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Aaron Raboi

October 9, 2020
ENC 1102
Walter Bunker

1. What were the most significant comments you made on a peer’s paper? Summarize in 2-3
a. Since no one in my peer review group shared their formal proposals I was not
able to make comments on their papers. Luckily one of my classmates managed to
peer review my proposal so I could complete part of this assignment. I would
have loved the ability to improve my peer review skills.
2. What were the most helpful comments you received from your peers? List 3 and explain
a. Overall a majority of the comments I got had to do with formatting, but the most
helpful comment I received had to do with splitting up my design and
methodology into more paragraphs to make it easier to read. The only other two
comments I received was about making sure that each header for a different
section was on a different page to make it easier to understand and follow along.
3. What were the least helpful comments you recieved? Why do you feel they weren’t
helpful and what could your peer do to improve their feedback?
a. Overall the comments I received were helpful when it came to formatting the
proposal, but it would have been nice to get some comments on the information.
A comment on whether or not the design and methods were easy to read and
understand would have been very helpful. Since my peer reviewer was asked to
review my proposal last minute I do not fault him for some lacking comments. If
my original peer review group members managed to review my paper I would
have hoped they would focus more on the information within the writing.
4. What changes would you make to your own feedback (“feedforward”) if given another
chance? How will you implement these changes for the next peer-review activity?
a. Since I was not able to review anyone's work I do not have the ability to look
back at the feedback I gave and see how I would change it. If I was able to review
some work I would have focused on the information my peers used especially
within the design and methodology section.

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