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Tracey Bowles 12684-COMM-1715-08 November 28, 2020

Christine Conacher

How Coeliac Changed My Life

My Coeliac diagnosis forced me to make major life changes in areas such as diet,

planning, and communication. The first thing I had to learn was how to identify which foods in

my diet contained gluten (wheat, barley, and rye). Some foods I had to give up were obvious,

including regular bread, pasta, and pastries. But then I discovered there were also hidden

sources of gluten in common foods. For example, in many processed foods, wheat is used as a

thickening agent and barley as a flavour enhancer. This meant that I had to critically read all

food labels if I wanted to consume pre-packaged foods. As a result, I made the decision to move

to a mostly wholefoods-based diet. Secondly, I had to learn to anticipate my dietary needs when

venturing away from home for more than a couple of hours. I began to research which

restaurants had gluten-free options available when planning a trip or a dining experience. It was

critical for me to consider the nearby food options to determine if it would be easier, or safer,

for me to bring my own food. Lastly, I had to learn to communicate clearly and concisely to

ensure my dietary needs were met by others. When ordering from a restaurant, I had to specify

what my food constraints were and ask detailed questions about their kitchen preparation and

allergen protocols. When visiting friends or family, I learned to be direct about my coeliac

diagnosis. This allowed me to easily emphasise the importance of offering a strictly gluten-free

menu. All of this forced me to set boundaries for myself surrounding the risks I was, and was

not, willing to accept when consuming food outside of my own home. Overall, I have found that

my coeliac diagnosis has helped me to create positive change in the following areas of my life: I

eat more nutritiously, I plan more carefully, and I communicate more effectively.

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