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Jakarta, 3 July 2008


HRD Mr / Ms Personnel




I, the undersigned below :

Name: Ade Fitra Kurnia

Place / date of birth: Jakarta, April 7, 1987

Address: Cempaka Warna Rt 008/04 No 24 Central Jakarta, 10510

Phone Number: (021) 4211482 / (021) 99822449

In connection with the recruitment of employees at the company you lead, I intend to submit a cover letter so that you can
work at the place you lead, for your consideration, I attach the following files:

1. List of CVs

2. Photocopy of KTP

3. Photocopy of diploma and final transcript

4. Student certificate from BSI (D3)

5. Photocopy of computer certificate (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

6. Passport photo size 3X4 (1 sheet)

Thus I made this application letter, I hope to be able to work in the place that I thank you.

Best regards,

Ade Fitra Kurnia

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