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Hammurabi’s Code Discussion Sheet 

Group Discussion Roles:

-- Leader​: Helps facilitate the discussion and encourages others to share their opinion.
-- Time-Keeper​: Keeps the group on task
-- Notetaker​: Records the ideas shared in the group by typing in the Google Doc.
-- Reporter​: Summarizes your group’s discussion to share with the whole class.

Phrases to use during discussions:

● What is your opinion, ___________.
● Do you agree with __________’s opinion? Why or why not?
● Let’s go on to another point.
● Next, let’s talk about…

*Remember to be ​respectful ​of others ideas and use ​evidence ​from your sources to back up
your points.

Essential Question:
What are the lasting effects of the Hammurabi Code in our world today?

Questions to Discuss:
1. What about Hammurabi’s Code surprised you the most?

2. Are laws necessary in society? What makes a law good and just?

3. How is this Code similar or different to other sets of rules, such as the 10
Commandments and the Bill of Rights?

4. How would you change Hammurabi’s Code if we were to use it in our country today?

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