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My neighborhood

My neighborhood is called Florencia, is located north of town, near there is a shopping mall called
Portal 80, there is a cinema and a lot stores. My house is in front of the bus stop, so I don’t have
problems with transportation. There is a school Nydia Quintero behind my building. There is a park
located in the corner between street 75 and street 89 to go for play my cousins. My neighborhood
is a beautiful there are some stores near. My apartment is located between park Florencia in the
corner of the race 90 and school Nydia Quintero in the corner of the street 75.

To get to my house from the nearest bus stop the Race 90, down the race 90 in the corner turn left
and immediately turn right down race 89b, in the street 75 is in front is my house.

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