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APPENDIX FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES OF VACUUM TUBES The mejor dynamic operating chorocterisics of a vacuum tube can be ‘xprosred in terme of the emplifcation factor (y), the dynamic plate Feritonce (re and the fronsconductonce (gel. When they ere known, {quantitative calculations may be mode of tube performance under ‘many conditions, ‘There propertir are interrelated os follows bate oe The amplification factor is defined os the ratio of a small change In plate voltage to corresponding change in grid veltoge necessary to keep the plate curent constant ‘Thene AES = 4 AE Tho dynamic plate resistance (rg) moy be defined os the ratio of © small change in plate voltage 10" corresponding small ch ite curcent produced, with grid voltage remaining constont Fetente the resistance between cathode end plate 40 alternating current The trans Jctance (go) is he ratio of @ change in plate current with respect to a change in grid vollage when the other valloges ‘amein constant. The oni of transconductance i the mho (ohm spelled backward), but ox this is © large wnt for application fo vacwm tubes, the one millonth part of @ mho, or umho, is generally used. Direct Interelectrode Capacitances ore measured in vacuum tubes rather then total capacitances which are the sum of wo or more direct ‘epacitancess0 tht thee effect on cvevit operation may be estimated. Ite standard practice to connect oll metal pats except input and ‘otherwise specified. These Potts include external and internal shields, bese sleeves, used pins, Se, but do ot include inactive seclons} of multiplex tubes—these tre comected to ground. TABLE OF CONNECTIONS OF ELECTRODES OF TUBE SECTIONS FOR MEASURING DIRECT INTER- ELECTRODE CAPACITANCES Fsiaion [Fes ad Gide [oar Paesveat,| beerodea ck * | Sea | SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 1 TABLE OF CONNECTIONS OF ELECTRODES OF TUBE SECTIONS FOR MEASURING DIRECT INTER- ELECTRODE CAPACITANCES Useful References IRE 7. S1Stondords on Electron Tuber: Definition of Terms, 1950 ‘ASA C60.6-1952 ond RETMA ET-109A. Direct Inerelecode Co- poxitonce, Mecsurement of ‘ASA.C60.5-1952 ond IRE7.$2_ Electron Tubes, Methods of Testing VACUUM TUBE RATINGS A the present time, there are two genercl types of ratings wed In the Reld of receiving type vacuum tubes. These ratings are notmally feferred 10 a2 Design Center and Absolute Maximum raings. Car mercial receiving types nermelly carey @ Design Center rating, while ‘government and some specil purpose types may carry an Absolute Meximum ring, ‘A rating so statement giving the lnting valve of@ tube paremeter ‘beyond which tha performance and or ife ofa tobe willbe del cusly affected; orits « statement giving the velue of « tube para: Imeter under certoin operating conditions In the Design Center systom, tho maximum rating is based on the performance of @ homogeneous [ot (ot center supply volage) of tubes ‘Sperating 20 that a tube having centered characterises wil be run tho roted maximum. Ths, of course, means tht some tuber wil be ‘operating under the voting while others wil be operating above the fating. The data substanioting the rating must, of course, include all tubes from the minimum to the maximum. Providing the circuit pore- meters ore 20 cdonted os to omure thot the cverage tube docs not txceed the allowable moximum under nominal line conditions, soit: factory tube life may, in general, be expected. For more detailed information, see RETA Engineering Stondard 8-210, ‘The Absolute Maximum system makes no allowance for the nor= mmol spread of tube characterises ond merely states that under no reumstonces should ony fube exceed the rating. Ths puts the burden ‘of proof on the circuit designer to make certain that the maximum it not exceeded for ony lube under any circumstance, Vecwum tube specications set forth the allowable characteristic spreeds and inspection instructions, of which the best known are the Iiltary services’ MILEIB specications for JAN tubes. The most de firable stvotion would be one where each Mbe was tested in all oppi- Cations ond eccepted or rejected upon is eperaioncl function. As this Is imposible, he tbe is tested Yo e apecieation which, fo the spec: fication engineers bes! knowledge, will essure satisfactory perform tonce in the mejorty of epplications and i ll realistic fram @ Nbe production standpoint. Useful References RETNA Engineering Standard M8-210, RETNA Engineering Standard ET-107: Test Methods ond Procedures for Radio Recelving Tubes IRE 7. $2 Standards on Electron Tuber: Methods of Testing, 1950. 2 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES VACUUM TUBE RATINGS FOR TELEVISION ‘APPLICATIONS Television receiver sweep cre requice castes of tube operation ‘ond retings uncommon fo other application. These ratings ond thelr telationship to the ratings extablihed for Class A operation are oulined below. 1, HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION AMPLIFIERS {a} Maximum DC Plate Voltage. This rating is generally ex: preted a5 the sum ofthe de power supply voltage and boos! voltage. {(b} Maximum Pook Positive Pulse Plate Voltage. Tht rating is hosed on actual voltage breakdown considerations ot the frequency, duty cycle and supply impedances of the horizontal ‘amplifier stage. Ths volves expressed es on absolote maximum. @ imum Peak Negative Pulse Plate Voltage. This rating lended fo protect the Wube from failure cavied by plate femission ct the time the plate swings negative with respect to cathode. () Maximum Peak Negative Grid No. 1 Voltage. The peak negative grid No. 1 voltage rating s based upon grid to eath- ‘ode leakage comiderations ond application requirements () Maximum Plate Dissipation. The mexinum plote dissiption rating is determined on the same basis vied for establishing the plate isipetion rating for Clas A service. The measurement of plate dsspotion when the tube ir ured os a horizontal deflec- ion emplifer Is difficult. Comparison methods ere considered ccceptable. Comparison methods are defined as those in which the temperature ofthe plate oro Factor which i @ fonction of the tomperoture of the plate is frst measored operotionlly. ‘The plate disipation is then determined by the sttie power Input to the plate necessory 10 duplicate temperature, of other factors 19 measured holding other elements and ambient tem peratre ot the operational value (f) Maximum Average Cathode Current. This rating is bated on 2 some considerations at thore used in establishing the moxi- mom average cathode current for Class A service. (g} Moximum Peak Cothode Current. This rating so multiple of the average cathode current rating, based on application re virements, wih due consideration given to cathode capabilities tthe typical duty eyele ond the repetition rate encountered in ths service. (8) Maximum Grid No. 1 Circuit Resistance. The value of Grid No. 1 circuit resistance is based upon the requirements of the pplication and liitations of the tobe with rexpect to gas ond ‘Fd emision IN, VERTICAL DEFLECTION AMPLIFIERS {0} Maximum DC Plate Voltage. The maximum dc plate voltage roting it determined on the same basis os vsed for estoblihing the meximum de plate voltage rating for Clow A service (6) Maximum Peake tive Pulse Plate Voltage. This rating is SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 3 besed on octal voltage breakdown, considerations ot the typical duty eyele and supply impedances ofthe vertical ampli- fier stage. Thi rting Is expresied os an ebsolole maximum. ‘Maximum Peak Ne ulse Grid No. 1 Voltage. Thi roting i bored upon grid-cothode leokage end application ‘egulrements (a (4) Maximum Plate Dissipation. This rating is determined on the some boris of wed for extabliing plote disipation ratings for Class A service os defined under Ie {«) Maximum Average Cathode Current. Ths rating is based on the same considerations as thoze used in establishing the maxi- mum average cathode current for Closs A service () Maximum Peak Cathode Curent, Thi ating is bated on ap- plication vequirements with due conideration being given 10 the limitations of the cathode ot the duty cycle ond repetiion rote encountered in ths serves. (o] Meximum Grid No. 1 Circuit Resistance. The maximum grid No. ciel resistance rating is based on the requirements of the epplicotion and the liitotions of the tube with respect to {991 and grid emission I, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DEFLECTION ‘OSCILLATORS. {a} Maximum D€ Plate Voltage. The maximum dc plate voltage rating r determined on the some basis as vied for establishing the maximum de plete voltage rating for Clas A service. (b) Maximum Plate Dissipation. This rating it determined on the same bess es used for establishing plate disipation ratings for Clats A service as defined under il) {e) Maximum Average Cathode Current This rating is bated on the some considerations es those vsed in establishing the mexi- imum average cathode current for Class A service. (d) Maximum Peak Cathode Current. Thi rating is @ multiple of the average cathode current rating bosed on application ‘quirements with due consideration given to cathode capabil at the typical duty eyele and repetition rate encounter this servic, a in (e) Maximum Grid No. 1 Circuit Resistance. The valve of Grid No. I eeu resistance is based upon the requirements of the pplication ond limitations ofthe ube wih respec! to gos and arid emision, IV. DAMPERS (c} Maximum Peak Inverse Plate Voltage Reting. This rating i bored on ectval voltage breakdown at the typical duty cycle feequency and supply impedences encountered inthe horizon- tal deflection circuit, This rating ie shown ot an bsolvte mox imum value I Maximum Heater Cathode Vollage. When the hecteris oper: ‘ted negative with respect to cathode, most demping diodes cre capable of withstanding high voltages between the heater tend cathode, The volver shown for heater negative with re- 4 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES pect to cathode include the dc, ‘based on aewal breakdown consid For heater postive wih respect to cathode tl heater-athode voltage is com other types. (c) Maximum D € Plate Current. This rating is based on capabit- of the cathode. (4) Maximum Peck Plate Current. This reting is bosed on cath. ‘ode copobiliies for this service. (el Maximum Plate Dissipation Rating The maxinum plate dis- sipation rating is based on the physical initatons of the tube ‘ond ir determined in application by comparison methods os ‘uti ine) NOTE: Power rectifier ratings are not incuded for damp diodes. The high plate supply impedance requiced to limit steady state peak plate current ond the plate dissipation to fated values mekes such vioge impractical, RECEIVING TUBE SCREEN VOLTAGE RATINGS* The voltage forthe screen of a tube may be obtained from either 12 fixed soures or through « screen dropping resistor. A voltage source Incomidered "Pxed” ithe regulation such that no significant chonge In vollage takes ploce with variotions in current. The tubs date sheets may show a moxinum sereen voltage, ‘maximum sereen vallage i n terminal should to reach the rated swpply tion laereen current in amperes multiplied by the votoge appearing directly ofthe tereen terminal s held witha certain specified valves ‘indicated in Chort A. CHART A SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 5 The chort represents the maximum permnible screen disipotion (ora percent of he maximum sreen diiptin rong) at any screen ‘olage operating pin. The chor shows thot fl road treen din potions permissible up 10.50% ofthe maximum raledsreen py \eltage. From the 50% pont tothe fl vale of rated supply voto the decrease inthe clowablesreen diipation follows eve of the porabolc form, The chart sof wiversl ine for coven whe ser fixed screen voltage ore serie screen dropping Tesi is vd. In the cote where fixed sereen applied valtage is desived itis rnecensary only Yo determine thot the sereen dissipation ir within the Boundary of the chart ot the screen voltage fo be ured. n the coxe where sereen vollage dropping resistor isto be used its necessary to determine the restr valve sch thatthe dissipation in the sereen {rid egain wibin the same boundary ofthe cher. is fo be noted thatthe minimum valve of the voltage dropping resistor Is given by the factor. where Ea isthe selected sereen supply voltage ond P ‘mum screen dissipation rating forthe Iype. isthe moss Tellustrate the use ofthe chart, let tbe assumed thatthe tube data for @ type sipulate ratings of 300 volte maximum screen supply voltage, end 110 watt maximum screen dispation. If itt desired 10 ‘perate the tobe at 200 vols (663% ofthe moximum screen rupply ‘oltoge rating) applied directly tothe vereen he maximum allowable {ereen dissipation ot this point refer to Chort Alls 88% of the mani Imum screen disipation, oF 0.88 wat (On the other hand, if itt desired 19 operate the rome tube with © screen dropping retior, the maximum steen vollage must nol exceed the 300 volt rating, ond the dropping resistor must be selected fo held the dissipation within the safe ratings. To axtre thot the tube will operate within the rating cuve the dropping resistor ean be de termined from the fore >bat ris where Rais the sreen dropping resistor (ohms), xa i the selected sereen wpply valtage (vet), a2 it the maximum screen disipation rating (wars For example, if a screen supply voltage of 250 vols were selected for the above died tube type 250% _ 62500 Saxte"@ “Tis molto wos formula by the Comsitas on Racing Feber of he ont Leton Tobe Emginers Coun end approved bythe Cosel x JETEC Ba, Re = 15625 ohms RECEIVING TUBE RECTIFIER RATINGS” Rotings of reefer tubes are based upon fundamental lnitations in he operation of the tub tions are peck ine verse plate voltage, transient peok pl 1 aleady state peck plate curren, DC output curren, and for types wit indirectly heated {othodes) heater-cathode voltage. Maximum ratings for sth para Imoters re included in the JETEC Tube Dota, The various maximum fatings are generally not attainable simultaneously. Certain of the linitations of operation ere interrelated +0 thot ‘operation more lenient for one parameter wll permit more severe con- diions of operation in other respect. In order to define the bovn 6 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES dories of perminible operation, the JETEC Date for o rectifier type include a chrt of the allowable D C load current per plate for valves ‘of RMS supply voll: per plete up to the maximum rated valve, for ‘operation onder conditions of either capacitor or choke input CHOKE roa 8 INpur ‘ONLY CAPACITOR OR CHOKE INPUT Dc LOAD CURRENT-MA PER PLATE RMS SUPPLY VOLTS Weve the tbe is operoted with choke input to the iter, the per misible DC Load Curent vs RMS Supply Vollage opercting point ‘ust fll within the area OFABCDGO. If capacior input fo the filter is used, the permissible DC Load Corcent vx RMS Supply Voltage operating point mut fall within the area OFAEDGO. “This moi wot formulated bythe Commie on Resiving Tbet ofthe Jit Eoction Tobe Engners Coon ond approved by the Gounel 8 JETEC Doe. SERIES STRING TELEVISION Sylvania provides the set mansfactoer wth complete ine of tubes spedtically designed for series sring operation in television receivers As with cedio receivers, the advantages of series heater operation include elimination of a tarsformer winding for the heater supply, with probable substivtion of @ voltage doubler rectifier cru forthe low voltage 8 supply winding. Thus the power transformer can be climinated ellogetter if desied. All the types included in the series string line incorporate 600 ma heaters, permiting series sting operation without parallel networks. To insure proper seady-stote operating voltages, heater current production tolerances have been reduced from -+50 ma for slondard Frceving bes to 25 ma forall saris string types. Sigh variations In individual heater voltages wil sill be presen! in Set However, the magnitude of there variations should be Important in properly designed iru. A present, the generally occepled method of conling thermel charetterses in production t by 0." test a is Test, the measured time is thet requred for a hecter, orginally ‘ot room temperature, fe reach 80% of is rated heater voltage after four times the rated voltage is applied to the heoter in series with © Axed restr. The fixed resistor is specified os three times the hot ress tance of the Tube's hecter. For all types incuded inthe new fine of 600 ma tubes, the heater warm-up He in the test described is ap- proximetely 11 seconds, This Agure should not be confused withthe Time required for the receiver to become operative. ‘With respect to receiver warm-up time tests on experimental models SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 7 ‘employing new series string tubes ond « fixed series resistor in place ‘of 6 thermistor, have shown thot « normal raster will appear 45 10 55 feconds after power is applied. This fine ie ill somewhat longer then that required by a transformer type receiver. However, it represents opproximotely one-thied the tine requced for stable eperation of o receiver vilizing @ thermistor. Picture tubes for series heater strings have not been introduced os @ heater current rating of 600 me cathode voltage ratings. Narrowing oF heoter current lis, in agreement with the newly developes ‘eving tuber (600 “+25 mal and contol of ermal characterises production, provide the necessory protection against follvre due to urge vollages or improper steady state voltage ditibution Hecter warmup time is defined os the time re shown below for the voltage across the heater ter from zero fo the heater test voltage (V1). The conditions used in con- junction withthe test cet depend upon the rated heater voltage and ‘urent of the fube vader ter or inlcated inthe table which follows, Heater of tube under test E —Applied Voltage, RMS or D.C Et—Roted Heater Voltage of R —Total Series Resistance Tube Under Test Vi—Meater Test Valoge, RMS or If Rated Heoter Curent of DCIVI = 80% of fH) ‘Tobe Under Test T—Approximate Warm-up Time in Seconds TABLE I AMPLIFIER CLASSIFICATION All radio receiving tubes except the recfiers may be conveniently comidered os amplifiers. Oxilators ond detectors ar frequency eon ‘erers may be thought of as special cases of amplifiers in which xe ir made of the nonsineor relations between the inpct vologes ond ‘output currents ofthe tube under consideration. There are tree major classes of amplifer service. Defations de- scribing these have been stonderdized by the Intute of Rodio Engineers Class A Amplifier ‘A Clots A, or Clots Al, amplifier is one in which the grid bios ond signal voltages ere such ‘thot plate curren! in the tube, or in each tube of @ push-pull stage Rows at al mes. 8 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES This is eccomplihed by operating ofthe center pont of the plote current vi. grid vollage curve and ting signel voltages which do not rive the gid into either the postive fegion or into the sharp bend Class A2 Amplifier [A Class A2 amplifer isthe some as o Class Al amplifier except ‘hot the signal may drive the grid into the postive region. This r ac- complished by operating of e lower bios than the center point which ‘would have been selected for clas A operation, Class B Amplifier ‘Close 8 amplifiers an amplifier in which the grid bios is approxi mately equal fo the cut-off value so thatthe plate curvent is appro mately zero when no signal voltage is opplied ond 20 thot plate ‘current in he Tube or in each tube of @ push-pull stage, flows for epproximotely one-half of each cycle when on allernating grid voltage i epplied ‘An importont characteristic is that the grid circuit draws appred: ble power which prevents it fom being vied wth ordinary resistance Coupled driver tubes. Class ABI Amplifi {A Clous ABI omplifer perits greater ovtput to be obtain from smell uber, but requires push-pul operation to reduce distortion It is cheracterized by operation at a higher bias thon for Class A ond ues signal large enough to drive the grid into the cut-off region But net into the postive region, Class ABZ Amplifi ‘A Cless AB2 ompiifie is the some os © Class ABI cbove excep! ‘hot additional bias may be vied, and the signal drives the grid into both the exo ond grid corent regions Class C Amplifier ‘A Class C amplifier is one in which the tubes operate at @ bias much greater than cu-of voltage a0 that plate power is drawn only ‘on the peas of the signal voltage. Its not vred in dio omplfers, becouse the ditertion i too high but is the most efficient eeut for Ref, power ompiifiars where the hormonics can be reduced by Use (of retonant circ, USE OF CURVES The plete characteris: The plate cheractristiccuves of o typical beam power fube ere shown below in Fig. 1. These curves represent plate current plotted again! plate voltage for specific volver of ord Bios and screen grid voltages. A group of such curves with various grid biot voltages is called a plate fomly. Plate characteristics are the ‘most widely used since most ofthe other importent tube characterise, ‘may be derived from such o forily of curver. Curves shown in the tube manvol repretent average volver ond since variations occur from tobe to tube during manufacturing proce fe itis clways advisable fo leave 0 safety margin when Using the curves for calculations, In general, the plote characteristic it shown for only one value of screen grid vollage and variour volves of grid bio, elthough in some Cases the curves ae petted using one value of grid bios for several diferent valves of sereen grid voltages. In the former cose, if ony ‘ther volve of screen voltage is to be vied then @ new plote family ‘mutt be plotted. Ue of the tube manual curves naceniates applying the screen voltage shown on the graph. ‘An exemple will be shown here involving the use of plate character SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 9 ines for coleslating approximately the power ouput, efficiency, and second ond third hormenie distonon inva single ube Class A audio ower output amplifier using @ Type 6V6GT. ‘The frst step inthis exemple will be to locate the operating point which wil indicate the value of Ey and ly with zero appli fs general practice to vse the typical operating conditions os fond, inthe ase of the VGT, i will be noted thot there Columns under Typical Operation for @ Cless Ai Amplifier (one tube ‘Whichever column one intends to use will be dependent upon the supply voltage ovcilable, the power eutput desired, ond the amount 4. This example will se the center The plate voltage {Es} ond grid voltage (Ea) Hsted located the operating point ond these are 250 V. and —12.5 V, respecivaly. This point designated by 0 ia Fig. 1 For @ Class A power amplifer to operate properly its nacessory to carefully proportion the load impedance ond signal voltage with respect othe operating pont. Thsiseosly done wih load line which Fepresents the loevs of al coresponding instantaneous vals of plote arent and plate vatage estumed during the grid voltage cy. The slope ofthe load line is determined tlely by the lood renitace (Rt) 1) Slope = — 1 (0) Sips i Since the load line mus ie on the operating point its location ie read= iy established knowing the volve of Rt because the lod line must clus intersect the voltage oxi at rer Where Enon, =point of lood line intersection with vol Ign” plate euerent ot operating point Ey =de wpnly voltage & 5000 ohme (2) Enon, (aR Bs) "45 10° x $000 + 250 ~ 475. This gives a second point through which the load line must pass. Other values of Ri, Es and Ea could be Selected provided the rated maxi- ‘mum screen and plote disipetions are nol exceeded, igueE 1 10 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES For Class Ai Amplifier type of operation its not advisoble to ur 1 peak-to-peak grid driving signal greater than twice the bios at the ‘operating point, otherwise the grid will be driven positive resulting i texcenive distortion. The following colelations, therefore, il be ‘Based upon moximum signal condiions, or, im other words, the gid willbe driven to aro but not Beyond. The load line on the piate chor cleric of Fig. 1 then i shown 0 extend from the Ex)» © Vols curve {Paint Al down tothe curve where Ex = ~25V. (Point D). The range ‘over which the tube operctet is indicated andthe values for Eni Enon Gd Inns Iney, ote located. These ere the instontonecus misimur fond manimm valves of plate vollage ond plote curent reoched over the complete cycle, ‘simple but approximate means for calelating power output and second nd third Rermonie distortion i fo use the five selected ordinate ‘method. Thi method uses ony fe points on the load line ond forthe ‘exomple here, tivee have already been located (A, O ond D). The ther two necessary pains (B and C) ore determined by formule (3) (3) Er forh = 0293. Ey forks = 1.707 V. Whee Vim Ei et operating point Forms [4 to (8) moy be vied for ealeloting power output, dis forton, and plate efiieney. (a rower Oust = $30 V9 th t+ ts he | (5) % 2nd Harmonic Distortion = {228 Inn. 2 be — 100 hen —benFa/2 th =) tet. —Inin.— 2th —b) (6) % 3d Harmonie Distortion = 7 bean Inn V2 (hb) 100 (7) % Total Harmonic Distortion = 1% 2nd? + (% Sed)? (Poe En = The value of power output obtained from the formula given will be less thon the publlhed value since it doss not include power spied from the 3rd hermonic content. By using the voles from Figure | and the above formulas the fol lowing ress are obtained: From (4) Pe = 43 watts From (8) % 2nd Harmonie Distortion = 4.8% From (6)_% 3ed Harmonie Distortion = 57% X 100 where Pin = Fake Where “Enon = 425. Ene, = 38.¥. Iman = 88 Me Inn = 10 Ma. 1S 78 Ma. B= 16 Ma The illustration on vse of curves presented here ossumes that (1) ‘Axed bios is used, (2 the load is teistive, (3) that good screen and plate regulation are used, (4) thot rectification effect are negligible, {5} hot « high efficiency output transformer ir ured and hor been re: lected to present he proper load tothe tube, (6) thatthe vollage drop Inthe primary ofthe output transformer i negligible, (7) the applied signal ir snvroidel. Despite these ortumplions, rearoncbly good op proximation: may be obtained about the performance of the Nbe escrbed as Class Ay audio power output emplifir. Figure 2 shows ‘one posible power amplifier circuit that could be used for « beam power tube applicable to the example given. The power supplied to the speaker will be les than that ealelated by the amount of tran former efficiency. SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 11 FR, = effective impedance ofthe load Rr whichis reflected back {othe primary of the transformer and is value » (ey vine ta rote nr secondo land Ri isthe loudspecker load. ricure 2 Tis illustration represents only one of the many possible utes for caleloting tube perfornonce with characterise crves \Whon i is desirable fo vr @ cathode resistor for bios ths moy be computed from knowledge of the bios value and the sum of the plate fond sereen currents (given under Typical Operation) Es ate For the 6V6GT the bias atthe operating peat is known to bo —12.5, V.'and the sum of plate and screen currents is 49.5 Ma otal cathode. carve) atthe operating point. 128v. From (10) = 125%: = 250 ohms For more exoct calculations of power output, the cathode rei. ‘once voltage drop should be subtracted from the power supply volt {ge fo lve the correct plate supply voltage. (om = ‘TUBE AND BASE DIAGRAM SYMBOLS A Anode 15 —loternol Shield Dp —Diode Plate J lume F. —Filoment k —Cothode Fe filament Center Tap NC—No Connection G —Gride mmbered according P—Plate Yo thelr postion from the S_ —Metel Shel cathode SA “Starter Anods H Heater 1 —Torget He Heater Conter Top. XS—Externl Shield =Top Cop Mi —Locoting Key 12 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES INSTALLATION AND HANDLING OF TELEVISION PICTURE TUBES AND LARGE CATHODE RAY TUBES The istllation and handling of television pietore tubes and other large cathode roy tubes must be undertoken with considerable care Picture tubes are forge srucures made up very lorgely of gloss and inciting on evacuated space. They should be handled carefully ond protected from severe shock. The normal precautions used when work- 13 with any high vollage ceuit should be observed. The proper procedurer and precautions are prerented below. Mechanical Handling 1. Protective face shield or goggles and gloves should be worn, for personel safety, whenever hending lorge picture tubes 2, Picure tuber should be removed from the shipping carton face ‘up and supported bythe sides ofthe lorge portion of the tube. Hand Ting of large pietre tubes by the necks unsafe and should be avoided ll fmer, It is obviously the weokes! part of the tobe ond most ‘easily injured. Therefore, the neck should always be kept free of ‘rain end protected from striking oer object. 3, Picture tubes should be insrted into sockets by supporting the 1 la‘ge ond and holding the neck only for guiding the bare Pins into the secke 4. The tuber should be removed from their sockets in the some rmonner at they ore inserted, supported a the large end. 5. When not istlled in © television ecoiver of other equipment, pictre tuber should be stored im shipping cortons wih the covert Cored. 6. Avoid placing pictore tubes on ¢ table or bench where there Is any pouty ofthe tube reling of. This i very important 7. Scratching the surface of a picture tube weakens the gles and ‘may be the cause of the tube imploding. Ii is necensory Yo place 3 {be elsewhere than ints shipping carton, « piece of felt or other sof moteriol should be ploced under t 8. Picure tubes shovld be used for display purposes ony after the vacuum seal has been broken. Economy dictates that enly womouy, ‘oF otherwise wortles, tubes be red for this purpose. The vacuum {e0l may be broken in the following manner. A. Place the tube in @ shipping carton, face down, with enough toft packing material undemeath #0 thot the bare wil extend ‘above the closed cover. 8, Drill 0 Y4-inch hole in the end of the locating lug or break off the lg entirely with sharp blow or with plies. . Using a small le or euting pliers, moke © smell hole ot the Nip of the exhaust tube. Core should be vied to make a small hole inthe tip 40 that ait will enter the tube slowly and not distur the sereen coating. In ubes using @ metol exhaust tube a sll three orered fle may be ured fo make @ small hole. The bright getter ‘epost on the neck should change color elmost immediately. AS @ Precaution, some time after the small hole hos been made, Its well fo breok of the fip completely, The tube cannot implode efter the yacium rool har been broken, but it should sll be handled os carefully os any other glossware of equol weight 9. Discretion should be exercised in the disposal of tubes which fore no longer useful to avoid posible legal liabiliy. A safe method ‘of breaking up a tobe for disporal i fo ploce itn @ orton, real the Corton, and drive metal red tivaugh the carn into the Face ofthe Side of the tube. The broken parts may then be dispored of in the SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 13 10, If tube does break coving small cuts in the skin, ch cute should be washed carefuly to be certain that el dirt ond other smal Portcles are removed. While the materials vied for cocting Sylvania Picure tuber are not considered fo be Yoxie there i the po cf an unusual personal sensitivity or allergy in some persons. Handling High Voltage Circuits 1. Stond on dry wood, @ eubber mo, linoleum or other dey inuat Ing material when working on ony electrical eeu. 2. One hand should be kept in @ pocket to ‘ecient shock vce the effects of 3. Respect all safety interlock switches and be certain that they rein good working condiion 4. Be certain that high vot working on the crc Bi 6 condensers re dacharged before jr restos may be open '5, Some pictre tubes have a conductive coating on both the ise ‘ond outside wrfaces $0 form o condenter This condenser should be ischarged before the tube is hondled, Even a slght unexpected ‘hock might aure a tube fo be dropped. 6. In some cirvts where the picture tube operates witha voltage fon iis second anode higher than is spedied maximum rating, ot igher than 16,000 vols whichever is esis possible that low Intns fty Keraye may be emitted. Therefore, Xray radiotion shielding may be necessary to protect agcinst posible danger of personal injury from prolonged exposure at clote range i he lube is operated at sch high voltage. 7. Toke the time to be safe 4 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES TUBE OUTLINES i Sr | onoee | : ines [So Same lfemen laces be eee eet e Z enews nat fsTyawoer | awax |e wax [ cvpec S mo | ile SES | rote ww ies ey + 2250 | 2000 | 1700 | ett ae 1 mT | | | a i a 4 oa. | saa=7 i aE em o 62 os SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 15 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 6 ri |e a || 2 oe | ee | oF oe a [| ved we fae [ar [a | a fs ve | |e | oe ve | [oe | oF SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 17 9:25 9-26 18 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 12-101 12-102 12-103 12104 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 12-105 12.106 ” 141 20 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES INDEX FOR RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER SECTION Sylvania Chort Sylvania Chart Type Number Type Number 14 1 6st7 xa 185 0 6su7GT xv 1SA6GT W 6877 vl tua t ore vu wus u ous xxi 206 XL ow7ct xi 6ADSGT x Tha ik ANB xx 7N7 xi 6AQs vi 784 x 6AQ76T xiv 786 x 6AT6 vu 707 xi Aus Xx! 7e5 xi AVE x 77 xiv 6866 xt 7K7 xiv 68F6 xi 2N7 ik SBHE xIK V2ATs vu 68K6 xv 12AT7 xvi 6ca Vv 12AU7 Vv 6csct v 12AU7A Vv 6c6 xt 12Av6 x 6FSGT x 12Av7 xvi FBG x 12AX7 xv 6)5GT | 12AY7 XVI u7GT xt 128F6 Xx 6x56, vu 128K6 xv 6N7GT vi 128,761 vu sa7ct vu 128w7 xi 6R7GT ay 12sx7GT % 6s8GT x vcr xi 6sc7 xv 1918 vi 6SFSGT x 26BK6 xv 6si7GT vu 26C6 Xx 6si7GT xiv 7 xi 6SN7GTA x 75 xt 6sQ7GT x 954 xiL 68R7GT x 1273 xi 1280 xi SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 21 RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA ‘hd the acond fhe mexinom wich con be i paved + + 2 aia b-+ i mae ew | e + 22 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES rh m4 i | ke Sf is 7 ff ae pl FIGURE « 4 i at ee Ha i | be Bre i 1 | | I | Ficure ss | nd & SYMBOLS USED sym tenon or z the te er, esas u SiTieiseah tones as. teers B ie Sp Say as Eeerea GrdroNeg Al Vologs.. von Py Se bed hoe “4 & Fearon 8 von e & é eng Sat & SONY eat ei: Some tex books stow o more complicated method for coleating eve by pots condenser but tha method i cathode by-pem The site cndanser oy heed ‘where economy is nonil une tegen ve cobcaded ond highest gly Br euied SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES 23 ve $39NL DINOYLIIIT VINVATAS CHART I RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Zero Bias Operation GAL VINVAUS FIL St? $3801 DINOYLI91a VINVATAS CHART II RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA ‘Zero Bias Operation rm = po - om sat SSL 34AL VINVATAS S3NL JINOYLIITT VINVATAS 92 CHART III RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Zeso Bias Operation Sylvania Type 1U4 1O9VSL AL VINVATAS PAL S¥4NL DINOYLIITS VINVATAS a CHART IV REsIsTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA ‘Self Bias Operation f 29 34AL VINVATAS vinvel LOVeL ez S29NL DINOYLDIIR VINVATAS CHART V RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation | ape 3dAL VINVAUAS LOS39 S39ML DINONLD913 VINVATAS 6 CHART VI REsisTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation Single Section of Type ON7GT LOZNG 3dAL VINVATAS S39NL DINOYLDII9 VINYATAS oF Seam CHART VII 3528 a RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Zero Bias Operation a ve os ax ec [ata EAL VINVATAS 9DV9. le $agnl DINOWL9a1a VINVATAS CHART VIII RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation FOR CIRCUIT SEE FIGURE $ LOZIS9 34AL VINVATS LOZES21 ze VINVATAS S¥aNL DINOYLDa1a CHART IX RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation ‘Type 7A4 or Single Seetion of Type 7N7 AOLxSZL ZNL yd LOZNS? 19879 4AL VINVATAS 9849 VINVATAS sagni DINOWLDAIa ee CHART X RESISTANCE CouPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Zero Bias Operation Self Bias Operation LOSQV9 adAL VINVATAS SA9NL DINOYLIIIA VINVATAS FE RESISTANCE CoupLeD AMPLIFIER DATA Zero Bias Operation CHART XI ‘Self Bias Operation dAL VINVATAS 9VZ Se $391 DINOYLD31a VINVATAS CHART XII RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation 999 adAL VINVATAS lozr9 9c SH9NL DINOYLIAIR VINVATAS CHART XIII RESISTANCE CouPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Selt Bias Operation FOR CIRCUIT SEE FIGURE 4 909% LMSZL 948z 9aZ As9 1ozis9 1929 dAL VINVATAS 9489 S3NL DINOYLI9IT VINYATAS “ CHART XIV RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation—All Values Per Single Section Zero Bias Operation—All Values Per Single Section T es vous ‘eo = me vours peo we voure l tn ome vOuTe TDZ0V9 34AL VINVATAS SASNL DINOYLIIII VINVAIAS ge CHART XV RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation Zero Blas Operation ERE } FFP RE dAL VINVATAS 909 SaNL DINOYLIIIa VINVATAS oe CHART XVI RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA “ero Bias Operation ‘Seif Bias Operation LAVZLAAL VINVATAS CHART XVI RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Blas Operation Zero Bias Operation S39NL DINOYLDIIR VINVATAS OF eee ze) (eps eer za eae stetast Fs [fees nf stil fear are fe Be epee ara fer er raf fo Pe] locke pepeseter te me Eee oe B4AL VINVAUAS ZIVZL SA9NL DINOYLIIIT VINVATAS ra CHART XVIII RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Sei Bias Operation ero Bias Operation = on | ow Spa eT = arpa farfer fare perp arpa pa ae tox oa sar [x] bf if sn fe (nab 1 afta eater ‘he saree epee Ter [ea wae joan in i. if ZAVZ| B41 VINVATAS uw S49NL DINOYLIIIT VINVATAS CHART XIX RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation & iE alslels pelt al?lalFlellelalylele AdAL VINVAUAS 9HA9. fy $3@NL DINOYLI919 VINVATAS CHART Xx RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation (uo129g epor. vy SA9NL DINOYLIITT VINVATAS CHART XXI RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA Self Bias Operation BdAL VINVATAS 9nV9 S29NL DINOYLIIIa VINVATAS sy CHART XXII RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIER DATA “Triode Section Pentode Section Self Blas Operation Sai Blas Operation 8Ng 3dAL VINVATAS SYLVANIA ELECTRIC PRODUCTS INC. PRODUCT DIRECTORY RADIO TUBE DIVISION ‘Emporio, Ponneyhania Receiving Tubes + Test Equipment TELEVISION PICTURE TUBE DIVISION Cotbode Roy Tubes * "Television Picture Tubes RADIO & TELEVISION DIVISION 254 Rene Seat Bula 7, New Yoru Rodio Receivers. * Television R ELECTRONICS DIVISION 100 Syvem Rd, Woburn, Mestchueete Specialized Blectrones Equipment * Germanium ond Silicon Diodes — Magnetrons — Thyratrons — TR Tubes PHOTOFLASH DIVISION Sood Seat, Mevntourvila, Ponneyvonia Photoflosh Lamps" Photoflood Lomps UGHTING DIVISION (6 Boson Sram Solam, Mastechonts Fuorescent & incandescent Lamps». Sigh Tubing Lomp Fixtures & Accessories TUNGSTEN & CHEMICAL DIVISION Towande, Pennayvenia ‘Tungsten Products + Fluorescent Chemicals PARTS DIVISION 208 ou Set, Werven,Poonyivenie Wire Ports, Welds) +” Plastics ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DIVISION Special Electronic Equipment. Fer intermain on race prods, adres nui fe th appre oon SYLVANIA PLANTS, LABORATORIES, AND OFFICES LOCATED IN— Seneca Fal NY. Stowree, Oe lovey Mess Emempot, Pe Kemet iy, Korey St boty hoe Kew Garden NY. 3 Mary, Po Ca. Mouton, Wi Montes -@, Canada emo mic Moun View Cal Welham, hes Newgouck, Com. Worren Fe Nere! Onc Warkgtn, BC 7 Now vort; New York Wheeling, W. Ve Dowrile, Ortoio —Newion, owe Wiamapod, Pe Emery, col (Otower On Winchester kanucky Enporue, Pe. Patedsip, Po Woburn Mess Fusing, WY, inburgh,Pe York Po 46 SYLVANIA ELECTRONIC TUBES

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