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Artifact 2:

 Document Interpretation:What Revival of Religion is 

 This Primary Source was lectures by Charles Finney that were recorded and published in the
New York Evangelist. It was originally requested by Reverend Joshua Leavitt and were
extremely well received by the public. Charles Finney was a Presbyterian minister and was most
known as one of the leaders of the Second Great Awakening in the United States. This document
really goes in depth and explains exactly how to make religion appealing to those who are
considered 'heathens'. During this time there were a lot of people in the United States who simply
did not believe in a god, "And precisely so far as our own land approximates to heathenism..". he
then goes into his reasoning as to why he believes more people are not religious. They are afraid
to be mocked and made fun of by their companions whom do not believe in god. His whole
appeal to those whom are trying to spread the ways of religion is to emphasize that they need to
make people excited, "Such persons never will give up their false shame, or relinquish their
ambitious schemes, till they are so excited that they cannot contain themselves any longer." His
biggest fear within the society was that It would continue to fall in the category of a heathen
nation. He preaches that the way that they have been trying to express religion by the past within
education was faulty because it was not in a way that would appeal to those who were not
religious and it was not making much of a change.  
 I believe his reference to excitement is such a bigger idea than just simply being excited by
something. In understanding this you have to understand that this document was written to ignite
the 'revival' of religion. This is insinuating that religion in America is already so uncommon
amongst the people and you have to take in account exactly why it has gotten to this point. There
are so many other activities/beliefs   in the world that are more exciting and stimulating to the
people rather than religion. These things are so exciting that they distract people from the way of
god. This is an observation that Finney has made and that is why he references to this
'excitement' so much. He wants to make religion exciting for people because that is what god has
intended for it to be. Other ministers could be afraid or turned away from this concept because it
is not traditional. In the beginning of the paragraph Finney states "The attempt is now making to
do it by education, and other cautious and gradual improvements. But so long as the laws of
mind remain what they are, it cannot be done in this way."  This is acknowledging that what has
been going on and what has been said already is not working and they need to find a new
approach. From my own knowledge on religion the one thing I know is that they are very set in
their values and ways so him even saying this could anger the ministers because it is saying they
are wrong. 
Overall, this source made such an impact and truly did ignite a sort of curiousness within
people because it was received so well. This document was the start to such a movement. As we
learn in chapter 13.1, there were so many 'religious' affiliated ways of life that came up. People
became excited again they started societies, movements, and so many other things. This
Document relates to all of that because it really ties in that at the end of the day you can't just
preach, you have to analyze what you are up against and make it enticing so people will want to
Charles G. Finney, What a Revival of Religion Is
13.1 An Awakening of Religion and Individualism

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