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Macaroeg, Kim Andre ¢. Ow ". Dererming tine monthty Consumer Price IndexCCPl) of the Philippines ftom Jon +> Noy 2020 Explain hat + indicates for the Change Slonuary 2020 CPE 29% The heavily - weighted food and non-oleoholic veverages index , which tegistered an annual incrémenr of 2.2 perent, primarily Gontributed to the uptrend oF Inflation iq January 2025. eemZ. 6 75 The downtrend In the nflation was mainly Jerought albout by Slower annual increase IN the heavily = weighted ood and { Giza ing the inonth- _ bevermges yen 2.| percent during mth Macaraecg Kin Andre S tf 4pn\ 2020 CPL. 2.2% Contriiauting to the downtrend in ‘he headline inflation in Apri{ 2020 was the further decréace In the annual rate of transport index at 6-| percent This was the lowest inflation recoretedl 17 this grour‘s WOE was frei) Cauece (ay aire Sn) ae" In) ihe inflation for the heavily — Weighed food and non-alcoholic: peverages which ease at an annua) Tote OF 1-S percent during he yneinth from \@ percent ne fleviow. monn: 4 overall inflation Was inflation OF the ges OF 2.| Per Macaraeg, Yin Andre S$ 4fq- Dbct down AGEN chock marker and indeX as of vem of Dec 10,2020 Steck Marker Index Value FISE All- Share IDX composite 3B, 708.98 FISE /ASEAN 40 FICE ASEAN Al) Macaraeg: Kim Ande S. 3. Cetect 10 tial puolic offering CIPO) on PEF Storing trem Noy 1 2020. indicating Sugyect, company Name ancl Listing cate Bigect Plt Resorts Group Holdings , ne. Snare ~for-crare swap - Adatitional Listing, Company Name * : Pit Resorts Group Holdings , Inc Listing Date Nov 0%, 2020 i Macaraeg, tim Andre S$. A San Wiguel Corporation’. Folon on Public OF OF Series 2-K~ Prefered Moves - Pretirinary Terms and cenditions Company Nome Gan miguel Corporation Listimy date: Nov Wl, 2020 Subject Cugject Worertrom Philippines, tn Listing Wacoraeg, Yim Anate Cc. # Subject GINA Holding Ino - edu Receipts (POR) Company Name” BWA Holdings MC licting date’. Nov 25 , 2020 on and Monitontig Of Philippine Pepesit” uaject a Pit Resorte Group teldings \nc : Follew-eN Public _ Offering, Commission : Comeany Name * PH Resorts Group Holdings Inc Listing date Macaraeg, Kim Anare S 4 Lust (argect 1S Companies 19 ihe Philippines Ly Market capitalization Indicate company , inarect capitalization ase traamg price and so oF Snares, Company Worket capitalization Last faded price. No-oF- shares 4. Manulife |, @84,%61,209, 060 925.00 1, 922, 433, 626 Financial Corg : 2. SN) Investments 1,146,160, 786, 931 corp. 5. Sun Life 1,\44, 78, 895, LAO Finawdal inc- 4-SM fame Holaings , INC . BPO Univant nc 993-00 1,204, 602, B6T s Nacraeg, Yr Andre 9 company tz. Pritypine Long Distance, Teeqnone, 32S, Gb /49D/'2S 1,

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