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Meaghan Barrett

James Davis
HLAC 1540
STOP Practice

STOP stands for stop (come to stillness), take a breath, observe, and proceed. What I

thought about when I heard about the stop acronym is that this is great practice for when you

are being overwhelmed by stressful situations or if we do get lost in thoughts about the future

and the possible outcomes that may occur. By stopping and paying attention to the now, we

are able to really see what needs to happen. While watching the video, I thought about

meditation and how similar these two are to each other. They both want to direct our thoughts.

After the video, I felt more relaxed and I would be able to keep going and doing what I need to

do. This process is not easy, but I think that it is a good procedure to help get rid of unnecessary

stress and direct our thoughts to the present.

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