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Eric Lynch

Conference 1 Memo
ENC 1102

Prior to the conference, I was curious about what exactly the kind of sources that we
could use for our major assignment(Would I be able to use newspapers, pictures, blogs,
first-hand accounts, etc?), but after having the conference, it became clear that the types of
sources that could be used were scholarly articles and other second hand sources.
Also, during the conference, while I did not happen to have any questions that were
related to the major assignment itself, I did happen to have a question that pertained to the
class structure. In short, I basically asked, “How was the structure of the class different before
the pandemic and after the pandemic?” From that I learned more about exactly what we were
supposed to do(and what we would’ve done) in the class time where we didn’t have a lecture.
Overall, the conference gave me a little more confidence about where I am in the writing
process of the major assignment. I felt like I had already had a good basis on the topic and that
now I knew that I should go ahead and continue to research the topic(amusement/theme parks)
using the newly found resources(which are talked about in the next paragraph) in order to help
with the major assignment.
I would say that the most important thing that was taken away from the conference was
that UCF has many resources available to me to discover and use. From online and in person
databases, professors at the Rosen College of Hospitality, and materials that were written by
the students themselves.

Word Count: 260

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