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Hughes 1

Danny Hughes

Sarah Hughes

English 225

08 December 2020


This writing process has been consistent with my writing process of the essays I have
written previously in this class. I like to write in my quiet room with no distractions. I wrote
a detailed outline before I got started on my essay. Having an outline in front of me when I
write helps me get my ideas on the page. I learned a lot about audience writing this piece.
My piece was tailored towards social media users, and specifically teenagers who are using
social media apps. I had to figure out how I could tell my story to this specific audience. I
learned a lot about using evidence in a text that was not like a research essay. This was the
first time I had needed evidence to write an open letter. I tried to intertwine paragraphs of
my personal experiences with paragraphs of evidence so I could have the best of both

I can for sure incorporate the things I learned in writing this essay to other forms of
writing. I learned how to properly address my audience and tailor my writing to the
audience that I was writing to. I can do this when I write research essays or narratives in the
future. This experience has been unique in the sense that I have never really written an
essay this long before. I think this is only the second time I have written an essay that has
been ten pages. This was a bit of a struggle for me, but I got through it.

Some things I thought that I did good was go in depth in personal experiences. I
wanted to make this letter more personal by adding these personal experiences in and I
though I did a good job of that. Some things that I thought I could have done a better job at
were making a smoother transition from the personal stories to the research parts of the
essay. I think I did an okay job at this, but there is room for improvement. I had a lot of fun
writing this essay.

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