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Name: ______Joshua Lambert_________________________ Date lesson taught: _____________________

Content Area: Music ESL

Course Title & Grade Level: Different Types of Music, 3rd grade Level 2

ELP 3.1 construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade-appropriate
listening, reading, and viewing.
- use an emerging set of strategies to:
identify some key words and phrases
identify the main topic or message/lesson
from read-aloud, simple written texts, and oral presentations.

3.3 speak and write about grade-appropriate complex literary and informational texts and topics.
deliver simple oral presentations
compose written texts
about familiar texts, topics, experiences, or events.

3.4 construct grade-appropriate oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence.
express an opinion
about a familiar topic or story


Content— While listening to several different types of music, students will be able to analyze different
genres of music to give a sense of other sounds, styles, and culture.

Language— Students will listen to different types of music – from rock to pop to country – to help determine
which style is their favorite.

Student-friendly— Today I am listening to different types of music to learn about different sounds, styles,
and cultures. I will know I’ve got it when I can say what my favorite genre of music is.

Students will be assessed on their ability to state their favorite musical genre

Students will be assessed on their ability to listen to and follow directions

Students will be assessed on their ability to engage with students and teacher about their favorite songs/genres.

Proactive Management:
Students are expected to be on task and listening.
Students are encouraged to contribute to small group discussion.
Voice level is 0 when listening to the music
Voice level 2 when discussing with small group

Instructional Strategies:
Multimedia presentation
Cooperative Learning

Note Taking Strategy:

Cloze notes
Guided notes
Venn Diagram

What is your favorite type of music and why?
What does this music make you feel?
Does this sound like anything you know?

Anticipatory Set:
Begin lecture with a brainstorm activity (15:00)
 Students will think about the music they listen to at home
o They will have 5 minutes to write down all they know about music – opinions, facts, their favorites, anything.
o After the 5 minutes, they will be counted and given a number 1-4 and match up with corresponding numbers.
o The groups share their thoughts and try to find similarities or differences.
o The group will elect one notetaker and one presenter to share their thoughts with the class.

The Lesson:
Anticipatory Set (15:00)
Presentation (5:00)
 Short video on different genres of music
o 26 Genres of Music in Alphabetical Order – Boyinaband

Short lecture with more depth on more popular music genres (10:00)
Think-Pair-Share activity (20:00)
 Students will be able to move around the class freely during this activity.
 Play music and encourage the students to listen to the music quietly and think about what they are hearing and record
their thoughts.
o The music will play for 30 seconds. During that time, students must stand still, remain silent and listen.
o After the first 30 seconds, they will roam around the room freely for about 10 seconds or so with music playing
in the background.
o Whoever the student is closest to at the end of the 10 seconds will be their partner and share their ideas with.
o The partners will talk for about a minute, after which they will roam TOGETHER for another 10 seconds or so
and pick another group to share their ideas with.
o Repeat the same steps and share as a class after the second round.

Closure (5:00)
 Return students to their seats and begin a discussion on their experience
o What is your favorite type of music and why?
o What did the music make you feel?

Procedural— Gather students back to desks and begin a discussion on their experience, asking questions to
guide their discussion.
Content Summary— Students can analyze and differentiate several different genres of music

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