the main interferences due to the above
band. Such undesirable interferences can be removed mentioned 3rd Order IMD.
by means of an output filter featuring specific selectivity [0011] The filter which is the subject of the invention
degrees concentrated on IMD frequencies. It was not by 20 requires high accuracy and symmetry in the frequency
chance that in the past there was wide use of filters response, and cannot be built by means of present-day
made up with band-stop resonators suitably tuned to the techniques.
interference frequencies. More recently, transmitter [0012] The solution to the problem has been found in
technology has focused its attention on solid-state AB an innovative configuration of the multiple couplings,
Class amplifiers, and the output filter requirements have 25 which virtually eliminates all parasitic couplings causing
become more demanding. distortion in the frequency response.
[0004] At present, the most commonly used filters are [0013] The following detailed description is aimed at
band-pass filters featuring at least six resonance cavi- explaining the functioning of this innovative filter, which
ties and requiring high quality factor resonators to limit is here presented in the preferred, but not necessarily
insertion losses. 30 definitive, configuration.
[0005] Alternatively, some filter configurations employ See the following Annexes:
four band-pass resonators with two extra resonators
acting as band stop. However, besides being quite Figure 1: Transparent view - Plan
bulky, these systems are not completely reliable as re- Figure 2: Transparent view - Side
gards adjustment and frequency response since they 35 Figure 3: Transparent view - Back
are not based on canonical electrical designs. Figure 4: Measured plot of a typical frequency re-
[0006] The Circuit theory has recently demonstrated sponse
that it is possible to improve classical analytical respons-
es (Chebyshev) by means of generalized schemes al- [0014] Of course, the synthesis of this device is based
lowing extra frequency attenuation poles in the re- 40 upon the latest microwave filter theories, which are not
sponse (R. Levy, "Filters with Single Transmission Ze- mentioned in this paper. In addition, the component size
roes at Real or Imaginary Frequencies", IEEE Transac- has been determined by making wide use of the best
tions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT- linear and electromagnetic simulation programs cur-
24, pp. 172-181, April 1976). A practical result of the rently available on the market.
above-mentioned theory is present-day high-selectivity 45 [0015] With reference to the Figures, the filter is made
filters such as those used in mobile telephony stations. up of four cylindrical brass resonators (1) placed in the
An example of this design technique can be found in: G. corresponding square cavities (2). Each resonator fea-
Macchiarella, "An Original Approach to the Design of tures a fixed part (3) and a mobile part (4). The mobile
Band-pass Cavity Filters with Multiple Couplings", IEEE part (4) is driven by means of a small steel rod (5) con-
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 50 trolled by a mechanical adjustment device made up of
vol. MTT-45, pp. 179-187, April 1976. a control clamp (6) placed on steel spacing bars (7).
[0007] The EP 1 045 470 A2 Patent describes a gen- The resonators are cascade-coupled by means of ad-
eralized filter according to classical configurations, the justable magnetic loops (8) placed between the cavities.
specific object of the invention being its peculiar capac- The main electrical section of the filter is uniquely de-
itive coupling which can be adjusted between resona- 55 signed in that it has a sign reversal in the mutual cou-
tors 2 and 5. pling of the two middle resonators.
[0008] In any case, as the state of the art demon- [0016] The opposite sign coupling between the sec-
strates, at least six coupled resonators are presently ond and the third resonators has been achieved follow-

3 EP 1 258 941 A2 4

ing an innovative technique by means of a capacitive symmetry and easy adjustment, and at the same time
bridge (9) supported by TEFLON insulators (10). This are characterized by greater general selectivity, which
coupling has been carefully dimensioned by means of makes them particularly suitable for future DVB broad-
3D Electromagnetic simulation in order to give coupling casting transmissions, which are currently under devel-
coefficients almost constant at all tuning frequencies. 5 opment. These transmissions employing digital coding
Fine adjustment is made possible though a concomitant require extremely selective broadcasting filters (Ref.
magnetic coupling (11), which, as is known, operates ETSI EN 300 744 V1.4.1)
with an opposite sign, thus reducing the effect of the
main electrical coupling until the desirable net effect has
been achieved. 10 Claims
[0017] Consequently, if compared to the usual config-
urations, the generalized coupling between the first and 1. UHF TV broadcasting band pass filter made up of
the fourth resonators is carried out in a dual way by four cylindrical square-cavity resonators with gen-
means of the adjustable magnetic loop (12). eralized couplings, characterized by a sign revers-
[0018] The end resonators are electrically coupled to 15 al between the middle resonators, the filter end sec-
the connectors (13) by a highly efficient technique which tions being coupled to the input and output connec-
has been carefully worked out and which employs ad- tors by means of adjustable probes with mechanical
justable probes (14) through connector rotation and rotation of the connectors.
The shape of all the parts used for adjustment has been 20 2. Band pass filter as described in Par. 1 above, char-
optimized by means of precise calculations and electro- acterized by the fact that the sign reversal in the
magnetic simulations so as to make coupling adjust- coupling between the middle resonators is carried
ment as easy as possible, with minimum variations with- out by means of capacitive coupling between the
in the design band. second and the third resonators, whose adjustment
[0019] Filter thermal stability is ensured by the use of 25 is obtained by a corresponding adjustable magnetic
special materials such as INVAR steel, as well as by ac- coupling.
curate calculations and simulations aimed at finding out
the optimum shapes of the resonance structures. 3. Filter as described in Par. 1 and 2 above, charac-
[0020] The whole device is held inside a screened terized by generalized coupling between the first
case made in sheet-brass. 30 and the fourth resonators, provided with adjustable
[0021] All internal parts of the filter are silver-plated in magnetic coupling.
order to improve its high-frequency characteristics.
[0022] The filter which is the subject of the invention 4. Filter as described in the above Paragraphs, char-
is particularly innovative as to adjustment simplicity and acterized by the fact that the accuracy of the ob-
response quality, thanks to the unique coupling config- 35 tainable response permits calibration perfectly suit-
uration. The electrical design of the invention permits able for the filtering requirements of analogue TV
precise adjustment with the generalized response atten- broadcasting, by placing the attenuation poles at
uation poles placed at the frequencies of the main inter- the frequencies of the main 3rd Order IMD.
ferences, corresponding, in the case of analogue trans-
missions, to the frequencies of 3rd Order IMD. In addi- 40 5. Filter as described in the above Paragraphs, char-
tion, global selectivity allowing for a reduction in desir- acterized by the fact that filtering requirements are
able emissions is ensured, according to all current reg- fulfilled with a four-resonator minimum order.
ulations worldwide.
[0023] The above-mentioned characteristics are
shown in Fig. 4, which shows the frequency response 45
of a typical channel adjustment.
[0024] Although the filter has been specifically de-
scribed with reference to a preferred configuration, it
can, obviously, undergo any change or variation within
the parameters of the invention. 50
[0025] A second-choice configuration will consist of a
six-resonance cavity filter, featuring a cascade-coupled
cavity in front of each input coupling.
[0026] In a third-choice configuration, the filter will
feature eight resonance cavities characterized by two 55
cascade-coupled cavities in front of each input coupling.
[0027] These two configurations still maintain the
main advantages of the first, such as perfect response

EP 1 258 941 A2

EP 1 258 941 A2

EP 1 258 941 A2

EP 1 258 941 A2

Technical Data Sheet PPXX200E Series

Band IV/V (UHF) PeakPower+TM bandpass filter.

Product Description
The RFS PPXX200E filter is designed for global filtering applications
associated with DTV television transmission. The filters are 6 or 8-pole
filters incorporating two cross couplings to meet ETSI critical and non-
critical mask filtering requirements.

• Very compact for easy integration into equipment.
• Very low insertion loss for filter size, (lowest IL for this size).
• Highest power rating for size/class of filter.
• Tunable over full UHF band (470 – 862 MHz)
• Adjustable bandwidth, available for 6, 7 & 8 MHz channels for global
• External, non-invasive coupling adjustment.
• Tunable for both ETSI critical and non-critical applications.
• 0 – 45 degree room temperature operation.

Model 6PPXX200E 6PPXX200E 8PPXX200E 8PPXX200E
Filter Type 6 Pole 6 Pole 8 Pole 8 Pole
Out-Of-Band Emissions Mask DVB-T ETSI non-critical DVB-T ETSI critical DVB-T ETSI critical DVB-T ETSI critical
Channel Bandwidth, MHz 8 8 8 6
Input power rating 474MHz, kW av. 6 6 6 5
Input power rating 858MHz, kW av. 5 5 5 4
Insertion Loss at fc 474MHz, dB < 0.2 < 0.24 <0.3 < 0.37
Insertion Loss at fc 858MHz, dB < 0.24 < 0.28 <0.37 < 0.45
Attenuation, dB < 0.7 ± 3.8MHz < 1.15 ± 3.8MHz < 1.25 ± 3.8MHz < 1.9 ± 2.85MHz
> 5 ± 4.2MHz > 13 ± 4.2MHz > 16 ± 4.2MHz > 15 ± 3.15MHz
> 16 ± 6MHz > 24 ± 6MHz > 27 ± 6MHz > 27 ± 4.5MHz
> 41 ± 12MHz > 42 ± 12MHz > 52 ±12MHz > 51 ± 9MHz
VSWR averaged across carriers < 1.1 < 1.2 < 1.1 < 1.11
Group delay variation nS < 270 ± 3.8MHz < 460 ± 3.8MHz < 590 ± 3.8MHz < 690 ± 2.85MHz

Model 6PPXX200E 6PPXX200E 8PPXX200E 6PPXX200E

Filter Type 6 Pole 6 Pole 8 Pole 6 Pole
Out-Of-Band Emissions Mask ISDB-T Brazil Sub Critical ISDB-T Brazil Critical ISDB-T Brazil Critical ATSC
Channel Bandwidth, MHz 6 6 6 6
All information contained in the present brochure is subject to confirmation at time of ordering

Input power rating 473MHz, kW av. 5.5 5.5 5.5 6

Input power rating 806MHz, kW av. 4.5 4.5 4.5 5
Insertion Loss at fc 473MHz, dB < 0.28 < 0.29 < 0.38 < 0.22
Insertion Loss at fc 803MHz, dB < 0.38 < 0.39 < 0.48 < 0.29
Attenuation, dB < 1.25 ± 2.79MHz < 1.35 ± 2.79MHz < 1.45 ± 2.79MHz < 0.5 ± 2.69MHz
> 8 ± 3.15MHz >11 ± 3.15MHz > 15 ± 3.15MHz > 1.0 ± 3.25MHz & >3.0 ± 3.5MHz
> 24 ± 4.5MHz > 26 ± 4.5MHz > 31 ± 4.5MHz > 40 ± 6MHz
> 50 ± 9MHz > 53 ± 9MHz > 61 ± 9MHz > 63 ± 9MHz
VSWR averaged across carriers < 1.17 < 1.2 < 1.11 < 1.1
Group delay variation nS < 400 ± 2.79MHz < 510 ± 2.79MHz < 590 ± 2.79MHz < 150 ± 2.69MHz
Width,depth,height, cm (in) 40.9,68.3,46.0 (16,27,18) 40.9,89.0,46.0 (16,35,18)
Weight, kg (lb) 40 (82) 50 (102)

Note 1 The RFS R series provides a "mix and match" interface to 50 Ohm EIA/IEC standard connectors.
Note 2 Operating room temperature 0 to 45 degrees C

Note 3 In the model name, "X" denotes single cross coupling and "XX" denotes dual cross coupling

R F S T h e C l e a r C h o i c e ™ PPXX200E series Date: 13.05.2010

Please visit us on the internet at Radio Frequency Systems

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