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Summer Internship Program 2020

Case Study Project Report Viva [Online]

40 30 Marks 30 Marks
Dates for Presentation – August 3 to 7th 2020

Project Guidelines

• The format should be either in pdf or MS word.

• Idea Size - Minimum 1000 words with 12 font size, 1.5 spacing in Times
New Roman or Arial Narrow.
• Indexing, head note and footnote with reference & Bibliography will be a
mandatory part.
• If found copying or presenting someone else’s work as your own, with or
without consent [plagiarism], your project may be cancelled.
• Discuss minimum 5 leading cases [in detail] in support of your project. 
The format of the cover page of project is attached herewith.

. Case Study Guidelines

• The format should be either in pdf or MS word.

• Idea Size - Minimum 500 words with 12 font size, 1.5 spacing in Times New
Roman or Arial Narrow.

• Citation : At first of a law case study, you have to do the citation with the
proper date of judgment, the court that decided it and the name of the
case study.
• Facts : This is the illustration part of the case study. In this section o the
lower court’s decision, o the argument and the identity of the defendant
and plaintiff and o the reason for the lawsuit all of these will be described.
• Issue : The issue of the legal case study will be displayed in this section. The
crucial points of this section are the essential issue before the court and the
form of the question that a client may face.
• Decision : The decision is the answer to the court will be described in this
section. The court will give the answer in a ‘yes' or ‘no'. The court will give
the answer depending on the issue of the case study.
• Reason : The possible reason for the court's answer will be concise in this
section. This section will also describe depending on which law, the court
has arrived at this decision.
• You have to analyze the objective of the case study.
Summer Internship Program 2020

Student’s Name:
Enrolment No:
Batch Name & Year:
Project Title:

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