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TPACK Template

Online Synchronous

Subject Health

Grade Level Grade 10

Learning 10.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of health

Objective concepts, behaviors, and skills that reduce health risks and
enhance the health and wellness of self and others throughout
life. Key concepts/skills include

B) the effects of tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, and other drug use

Online Students will log into a zoom meeting I prepared. Everyone

Activity will be muted and chat in the group chat with me and their
peers. I will email each student individually the zoom link
and password. I will give a five-minute window for everyone
to log in and join the zoom meet and I will have a question
ready for the students in the chat while they wait. The
question will be how can drug usage ruin a person in the
group chat. I would then give a hint by saying give some
examples about their social life, family, friends, and

After the five minutes, I will pull up a YouTube video that

explains the effects of drugs alcohol and tobacco. They will
then have six minutes to discuss some important facts with
their usual table groups we have in class through the private
group chats I made that I will be able to check. After that I
will send them a link in the chat. It is about the nerve
endings and how important it is to always be careful as once
your under the influence we become a huge threat as we
are not ourselves mental or physically.

I will then share my screen to a NIDA online activity book.

We will do pages two – five together. I will let the students
talk to me through the chat and if they have a certain
question, they can unmute themselves to ask at any time.
Once the activity is done, I will then show my students the
website Canva and give them a quick tour of how to use it. I
will then tell my students that they will use Canva to make a
poster on drug awareness for homework. I will also include
that this poster needs to be school friendly and be able to
be up in a classroom. I will then show them a poster of drug
awareness that I made as an example. I will let each of the
students share their posters in google slides to let them see
what their classmates have made. Students will have access
to the google slides as I emailed the link with the zoom


Technology Youtube Video Introduction
Nerve signaling stimulation

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