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It's all Greek to rne.

2 lfrm Write these words. They all have silent consonants.

2 lN Read the telephone conversation between two
friends and transcribe A's lines. Add punctuation to
I /saran'trfik/ scientific
6 I'nattmee/
nightmare make the meaning clear.
2 /saI'koleõ3rst/ psychologist
7 lklatml

3 /'hansem/ handsome
8 /'grenfo:õe/ grandfather

4 /rfsi:tl receipt 9 l'wenzder/ Wednesday

5 /'krrsmes/ Christmas 10 /ko:m/ calm

2 JIEZI Limericks are short poems with a distinctive rhythm.

The lin--s rhyme AABBA. tanscribe the lines written in
phonetics in these tu,o limericks.

A rare old bird is a pelican
His /bi:k ken heold mc: õan z beli ken/
His beak can hold more than its belly can
What are you doing at the weekend?
He/ken terk m h:zbi,W
He can take in his beak B decidedyet.
I haven't

/m,rf fu:d fer e wi:k/

A /wre geurq te s\otlend dir, *on".,krrrn tu:/?
We're going to Scothland, do you wanna come too?
enough food for a week

And I'm damned if I know how üe hellhe can!

B staying?
4 A
I'd love to. Where are you
/wiv dIsärdrd te kamp n^n ev rrs ken efc:d te per

fere hei-rteV
: We've decided to camp, non of us can afford to pay for a hotel

There was a young lady from Twickenham .::'

B Camping in Scotland in october! Yoüll be freezing
Whose llvzwe tu: taIt te wc:k kwft rn õem/ A /noo wi weunt wiv got strn4 tents lots ev wc:m
shoes were too tight to walk quick in them
kleoz'en Ork s1i:pr4 bngzl
She came back from a walk No, we won't. We've got strong tents, lots of warm clothes and thick sleeping bags.

/lokI1 warte õen tJc:k/

looking whiter than chalk B Have,you checked,the weather forecast?
,t A wi hev end fts.pnti wc:m fer okto<-rbe/
And she /tok õem beoO of end wez slk m õom/ ,t + lev kc:s
took them both off and was sick in them Of course we have, and it's pretty warm for October.

B OK then. It'll be quite an adventure!

Unitl0 ' Riskinglifeand limb 6 A /ekselent aIl tel õLlõez õell bi drlarted wrel,prk
jt_i np et sIks on fraIder si: ju õen godbar/

Excellent! I'll tell the others, they'll be delighted. We'll pick you up at six on Friday.

See you then, goodbye.

B Bye!

Exercises from: soars, L., Soars, J. & Wheeldon, s. (2005). New Headway upper-
Intermediate workbooft. oxford: oxford University Press.
' Foreverfriends 63

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