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GROUP: 201416_20





MARCH 14, 2018


The present work represents the study and application of concepts studied in the subject

referring Unit I (Identify and apply the basic tools for programming) of the Visual Basic


For the development of this activity were studied basic programming concepts in Visual

Basic and Tools most used in the programming language Visual Basic, along with a slight

handling of the tool in my workplace that made the theme of the unit was much more


1. Button Tool
Tool that allows us to create an object to perform interactions in the application. (For
example Save - Cancel).

The main properties of the button tool are:

Text: Allows you to place a text on the button.

Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text of the button will be observed.
Enabled: Status of the button, which allows to display the button in enabled or disabled
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the button in the application.
BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the button.
Cursor: This option allows selecting the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the button.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the text of the button.
Image: Property that allows you to place an image on the button.
TextAlign: Property that allows to align the text that the button takes.
Name: Property that allows you to assign a name identifier to the button.

Figure 1. Button tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

2. Label tool
Tool that allows us to create a text object to assign or visualize a text in the application.

The main properties of the tag tool are:

Text: Allows you to place a text on the label.

Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text of the label will be observed.
Enabled: Tag status, which allows to display the tag in enabled or disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the label in the application.
BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the label.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the label.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the text of the label.
Image: Property that allows you to place an image on the label.
Padding: Property that align the text that bears the label in the application.
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier to the tag.

Figure 2. Label tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

3. Text Box Tool

Tool that allows us to create an object to be able to enter information within the application.

The main properties of the Text Box tool are:

Text: Allows you to place a text in the Text Box.

Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the Text
Enabled: State of the Text Box, which allows to visualize the Text Box in enabled or
disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the Text Box in the application.
BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the Text Box tool.
Cursor: This option allows selecting the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the Text Box.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the Text Box text.
TextAlign: Property that allows to align the text inside the Text Box.
PasswordChar: Property that allows to encrypt the text of the Text Box in the application
(It is used for the password fields).
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier for the Text Box tool.

Figure 3. TextBox tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

4. Picture Box Tool

Tool that allows us to create an object to be able to add an image within the application.

The main properties of the Picture Box tool are:

BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the Picture Box tool.
Image: Property that allows you to fix an image in the Picture Box tool.
BorderStyle: Property that allows adding an edge style to the Picture Box.
Cursor: This option allows selecting the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the Picture Box.
ErrorImage: Property that allows you to set an error image in case the image does not load
for any reason.
SizeMode: property that allows you to adjust the image or not to the size of the Picture Box
Visible: Allows to visualize or not the Picture Box in the application.
Enabled: Picture Box status, which allows the Picture Box to be viewed in enabled or
disabled mode.
Location: Property that allows you to align the image inside the Picture Box tool.
Name: Property that allows you to assign a name identifier for the Picture Box tool.

Figure 4. PictureBox tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

5. Check Box Tool

Tool that allows us to select a box to perform validations within the application.

The main properties of the Check Box tool are:

Text: Allows you to place a text in the Check Box.

Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed inside the Check
Enabled: Check Box status, which allows the Check Box to be viewed in enabled or
disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the Check Box in the application.
BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the Check Box tool.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the Check Box.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the Check Box text.
Checked: Main property of the Checkbox, lets you know if you are or not checked.
CheckState: Property that allows you to place the state in which you want to start the
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier of the Check Box tool.

Figure 5. Checkbox tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

6. ComboBox tool
Tool that allows us to select a box to perform validations within the application.

The main properties of the ComboBox tool are:

Text: Allows you to place a text in the ComboBox.

Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the
Enabled: State of the ComboBox, which allows to visualize the ComboBox in enabled or
disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the ComboBox in the application.
BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the ComboBox tool.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is located above the ComboBox.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the text of the ComboBox.
DropDownStyle: Property that allows to visualize the ConboBox with in different styles.
FlatStyle: Property that allows to modify the design of the ComboBox.
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier of the ComboBox tool.

Figure 6. ComboBox tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

7. RadioButton tool
Tool that allows us to select a circle to perform validations within the application.

The main properties of the RadioButton tool are:

Text: Allows you to place a text in the RadioButton.

Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the
Enabled: State of RadioButton, which allows to visualize RadioButton in enabled or
disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the RadioButton in the application.
BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the RadioButton tool.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the RadioButton.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the RadioButton text.
Checked: Main property of the RadioButton, lets you know if you are or not checked.
CheckAlign: Property that allows to place the circle of the radiobutton in a specific
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier for the RadioButton tool.

Figure 7. RadioButton tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

8. NumericUpDown tool
Tool that allows us to select numerical values of the application.

The main properties of the NumericUpDown tool are:

Value: It allows to indicate the value in number from where the NumericUpDown tool will
Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the
Enabled: NumericUpDown status, which allows you to view the NumericUpDown in
enabled or disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the NumericUpDown in the application.
BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the NumericUpDown tool.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is located above the NumericUpDown.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the NumericUpDown text.
TextAlign: Property that allows you to align the number displayed within the tool
BorderStyle: Property that allows you to add an edge style to the NumericUpDown tool.
Name: Property that allows you to assign a name identifier for the NumericUpDown tool.

Figure 8. NumericUpDown tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

9. CheckedListBox tool
Tool that allows us to select a value from a checkeable list to perform validations within the

The main properties of the CheckedListBox tool are:

SelectionMode: property that allows to select one or more values in the CheckedListBox.
Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the
Enabled: CheckedListBox status, which allows to view the CheckedListBox in enabled or
disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the CheckedListBox in the application.
BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the CheckedListBox tool.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the CheckedListBox.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the text of the CheckedListBox.
CheckOnClic: Property that allows you to select the entire list with a single click.
BorderStyle: Property that allows to place a different border to the CheckedListBox tool.
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier of the CheckedListBox tool.

Figure 9. CheckedListBox tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

10. DateTimePicker tool
Tool that allows us to select a date (Day - Month - Year) within the application.

The main properties of the DateTimePicker tool are:

CalendarFont: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within
the DateTimePicker.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the DateTimePicker.
Enabled: Status of the DateTimePicker, which allows to display the DateTimePicker in
enabled or disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the DateTimePicker in the application.
MaxDate: Maximum date to where you can select this DateTimePicker Tool
MinDate: Minimum date from where you can select this DateTimePicker Tool
Value: It allows to indicate the data on date from where the DateTimePicker tool will start.
Format: Allows you to set the format in which the data will be displayed within this tool.
ShowUpDown: Allows adding the component to add or reduce values in the year field.
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier of the DateTimePicker tool.

Figure 10. DateTimePicker tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

11. LinkLabel tool

Tool that allows us to establish a reference link within the application.

The main properties of the LinkLabel tool are:

BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the LinkLabel tool.
ActiveLinkColor: Property that allows you to change the color (the link) when you
activate it.
BorderStyle: Property that allows to add an edge style to the LinkLabel.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is on top of the LinkLabel.
Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the
LinkColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the LinkLabel text.
Text: Allows you to place a text in the LinkLabel.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the LinkLabel in the application.
VisitedLinkColor: Allows you to set the color of the link, when you have already pressed
on it.
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier for the LinkLabel tool.

Figure 11. LinkLabel tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

12. ListView tool

Tool that displays a list of elements with icons.

The main properties of the ListView tool are:

BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the ListView tool.
BackgroundImage: Property that allows you to fix an image in the background of the
ListView tool.
Cursor: This option allows selecting the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the ListView.
Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the text of the ListView.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the ListView in the application.
BorderStyle: Property that allows adding an edge style to the ListView.
Activation: Allows you to assign the form of how you want the ListView to be activated.
LabelEdit: Allows you to validate whether or not the ListView data is allowed to be
Name: Property that allows you to assign a name identifier for the ListView tool.

Figure 12. ListView tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

13. ListBox tool
Tool that displays a list to enter text in the application.

The main properties of the ListBox tool are:

BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the ListBox tool.
Text: Property that allows adding text in the ListBox tool.
Cursor: This option allows selecting the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the ListBox.
Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the text of the ListBox.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the ListBox in the application.
BorderStyle: Property that allows adding an edge style to the ListBox.
ScrollBars: Allows you to set where the Scrollbar should be assigned in the List.
MaxLength: Allows you to validate the number of characters that you allow to be entered
in List.
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier of the ListBox tool.

Figure 13. ListBox tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

14. ProgressBar tool

Tool that displays a list to enter text in the application.

The main properties of the ProgressBar tool are:

BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the ProgressBar tool.
Maximun: Property that allows adding the maximum value to where the ProgressBar load
will arrive.
Minimun: Property that allows adding the minimum value from where the loading of the
ProgressBar will start.
Cursor: This option allows selecting the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the ProgressBar.
Step: Value that will allow to validate the value of the ProgressBar increase progress.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the ProgressBar value.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the ProgressBar in the application.
Enabled: Status of the ProgressBar, which allows you to view the ProgressBar in enabled
or disabled mode.
Style: Property that allows you to define the Style of how the values in the ProgressBar
will be completed.
Name: Property that allows assigning a name identifier for the ProgressBar tool.

Figure 14. ProgressBar tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.

15. MonthCalendar tool

Tool that allows us to select a calendar date (Day - Month - Year) within the application.

The main properties of the Monthcalendar tool are:

BackColor: Allows you to select the background color of the Monthcalendar tool.
ForeColor: Property that allows you to assign a color to the value of the Monthcalendar.
Cursor: This option allows you to select the type of cursor that will be displayed when the
"cursor" is above the Monthcalendar.
Font: Allows you to select the font with which the text will be observed within the
MaxDate: Maximum date to where you can select this Monthcalendar Tool
MinDate: Minimum date from where you can select this Monthcalendar Tool
Enabled: Status of the Monthcalendar, which allows to display the Monthcalendar in
enabled or disabled mode.
Visible: It allows to visualize or not the Monthcalendar in the application.
ShowToday: It allows to visualize the data of today in the Monthcalendar component.
Name: Property that allows you to assign a name identifier for the Monthcalendar tool.

Figure 15. MonthCalendar tool (March 14, 2018). Own elaboration.


The present work made it possible to identify the importance of the main tools of the Visual

Basic programming language, since it is very important to understand the states of the

components with their respective properties of said tools.

I thought the subject studied in this unit was very important, since in business environments

(Software Development Companies), they know how to use this type of programming

languages to design their projects.

The audiovisual material of the course was of great help for the understanding and

development of this work.

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