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The beauty behind make-up

A great way to spend your freetime as a girl or as an artist, it’s doing your makeup and exploring
styles with colors. Makeup it’s for everybody who wants to express their feelings in a form of art.
In my opinion, make-up doesn’t mean just beauty but power in being able to do such hard work as
art. My passion for art started when I was just 7 years old searching something to watch on Youtube.
Since then I was fascinated by those who were able to create and evolve when painting their faces. I
practiced and practiced until I got where I wanted, where I am right now. Many people I’ve met
would love to be able to do what I can do. When I start doing my makeup I get lost in time and
forget about everything. That’s one of the things I love it so much. I’d recommend it as a hobby
because for me it’s the way I express my feelings.

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