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Astral Viewing Secrets Revealed

Pages 2-5

Understanding Astral Viewing

Pages 6-11

The History of Remote Viewing

Pages 12-15

The Importance of Binaural Tones

Pages 16-20

How to Begin Astral Viewing

Pages 21-25

Eliminating Mental Barriers

Pages 26-27

Special Techniques for Astral Viewing

Pages 28-33

Getting the Edge in Life

Pages 34-36


Exploration is key to life. Those who venture out and explore the unknown
are those who make the discoveries. These individuals often find their lives
enriched in the process. This is a simple fact that has been understood by
people living in every era of human history and still rings true today.
Venturing into the unknown, like an explorer, takes courage and a degree of

Today’s visionaries realize that there indeed may be something over the
horizon, something around the bend and something that isn’t quite on the
map… just yet. In this way, they are like the explorers from hundreds and
even thousands of years ago. Often these are the people that society
remembers. In fact, they are often the ones credited with moving
civilization forward. Much of that spirit and that appreciation of those who
explore the unknown is infused into this book.

This book will expose many of the secrets of astral viewing. In all
likelihood, you may not be familiar with this term. It might be new to you.
However, astral viewing provides a remarkable tool that will change your
life forever in many ways you may have never dreamed possible. And to
make astral viewing even better yet, there is a science behind astral viewing
that has been tried and tested. While that may sound extraordinary, it is
indeed true.

In a sense, astral viewing is a combination of two techniques you probably

have heard of, namely, astral projection and remote viewing. Astral
Viewing is a remarkable secret, but it is far less “new-agey” than many other
techniques and/or philosophies that you may have heard about or explored in
the past.

Indeed astral projection may seem a bit “out of this world” for many people
to assimilate into their lives, but it can indeed be done and with a
surprisingly minimal amount of effort. However, it does take quite a bit of

Remote Viewing’s Credible History

It is often stated that a great deal can often be gleaned from where people or
organizations put their money. And this does make a good deal of sense, for

money is after all an allocation of resources. Interestingly enough, one of
the world’s most conservative organizations has actually spent millions of
dollars researching a field closely related to astral viewing, namely remote

The fact that the U.S. government has spent millions of dollars on remote
viewing is probably a big surprise for most readers. Yet, this is a verified
fact that has been the subject of much research. Furthermore, many people
involved in these activities have written books recounting their participation
in these programs.

Remote viewing is looked upon as a practical technique even by many

hardened skeptics. The fact of the matter is that the U.S. government had
enough belief in remote viewing that they spent over $20 million dollars to
research its potential usage for military applications. The fact that remote
viewing has enough substance to it that a major government spent
considerable time and effort researching it definitely lends credence to the
fact that remote viewing is legit. Many people are drawn to remote viewing
because of the simple fact it seems more like hard science.

Apparently, many very bright, well-educated people within the U.S.

government felt that the evidence concerning remote viewing was strong
enough that a further exploration was warranted. Further, this exploration
was deemed as being worthwhile enough to spend several million dollars.

While it is true that government money does often get allocated on

seemingly odd scientific research projects, it is quite unusual for this money
to be allocated to a field or area that seems so far out of step with the
mainstream scientific community. The sheer fact that this happened at all is
enough to make many pause and scratch their head. Even a casual
contemplation of this topic would seem to lend credence to the notion that
experts and scientists somewhere in the U.S. government concluded that
remote viewing might be “worth a look.” This fact alone makes remote
viewing nothing short of fascinating.

Remote Viewing vs. Astral Projection

In today’s world, everyone wants quick results. Therefore, although astral

projection sounds intriguing to many, they are afraid to potentially waste
their time on something that sounds a bit “woo-woo.” Yet, the realm of

remote viewing is different, but why? Remote viewing, for many, is seen as
being less ethereal and a bit more concrete.

Through remote viewing experiments, participants are more readily able to

point to results or experimental data of some sort. The world of astral
projection is much more difficult to quantify in a method that is, in any
fashion, satisfactory to current scientific and research methods. Thus, the
edge goes to remote viewing. In short, it is easier for researchers to show
results and create more concrete and more observable experiments. This
translates to a clear advantage to remote viewing.

Why Astral Viewing?

But you might be asking why you would want to explore or study a
technique such as astral viewing. Perhaps you are asking, what there is to
gain from such a technique? Some of the answers are very obvious. For
example, exploring astral viewing is a way for you to explore your universe,
yourself and broaden your boundaries of what is possible. What value can
one put on becoming a more enlightened and more capable person? This is
a tough question to answer. Many people would feel that any opportunity to
become a more enlightened and more capable person is worth almost any
reasonable price.

Astral viewing is one of those rare skills that can be learned, which has the
potential to transcend the time it takes to learn. While learning Spanish or
German might enrich one’s life and broaden one’s horizons, learning these
languages, for example, doesn’t fundamentally change the way one
perceives time, space and reality itself. Astral viewing, unlike most other
skills that can be learned, explored or honed can literally transform one’s
world view and one’s view of one’s self.

Studying astral viewing is the perfect solution for people looking to leverage
the power of the mind and their spirituality for gaining knowledge and
insight. It allows you to explore our physical realm here on earth and has
tremendously practical applications.

That’s right astral viewing has real world applications and real world
meaning. By learning, embracing and mastering these techniques, you can
change your perception of what is possible and even change your life.

While this might sound extraordinary, consider all the new inventions,
thoughts and concepts that were once created unlikely or impossible.

There was a time when the notion that the earth revolved around the sun was
enough to have a man burnt alive, yet today this is seen as a basic fact and a
basic law of nature. The truth is that truth itself changes with time. What is
viewed as being impossible in one era is viewed as being a simple truth that
every school child knows in another. This cycle of emerging out of the
darkness of ignorance and into the embrace of light is, to some degree, the
never-ending cycle of history.

Astral projection explores the outer realms and other dimensions, and so it
may be too ethereal for some people’s tastes. On the other hand, remote
viewing could seem a bit tedious to some if they are only focusing on
“seeing” earthbound locations and gathering information. That is why astral
viewing is the perfect combination of the two studies. It is a soulful and
spiritual approach to remote viewing. Additionally, it is easy to learn,
especially with the secrets to be presented in this book.

Understanding Astral Viewing

Before we progress further into the details surrounding astral viewing, lets
take some time to explore what it is and what its origins are. In brief, astral
viewing is the ability for someone to use his or her astral body to gather
information about the unknown. This can be about unknown places, people,
events or thoughts. In general, what you are seeking to gain information
about via astral viewing is called the “target.”

As we mentioned in the introduction, astral viewing is a combination of

astral projection and remote viewing. When we use astral projection, our
astral body explores the astral plane. The power of astral projection is
nothing short of profound, and it might shock you to learn that this technique
has an ancient history. How ancient? There are accounts of astral projection
virtually as far back as there is history itself.

People throughout time have been reporting that they have experienced and
used astral projection and astral viewing. Beginning with the ancient
Egyptians and continuing through every era of history, people of all types
and backgrounds have professed to the power of these techniques. They used
it to see and experience amazing things.

Many noted people including great minds and artists throughout history have
credited the ancient and well-documented technique of astral projection as
having enriched their lives. They contributed their expanding understanding
of the universe and their place in it to exploring the world through their
astral body.

The power of astral projection is truly difficult to overstate. People who

successfully astral project have experienced different universes, places,
encountered astral beings and even planets. Yes, you did indeed read that
correctly, people via astral projection have experienced different universes
and planets. Increasingly, such concepts and thoughts are not as “against the
grain” or outlandish as they may have once seemed.

Today’s exponentially expanding base of scientific knowledge is coming

more and more to the realization that mankind does not understand as much
about the universe that we inhabit as we might wish to believe. For
example, many theoretical physicist, quantum physicist and cosmologists
now believe that there are multiple universes and perhaps unending parallel

universes, where anything that you can imagine happening has indeed

These notions are not held by a few scientists working on the “fringe,” but
are increasingly being held by the best and brightest mind. In a word, the
idea that there are different “planes of reality” doesn’t seem so outlandish
anymore. The astral plane is just one of a variety of planes of existence that
we cannot access through our normal consciousness in day-to-day life. Of
course, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

In contrast to astral projection, with remote viewing, we use our five senses
to explore the earth plane. One can quickly see how your “average run of
the mill” scientist or researcher might prefer remote viewing compared to
astral projection. Since remote viewing uses the five senses, that means it
can more readily and easily be evaluated, explored and documented. As of
yet, most mainstream scientists wouldn’t have the foggiest notion of how to
dissect and study astral projection.

Remote viewing has been called “earth projection.” In essence, astral

projection is up in astral planes, and remote projection is terrestrial. Remote
viewing takes place on our physical plane with which we are all familiar.
Thus remote viewing is physical. Scientists and researcher like studying the
physical. Thus, remote viewing clearly makes for a better research subject
than astral projection.

A further clarification is on the topic of where people visit when they are
remote viewing. People who are engaged in remote viewing will commonly
visit different locations on earth and people who are currently living.
Usually, those who are traveling through astral projection are not limited to
the confines of earth. Of course, with astral viewing, both possibilities are at
our fingertips.

An understanding of astral viewing would not be complete without some

knowledge about astral projection and remote viewing. Next, we will
provide a brief summary to better help you understand the nature of
traditional astral projection and traditional remote viewing.

Planes of Astral Projection

When it comes to astral projection, the theory is that there are seven planes
of existence. The first is the physical plane and the second is the astral plane.
As we ascend into higher dimensions, vibrations become finer and finer.

The seven planes of existence are as follows:

1. The Physical Plane

2. The Astral Plane

3. Mental Plane

4. Buddhic Plane

5. Atma Plane

6. Anupadaka Plane

7. Adi Plane

Of course, the exact names of these seven planes can vary considerably
depending on whom you are talking to. However, the general idea is the
same. The planes from one to seven increasingly have less density. When
you get to the highest plane, the adi plane, we get to pure levels of

When you project into the astral plane, you are dealing with the emotional
realm. Therefore, the shapes, colors and experiences are not what you
would experience here on earth. As a result, you can have a wide variety of
different types of experiences. Whereas with astral viewing or remote
viewing, you would see the normal range of objects, shapes and colors that
we see in the everyday world.

The Astral Body

Astral projection deals with the astral body moving through these planes of
existence. While people end up exploring the astral plane (the 2nd plane), it
is possible to visit some of the other planes as well. When the astral body
travels, it can travel throughout space and time. There are no longer any

The astral body is very similar to our regular body. However, it is believed
to be finer and have a lower density. It is our astral body that travels in both
astral projection as well as astral viewing. Our astral body is superimposed
on our physical body. During astral projection, the astral body is held to our
physical form through the silver cord. This cord is invisible, yet it anchors
the astral body to the physical self.

The astral body is essential to astral projection, and it is also essential to

astral viewing. The reason that the astral body is so significant is that it
connects our human bodies to the cosmic level. Our astral bodies house our
emotions and passions. When we travel in our astral body, we experience
astral vision.

What is Remote Viewing?

Remote Viewing was labeled quite a bit after astral projection. This
technique was researched for quite a few years by the U.S. government for
potential military applications. In fact, the Department of Defense described
remote viewing as” the learned ability to transcend space and time, to view
persons, places or things remote in space time; to gather and report
information on the same.” Remote viewing uses all senses, but the viewers
focus primarily on sight.

Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff first coined the term remote viewing in
1974. However, just like the technique of astral projection, Remote Viewing
definitely could have occurred as far back as ancient civilizations.

In fact, the ancient Egyptians could very well have been masters of both
astral projection as well as remote viewing. Hieroglyphics, for example,
acknowledge the physical representation of the astral body hovering above a
person’s regular body.

Remote Viewing is ability where people can use their psychic abilities to
view information about a “target.” The viewing process is typically to gather
information. The target is usually in a different location and often at a great
distance away. The target can also be in the future or the past. Time and
space do not have the boundaries that they do in our day-to-day lives in the
world of remote viewing.

With remote viewing, people always are kept free of any information
regarding the target until all of their thoughts have been recorded. Some
evidence has shown remote viewing will cease to work properly if the
viewers have previous knowledge about what they are supposed to see. In
fact, ideally the person who the remote viewer interacts with should also
have no knowledge of the target. This is called a “double blind” experiment
and is the ideal set of circumstances for remote viewing to work properly
according to the experts.

In the book “Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook,” former U.S.

government remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle writes, “In following the
way of remote viewing, one learns to be an empty vessel, within which ideas
can form that are relevant to an unknown location, event, object, person or
concept. These ideas are not connected to any personal desires, wants,
issues, beliefs or structures that may already exist within us.”

Astral Viewing Defined

Astral viewing is a way of seeing into other locations using the power of
one’s non-physical self. The target is identified while we are having an out
of body experience. None of the traditional five senses are relied upon the
way they are necessary with remote viewing. During the astral viewing
process, the mind corresponds to the astral body’s senses instead of the usual
senses we are accustomed to using in day-to-day reality.

Astral viewing is special and unique because with this practice we go

beyond using our traditional five senses. Yet, we are still in the physical
world. In this way, astral viewing is very similar to remote viewing.
Because astral viewing is a combination of astral projection and remote
viewing, it means that we explore the earth plane through our astral body.

So what happens during an out of body experience? Our brain’s alpha

waves decrease and beta waves increase. Heart rate and respiration picks
up. It is common for people who are practicing astral viewing to access the
state through deep meditation, awareness of charkas and listening to binaural
beats to put the brainwaves into Theta.

When we view with our astral bodies, the impressions can be vague
dreamlike and sometimes somewhat beyond our normal range of knowledge.
You will not have experiences exactly like you do in day-to-day life when

you are astral viewing. Instead, everything will seem more dreamlike and
less defined.

With astral viewing, all the senses work together towards identifying your
target. So you can still use your traditional five senses, but you can also get
vibrations from what you see. You may see auras or energy signatures from
regular objects and things.

The only exception to this rule with astral viewing is it is common to see
objects that do not exist yet but will exist in the future. There is some
blurring of lines of time. All astral viewers have to keep in mind the time
lines when they are viewing. You can transcend time and space, and that is
one of the reasons that astral viewing is so exciting.

Many people believe that it is easier and quicker to learn astral viewing as
opposed to astral projection. Where it can often take people years of
discipline to master astral projection, they can learn remote viewing
extremely quickly.

History of Remote Viewing

As we have stated, astral viewing is based largely on the principles of

remote viewing. Just to reiterate, the primary difference between the two
activities is that with remote viewing we use our regular senses to identify a
target in the physical realm. With astral viewing, we use our astral body to
locate a target again in the physical realm.

In order to explain exactly how legitimate remote viewing is, it is important

to explore a bit more about its history. We also must examine its past and
current uses on both the global scale as well as in popular culture. It is
important to remember and not lose sight of the fact that remote viewing has
been considered of such potential value that the U.S. government invested
millions in its exploration. Hold this particular fact firmly in your mind as
you continue to explore astral viewing and all the possibilities for changing
your own life that it holds.

Russell Targ, Edwin May and Harold Puthoff worked at Electronics and
Bioengineering Laboratory at Stanford and coined the term remote viewing.
They also formed the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Targ, May and Puthoff
began to focus on studying the paranormal. The Parapsychology Foundation
and the Institute of Noetic Sciences funded Targ and Puthoff’s work.

Clearly, these were not a “bunch of guys” tinkering in their basement or

basements. These were respected and bright individuals who worked in very
rigorous scientific disciplines within one of the most respected learning
institutions in the United States, if not the world, Stanford University.

Yet, the experiments go back even further. Take, for example, the work of
Rene Warcollier, who did so pioneering work in the field of remote viewing.
Back in 1948, Rene Warcollier did a report on individuals who transmitted
images to one another. A similar study was done just a few years later by Sir
Hubert Wilkins and Harold Shreman.

The Stargate Project

Humorously enough, when one mentions the term “Stargate” today, most
people’s first reaction is to think of the 1990s movie “Stargate” or the never-
ending television series “Stargate SG-1” or its later spin-off series. For most
people, this is the only science-fiction association that the term “Stargate”

holds in the public consciousness. However, the term has been used in a
much different, yet as it turns out, infinitely more interesting fashion. The
facts of the matter is that while Hollywood was cranking out science-fiction
tales of a technologically advanced machine called Stargate, the U.S.
government was investing money, time and personnel in accomplishing
much the same thing.

The US government was committed to determining whether remote viewing

could be used for military purposes. Yes, there was a real Stargate, of sorts.
It was sponsored by Uncle Sam and was called the Stargate Project. This
program was classified as top secret, but was later revealed to the public.
The program ended in 1995. Reports estimate that the government spent
over $20 million dollars to test remote viewing. Some of the remote viewers
in the program included Pat Price and Ingo Swann.

Psychic Warrior

It may surprise many to learn that has been books written about this most
interesting governmental exploration of remote viewing. Psychic Warrior is
a 1996 book written by David Morehouse, which described his experiences
in the Stargate Project. Morehouse was dismissed from the military after
writing his book. He now runs a remote viewing organization and has
training thousands of people about remote viewing.

Movies Featuring Remote Viewing

Hollywood, of course, is beginning to warm up to the storytelling

possibilities of remote viewing. There have been some exploration of the
subject, and we should expect to see more in the future. After all, remote
viewing is a fascinating subject and should make for entertaining films.

Some recent films involving remote viewing include Suspect Zero starring
Ben Kingsley. Kingsley played an FBI informant who helped the
government using his remote viewing skills. The film The Men Who Stare
at Goats, starring George Clooney, also revolves around remote viewing
within the US military.

Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann is one of the co-creators of the Stargate Project. He also is a
prolific writer and artist. Swan is credited with the idea of Coordinate
Remote Viewing. Viewers look for a location based on its geographical

Ingo Swann has written a wide variety of books including “To Kiss Earth
Good-bye: Adventures and Discoveries in the Nonmaterial,” “Recounted by
the Man who has Astounded Physicists and Parapsychologists Throughout
the World,” and self-help books including “Everybody's Guide to Natural
Esp Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind.”

Types of Remote Viewing

There are a variety of different remote viewing procedures and protocols,

which have been established. These include the Scientific Remote Viewing
(or SRV), Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) and Hawaii Remote Viewer’s
Guide. Through all of these methods, the remote viewing experience
doesn’t involve out of body experiences.

Controlled Remote Viewing (or CRV) is training which accesses the remote
viewing process to work hand in hand with the subconscious mind.
Controlled Remote Viewing is the type of remote viewing that was practiced
by the military. In fact, Lyn Buchanan one of the remote viewer’s from the
U.S. government’s program, still runs a training program on Controlled
Remote Viewing and founded a company that trains people to this day.

Scientific Remote Viewing is studied at the non-profit organization The

Farsight Institute. These researchers at the institute study the intuition, and
consciousness along with remote viewing. Remote viewing is seen as a
shifting of awareness in normal consciousness.

However, Scientific Remote Viewing does not include an altered state of

consciousness or channeling. Of course, astral viewing is different that
scientific remote viewing in that we are gathering information through
altered consciousness and accessing our astral bodies.

The Farsight Institute’s website states the following:

Research at The Farsight Institute demonstrates that consciousness is more than a

by-product of the physical human nervous system. Solid evidence demonstrates

that consciousness fundamentally transcends the linear evolution of time and the
relativistic limitations of space. Consciousness appears to be intrinsic to — and
permeates all of — physical creation. In essence, our physical nervous system
appears to act as a tuning device that connects us to an underlying field of nature
through which knowledge of all things is possible.

According to the Farsight Institute, there is definitely a metaphysical

component to remote viewing. This organization seeks to truly understand
the boundaries that encompass remote viewing.

Importance of Binaural Tones

Most people have never heard of binaural tones. So if this term is new to
you, don’t worry you are in good company. But as you will see and
experience, binaural tones are able to produce a rather interesting effect. In
fact, this effect has some interesting and profound implications for those
interested in astral viewing.

Binaural Tones utilizes tones and chants to balance the hemispheres of the
brain. Through these sounds, you can get similar reactions to what you
would receive during deep meditation. Imagine this fact for a moment:
binaural tones have the potential to put users into a state that is similar to a
deep meditation. The ramifications for astral viewing are substantial and
rather astounding.

These tones are extremely important to astral viewing because binaural tones
can achieve out of body experiences that would have taken a very long time
to accomplish with meditation alone. In short, binaural tones can be a major
time saver and facilitator in the astral viewing process.

If you are looking to begin astral viewing and are hoping to have immediate
results, listening to binaural tones is the way to go. By incorporating
binaural tones into one’s astral viewing experience, it is possible for even a
“rookie” to make some fast and serious progress.

What happens during the process is as follows. When we listen to these

tones and when two different tones are presented separately via headphones
our brain pulsates. In order for this to be accomplished, there must be a
minimal difference between the two different frequencies.

You are probably wondering who first discovered binaural beats and how
this feat was accomplished. Heinrich Wilheim Dove discovered the
powerful effect that binaural beats have all the way back in 1839. However,
at the time the effect was not applied yet to astral projection or meditation.

Surprisingly, the work on binaural beats was scant for quite some time. The
next person to carry the research on binaural tones further was Gerald Oster
in 1973. He wrote an article in Scientific American about these tones called
“Auditory Beats in the Brain.” Oster was focused on studying potential

medical possibilities of these sounds for diagnosis and for people with
neurological conditions.

It is important to pause and note the importance of Oster’s work and in

particular where it was published. Scientific America is, needles to state,
very well respected within the scientific community. The simple fact that
Oster’s “Auditory Beats in the Brain” appeared in this well respected, and
intensely scrutinized publication is very, very interesting. The appearance of
Oster’s work in Scientific America lends a great deal of credibility to the
potential of binaural tones and their action upon and interaction with the
human brain.

Robert Monroe took the study of binaural tones far father. Monroe was
fascinated with these sounds in general. However, in particular what drew
his interest was the potential use of binaural tones for out-of-body
experiences. Monroe created the personal development industry for binaural
beats called the Monroe Institute. For this reason it is safe to consider
Monroe to be a definite pioneer in the field.

Brainwave entrainment is when the brain wave frequency begins to change

to the frequency of the sounds and tone. This process has been shown to
activate certain regions of the brain. If the sound is near the delta, theta,
alpha, beta or gamma brainwave frequencies, the brainwaves begin to
change and adapt to the tone. This is how desired effects can be caused by
the binaural beats.

Thus those who are using binaural beats are literally using a short cut that
will allow them to tap into these various states. By using these sounds to tap
into the delta, theta, alpha, beta or gamma brainwave frequencies, it is
possible for those who are involved in astral viewing to induce states that
may have otherwise required years of meditation practice. Needless to say,
this is quite the potential shortcut.

At this point, you are no doubt wondering what the different waves can do
within an astral viewing context. The different types of brainwaves
correspond to different feelings and emotions as indicated below.
Everything between gamma waves and delta waves can be activated during
listening to binaural tones.

Theta waves are the ideal kind of brainwaves for experiencing out of body
travel through the astral body. Once you have achieved this state, it is the
opportune time to proceed with astral projection, remote viewing or astral
viewing and achieve some truly remarkable results.

Different Brainwaves

Gamma Waves

Gamma waves are about 40 hz and are typically associated with

consciousness. The states that can be induced by activating gamma waves
are precognition, and perception.

Beta Waves

Beta waves tend to make our minds more alert and focused. In our beta state,
neurons fire rapidly. Peak performance is said to be associated with this
state. The range of brain waves tends to be 12-40 Hz

Alpha Waves

Alpha waves are geared towards expanding awareness. Activating these

waves can cause relaxation, and creative visualization. Alpha waves are
between 7-12 Hz.

Theta Waves

Theta waves cause the twilight state. Deep insights may be revealed when
these brainwaves are activated. Emotions and life transforming moments
can be experienced in Theta. Theta waves are often cultivated for deep
meditation. Theta waves are at approximately 4 hz-7 hz.

Delta Waves

Delta waves can cause detached awareness and also deep sleep without
dreams. This is the slowest of all frequencies at 1-4 Hz. Delta waves also
trigger the release of Human Growth Hormone, which is beneficial for

Binaural tones can be extremely effective for astral viewing as the binaural
tones bring your mind into a Theta state. In fact, it was found that certain
combinations of alpha and theta binaural tones actually cause the
consciousness to move away from the human body. Many people note that
they can actually feel their perception float away from their body as soon as
they begin listening.

Astral projection, remote viewing and astral viewing all take place in the
Theta phase. Once you have entered Theta, you can control your astral body
to see what you wish either on the astral plane during astral projection. Or
you can control your astral body on the physical plane during remote
viewing or astral viewing.


Astral viewing starts typically through meditation. Meditation is what causes

the viewer to begin traveling in his or her astral body. First the meditator
enters into a spiritual zone with 7 spiraling wheels. Incidentally, these
wheels being described correlate to our 7 chakras.

The word chakra comes from a word that means “wheel” in Sanskrit. Each
chakra has a different frequency of color, vibrations and sounds. Chakras
can be tremendously useful to focus on when we are getting ready for astral
These wheels are:

The Base of the Spine

The Naval

Solar Plexus





The person meditating is then able to move the astral body through the third
eye. The third eye is a source of all wisdom and inner knowing. This chakra
helps psychic perception and balances the pineal gland. The third eye has
also been called the pineal gland and it correlates to the brow chakra (or
medulla) located between your eyebrows. Developing this region will
provide you with better visualization during your astral viewing experiences.

In fact, Descartes said the pineal gland is the seat of the soul. It is located
behind the eyes and above the pituitary gland. The third eye is thought to be
a link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Many people work on their
charkas before trying to do astral viewing. This can help because
stimulating your third eye can cause lucid dreams.

To stimulate your third eye, imagine swirls of energy around your third eye
zone. Feel the chakras begin to open up. At this point, the astral viewing
can take place.

Once you begin the astral viewing, be sure to quiet down all of your chakras.
It is important to have them open. However, they should not to be actively
projecting energy at the time your astral body separates from your physical

At this point, you can begin to guide your astral body towards the intended
target, or object of perception. Some accomplished astral viewers have said
that their experience is similar to adjusting frequencies almost like on a

How To begin Astral Viewing

We have already gone into quite a bit of detail about astral viewing and its
foundations, history and the science. While much may still be unknown and
still debated by experts, it is clear that astral viewing is a technique that can
completely alter how one sees the world.

Further, it is evident that astral viewing can have real-time, real world
applications for those explorers who use it and embrace the techniques. At
this stage, we will look at how one begins the actual process of astral
viewing and what is involved.

As you continue, it is important to remember to be patient and remain

focused. You are not in a race and there is no clock. Do not compare your
results with astral viewing to anyone else’s. This whole process is about
you, and the goal is to make sure that you have the most interesting and most
fulfilling experience possible.

Astral Viewing will be more effective if the viewer commits to the following

1. Commitment to Program

The astral viewer should commit to a few sessions a week. The more
sessions scheduled, the better. If you want to get good results, you must
practice frequently. This is really just good old-fashion common sense.

Learning any new task can take time and patience. Learning astral
viewing is just like learning to practice a music instrument or learning a
foreign language. Work need to be consistently dedicated. As with most
new skills, with time, patience and practice, positive results will follow.

2. Good environment

Environment is always important. In the specific case of astral viewing,

environment is key, if not even critical. The astral viewer needs to find
and cultivate an ideal environment for the viewing to take place.
Attempting to astral view in a crowded or busy space will be more
challenging to say the least.

Your selected astral viewing space needs to be quiet and as stress-free as
possible. The best-case scenario is for you to set up a space dedicated for
remote viewing. By establishing a safe, calm and dedicated space, free of
distractions, you will greatly assist your own astral viewing progress.

You may be pondering what an astral viewing space should look like and
what should be in it. Ideally, this space should be mostly free of furniture
and decorations. If the walls can be a neutral color, this will also be

3. Deep Calm

It is useful for the astral viewer to be truly calm before starting a session.
Normally, it is best for the session to follow a meditation session. Some
sort of system needs to be put in place for the viewer’s mind to be free of
distraction and truly peaceful before starting the astral viewing process.
The usage of binaural beats is also highly recommended.

4. Viewer must not know about the Target

The viewer needs to have no knowledge of any sort about the target. If
the viewer has prior information, it may distance his or her conscious
mind from the true perceptions. Astral viewing can be very misleading if
you do not follow this guideline.

Common Astral Viewing Problems

Make sure that no information whatsoever about the target is communicated

to you before astral viewing. The reason for this is that when you get any
details, you have lost the integrity of the pure astral viewing situation. The
person who knows the target must be extremely careful not to give away any
information with body language. Also any communication with the viewer
should be extremely vague.

Unreal targets can also be a problem. The remote viewer must know for sure
that the targets are real. When you are experimenting, make sure that all the
targets that you are provided with are actual locations.

Here is the problem that can potentially arise when an astral viewer is tipped
off ahead of time to any details. During the astral viewing experience, the
mind will try to fill in details and this process can potentially distort the
entire experience.

Searching for a Big Image

Often beginners starting out with astral viewing will wait to see a huge
image laid out or something strikingly obvious. The reality is that the
images will often be extremely quick flashes. Often the target will just pop
up for a second before the contact is broken. Astral viewers need to
understand that they will rarely get a big image delivered with perfect

Possible Impediments

It is best to avoid any situations that may take the astral viewer out of the
moment and cause irritations or distractions. These types of distractions
include pets, noises, discomfort, needing to go to the bathroom etc.

In order to successfully practice remote viewing, we must:

1. Eliminate ego and fear

It is important to let go of worrying about your personal success. When

you set expectations for yourself for astral viewing, it can impact your
ability to stay peaceful and clear of thoughts.

If you have a tendency to be a perfectionist, you must release it when

astral viewing. Sometimes you will be wrong and sometimes you will be
right. However, the more you worry about being wrong, the more you
may actually find yourself incorrect.

Similarly to letting go of ego, we must also let go of fear. These types of

negative emotions can harm the integrity of astral viewing.

Remember, everyone already has the ability to experinnce astral viewing

properly and naturally. You are unlocking an ability that you already
have. There is no reason to be fearful or resistant.

2. Be Open to Spiritual Growth

People with a willingness to explore spiritually and philosophically will

do better with astral viewing.

3. Stay balanced

It is crucial to keep your perspective well balanced during astral viewing.

You must be constantly monitoring yourself and your thoughts to make
sure you are pursuing the truth at all times.

When you first start astral viewing, you will find it is easy to be
overconfident or underconfident about facts and details. It is important to
walk the line and be open to all facts and possibilities.

4. Remember that astral viewing is not 100% accurate

You will find that your recollections during your astral viewing sessions
are not always accurate. The amount of accurate targets you identify will
vary. That is normal. Don’t give up or be discouraged if you are not
correct all of the time.

5. Be Patient

Often astral viewing takes time to master. Be patient and don’t expect to
immediately have perfect results.

Astral viewing is a psychic ability and your astral body will guide you
towards the knowledge you are looking for. You will get a series of
impressions of your target, but they normally don’t come together in a single
comprehensive manner.

Details of Practicing Astral Viewing

There are certain criteria to the types of targets traditionally used with astral
viewing. The important facets are, of course, that the astral viewer has no
knowledge of the target. Also it is better if the person interacting with the
target does also not know the target.

Reconstructing Events

One important aspect to astral viewing is the ability to piece back together
events. After the astral viewing has been completed, time and energy needs
to be allotted to contemplate the meaning of the visions and impressions hat
have taken place.

However, the astral viewer should not attempt to assign meaning to what he
or she saw until the viewing sequence has been completed. This would
clearly undermine what one is attempting to accomplish and should simply
be avoided.

The best astral viewers have a keen ability to understand symbols presented
by the unconscious. Like many skills, this skill and ability can be sharpened
over time with practice and patience.

Often the recollections of astral viewing are in metaphors and have hidden
meanings. If the astral viewer tries to interpret everything literally and
anticipates all answers will be clearly laid out, he or she will have a far more
difficult time getting positive results. The astral viewer must have an open
mind and be ready to interpret all possibilities.

Eliminating Mental Barriers

It is important for astral viewers to be at peace and truly relaxed for their
seeing to be effective. Therefore, if the viewer has hesitation or doubt it can
be extremely detrimental to the entire process.

Part of the process of eliminating mental barriers towards astral viewing is to

let go of fear. As we will be stepping into our astral body, this is something
new for most people. As a result, often those new to astral viewing
experience hesitation or fear of letting go of the human body. After all, the
human body is very much what we are accustomed to experiencing.

Keep your Experiences Private

Another potential mental barrier towards astral viewing results from the
opinions of other people. Until you are completely comfortable with your
abilities, it is best to stay away from other people who might have negative
comments or thoughts about what you are doing. Even if you think you are
ignoring a comment, it can bury into our subconscious and cause you
unneeded fears and concerns.

People are extremely eager to voice their opinions on what is and what isn’t
possible. If you mention to people that you will be astral viewing, it will not
be too long before you start hearing comments that you are “crazy” and that
what you are discussing is not possible.

Astral viewing can do amazing things to improve your life and wellbeing.
Since you are responsible for yourself and living in your body, it is truly
irrelevant what other people think of your decisions and intended

However, for the sake of eliminating potential mental barriers towards astral
viewing, it is highly advisable to avoid telling everyone about the journey
you are embarking upon. If it is necessary to tell someone, make sure you
limit this knowledge to one completely trusted friend or partner.

Let Go of 5 Senses

Let go of the need to believe that your five senses provide you with other
information about the world around you. Many people find it necessary to
take a completely literal view of the world. It is important to be willing to
accept that there are experiences and realms beyond what you can perceive
on an everyday level with your five senses.

Eliminate Ego

Those who operate from a point of ego often find it difficult to go into the
Theta states that are necessary to begin astral viewing. The ego can be
fearful of joining into the oneness of the universe. When you are effectively
astral viewing, your astral body is experiencing the universal mind.

People who operate primarily from ego are also usually the same people
who are attached to maintaining their sense of individualism. Keeping one’s
ego in check is thus important and vital to overall success with astral

Special Techniques for Astral Viewing

There are other techniques that many have been found useful to use in
conjunction with astral viewing. These techniques can take your astral
viewing to an exciting new level. Some of these techniques have roots in the
U.S. Military, but are clearly used elsewhere as well. Other techniques that
are compatible with astral viewing come from the world of psychics and
psychic mediums.

Once you have learned astral viewing, feel free to play with these techniques
and find what strikes the best chord for you. You might very well be
surprised that one of these techniques seems to be extraordinarily effective
for producing the best results. Everyone is different, and it is possible that
your astral body may prefer a particular type of session.

Extended vs Controlled Astral Viewing

With Controlled Astral Viewing, the viewing process works hand in hand
with the subconscious mind. This type of astral viewing is similar to the
techniques used in the U.S. Military called Controlled Remote Viewing.
Controlled Astral Viewing often uses coordinates. The technique usually
includes one person being the viewer and the other monitoring the process.

The Controlled Astral Viewing process works as follows:

-The viewer locates the target and records his or her perceptions on paper.
These should just take seconds with quick visual symbols.

-The viewer is asked to give sensory information from his or her 5 senses.
Focusing upon those five senses is clearly a key component in the success of
the technique.

-The viewer has a feeling of the target and can draw a sketch.

Please note: You should not worry about the artistic quality of the sketch, as
that is clearly not the point. In other words, there is no reason to begin
taking art classes, unless one wishes to do so for personal enrichment, of

-The viewer can get even more information at this point, about his or her
senses and emotions.

-At the final stage, the viewer can add more details and complete a final

Extended Astral Viewing is radically different from Controlled Astral

Viewing. Extended Astral Viewing is based on the theories that all people
are interconnected energy and our individual egos are all that gives the
illusion of separation and the illusion of distinctiveness.

Extended astral viewing takes place in altered consciousness whereas

Controlled Astral Viewing takes place in a relatively normal state of

Extended astral viewing induces states of awareness like Theta. Also with
this type of viewing, you will be in an energy network where you can reach
other people. In theory, with extended astral viewing, the viewer’s
brainwaves are in Theta, but they are entering Delta. Extended viewing
typically takes more time than controlled viewing and that is why it is called

The belief is that with Extended Astral Viewing, the impressions come from
the subconscious. There is also the fact that there should be less mental noise
that is possibly interfering with the answers.

Details about Extended Astral Viewing:

-The viewer focuses on relaxing deeply

-The viewer’s brain will produce images that are dreamlike

-The viewer records impressions by recording through voice or drawing.

-Brainwave entrainment is commonly used for extended viewing.

Other criteria that go along with extended astral viewing including breathing
and stretching. Another important difference regarding Extended Remote
Viewing is that the viewer sits in a dark room and there is a monitor who
asks questions and records the answers.

Outbounder Target

Coordinating an outbounder target is a slightly more complicated way to

perform astral viewing. It is a great way for people just learning astral
viewing to practice and strengthen their abilities. This type of session can
also sometimes be called a “beacon” experiment.

With an outbounder target, one or two people are made “beacons” and they
travel to different locations. The astral viewer tries to locate where the
beacons are through his or her senses and impressions while in the astral
body. Before the session begins, the remote viewer should be given no
information about where the targets have traveled. The name and directions
to each target should be sealed in an envelope and give to the astral viewer.
If possible the monitor who gives the envelopes to the astral viewer should
also have no knowledge of the targets.

Ideally, the beacons should travel only about 30 miles away to the targets.
Once they get to their locations, they should try to interact with their
location as much as possible involving as much of their senses as they can.
For example, they should touch, smell, and experience the location as much
as possible. After about 15 minutes or so, the beacons should return to the
testing location.

After the astral viewing session is completed and the viewer has given his or
her impressions, the viewer can go with the beacon team back to the location
and compare his or her perception to the actual target.

Astral viewers who practice with outbounder targets have found this is a
very useful experience because they can directly compare their results with
the actual target. Being able to drive to the target after the astral viewing
session to compare results can be very educational and strengthen the
viewers abilities and perceptions for the future.

Target with Coordinates

CRV stands for Coordinate Remote Viewing. This is when an astral viewer
is given geographical coordinates. In David Morehouse’s book “Remote
Viewing: The Complete User’s Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing,”
Morehouse writes, “I define Coordinate Remote Viewing as the learned

ability to use two inherent kinesthetic human activities to detect and decode
eight-dimensional waveform data.”

However, Coordinate Viewing with astral viewing is in fact very different

from Coordinate Remote Viewing. With remote viewing, often the viewer
fails to identify the target because his or her cognitive mind has no previous
knowledge of the geographical coordinates.

However, astral viewing bypasses this issue. Once we are in the astral body,
there are no limits to our abilities and the possibilities for knowledge and
travel in time and space. Therefore, many astral viewers are able to learn
how to accurately identify targets with coordinates.

If you are studying astral viewing, you may want to wait to pursue targets
with coordinates until you have a good deal of confidence in your abilities.
This activity is not advised for beginners.

Photographic Targets

Astral viewers often use photographic targets during their session. This is an
extremely common method of astral viewing. The test giver places different
random photographs of locations into sealed opaque envelopes. One
envelope is picked and random and given to the astral viewer.

It is then the astral viewers job to gather his or her impressions about the
target. If you are trying to use photographic targets as an astral viewer,
remember that you will not have 100% accuracy. However, over time you
will most likely see your interpretation of the symbols you are seeing
increase in quality and accuracy.

Event Related Target

Event related targets are just as they sound, they are targets related to certain
events that can be identified through astral viewing. Many people who
practice astral viewing choose to target historical events to gain
clarifications on certain time periods and important events.

Another way to set up an event related target would be to set up a target

related to something in the past. For example, you can set up targets for

events from your own childhood. The viewer would then have an astral
viewing session on that target to better understand it. The targets can also be
future events. Remember astral viewing has no constraints in time and
space, so anything is possible and you should let go of any constraints you
may have when it comes to events to view.

Once you have developed your astral viewing capabilities, you can also try
to combine your targets with other methods of psychic divination. The
following tools are not traditional methods of astral viewing. However, once
you are adept at accessing your astral body, you can also experiment with
these additional ways to gather information about places, people and facts
here on earth through travels with your astral body.


Scrying is the name for the process of crystal gazing for divination purposes.
This is the traditional idea of a psychic gazing into a crystal ball. It is a form
of extra-sensory perception.

Although Scrying has some things in common with astral viewing, it also
has many differences. For example, with scrying the seeker is often told
what he or she is looking for ahead of time. With astral viewing, it is not
recommended for the viewer to be given any details about the target.

An interesting fact to note is that when the seer sees the future through
scrying, he or she is using astral viewing. The two forms of viewing have
some additional things in common. For example, both heavily use symbols.
The more you develop your seeing powers, the more you will see symbols
and be able to easily interpret them.

To experiment with scrying, you can enter the astral state through meditation
or binaural tones. At that point, try gazing into water or crystal to reach your
target. You may or may not find this process works better than astral
viewing, but it is an interesting experiment to try.

Channeling and Automatic Writing

Channeling is the process where a person (usually referred to as a medium)

is presents information, which comes from spirits. It takes cooperation
between a person and a spirit who is communicating the information.

Automatic writing, on the other hand, is a channeling technique where
another entity uses you to write messages. Sometimes the messages also
come from someone’s higher self.

This is another form of precognition that you can experiment with in

combination with your astral viewing practice. Once you have entered the
astral state, try opening yourself up to writing.

Simply take out a pen and a sheet of blank paper and let your pen flow while
you are in your astral body. You can easily combine this technique with
locating a target. The act of automatic writing frees up your subconscious
mind to let the ideas and impressions flow. Often it is possible to get
excellent results through this channeling or automatic writing process.

Getting the Edge in Life

By now you are probably well aware that astral viewing has incredible
potential. People throughout history who have been divided by language,
culture and customs have all experimented with and used astral viewing.
Increasingly, science is beginning to echo and use language that many of the
teachers of our ancient past used and embraced. As science explores more
untapped territories and unearths more of the secrets around us, it could very
well be argued that our ancestors knew and gleaned even more than we once

Astral viewing will open up many arenas for you that you may have never
even dreamed existed. One of the best things about astral viewing is that the
techniques are simple and relatively easy to learn, and yet they can produce
impressive results. You will be able to locate describe people events and
places that are significant to you, your personal life, your family, your
interests, and much more.

Through astral viewing, it is possible for you to enhance and even increase
your level of success in business. You will be able to produce new leads and
make important predictions about the future. While this might sound
extraordinary, reflect for a moment upon what you have already read in this

People have also found that astral viewing greatly improves their ability to
make decisions. Part of the reason we often struggle with decisions is that
we have no knowledge of the potential outcomes. With astral viewing, we
have a truly enhanced ability to make decisions because we can look into the
future. The time/space constraints that most people experience as barriers to
their understanding will have evaporated. We can look towards situations
that have not occurred yet and see them with great levels of detail.

With practice and time, you may very well find that astral viewing has
forever altered your decision making process. In particular with questions
that simply need a yes or no answer, you will find that making decisions is
now child’s play with your astral viewing skills and techniques.

Another important facet to astral viewing is we can reconstruct sequences of
events. This means that we will be able to fill in the details on situations that
we would not have understood without this ability. Many people have even
used astral viewing to the advantage of others that they don’t even know.
These techniques have been used to solve crimes and work hand in hand
with the police to locate criminals and offenders.

You may be wondering why more people don’t learn and practice remote
viewing and astral viewing. After all, the US government has already
validated remote viewing by spending millions of dollars researching it.
This is obviously a strong indicator of the credibility of this powerful
technique. Of course, many are either ignorant of astral viewing or simply
don’t believe in its possibility.

Here are some potential reasons why more people might not take astral
viewing as seriously as they should.

1. People think that it isn’t possible the human mind is capable of such

2. Humans tend to lack the discipline to learn and practice remote


3. Many people are too lazy to try to learn.

4. People are hesitant to buy into things that are outside their normal
realm of beliefs.

In summary, we wanted to take a moment and go over some of the main

benefits to using astral viewing. Once you go over this list in its entirety,
you will realize that astral viewing holds tremendous possibilities for you.
Once you have begun astral viewing, your life may never be the same.

The Benefits to Astral Viewing

-Learn Details about the Future

Most people want to know somewhat about what will happen in the future so
that they can avoid potential problems and pursue the correct paths. Astral
viewers have also been able to use details about the future to enhance their

lives. For example, they can find their best career, best romantic partner,
etc. Astral viewing can also be used for basic tasks like predicting lottery
numbers and investing with high returns.

-Getting Input to Make Decisions

Often problems and issues come up in life that we cannot ascertain the
answers to. Astral viewing can help us identify problems and their ideal
solutions. For example, businesses have been able to integrate remote
viewing to get results about how a new endeavor or product would do as far
as sales. Astral viewers can go forward in time and see how the product is
doing. If you are a businessperson or entrepreneur, you can use your own
skills to get answers. As we discussed, there have also been numerous
occasions where the police and branches of law enforcement have used
remote viewers.

-Getting Psychic Information About Others

-With very little time, extraordinary things may be possible for you thanks to
astral viewing. It may, for example, be possible to determine people’s intent
and motivation with astral viewing. In theory, you can explore people’s
minds and gather the information you need. This is the power of astral
viewing. Just remember to practice the best ethics when it comes to
exploring the minds and worlds of other people here on the physical plane.

-Understanding Deeper Truths

Many people have uncovered astounding truths about the nature of the
universe using astral viewing. They feel they have been able to figure out
many of the great mysteries, such as, life after death, God and the universe.
Also people have uncovered mysteries about the past by going backwards in

For example, you might be able to access details about UFOs or the
pyramids. You can also potentially access truths about your own childhood
and what made you the way you are today. While this may all sound
extraordinary, keep fixed in your mind that as an explorer you need to be
open to all sorts of possibilities. It is only by being open to all possibilities
that one can discover and ultimately grow.


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