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3 OM alata cma lana What matters to you? Put the things in the box in order of importance. education/career family friends interests money pets possessions places Vocabulary money Work in pairs. Discuss whether the items in the photos are: Aw B_ good value for money. D abarg rth the money. © _awaste of money Work in pairs. Discuss what the expressions could mean. Do you have similar expressions in your language? £15,000 He's got more money than s Put your money where your maut I'm abit short of money this month, Money doesn’t grow on trees, She's got money to burn, He's worth a fortune, My mum always says she's not made of money. . @Vausuns Money makes the world go around. Complete the statements with the prepositions in the box. Which of the statements do you agree with? Discuss in pairs and give reasons. away in of on to within Iesdificuttto live your means when you're a student ‘You should always avaid being debt Having to live a tight budgets boring Very rich people should give most of their maney It's nota good ides to lend your credit card afriend Young peaple today have a higher standard living than th grandparents’ generation, ouauna 26 Unit i > EXAM FOCUS p, 92 ‘waite three words 1 2 You're going to hear a multimillionaire called David Burton talking about his life. Read the gapped sentences (1-10). Which of the topics A-E do you expect to hear? A how he made his fortune B hisattitude to money D_ what he spends his E where he lives Look at the gap (1-10) in each sentence. Which of the gaps, al working day Listen and check. if any, may require A. an uncountable noun? B applural form? © anumber? ‘oney on ually, you only have to write one Listen again and complete the sentences. Worl two wards or a number in each’ onally you may ne! 0 pairs and compare your answers. Then look at the audio script on page 208 to check your answers. Make sure you have spelt the words correctly. Work in pairs and discuss the questions. Boye Do you inherit o ink mo’ le happy? hink itis ey can make ter to win, David's early ambition was to be a (1) like his uncle. His father was disappointed when he decided to leave (2) to start his own business. David believes being able to manage (3) is essential to succeed in business. David says he didn't feel much (4) . at being able to buy expensive things. ‘ His first charity project involved financing (5) for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. While he was travelling in India, David realised that the best way for people to get out of 6) was to set up a business. The charity has provided more than (7) individuals with a loan. David considers building a (8) in Malawi to be one of his, greatest achievements David believes that people from a close (9) wenn af@ happier than wealthy individuals. ‘According to David, money can give people (10) , although it may also cause problems. Unit 3 27 GRAMMAR FOCUS Using modifiers for comparison > GRAMMAR REFERENCE p44 [Bi Look at the sentences from the listening on page 27 and complete them with ‘the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Then Jook at the audio script on page 208 to check your answers. 1 Infact | was.” (empty) and Vonely) than before. 2. Oneof he things (proud) ofis being involved in a construction project fora rnew hospital ina small town in Malawi 3° Being part of a community makes people (content) than becoming 2 millionaire much money srt... liu nt having enough money. Decide which pairs of sentences have a similar meaning, and which have a different meaning. 1A. Mycarwas by far the most expensive thing I've ever bought. B_ Mycarwasa lot more expensive than anything else I've ever bought. 2. A Myarandfather is one of the mast generous people | know. B_ There aren't many people who are as generous as my grandfather. 3. A Money doesn't make you nearly as happy 2s you think B_ Money makes you a lot less happy than you think EX complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Example: A scooter isn't nearly as expensive as a sports car. FAR A sports cori far more. expensive than a scooter 11 Ourstandard of living isa bit lower than itwes. QUITE ur standard of living is not itwas, | 2. There aren't many cities which are as exciting as Rio de Janeiro. ONE i Ria de Janeiro is exciting cities, | 3 Shedoesn'thave nearly as much free time now, LESS | She has free time than betore. | 4 Not many people earn such a high salary as he does. THAN {is salary is most people's. 5 He's almost as wealthy as she's. BIT She's him 6 It'sgetting much more difficult to get bank loan. AS itis togetabankloannow. Comparing quantities Gy Use the table to make six sentences that are true about you. | | [Teon'tspend [El compare your answers in groups and write a paragraph about how your group spends time and money. I spend of my money on cf my time «ing. Example: The om 2B Unit3 Things that matt More/tess than halt ng we spend most/teast time/maney on is spend a large amount on Long turn (Part 2) comparing > EXAM FOCUS What do these photographs have in common? Choose A or B. They show things which are important to peciple. B The show people in unusual situations, Make a list of the similarities between the two photographs. Read the sentences about the photographs. Where can you add the words in brackets to the sentences? There may be more than one possibility. 1. The photographs show an achievement. (both The man looks happy. 3. Theman looks asit he's enjoying himself. (too) 0) © 22 Listen toa student comparing the two photographs. Does she mention any of the points on your list? speculating Complete the sentences with like or as if/as though. In which sentences is it only possible to use like? Why? 1 Itlooks a graduation ceremony 2. Theman looks y proud of his car 3 itl 4 He looks sessve. 5 Shelooks she's having more fun than the man contrasting Look at sentences A and B and answer questions 1-3 about whereas and while. A While the man may have a passion for his ar, i's iy not something he'll own forhis whole life B The firs picture is celebrating an at s the second picture shows someone who values an important possession. 11 Which sentence is making @ comparison how the two things are differ d showing es EXAM TIP Don't describe whar'sin the photographs Focuson the main topic and compare the main similarity and any differences between the pictures Work in pairs. Student A: Look at the photos ‘on page 134, Student B: Look at the photos on page 136. Take turns to compare your photos. Try to use expressions for comparing, contrasting and speculating. Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 What achievernents do you feel proud of? 2 Which events do you think are important to celebrate with friends and family? Why? nit 3 29 READING FOCUS EXAM TIP Always ead the text uickly to get an idea of what itisabout before you try to answer any of the questions 30. Unit3 Th Multiple choice (Part 5) >» EXAM FOCUS [El Work in pairs and discuss the questions. How interested are you in sport? Do yau find ary sports boring Does it matter to you if particu ular team or player wins or loses? Read the title and first paragraph of the article and guess what it will be about. Then read the rest of the article and check. Read the questions/stems in Activity 4 and underline the key words. Skim the text and highlight the part which answers each question. Read the article again carefully. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, 8, Cor D) which you think fits best according to the text. 1 What i the writer's attitude towards football fans attending matches? ‘A. She's impressed by their behaviour B_ She's surprised by how much money they spend. She's embarrassed by how irresponsible they are, D She's sympathetic to their 2. The writer mentions people who live ‘ina dream st lings. te’ in order to ‘A give an example of people who have uncontrollable emotions. tations. ve unrealis xp © contrast diferent types of emotional attachments, D_ explain why passions can be more important than real relationships. 3. The writer thinks having a passion is a good thing because A. ithelps people learn how to express their emotions. B itencourages more considerate behaviour. it gives people an opportunity to act like a different persor D_itmakes everything else in fe seem unimportant. 4 What does the writer mean by thin on the ground’ in line 30? A. something which is easily forgoter B something which occurs infrequently © something v D_ something which is unexp 5. The writer mentions Wimbied: A ely to inspire s B some passions last for many yee takes place only once nto show that sport ‘ong sports fans can behave uncharacteristically get on Vv. ext? -ople to talk about their passions openly B_ to convince the reader thet sports fans are normal human beings, why the excitement of winning is worth the dis D people often behav 6 Whatw A. toencourage Strangely t pose in writing t € toexpla jppointment of losing D_toargue that a passion for sport provides an opportunity to experience highs and lows fm Eee ener eee eg an En ee Gee eee oes ens Pen ee emo neon kit While the exteme emotions on display scem lento those who don't share a Pe gms eee ere es They would be prepared ro go to almost any lengths to get their hands on ticket for a crucial match and many would turn up anyway, even without Peeters eerie en Mon Mn Cee ee ee s someone who once sold nn Cee Sen eee eee rn) in fore with a famous actor o singer, someone they know they will never Pee eee een eo Peon a hu Teen icc Lea eee ce eget ee et ee Pee en ey Poa ens ands, employees and employers — whose interests are much mote Se ee meee eet sc Ce ne te Papas eo ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE CAND A SCARF) een ee ena Tene ees new friends. They help you to feel part ofa community Se ae eee) CO Ou Cee ee nena Pe eee Te they are delighted to share an activity which is removed from home, job or Explosions of joy re novmally thin on the ground. The bith of your child, ee ee er eee nents et ened enna ens Or trees atte Peer rcer n) crac rd ent at Wimbledon. Calm, Oeste et en hnavinga passion at all, suppose Witness the beh eee en noone Pe eT eee Reece eect ee tl Se ee moe een area Deere ce orn In the end, what defines us as human is not only language. Ii the ability 1 cate hont something that does ot directly affect our health, or wealth Soe Sg ee el Re aon eR ea see positions J choose the correct prepositions in italics, Then ask your partner the questions. 32 GRAMMAR FOCUS Present perfect and past simple > GRAMMAR REFERENC € € (WBEBEE rad obout suring since the first time I tried it on holiday with my dad aged fourteen. [ pend all m summers with my grandparents. They sculd drive me to the beach every day and my granny would swim in freezing water without a wet left college I could only surf @ clays @ year because for several years [ved a siehour drive From the coast though, 1 got 2 job in jway and Ive been living here since Its dese to some af the best surfing hes in Ireland and this means [ve been able to go surfing every weekend, which is fentastic, met my gicfriend in the sea and we've been together for three months now. Since April I've been hawing lessons to become a surfing instructor ~ so far Te had four, which Ive really enjoyed. ‘When I qualify, I'm hoping to stert my own surfing school with some friends. Ive never entered a surfing competition and that’s, also something Io lke to do one day. By Read Liam's blog about his passion for sur ‘Answer questions 1-4. 1. How long has Liam loved surfing? 2. Does he still spend his summers with his grandparents? 3 When did he move to Galway? 4. How often does he go surfing now? By Look at the underlined verb forms in the text. Which ones describe completed actions in the past? past habits which are now finished? Look at the highlighted example of the present perfect simple in the blog. Circle five more examples. I've been able to go surfing every weekend I've never entered a surfing competition I"ve been mad about surfing since the first time tried it began in the past and is stil continui ng 1 2 a GB match 1-3 to uses of the present perfect A-C. 1 2 3 A B__hasrecently happened andis relevant to the present c refers to indefinite time in the past Unit 3 Things thet matte Gy Look at the sentences. Which of the time expressions underlined refers to a period of time and which to a point in time? 1. I've been mad aboutsurfing since the frst time | tried it aged fourteen 2. We've been together for three months [) Work in pairs and answer the questions. 1. Which ofthese time expressions are usualy used with the past simple/the present perfe 2 Which time expression can be used with both the past simple and present perfect? ago already atlunchtime in 2010 just last month never once so far this month Present perfect simple or continuous? Match the sentences from the blog to the uses of the present perfect (A and B). t've been having lessons. Ye had four {lessons} a completed activity 1 2 A B an activity over a period of time (which may or may not be finished) EX complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs and phrases in brackets. There may be more than one possibility. 1 (ride) a motorbike since | was seventeen. (once witness) a crime V susan (v2) abroad when Iwasa child 1 sssun (have) an operation a few years ago. 1 (never go} camping, 1 (just win) a competition, 1 2 3 4 5 6 BD work in pairs. Ask and answer questions with Have you ever ... ?and How long... ? Use the ideas in Activity 8 to help you. Example: Have you ever ridden a motorbike? How long have you been riding motorbikes? When was the last time you rode a motorbike? Weekes oe Ree Open cloze (Part 2) as and like D> EXAM FOCUS p18 > GRAMMAR REFERENCE 6 BD Work in pairs and discuss the questions. complete the sentences with as or like. 1 er yourself up when 4. Wasthat film 2 Shall we still have lunch together, we oe ve always regarded you afienc Ajob that one takes a long time to finish, Whatis hygge’? He's workin doit holidays Yow can it make people fee arefully asked you. 2 Read the text and discuss the questions. 1 2 EX Look at the example (0), What part of speech is it? Now look at gaps 1-8. What kind of word © LANGUAGE TIP do you need to write in each gap (preposition/ noun/time expression/pronoun, etc)? a5 + noun fora role oF purpose She worksas a musician {use that roomas a study 1 complete the text with one word in each gap. as + noun clause for manner. rested himas my son EXAM TIP like + naun for comparison Read the whole sentence, especially the words before ial e aees Cry ae ele rae and after each gap. Think about what kind of word Is like + noun for informal examples: missing (eg. a preposition, pronoun) Foodlike that risotto is worth wating for GB work in pairs. Compare your answers and say why you chose them. Hygge: the art of ‘Tos on simple pleasures = pt of ‘hygge’. Hygge has already gained a lot of publicity outside Denmark. This is thanks to a stream of recently published self-help books, (2) all urge us to embrace hygge in order to improve cur sense of ‘well-being and happiness Writer, Helen Russell, who moved to Denmark several years (3) is a hygge enthusiast. She has been fascinated by the idea ever (4) she arnved Her hook, The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering The jecrets of the World's Happiest Country, makes it easy to understand (5) Helen and her family are still living (6) Helen says ‘hygge’ can be defined U} the absence of anything annoying or emotionally overwhelming’ It's all about being kind to yourself and celebrating the simple things in life, (8) spending time with friends and family, or eating ice cream. So find your inner Dane ~ and do what makes you happy without feeling guilty about it Article (Part 2) engaging the reader > WRITING REFERENCE p.17! IE) Read the exam task and answer the questions. What kind of you know? What info tation do you need to include? { Vou see this advertisement in'a magazi young people WHAT I'D SAVE IN A FIRE Write usan atce describing something you own and explaining why i's important to you. The bestartice wil be published the ! ‘magazine next month Write your article in 140-190. Bd Look at opening paragraphs A and B. Which one is most effective? Think about how appropriate the styles, how varied the language is. 3. whether it engages the reader. A | What I Seve in a five Hove you ever thought about which pastetsion ‘you'd choote if your howe was on fire? Well. for me it would definitely be my tablet. Obviously, I'd rescue my family and pets first but after that Id grab my tablet and my phones GB) What (save in aire My tablet & very important to me and | would be very upset Pit got last oF damaged. | spend hours every day using my tablet and I would be lost without it. | think mast people feel the. Jame wy about their laptops or tablets. Unit 3 Things that le will you write the article in? Howy do EB Look at notes A-H and choose whether to include them in paragraph two (a simple description of the object) or paragraph three (the reasons why it's special to you). birthday present from parents not expensive and very ordinary to look at tuo years ofA sed to hove to carry my laptop everywhere can watch films an it and play games anytshere made by Samsung werfriemdly ofl for studies EOerMMOoe> — EXAM TIP ‘ry to make the reader feel you are speaking’ directly to him/her You can do this by asking the reader a question and making your tone chatty rather than formal 3 Work in pairs. Write paragraphs two and three, using the ideas in Activity 3. i Look at possible concluding sentences A and B. Which one would have the most positive effect ona reader? A | So forall these reasons, the fist thing | would think of taking with me is my tablet The main reason ('d grab my tablet first in a fire isbecaute it would be lke lating my right hand if Thod to be without i: [|G Make notes on your own response to the advert. Choose a favourite possession and divide your notes into four paragraphs: 1 Introduction (to get the reader's attention) 2 Background (a description ofthe object) 3. Opinion (the reasons why itis important to you) 4 Conclusion (a brief summary) Write your article in 140-190 words. Then, check it for spelling and punctuation. Write another draft if necessary. Ey Read other students’ articles and choose which cones to include in the magazine. i Choose the correct option (A, B, Cor D) to complete the sentences. 1A standard of ving is important tome A tall B big € great D high 2. Thehouse they livein must be worth a A treasure B fortune C resource D wealth 3. When! was at college i had to learn to lve a budget A on Bin Cfom Dat 4. Imafiaid can’t come because 'm of money Alow Backing C short —_D tight 5 Sheisalways debt at the end of the term Aon Bet C with Din 6 mst learning to live my means. ‘A between B within C under Dat EA complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. Rebecca started living here five years ago. FOR Rebecca ive years. 2 last saw Mike in 2006 SINCE 1 2006 3 Thisismy first TIME Thisis the first to India 4. I don’t spend much money on clothes these days; ANY | money on clothes these days 5. This hotelisn’t nearly as expensve as the other one FAR The other hotels this one 6 Both Tom and Zak are equally friendly. Just Tom is Zak 7. There aren’t many designer brands that ai expensive 0s Prada ONE Prada is designer brands, A EX complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. 1 | haven't got much money but I'm not about it (wary) 2. Golfisnota very... sport to watch on TV. (interest) 3 Having a passion can make hile more (excite) 4 \'mreally by my obsession with that actor. (excite) 5 What isthe most... ilmyouhave ever seen? (frighten) 6 I'm that the cup final is over at last. (relief) A complete the text with one word in each gap. CS httpsiyyBlog/Letting go When I was younger, I was always very proud @) my family but I felt different to them. I felt knew I would never look (2) my sister, who was (3) than me and just (4) intelligent as me, but I still felt jealous. I was also embarrassed ©) my father, who worked (6) an actor, instead of having a ‘normal’ job. But now I'm older, none of those negative feelings matter anymore. I've always (7) very se to (8) of my parents and know I'm very lucky to have them. * more attractive unit3 h 35 36 PROGRESS TEST | Multiple-choice cloze (Part 1) For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning, Happy families | Itcameas no surprise to me when a newspaper article | read, (0) G, recently claimed to prove that the happiest children | tend tobe (1) When I was younger, | used to (2) cause | thought that patents with just | were bound to (3) them more children, paving a brother ‘one child n and love them more atten My most unhappy childhood memories involve my older | prother, Thomas. | didn’t get (4) swith him at all and, | because he was much bigger than me, he would always 6) any fights we had. My parents took the view that | they should not interfere in our arguments, and made us sort them (6) ourselves, which meant that Thomas | coulddo whatever he wanted However, the good news about sibling: get older, they seem to start valuing in fect, nowadays is that a5 they other more mas and | are quite (7) { suppose this is not surprising, since we share a history that goes back a long way I's special for us but no one else is very (8) in our past SSeS en Sa ec) 0 A lately B recently € currently presently 1 A only Besingle unique _D individual 2 A miss Bhope ¢ wish D regret 3 A poy Bmake Callow D provid 4 Aon Bby Cround —_—D away 5 Awin 8 C succeed —_D overcome 6A 8 out D through 7 Aner B close C familiar ‘attached B Aconcemed B caring C interested D knowledgeable Progress test 1 Open cloze (Part 2) Ed For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word that best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning. | Why trees matter one knows that tees are important | (0) forthe environment and human heath | In cities, trees improve air quality and they |. absorb pollution. They remove dangerous | gases (9) ....... CO, and nitiogen oxide | ftom the air and release oxygen back into the environment. Trees can help inthe Fig againstclimete change (10)... theyre known 10 significantly reduce temperatures | by providing shade and also by releasing | But trees have many other practical benefits whichare(11) justrelated to physic | health but also to mental health and wel | being, People who live in areas where there | are lots of trees feel happier and healthier (2) those living in very built-up urban areas. In the past, architects and town planners didn’t (13) to understand the effect that trees have on people, which (14) why many urban environments ck enough green spaces. Now things are changing as so many studies (15) shown that trees can make a real difference to people's lives. (16) of the mos | surprising findings is that people in hospital have quicker recovery times if they are abl see tiees E PROGRESS TEST | Word formation (Part 3) Key word transformation Eq For questions 17-24, read the text below. Usethe (Part 4) word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning. EA For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. [ ‘A worthwhile challenge Most people agree that leamning to play a (0) musical instrument is one MUSIC 1¢ most worthwhile things they iso one of the are very Example: Conor has a natu fis parents. have ever done but a ability for music tke hardest A lot of chil an when they first take up ENTHUSIASM AFTER | an instrument, but don't realise how | Conor takes after his parents in his natural a uch practice will be involved S: | for music they quickly start to lose interest | 25 Julia cansing much better than me as they find the technical skils WELL (18) dificult ifthey feel they INCREASE leant are not making enough progress, Daten ed bers res niles young people often give up having lessons after two or three year only ta regret it when they are alder. But those who have enough talent hates perforning, DESPITE My dad hates performing | a beautiful voice and (19) and are willing to DETERMINE 27. I don't know my sister very well because 3 pout in the effort it takes to By i | much older than me sonable standard, can righ | asstrong sense of (20) ACHIEVE | BDL, i because she’s so Apart from acquiring a_ lifelong enn hobby and a (21) skill, VALUE | sau olde the | playing an instrument for pleasure 28) Ite beer since ad | is beneficial in less obvious ways Nor 0. Learning a new piece of music requires a huge amount of 29. {think forgot to lock the door (22) Although it may not CONCENTRATE REMEMBER eet es) EFFECT an ; ee aleor way gbfiureducings stress abecause, 30. My mother started her own business when she your brain is completely focused | wae or 1 the music, which means | rte a) but anything else WORRY pene j Ses business when she was forty. Progresstest1 37

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