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~[2111] fols. 88v-90v: Abu Hanifa sfqmG ぬBが : Wasiya sqMぬ . -On the
author (died 150/767) and his testament on the principles of
Islam ? GAS I 416 no. IV. An English translation with
commentary can be found in A. J. Wensinck, The Muslim Creed
(London 1965), p.125ff. -Ms. 59. -18 folios; 15×20 cm; 16-22
lines; naskhi, tending to ruq'a. The chapter-headings are
written in red ink. Thin, smooth and yellowish paper.
Primitive pasteboard binding. Owner's remark, by Ibrahim
Ya'qubi, from the year 1963. Hand of the beginning of the
14th/20th century. -

Source: - pqhずLkぐ こ7Kぐずじkぐぬ pe7iDkぐ じoZl -

な7B7qkぐ - ぬqjぬだ pZl7E


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