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Earth Sciences
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Subduction tectonics vs. Plume tectonics—Discussion on driving

forces for plate motion
1,2,3* 1,3 1,4 1,3,4 5,1
Ling CHEN , Xu WANG , Xiaofeng LIANG , Bo WAN & Lijun LIU
State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;
CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
Innovation Academy for Earth Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;
Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign 61820, USA

Received May 20, 2019; revised October 30, 2019; accepted November 4, 2019; published online January 2, 2020

Abstract Plate tectonics describes the horizontal motions of lithospheric plates, the Earth’s outer shell, and interactions among
them across the Earth’s surface. Since the establishment of the theory of plate tectonics about half a century ago, considerable
debates have remained regarding the driving forces for plate motion. The early “Bottom up” view, i.e., the convecting mantle-
driven mechanism, states that mantle plumes originating from the core-mantle boundary act at the base of plates, accelerating
continental breakup and driving plate motion. Toward the present, however, the “Top down” idea is more widely accepted,
according to which the negative buoyancy of oceanic plates is the dominant driving force for plate motion, and the subducting
slabs control surface tectonics and mantle convection. In this regard, plate tectonics is also known as subduction tectonics. “Top
down” tectonics has received wide supports from numerous geological and geophysical observations. On the other hand, recent
studies indicate that the acceleration/deceleration of individual plates over the million-year timescale may reflect the effects of
mantle plumes. It is also suggested that surface uplift and subsidence within stable cratonic areas are correlated with plume-
related magmatic activities over the hundred-million-year timescale. On the global scale, the cyclical supercontinent assembly
and breakup seem to be coupled with superplume activities during the past two billion years. These correlations over various
spatial and temporal scales indicate the close relationship and intensive interactions between plate tectonics and plume tectonics
throughout the history of the Earth and the considerable influence of plumes on plate motion. Indeed, we can acquire a
comprehensive understanding of the driving forces for plate motion and operation mechanism of the Earth’s dynamic system
only through joint analyses and integrated studies on plate tectonics and plume tectonics.
Keywords Driving forces for plate motion, Negative buoyancy of plates, Subduction tectonics, Plume tectonics

Citation: Chen L, Wang X, Liang X, Wan B, Liu L. 2020. Subduction tectonics vs. Plume tectonics—Discussion on driving forces for plate motion. Science
China Earth Sciences, 63,

1. Introduction 10 cm yr (Figure 1a; Frisch et al., 2011) with an average of
~4.8 cm yr (Zahirovic et al., 2015). Plate reconstruction
Plate tectonics mainly describes the large-scale horizontal studies reveal that both the speed and direction of a single
motions of rigid plates on the spherical shell of the Earth, and plate and the average kinematics of all plates change dra-
is a unique geodynamic process among all planets in the matically over time (Figure 1b; Zahirovic et al., 2015; Müller
Solar system. The current plate motion rate varies from 1 to et al., 2016). However, it remains unclear why plate motion
changes over time and what the driving force is.
The driving forces for plate motion is a fundamental
* Corresponding author (email:

© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
2 Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci

Figure 1 Map showing plate motions on Earth. (a) Present-day plate movement (Frisch et al., 2011). White arrows indicate the present-day relative motions
at plate boundaries, and yellow arrows the absolute plate motions relative to a reference system based on stationary hot spots. Numbers near arrows represent
the motion rates in cm yr . The length of each arrow is in direct proportion to the motion rate. (b) Global root mean square plate velocities since 220 Ma, with
approximately 4.8 cm yr at present (modified from Müller et al., 2016).

question, and has long been the focus of debate in Earth

Sciences. It is possible to determine the major factors af-
fecting plate motion, but it is difficult to quantitatively assess
their respective contributions (Wessel and Müller, 2015).
There are two schools of ideas regarding the driving forces
for plate motion: “Bottom up” vs. “Top down”. “Bottom up”
means that tectonic plates represent the outer boundary layer
of mantle convection cells, and their movement is controlled
by the motion of the underlying mantle system (left part of
Figure 2). The idea was proposed prior to the establishment
of the plate tectonics theory, e.g, in the 1930s and 1960s, in
Arthur Holmes and Harry Hammond Hess’s books (Holmes,
1931; Hess, 1962). During the time the theory of plate tec-
tonics was established, Tuzo Wilson and Jason Morgan
further developed this idea. They proposed that the upwel-
ling mantle, as one branch of mantle convection (hereinafter
if not specified, it refers to whole mantle convection), would
originate from the core-mantle boundary, and interact with
the base of the plates, promoting continental breakup and
plate motion (Wilson, 1963, 1973; Morgan, 1971).
The other school of ideas is “Top down” tectonics. It states
that both plate tectonics and mantle convection are results of Figure 2 “Bottom up” and “Top down” plate tectonics-driven mechan-
the evolution of the Earth’s outer shell, i.e., the plates (right isms (modified from Courtillot et al., 2003). LLSVP, Large Low Shear
part of Figure 2). This idea was initially proposed by Don Velocity Province.
Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci 3

Anderson and other scientists (Anderson, 2001; Foulger and tectonics and mantle convection are dependent on the nature
Natland, 2003), who attributed plate tectonics to only upper- and status of plates at the Earth’s surface. Subduction in-
mantle convection. Later, it was refined to suggest that the itiates likely because of the gravitational instability of the
evolving surface plates not only control plate tectonics but oceanic plates. A subducting slab is denser than the sur-
also the style of mantle convection, including the formation rounding mantle, and its negative buoyancy exerts a pulling
of mantle plumes (right part of Figure 2; Conrad and Lith- force to the surface plate and hence drives plate motion (e.g.,
gow-Bertelloni, 2004; Li and Zhong, 2009). Anderson, 2001; Stern, 2007). This idea stemmed from
The essence of “Top down” tectonics is that the negative multidisciplinary evidence including geophysical observa-
buoyancy of subducting slabs is the main driving force for tions, plate kinematics, mechanical analysis, plate re-
plate motion (Anderson, 2001; Stern, 2007). Accordingly, construction, and numerical modelling.
plate tectonics is alternatively described as “subduction
tectonics” because of the decisive role of subducting slabs. 2.1 Evidence from focal mechanism of intermediate-
“Top down” tectonics gains more attention because it has depth and deep-focus earthquakes in subduction zones
been shown to be consistent with observations from many
different methods and disciplines. Most of the supporting In the early stage of the development of the plate tectonics
evidence comes from the Phanerozoic, especially geologic paradigm, seismic observations show that slab-pull from
and geophysical data, as well as plate reconstructions during subducting slabs acts as a major force to drive plate motion
the past 200 Ma (Zahirovic et al., 2015; Müller et al., 2016, (e.g., Isacks et al., 1968; Isacks and Molnar, 1969). Seis-
see Section 2). Then, the question becomes how far back to mologists analyzed focal mechanism solutions of inter-
the earlier history we can apply the “Top down” tectonics, mediate-depth (70–300 km) and deep-focus (>300 km)
and whether it could explain the long-term evolution of the earthquakes inside subducting slabs. They found that the two
Earth. This question is closely related to the initiation and possible slip planes form a 45° angle to the dip plane of the
evolution of plate tectonics on the solid Earth. subduction seismicity zone (Wadati-Benioff zone), which
Plate tectonics, as one of the two major tectonic systems on indicated that the compression (P) or tension (T) axis is
Earth, is characterized as the downward movement of the parallel to the dip plane (Isacks et al., 1968). Such a result
Earth’s outer shell into its deep interior. In contrast, plume further reveals that the intermediate-depth and deep-focus
tectonics, the other major tectonic system, refers to deep earthquakes are caused by the stress from slabs rather than by
mantle materials rising from the core-mantle boundary to the the slab movement relative to the surrounding mantle. Focal
surface. Plate tectonics and plume tectonics likely constitute mechanism data (Isacks et al., 1968) further suggest that, the
the two dominate geodynamic systems during the Earth’s T axis of most intermediate-depth earthquakes in subduc-
evolution, and many researchers proposed that these two tec- tions zones is parallel to the dip plane of the Wadati-Benioff
tonic systems and their interactions control the supercontinent- zone, probably reflecting a downward stretching of the
superocean cycles, and the Earth evolution (e.g., Maruyama, subducting slab due to its own gravity. On the other hand, the
1994; Li and Zhong, 2009; Li et al., 2019). However, how P axis of deep-focus earthquakes is also parallel to the dip
much of the driving force for plate motion comes from plane of the Wadati-Benioff zone, perhaps suggesting a
mantle plumes, and how plate tectonics actually interacts compression in the down-going slab due to the resistance of
with plume tectonics, remain ambiguous and controversial the deeper mantle (lower mantle). At the overlapping depths
(Maruyama et al., 2007; Li and Zhong, 2009; Faccenna et al., between intermediate-depth and deep-focus earthquakes
2013; Buiter and Torsvik, 2014; Hu et al., 2018). (~300 km), the seismic activity decreases significantly,
In this paper, we firstly discuss the roles of different factors which is termed as a seismic gap. It might be related to either
in driving plate tectonics based on multiple lines of evidence. slab break-off or the interaction of the compression and
We then analyze the interplay between plate tectonics and tension stresses that minimizes the resultant stress. In some
plume tectonics based on geodynamic constraints. We finally regions (e.g., Tonga subduction zone), it is always the P axis
discuss how plate tectonics and plume tectonics would have of earthquakes at various depths that is parallel to the dip of
affected the long-term evolution of the Earth, and possible the Wadati-Benioff zone. This is possibly due to the sub-
changes in the functions of respective forces in driving plate duction of the slab faster than that induced by the slab pull-
tectonics through time. force, resulting an overall resistance from the mantle (Figure
Based on the above seismic observations, Isacks and
2. Driving forces for plate motion—negative Molnar (1969) concluded that subducting oceanic slabs
buoyancy of subducting slabs could provide considerable forces to drive the movement of
plates through their own gravity. Later studies revealed that
According to the concept of “Top down” tectonics, both plate slabs would experience phase transitions at ~410- and ~660-
4 Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci

Figure 3 Distribution of stresses within slabs constrained by focal mechanism solutions (modified from Isacks and Molnar, 1969). Filled and unfilled
circles represent down-dip extension and down-dip compression, respectively. Extensional stress near the upper surface of slabs at shallow depths originates
from slab bending at the beginning of subduction. White and black arrows in gray circular shadows show the P and T axes for intermediate-depth and deep-
focus earthquakes.

km depths, gaining additional negative and positive buoy- et al., 2003; Artemieva, 2009). The thick continental litho-
ancy and thus under a stretching and shortening regime at sphere enlarges the contact area between plates and the un-
these depths, respectively. Such processes may further ac- derlying convecting mantle, thus enhancing the coupling and
celerate or prevent plate motion at the surface (e.g., Quin- increasing the shear traction force at the lithosphere-asthe-
teros and Sobolev, 2013). However, there are different views nosphere boundary (Conrad and Lithgow-Bertelloni, 2006).
about the mechanisms of the intermediate-depth and deep- The statistical data of global plate motions shows that the
focus earthquakes within slabs. For example, some re- larger the continental part is, the slower the plate moves
searchers argued that the gravitational force due to the den- (Zahirovic et al., 2015). Such observations suggest that the
sity contrast between the subducting slab and surrounding enhanced coupling between lithosphere and asthenosphere
mantle is insufficient to trigger deep-focus earthquakes. In and the increased shear traction at the interface between the
the meanwhile, the volume contraction associated with phase two could prohibit fast plate motion. This is inconsistent with
transitions of slab materials may be responsible for the the mantle convection-driven mechanism, i.e., “Bottom up”
generation of these earthquakes (Guest et al., 2003; Liu and tectonics, but provides a piece of evidence for “Top down”
Zhang, 2015). tectonics.
Quantifying the forces on plates is essential for a better
2.2 Evidence from statistical analysis of plate kine- understanding of various driving forces and their relative
matics and dynamics contributions to plate motion. Forsyth and Uyeda (1975)
performed the first such analysis. Based on the observations
The good correlation between the rate of plate motion and of plate motions and geometries, they estimated the relative
the length of subduction zone reflects an important effect of magnitudes of various forces exerted on plates, including
slab pull on plate motion. For example, both the plate ve- ridge push, slab pull, shear traction between slabs and un-
locity at the present-day (Forsyth and Uyeda, 1975) and the derlying mantle, trench suction and other forces that resist
mean plate velocity for the past 200 Ma (Zahirovic et al., plate motion (Figure 4). The force of slab pull was found to
2015) are positively correlated with the length of the sub- be an order of magnitude larger than other forces, including
duction zone, i.e., the longer the slab the greater the grav- ridge push and shear traction from mantle (Forsyth and
itational force is, and thus the faster the corresponding plate Uyeda, 1975). Three-dimensional laboratory experiments
moves. Other features of the plate, such as the size, cir- further show that the older (i.e., the denser) the slab the larger
cumference, and length of the mid-ocean ridge, are not sta- the dip angle is, or the longer the slab extends downward the
tistically correlated with the plate velocity (Forsyth and larger the net slab pull force (without the part balanced by the
Uyeda, 1975). This observation further indicates that slab resistance to subduction) becomes. This explains why the
pull plays a key role in driving plate motion. movement of the oldest Pacific plate is faster than that of
The thickness of plate (lithosphere) is another important other plates (Schellart, 2004).
parameter that affects plate motion. Analysis on the influ-
ence of plate thickness on plate motion rate can provide 2.3 Slab pull vs. slab suction
constraints on the driving mode of plate tectonics. Compared
to oceanic lithosphere, continental lithosphere extends much It has generally accepted that slab morphology, subduction
deeper to over 200 km beneath some ancient cratons (Gung and associated mantle processes are all dependent on the
Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci 5

Figure 4 Forces acting on the plate (modified from Forsyth and Uyeda, 1975). FRP, ridge push; FSP, slab pull; RDO, RDC, shear traction between oceanic/
continental plates and underlying asthenospheric mantle; FSU, trench suction; RS, resistance to slab subduction; RCR, colliding resistance; RTF, transform fault

characteristics and nature of the subducting slab. In a case of drive the movement of the overriding plate by basal shear
an old, heavy oceanic plate, it is expected to result in rapid traction. The latter is known as slab suction, representing the
and steep subduction, with weak coupling between the sub- force that the subducting slab exerts indirectly on the Earth’s
ducting and overriding plates. Such weak coupling further surface plates via the convective mantle. The slab pull force
leads to extensional deformation of the overriding plate, is mostly generated by slabs in the upper mantle and is di-
eventually giving rise to the formation of a trench-arc- rectly exerted on the plates at the Earth’s surface that are
backarc basin system. In contrast, subduction of a young slab connected to the slabs, whereas the slab suction force is
(younger than 20–30 Ma) is thought to be characterized by a dominantly contributed by slabs in the more viscous lower
shallower dip angle, strong coupling with and hence com- mantle. The relative importance of slab pull and slab suction
pressional deformation of the overriding plate. There is no and their effects on plate motion depend not only on the
backarc basin developed in such a case (e.g., Jarrard, 1986; subducting slabs themselves, but also on the rheological
Stern, 2002). New observations (Figure 5), however, bring properties of the surrounding mantle (Billen, 2008). In ad-
challenges to this view. Global comparisons show that there dition, in subduction zones, slab pull and slab suction have
is no significant correlation between plate convergence rate distinct influences on the overriding plate. Slab pull causes
and age (thus density) of oceanic plate. For example, the the overriding plate to move away from the subduction zone,
oceanic crust is older than 180 Ma and younger than 20–30 whereas slab suction results in trench-ward motion of the
Ma at the Izu-Ogasawa-Mariana subduction zone and Gua- overriding plate (Red arrows in Figure 6, Conrad and Lith-
temala-Nicaragua-Costa Rica subduction zone, respectively. gow-Bertelloni, 2004), if only considering a simple case
The plate convergence rates there, however, are not very (e.g., no lateral variations in viscosity or two-dimensional
different. Another example comes from the western Pacific model).
subduction zone where the plate convergence rate varies Analyses on the theoretical calculations and the observed
significantly along the trench, but appears to be dispropor- plate motions reveal that neither slab pull nor slab suction
tionate compared to the age of the oceanic plate. Further alone can explain the present-day global plate motion rate,
taking into account the whole circum-Pacific subduction instead their combination contributes more than 90% of the
zone, it is obvious that the variations in the shape and dipping driving force for plate motion. This gives a good inter-
angle of subducting slab are rather complicated, showing pretation not only to the absolute plate motion rate in the
little correlation with the age (density) of oceanic plate global scale but also to the phenomenon that the overriding
(Figure 5). These observations indicate that factors other plates move towards the trenches at a slow rate in subduction
than the properties and nature of the plate itself may play zones. Moreover, the calculated results show that plates with
considerable roles in controlling the subduction morphology mature subduction zones move 3–4 times faster on average
of the corresponding slab and associated processes. than those without subduction zones, consistent with the
Mechanical analysis and geodynamic simulations (Figure present observations (Lithgow-Bertelloni and Richards,
6) show that a subducting slab exerts a direct pull force on 1998; Conrad and Lithgow-Bertelloni, 2002, 2004).
the plate in contact with it at the surface and leads the plate to Slab pull, slab suction and other forces that affect plate
move horizontally. Moreover, the down-going slab excites motion are not immutable, but have strong temporal and
mantle circulations through viscous coupling, which in turn spatial variations. It has been reported that contributions of
6 Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci

Figure 5 Oceanic plate ages and plate convergence rates (Nishikawa and Ide, 2014) compared with the structure of high-velocity subducting slabs (blue)
constrained from seismic tomography (Fukao and Obayashi, 2013). White circles in tomographic images represent earthquakes with magnitude larger than 4
within 50 km from the target profile (ISC earthquake catalogue 1964–2008).

Figure 6 Slab pull and slab suction. Modified from Conrad and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2004).

the present-day slab pull and slab suction to plate motion suction dominated orogenic belts, the subducting slab and
appear to be significantly different from those in the early the overriding plate move toward each other horizontally,
Cenozoic, displaying apparent temporal variations (Conrad with compressional deformation and obvious thickening of
and Lithgow-Bertelloni, 2004). In addition, researchers the crust in the overriding plate (e.g., Himalaya-Tibet, Cen-
propose that for orogens formed at convergent plate tral Andes). This view links the deep subduction processes
boundaries, the relative strength of slab pull and slab suction with the surface orogenic structures, providing a new win-
may control the pattern of the orogeny, the variation of which dow to understand the deep-shallow coupling and its dy-
is used to decipher the spatial differences of orogenic char- namic mechanism.
acteristics in different regions such as Himalaya-Tibet, An- Besides these two forces, other forces like ridge push,
dean Cordillera and Mediterranean (Faccenna et al., 2013). gravitational potential energy induced by topography or
In slab pull dominated orogenic belts, the subducting slab crustal thickness variations also contribute to the present-day
and the overriding plate move in the same direction hor- plate motions. However, some studies point out that the
izontally, and trench retreat results in extensional deforma- contributions of these forces are one order of magnitude less
tion in the overriding plate without obvious crustal than that from subducting slabs (e.g., Forsyth and Uyeda,
thickening (e.g., Mediterranean). On the other hand, in slab 1975; Lithgow-Bertelloni and Richards, 1998; Stern, 2007).
Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci 7

Previous studies on the forces induced by subducting slabs ler et al., 2016). Some of the variations are difficult to be
or other forces are mostly based on simple models. In par- attributed to the changes in slab pull and slab suction, but
ticular, these models only consider the radial variations in the rather closely related to the activities of mantle plumes.
density structure and rheological properties. Recent geody- The Indian plate motion speed increased abruptly to >15
namic studies show that lateral variations in the rheological cm yr at ~67–65 Ma at the beginning of the Cenozoic and
properties would significantly affect the relative strength of kept high at >10 cm yr until ~52 Ma, after which it de-
individual forces and thus their contributions to plate motion creased. By contrast, the African plate experienced exactly
(Billen, 2008; Li and Ribe, 2012). For example, adopting opposite variations in the speed of movement (Cande and
different viscosities for both plates and underlying mantle in Stegman, 2011; Müller, 2011). To date such a kind of abrupt
modelling has given rise to different views on the slab-in- changes of plate motion has not yet been well explained by
duced forces especially slab suction and its role in driving variations in either slab properties or subduction processes,
plate motion (e.g., Goes et al., 2008; Stadler et al., 2010). If or both. If considering only the negative buoyancy of sub-
taking into account the lateral variations in global-scale li- ducting slabs, both geodynamic simulation results and cur-
thospheric viscosities (above 200 km depth), gravitational rent geodetic observations show that the maximum plate
potential energy associated with surface topography cannot motion rate can reach at most about 8–9 cm yr (Conrad and
be neglected in driving plate motion compared to slab-in- Hager, 1999; Goes et al., 2008). Hence, subduction alone is
duced forces (Ghosh and Holt, 2012). Therefore, a deep in- difficult to explain the dramatic acceleration to more than 10
sight into individual forces and to better understand driving cm yr of the Indian plate and the simultaneous slow-down
forces for plate motion requires more relevant observations of the African plate (Müller, 2011).
and detailed quantitative assessments of the Earth’s structure Based on the analysis of geophysical data in the Indian
and properties. Ocean, researchers from Scripps Institute of Oceanography
proposed that the abnormally rapid movement of the Indian
plate at 67–52 Ma and the deceleration of the African plate
3. Plate tectonics vs. plume tectonics may be related to the activity of the Reunion plume, the head
of which arrived and impinged on the base of the lithosphere
Current observations suggest that oceanic plates subduct due at about 67 Ma (Cande and Stegman, 2011). After its pro-
to their own negative buoyancy, and slab pull and slab suc- posal, some researchers tested this model through geody-
tion contribute to most of the driving forces and thus control namic simulations and found that the effect of the Reunion
the plate motion (Forsyth and Uyeda, 1975; Conrad and plume head could indeed accelerate the Indian plate motion.
Lithgow-Bertelloni, 2002; Stadler et al., 2010). Plate tec- However, the plate speed is difficult to reach more than 10
tonics is thus also known as subduction tectonics, suggesting cm yr (van Hinsbergen et al., 2011). In addition, the plume
that the “Top down” regime dominates at present. However, and associated magmatic activities and thermal anomalies
the Earth system has undergone an evolution of ~4.5 Gyr. have only a short-term effect of less than 3 Myr (Chenet et
The structure and properties from the surface to the deep al., 2007; Armitage et al., 2011). It is also difficult to explain
Earth have changed significantly since the early Archaean. the rapid motion of the Indian plate lasting for ~15 Myr
Plate tectonics may have also evolved since its first ap- (Müller, 2011). Nevertheless, the study by Cande and Steg-
pearance on Earth, presumably having a periodic character as man (2011), which links plume activities to plate motion,
exemplified by the supercontinent-superplume cycles provides a new way to explore plume-plate relationship and
(Maruyama, 1994; Li and Zhong, 2009; Li et al., 2019). Then interactions and to further understand the driving forces for
we may ask: can the present-day “Top down” tectonics ex- plate motion.
plain the long-term evolution of the Earth? Moreover, as the From a global scale, the plate motions were the fastest in
other end-member tectonic system on Earth, how has “Bot- the early Cretaceous (~140–120 Ma) with an average rate of
tom up” tectonics (or plume tectonics) been related to and 9–10 cm yr , about twice of the present rate (Figures 1b and
interplayed with “Top down” tectonics? In the following, we 7a). The global mean oceanic crustal age decreased rapidly
will discuss these basic questions for understanding plate from ~50 Myr at 140 Ma to less than 40 Myr at 120 Ma, the
tectonics and the evolution of the Earth system. lowest since the beginning of the Phanerozoic (Figure 7b;
Müller et al., 2016). The younging of oceanic crust in this
3.1 Interactions between plate tectonics and plume period would have resulted in relatively low densities of
tectonics at various time scales subducting slabs, which are difficult to be responsible for the
fastest plate motions of the same period. On the other hand,
Plate reconstruction studies show that both the individual plume activity was the strongest in the early Cretaceous, as
plate motions and the global mean plate velocity exhibit manifested by the development of numerous Large Igneous
time-dependent characteristics (Zahirovic et al., 2015; Mül- Provinces (LIPs) globally, such as Gascoyne (136 Ma),
8 Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci

Paraná-Etendeka (135 Ma), Piñón (123 Ma), Manihiki (123 shapes, promoting the development of plumes at their edges,
Ma), Ontong Java and Hikurangi (122 Ma), Kerguelen (118 and probably even providing materials to the LLSVPs (see
Ma) (Dodd et al., 2015; Prokoph et al., 2013). The Ontong the review by Garnero et al., 2016). It was proposed that the
Java-Manihiki-Hikurangi oceanic plateau in the southwest long-term slab subduction along the circum-Pacific zone
Pacific Ocean is probably the product of the largest mantle may have led to an obvious southward migration of the
plume event since 200 Ma (Taylor, 2006), with the eruption northern edge of the Pacific LLSVP and thus a moving
area of basalts covering over 1% of the Earth’s surface. It has source of the Hawaiian plume at the core-mantle boundary at
been suggested that strong interactions between plumes and ~100–50 Ma. The southward migration might have slowed
plates can significantly weaken and thin the lithosphere and down thereafter. Such a spatial-temporal variation of the
reduce the coupling between lithosphere and asthenosphere, plume source location (Hassan et al., 2016), in addition to the
leading to a reduction of resistance but an acceleration to change in the rate and direction of the Pacific plate motion
plate motion (Kumar et al., 2007). This mechanism can presumed previously (Sharp and Clague, 2006), could ex-
reasonably explain the significant increase in the global plain the sharp bend of the Hawaii-Emperor chain at ca. 50
mean plate speed in 140–120 Ma. The total length of the Ma. A comprehensive understanding of the bend and the
global continental rift system is much longer in the early overall shape of the Hawaii-Emperor chain may require an
Cretaceous than that at any other time period (Figure 7c; integrated investigation on the spatial-temporal relationship
Brune et al., 2017). This corresponds well to the coeval rapid between the plume source location at the core-mantle
plate motions, probably also being a reflection of enhanced boundary and the plate motion on the surface (Torsvik et al.,
global plume activities. 2017).
The plate-plume interactions and the strong influences of New results and interpretations challenge the traditional
plume activities on plate tectonics are not only evident in the view that deeply rooted plumes are relatively fixed. A recent
recent era but also during the Earth’s long-term evolution geodynamic simulation study further suggests that the in-
since the formation of plate tectonics. The classic example is teractions between subducted slabs and LLSVP edges can
the supercontinent assembly and breakup with a period of trigger the formation of bilaterally zoned plumes, the rising
600±100 Myr, which reflects the coupling of superplume of which to the surface under certain plate motion conditions
with supercontinent cycles throughout the geological history is responsible for the distinct chemical zoning of basalts
(Figure 8; Li and Zhong, 2009). According to Li and Zhong along the Hawaii-Emperor volcanic chain (Dannberg and
(2009), during the process of supercontinent assembly, sub- Gassmöller, 2018). The above explanation and model, which
duction tectonics plays a dominant role in continental con- though still need more observations to verify, provide new
vergence; while during the process of supercontinent insights in understanding the complicated interactions be-
breakup, superplume activity dominates over plate tectonics, tween plate tectonics and deep plume sources and their
resulting in the weakening and breakup of supercontinent. A shallow responses.
new study further proposes that due to the interactions be- During the processes of slab sinking and plume rising, the
tween subduction tectonics and plume tectonics, the Earth interactions of the two could lead to different results if the
system may have a tectonic cycle twice the timescale of condition within the mantle changes. One example comes
supercontinent, i.e., superocean cycle of 1000–1400 Myr (Li from the petro-geochemical study of the diamond inclusions
et al., 2019). If further confirmed, it would suggest that enclosed in the late Cretaceous kimberlite in Juina, Brazil. It
subduction tectonics and plume tectonics interplay over indicates that a plume probably ascended and reached the top
multiple timescales in a complex manner, which controls the of the lower mantle at 95–92 Ma, where it might have in-
complicated evolution of the entire Earth system. teracted with a subducting slab and carried the oceanic
crustal materials within the slab further to the surface (Walter
3.2 Plate-plume interaction at various depths et al., 2011). In this scenario, the subducting slab failed to
prevent the upwelling of the plume. However, recent studies
The subducting slabs and rising plumes, being the down- on the dynamics of the Cenozoic volcanism in western North
welling and upwelling of mantle convection, respectively, America suggest that the subduction of the Farallon slab may
interplay with each other at various depths and on different have largely prevented the Yellowstone plume from rising,
spatial scales, which further affects the mode and dynamic and the formation of the volcanoes, including the Yellow-
processes of mantle convection, as well as the style of plate stone hotspot track might have been dominantly related to
motion on the Earth’s surface. the shallow mantle flows induced by the subduction of the
At the core-mantle boundary areas, the subducted slab Farallon slab (Leonard and Liu, 2016; Zhou et al., 2018). The
materials are expected to move horizontally and push the two characteristics of slab-plume interactions and associated
Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs), i.e., the distinct results are closely related to the morphologies,
source regions of plumes, resulting in the changes in their rheological properties, relative spatial positions of the slab
Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci 9

Figure 7 Global root mean square plate speeds (a), mean age of global oceanic crust (b), and continental rift length through time (c) in the past 200 Myr.
(a), (b) are modified from Müller et al. (2016), and (c) from Brune et al. (2017). Red thick lines in (c) represent rift length history combining continent-scale
rifts with additional rifts from the geological record. Abbreviations in (c): CAtl, central Atlantic; NAtl, northeast Atlantic; NAmIbr, North America/Iberia;
GoM, Gulf of Mexico; EWGo, East and West Gondwana; NAmGre, North America/Greenland; IndMad, India/Madagascar; WAnt, West Antarctic Rift;
AusAnt, Australia/Antarctica; IndAus, India/Australia and Antarctica; SAtl, South Atlantic; WCARS, West and Central Africa; AusZea, Australia/New
Zealand; SCS, South China Sea; GoC, Gulf of California; GoA, Gulf of Aden; RedS, Red Sea; EARS, East African Rift System.

and plume and the depth of the interaction. Although pre- an important research subject of plate tectonics and con-
vious studies provide important clues and basis for con- tinental dynamics. Since the establishment of the plate tec-
straining the process and mechanism of slab-plume tonics theory, some researchers have linked the continent/
interactions, key parameters and properties are still in- supercontinent breakup to large-scale mantle upwelling.
sufficiently constrained at present and thus no comprehen- However, debates remain on whether tectonic activities re-
sive and systematic understanding has been reached. sult in the breakup of continents and the formation of plume
In the shallow upper mantle, plumes would interplay with ascending channels, or plumes play a decisive role in the
the overriding plates after reaching the bottom of the litho- continental breakup, or both (e.g., Burke and Dewey, 1973;
sphere. Such an interplay involves the basic processes of the Storey, 1995; Courtillot et al., 1999; Buiter and Torsvik,
Wilson cycle, such as continent/supercontinent breakup and 2014; Zhang et al., 2018). In most cases, continental breakup
ocean floor spreading, as well as major geological problems, is spatially and temporally correlated with LIPs. Analysis
such as continental reworking and craton destruction. This is results suggest that even if tectonic processes such as sub-
10 Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci

Figure 8 Comparison of the supercontinent time evolution (a) and the probability distribution of Large Igneous Province (LIP) events (b) on the Earth
(modified from Li and Zhong, 2009). Concentrated periods of LIPs correspond well to supercontinent breakup periods during which the plume activities are
intense and the subduction activities are weak; when LIPs are less developed, supercontinent assembly occurs with weak plume activities but strong
subduction activities.

duction dominate during the continental breakup, plumes at Earth’s evolution, and have jointly controlled the evolution
least promote and accelerate the breakup process (Figure 9a, processes of the Earth system. Even at the present day when
Buiter and Torsvik, 2014; Wan et al., 2019). subduction tectonics dominates and subducting slabs provide
From the current “Top down” view, mid-ocean ridges up to 90% of driving forces for plate motion, plumes still
(MORs) are zones of passive mantle upwelling controlled by exert important impacts on the behavior and dynamic pro-
plate subduction. However, in cases of plumes interacting cesses of the entire Earth from the very surface to the core-
directly with MORs, the features of the MORs would be mantle boundary even to the core. At different evolution
strongly affected by these interactions. For example, plume- stages or different spatial ranges throughout the geological
ridge interactions can make the corresponding MOR stabi- history, the relative importance of plate tectonics and plume
lize for a long time (Figure 9b, e.g., Southwest Indian Ocean, tectonics may have changed, and so the corresponding forces
southern South Atlantic, a part of East Pacific Rise), a feature they provided to drive plate motion and their roles in the
obviously different from most other MORs that migrate with whole Earth system may have also changed. Many studies
time. In this case, LIPs would repeatedly form at locations have been conducted and various models have been pro-
where MORs and plumes interact, which would further posed on this aspect, including not only the aforementioned
change the composition of the ambient upper mantle multi-timescale evolution model of supercontinent-super-
(Rowley et al., 2016; Whittaker et al., 2015). Plume-ridge ocean superplume coupling (Li et al., 2019), but also many
interactions can also facilitate the formation of (continental others (e.g., Figure 1 in McNamara, 2019) such as the plume
or oceanic) micro-blocks and strongly affect the seafloor tectonics model (Maruyama, 1994), which combines sub-
topography (Li et al., 2018). duction tectonics (mainly refers to downgoing cold plumes
A recent geodynamic study further shows that the lower in the lower mantle) with hot uprising plume tectonics. A
part of the thick lithosphere beneath stable cratonic regions thorough understanding, accurate evaluation and judgment
could be modified/removed through delamination due to its of these models have become an important step to explore
strong interactions with rising plumes, possibly accom- the driving forces of plate tectonics and the relationship and
panying obvious surface uplift (Figure 9c). As the plume interaction between plate tectonics and plume tectonics from
activity weakens, the cratonic lithosphere may experience the four-dimensional time-space perspective.
vertical accretion and thus thickening via cooling (Hu et al.,
2018). Compared with the mechanism proposed for craton
destruction, in which the nature and properties of the cratonic 4. Conclusion
lithosphere have changed and the craton lost its stability
under the crucial influence of oceanic subduction (Zhu et al., Since the theory of plate tectonics was proposed in the 1960s,
2011; Liu and Li, 2018; Wu et al., 2019), this mode em- Earth scientists have been constantly exploring the driving
phasizes the roles of plumes in thinning and reactivating the forces for plate motion, debating about whether it is the
presumably stable cratonic lithosphere that is indeed struc- mantle convection-driven “Bottom up” mechanism or the
turally heterogeneous both laterally and vertically. This plate-controlled subduction-driven “Top down” mechanism
opens up a new perspective for understanding the long-term that dominates, and about the relationship and interactions
evolution of continents. between these two mechanisms throughout the Earth’s dy-
Taken together, the “Top down” plate/subduction tectonics namic evolution. The debates stem from different views/
and “Bottom up” plume tectonics have interacted with each understandings on plates and plate tectonics and on the re-
other at various time scales and spatial ranges during the lationship between plate tectonics and the Earth system.
Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci 11

Figure 9 Three interaction modes between plume and overlying lithosphere. (a) Plumes promote and accelerate the continent breakup initially produced by
tectonism (Buiter and Torsvik, 2014). (b) Plume-ridge interaction (Whittaker et al., 2015). Left: If a plume is located just below a MOR, the interactions
between them make the MOR stay stationary for a long time; In the case that the plume is not right below the MOR, the MOR migrates with time, and the
farther the plume from the MOR, the faster the MOR moves. Right: reconstructed absolute MOR locations (coloured lines) and reconstructed LIPs (purple)
around hot-spots (circles). Black thick lines delineate the two LLSVPs above the core-mantle boundary. CATL, Central Atlantic; EPAC, East Pacific; NATL,
North Atlantic; NWIR, Northwest Indian Ridge; SEIR, Southeast Indian Ridge; sSATL, southern South Atlantic; SWIR, Southwest Indian Ridge. (c)
Removal of deep mantle lithosphere due to the upwelling of plumes along weak zones within the previously stable cratonic lithosphere, which leads to
isostatic surface uplift and subsidence in regions with and without lithospheric removal, respectively (Hu et al., 2018).

Further studies about the driving forces of plate movement forces, as well as the way and process of slab subduction and
are therefore deemed to focus on these two aspects. its interactions with the surrounding mantle (Billen, 2008;
Firstly, a better understanding of the nature of plates, Stadler et al., 2010; Li and Ribe, 2012). The classical theory
especially their rheological behavior becomes the breach of of plate tectonics is based on the rigid plate model. It as-
studying the driving forces for plate motion in the future. sumes that tectonic deformations are concentrated only on
While the density-determined negative buoyancy of sub- narrow plate boundaries. Actual observations, however, re-
ducting slabs provides important forces to drive plates to veal significant internal deformations of continental and
move, the rheological properties of plates control the plate even oceanic plates (e.g., Tapponnier and Molnar, 1977;
speed and deformation characteristics under such driving Gordon and Stein, 1992; Yin, 2010). At present, the strength
12 Chen L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci

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measured in the laboratory (~1 GPa), and controversies re- ences (Grant No. XDA20070302) and the independent project of the State
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(Responsible editor: Xiong XIONG)

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