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Mianni Felix

Mrs. Brandenburg


October 12, 2020

Date Rape

What is date rape? And how has it evolved and effect those who been through the trauma

today? Recently the percentages of the “Date Rape” has risen tremendously. They are still

unsolved investigations, that still needs to be brought to justice. Many survivors are suffering

from the traumatic events that occurred. Yes, still to this day more and more are brought to

attention but seem as if they are none going investigation. These victims are drained mentally,

physically, and emotionally. They don’t want to be silent but don’t know what else to do. Date

rape is a non-consensual sexual activity. Like stated by everyone “:NO MEANS NO”. Date Rape

results in post-traumatic stress disorders, the #metoo movement and the survivors care for within

themselves and others.

Those who are victims of date rape don’t just walk away like some are very lucky to but

those who are survivors were heavily impacted in their daily lives. Firstly, once being through

the trauma it isn't easy as to going back to the person who a victim was before, many females and

males suffer. “Date Rape (DR) is a serious nut under-recognized public health problem that

affects female university undergraduates” (Ogunwale). Shown in a sample of 181 female

survivors have completed a survey that say they had resulted to, rape acknowledgement,

different types of depression symptoms, and even drug or alcohol use (Ogunwale). Depression

occurs to the range of 60-70% of people, depression has a variety in different levels (Ogunwale).
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That can cause health problems such as not eating or drug or alcohol use which can be terrible

for the body and can lead to possible overdose. Alcohol and drug use are more commonly done

because it helps are gives relief and feeling nothing giving that numbness. Leading up to, victims

that are most likely to result in post-traumatic stress disorder. “Some studies have suggested that

unacknowledged rape is associated with greater disability, psychopathology, and maladaptive

coping (e.g., Clements& Ogle, [5]).” (Wilson). These are few factors of post-traumatic stress

disorder. Many think that victims were only physically damaging, but, its mentally and

emotionally damaging. It has been proven that survivors can become psychopathology

neglecting the situation and it would be a type of coping. Having that secure wall built in their

head. While others do the self-coping, some result to another sadly. Finally, there are those who

suffer from eating disorder or even self-harm. “It is recommended that clinicians recognize the

role of the survivor beliefs, such as RMA, in the relationship between labeling sexual assault

experiences and mental health consequences. Alcohol use; depression; rape acknowledgment;

rape myths” (Wilson). Not many survivors are looked at or carefully observed of their reactions

after the actions took place. They may proceed to check for any evidence but not question the

victim themself. It's not just a physical issue but also an emotion and mental issue that needs to

be known and stated. Not an action that just happened and could simply move on without

furthermore observations. If no one is already noticing signs then, then how are reports of rape

being handled?

When it came to reporting these “Date rape” situations it did not bring attention to many,

law enforcements didn’t seem to give the acre of going on with the investigation which resulted

in the #metoo movement, which will be brought to attention in a bit. As many date rapes are

reported most of them are unbothered to even to go into investigation. “evidence so neglected it
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grew mold. Calls to authorities for help that went unanswered. Witnesses and victims who were

never interviewed. These are just a handful of the claims that sexual assault survivors are making

against law enforcement in court around the country.” (These rapes, lines 1-3). Imagine having

to go to the police to report the actions of rape and not having it being furthered investigated or

even brought to attention, where is the justice and peace in that. Survivors and victims' all over

would have to sue to get them to do their jobs, for them to be following up. While some

continued to ignore the situation, it was brought up once again called the Metoo Movement. In

addition, due to the lack of investigation it became a press where people were participating into

the Metoo Movement. It wasn’t a new problem or new program the founder is Tarana Burke and

her purpose was to get justice for herself and for the rapist to get what Harvey Weinstein

deserves (Gill, Imran). “Tarana began using the phrase “Me Too” in 2006 to raise awareness of

women who had been abused.” (Gill, Imran). Victims felt as if they were forced to be silent. Not

even having the law enforcements help which their purpose is to protect. No longer can trust or

rely on anyone so getting involved the Metoo Movement helped be heard. Many survivors did

express how they wanted their rapist to feel, the victim's pain and to hear what the rapist have

caused them. The purpose of the movement was for those who need help and need a voice is to

not feel alone. While some are coping by speaking but those who are rejected and kept to

themselves for example, there are those who blame themselves or see it in. another way to make

them believe they are still safe. “Instead, these survivors often use nonvictimizing labels, such as

describing the incident as “a miscommunication” or “bad sex” (Littleton, Axsom, Radecki

Breitkopf & Berenson, [26]). This phenomenon is called “unacknowledged rape” (Koss, [17]).

Although this isn't the best answer to resort, there are multiple ways to deal with the situation for

instants in this case blaming the survivor which can be what others say or from them the actual
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survivor just to keep a safe mindset to. make them feel as if that didn't just happen. Everyone

reacts differently not a perfect pattern every victim makes but whatever it is its valid for them to

react the way they do.

Some survivors have more effectiveness than others. Not just mentally, or emotionally

but physically changing. As stated, self-harm and eating disorder etc. What happens to those who

has to carry a child or finding that they are expecting. “This rape caused my first pregnancy and

this will haunt me for the rest of my life” (Woman huanted). This woman is only 21 and decided

she “had to take the baby out” knowing their risk to getting pregnant again (Woman haunted).

She had to suffer of giving up a child that she didn’t know of or wanted especially from a man

who impregnated her. While some survivors who went through what she did decide to do the

opposite and carry the child which are both very valid to their perspective. It's definitely a tough

one to go through or to even discuss the topic of. Secondly, what happens to those respond to

future relationships when that’s a very serious situation they went through. “After becoming a

victim myself and eventually seeking therapy, I couldn’t trust anyone, not even myself. Can the

society even imagine the feeling of not being able to trust yourself? I am still very mistrustful

and fearful. To understand why, I would have to revert back to the crime itself with some

common misconception.” (Relationship after sexual assualt). In the process in moving forward

in your life there will be a moment where a relationship will spark up. It can be very difficult,

why? Because how can someone form a relationship with another when the victim can’t or don’t

trust themselves or possibly care for themself. That was taken away from victims, the feeling of

free and confidence not thinking the worst. Lastly, survivors might be able to go pass through the

hard or toughest times but what about the flashbacks? “The trauma of being raped or sexually

assaulted can be shattering, leaving them feeling scared, ashamed, and alone or plagued by
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nightmares, flashbacks, and other unpleasant memories. The world doesn’t feel like a safe place

anymore.” (Wilson). “Getting vivid memories or even episodes flashbacks can be traumatizing.

trying to ignore it or even manage stresses the victim out which can result to staying quiet.”

(Recovering from, 1). This is very saddening to read knowing the suffer they go through as they

are trying to move on and better themself. Just because of the rapist taking advantage of an

innocent human being.

So, in conclusion, Date rape has affected many people, there is way more than feelings or

being physically abused, not many people understand and apparently most people don’t care to

bring attention to it. It is not just a simple crime or an action that took place to many of these date

rapes or how other people like to accuse the victim's “messy hookups” these are crimes that need

to be justified just as any other crime. The survivors might not or do show it but they are

screaming for help maybe not verbally saying it but. Their actions do show, actions can speak

louder than words. Not eating, attempting self-harm, or depression that’s a sign that is spoken.

Still to this day, is date rape continuing how are law enforcement dealing with it today well

numerous of people have spoken all over social media that has been seen by numerous of people

but the weird part is how it doesn’t seem to be an ongoing investigation. it can happen to anyone

at this point kids, family, friends, loved ones etc. Think about it, who can that be.
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Works Cited

Gill, Gurvinder, and Imran Rahman-Jones. "Me Too founder Tarana Burke: Movement
is not over." Me Too founder Tarana Burke: Movement is not over, 9 July
2020. Me Too Founder, Accessed 6 Sept.

Ogunwale, Akintayo Olamide. "A Qualitative Exploration of Date Rape Survivors'

Physical and Psycho-Social Experiences in a Nigerian University." A
Qualitative Exploration of Date Rape Survivors' Physical and Psycho-Social
Experiences in a Nigerian University, 14 May 2015,

Relationship after Sexual Assault. 5 Aug. 2012. Relationship after Sexual

Accessed 7 Oct. 2020.

These Rape Victims Had to Sue to Get the Police to Investigate. 23 May 2019.
These Rape Victims Had to Sue to Get the Police to Investigate,
Accessed 6 Oct. 2001.

Wilson, Laura C., et al. "The Impact of Rape Acknowledgment on Survivor

Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Rape Myth Acceptance." Journal of
Clinical Psychology, vol. 74, no. 6, June 2018, pp. 926–939.
EBSCOhost, doi:10.1002/jclp.22556.

"Woman 'haunted' by first-date rape, pregnancy and abortion." Age [Melbourne,

Australia], 23 Sept. 2016, p. 8. Gale In Context: College,
Accessed 5 Oct. 2020.

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