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ENC 1102
Alexander Mooney

1. What were the most significant comments you made on a peer’s paper? Summarize in
2-3 sentences.
a. Of my group only one of my groupmates shared their bibliography and they only
had one source cited so I was a little limited on what I could comment on. For the
one source I was able to review I tried to explain my thoughts as I went through it
such as what was helpful in understanding their topic and what was confusing to
understand. Examples of these were saying how they were able to provide a
good topic sentence that set up the rest of their paragraph and mentioning that
providing two definitions for sports sciences made it a little confusing and
2. What were the most helpful comments you received from your peers? List 3 and explain
a. I was only given three different comments across all three of my citations. For the
comment on the first citation it was to focus on the vague positives, but did
mention how I needed to talk about writing style more within the first citation. In
the second citation I wasn't given any information except that it was a great
source that I picked and that my second paragraph was put together well. The
third comment was probably the most helpful since it mentioned that overall the
bibliography made sense and wasn’t that confusing, but also mentioned that the
main thing I was missing was talking about the different authors writing studies.
3. What were the least helpful comments you recieved? Why do you feel they weren’t
helpful and what could your peer do to improve their feedback?
a. I did not end up getting that many comments across my citations. Overall I did
not find these comments that helpful since they were too positive. In our readings
we read about how when we are peer reviewing we do need to mention the good
things, but when that makes up most of what you comment on it doesn’t become
that useful or helpful. It would have been helpful if my groupmate could have
been a little more brutal in the commenting and actually pointed out flaws within
my citations so I could know how to improve my writing..
4. What changes would you make to your own feedback (“feedforward”) if given another
chance? How will you implement these changes for the next peer-review activity?
a. I wish I would have had more sources to review since the one source I was given
was straightforward to me since it was on a similar topic to my sources. If we
were to ever do peer reviewing again I hope I can use that next time to improve
on my peer reviewing skills.

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