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Có vài điểm chung khi em viết essay, là luôn đọc đề ít nhất ba lần và gạch chân các từ khóa quan

trọng trong đề để hiểu rõ đề nhất có thể. Sau đó em viết outline.

Bài Opinion thì em viết như sau:

● Mở bài: em thường viết 3 câu.
● Câu đầu tiên em nêu thẳng vấn đề được nêu ra trong đề bài chứ không dẫn dắt dài
● Câu thứ hai em sẽ trả lời luôn là mình đồng ý hay không đồng ý hay 5-5 hay 3-7
vân vân.
● Câu thứ ba em sẽ giải thích ngắn gọn cho câu trả lời đó. Ví dụ như: Not only arts
and music subjects enhance student’s emotional development but they also enable
them to think creatively from an early age.
● Thân bài: thân bài opinion em thường viết ba đoạn, hai đoạn đầu là hai luận điểm, và
đoạn còn lại sẽ là counter-argument.
● Cấu trúc cơ bản của hai đoạn đầu như sau:
● Câu đầu: nêu rõ luận điểm đầu tiên, ngắn gọn và không dẫn dắt dài dòng, em
thường bắt đầu bằng “From a [] viewpoint” hoặc “[] speaking”
● Một hoặc hai câu tiếp theo sẽ further explain luận điểm đó.
● Câu cuối của mỗi đoạn sẽ chứa một ví dụ điển hình cho luận điểm của đoạn.
● Đoạn counter thì risky hơn nên em chỉ dám viết 3 câu: câu đầu tiên sẽ nêu ý counter
(Nevertheless, However, hoặc là “[] does has its drawbacks”). Câu hai thừa nhận cái
đúng của nó. Và câu thứ ba sẽ vả một phát bằng cách: chỉ ra misconception, chỉ ra bias
hoặc weigh up pros and cons.
● Kết bài:
● Cũng giống như mở bài, chỉ có điều câu cuối thường là một thought-provoking

Còn bài discussion em chỉ viết khoảng 4 đoạn thôi, cá nhân em cảm thấy loại bài discuss both
view khó cân bằng hơn.
● Mở bài viết 3 câu:
● Câu đầu sẽ dẫn dắt vào dispute được nêu ra ở trong đề.
● Câu hai: state both views.
● Câu ba: outline những gì sẽ nói ở trong bài, ví dụ như: “This essay will take into
account the pros and cons of the aforementioned statements, both of which will be
discussed as follow.
● Thân bài sẽ dành ra khoảng 3-4 câu cho mỗi đoạn khai thác mỗi ý. Cấu trúc mỗi đoạn thì
giống như bài opinion ở trên.
● Chỉ ở phần kết bài em mới nêu ra quan điểm của mình giống như các cô đã dạy, (All
things considered, it is perhaps more beneficial to [...]), câu đầu tiên nêu quan điểm của
mình về vấn đề (thích cái nào hơn). Câu thứ hai giải thích quan điểm của mình và câu
cuối sẽ là thought-provoking sentence.
Q: It is generally believed that some people are born with talents, for instance for sport or
music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to
become a good sport person or musician.

Discuss both views and give your opinions.

“Nature or nurture”, the debate over whether (or not) some people’s supreme proficiency in
multitudinous areas is innate or can be acquired has been aroused for centuries. While most
people give credence to the former, there is growing evidence that practice may play a major part
in talent development. Both of these arguments will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

Regarding the argument in favor of inborn abilities, there are certainly a multitude of people who
showed extraordinary abilities from a very young age, with such cases of anomalies being
consistently recorded throughout history. For example, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a prolific
and influential composer of the Classical period, began composing at the age of five, and at
seventeen was already an established performer in Europe. Or Michael Dell, founder and CEO of
one of the biggest computer manufacturers in the world, started his own business before he
finished high school and became a millionaire when he was merely 21 years old. In both cases
the subjects’ talents were discovered very early in their lives and had less experience than most

However, in many cases continuous practice is key to proficiency while innate talent is
secondary in terms of importance. When a child is deemed “average”, it is the teacher’s
responsibility to help him practice and explore his own field of expertise. This is particularly true
in many sports where players are required to undertake intensive practice assigned by coaches in
order to achieve certain levels of proficiency. Take the Olympic games for instance, where the
majority of competitors have to gain years of experience just to be eligible for participation.

All things considered, I believe that talent is a combination of innate superiority and practice.
Without inborn abilities, one’s ascend to higher levels of is decelerated, while without practice
such natural abilities will not be refined but weaken over time.
Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too
much money.
Do you agree or disagree?
Which other types of job should be highly paid?

Obviously, the entertainment industry has become an integral part of people’s lives. A multitude
of prominent artists, varying from singers, idols to sports players attract great attention from the
public. Yet, conflicting views are triggered on whether such celebrities should receive a large
amount of money from fans and supporters around the world. Personally, I believe entertainers
deserve this and therefore I have to disagree almost entirely with the given statement.

An obvious argument in my favour is that, to reach such heights of success, those in the
entertainment industry are expected to have experienced initial rigorous training. They do not
simply rise to fame overnight just owing to their inborn talents. This fact is well illustrated by
Korean pop stars, who were given intensive practice at an early age to become professional
singers in the so-called showbiz world. Furthermore, their lifestyles are inexplicitly encircled by
a multitude of rules and regulations, as they should be discreet about their words and actions in
the public eye. This is to infer that working as entertainers proves to be a demanding job in
which not anyone can be paid easily.

Additionally, the life of a famous artist may not entail merely supports and respect from people.
As the modern society is increasingly complicated, celebrities have to withstand the pressure
from those who express hostility towards them. As artists are reported to commit some trivial
mistakes, citizens around the world may hurl insults at them, to the extent that some well-known
idols have resorted to suicide. Some even suffer from mental diseases, which is best exemplified
by depression. Therefore, people should gain a better understanding of these entertainers to
acknowledge that they deserve the net worth.

Away from the entertainment industry, a country should pay more attention to education. It
should not be denied that education plays a pivotal role in the development of a country, and
those who work in this department should be highly invested. These include teachers, professors,
teaching assistants and even students. Specifically, low levels of income will inevitably impel
educators to seek outside jobs to assist in covering their daily spending. Should the standard
salary be raised, teachers will be more motivated to focus on their jobs and students will in turn
reap the benefit from that.

In conclusion, I believe entertainers have the right to be offered such a large amount of income.
To deliver entertainment to people around the world, they have to go through rigorous practice
and endure unwanted pressure. However, the education system should also be highly invested as
delivering knowledge is one of the most fundamental missions of a country.

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