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Technology Infrastructure Plan

This plan serves as an outline for all technology options available to an instrumental
music program. These technology options can be used as a replacement for face-to-face
instruction, such as during distance learning, severe weather days, or absence of
students/teachers. They can also be used as a supplement to regular instruction, especially
when used at home or in an extracurricular setting.

Live Education:
1. Google, Zoom, Teams, Skype
a. Use for live video instruction and chat to replace face-to-face learning.
b. Available on most tech devices
c. Most have business/academic accounts
d. Mostly free to teachers and students
2. YouTube
a. Use for live instruction/stream without student feedback
b. Can include lectures, performances, and other musical demonstrations
c. Also doubles as available recorded video option (below)
3. Social Media Live
a. Use for live interactive videos like announcements and updates
b. Easily accessible, easily shareable
c. Can be limited access for privacy as well.

Recorded Audio/Video:
1. Flipgrid
a. Use for playing tests, excerpts, scales and studies, etc; short recordings
b. Post prompt with short student video responses allowed
2. YouTube
a. Use for repertoire assessment, video projects, interview responses, etc; long
b. Videos can be marked private and shared privately
3. SmartMusic
a. Use for music-based audio recordings
b. Requires reading and playing along with sheet music
c. Automatically graded with audio to back up the grade

Social Media and Blogs:

A successful social outreach will have each of the following social media outlets available, and
posted on consistently.
1. Facebook
a. Use for long-form sharing of all media types and information
2. Instagram
a. Use for short-form sharing of visual media types
3. Twitter
a. Use for short-form sharing of text-based media and link sharing
4. Website
a. Use for all-form sharing of all media and information
b. Use to centralize the program’s online presence; everything available in one
c. Use to promote the “brand” of the music program

Other Technology:
1. Adobe Spark
a. Use to create shareable content, like weekly announcements and updates
2. A Capella
a. Use to create short recordings with multiple performers in a shareable and
accessible app
3. Google Classroom and Google Suite
a. Use to organize assignments and class materials
b. Use for different cloud-based file types for program needs
i. Spreadsheets and documents for budget, repertoire list, library, etc

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