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In this course we are using ePortfolios. What are some advantages of this format for a portfolio?

What are
some drawbacks?

There are many benefits in presenting you portfolio electronically rather than physically. One of the main
benefits is how you can insert hyperlinks and picture to make it easy to go to different assignments and locations
around your portfolio. In a physical portfolio you would need to do a lot more work to figure out where you need to
go when a certain period of time or assignment is being talked about. Another advantage of an electronic portfolio is
how creative you can be. With the help of using electronics the ability to design your portfolio to look how you want
has become much easier. You can add images and different themes while allow you to “Think about what layout and
design will present your work most effectively.” (Lunsford 55) On the other hand, the main downside that an
electronic portfolio is that there could be a learning curve to assembling the portfolio. Depending on what software
of website is being used will determine how hard it is to learn how to assemble the portfolio the exact way you want
it to achieve the portfolios goal. In some situations, this issue may be a benefit if a person enjoys making projects on
the computer or electronically rather than using their hands to make the portfolio physically.

At this stage, how do you think you will organize your ePortfolio? Have you already begun to create your
webpage? What multimedia would you like to integrate?

At this stage I have not started to work on assembling my ePortfolio. My main problem will be deciding
which platform I will use to create my ePortfolio. I have used both Weebly and google sites on two different
circumstances each so those are my top two choices. I had to use Weebly in my high school history classes two
different years for national history day and I had to use google sites two different years for my design thinking
classes. Lunsford’s tip to “make sure you understand exactly what is to go into the portfolio and how it is to be
organized” will be the number one thing helping me figrue oput which program to use. I feel like once I decided
which program to use then I will be able to easily pump out my portfolio. On the other hand, I have not thought
about what type of multimedia I would like to integrate into my portfolio.

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