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This animation made me a little sad. I don’t know how to interpret it.

Usually, I watch at cartoons,

but it was unusual. A reporter who goes to a place for reporting and he meets two people who
looked like zombies or who were really zombies, which doesn’t happend in real life.

I don’t watch the news, I still hear the news when my grandmother looks at it. And even if I hear I
don’t care, I don’t believe them, the news only manipulates people even if there is a probability of
being true sometimes.

I don’t believe the news, I don’t believe social media, I notice what is happening around me and I
don’t need to believe what I hear.

Probably some news are true and along the way this can be proven, however I am not interested in
listening to them, I prefer to listen to music or read a book.

I’m not following the news, but I admit that the other day I watched something about COVID-19. It’s
true and I was curious to find out what’s new.

And because I mentioned the virus, the only connection between animation and the new global
reality is isolation, the two have been isolated for several years, and now we are isolated.

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