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Here we can find lots of easy origami figures that we can teach to the children

Chinese whispers

First, as many players as possible line up such that they can whisper to their immediate
neighbors but not hear players any further away. A phrase will be told by the judges and the
first player whispers it as quietly as possible to their neighbor. The neighbor then passes on
the message to the next player to the best of their ability. The passing continues in this fashion
until it reaches the player at the end of the line, who says to the judges the message he or she


1. A person starts out as the "Curator" and stands at the end of a field. Everyone else
playing stands at the far end (distance depends upon playing area selected). The
object of the game is for a "Statue" to tag the Curator, thereby becoming the Curator
and resetting the game.
2. The Curator turns their back to the field, and the "Statues" attempt to race across and
tag the Curator.
3. Whenever the Curator turns around, the Statues must freeze in position and hold that
for as long as the Curator looks at them. The Curator can even walk around the
Statues, examining them. However, the Curator needs to be careful – whenever his
back is turned, Statues are free to move.
4. If a Statue is caught moving, they are sent back to the starting line to begin again (or
thrown out of that round, whichever way is preferred.) Usually, the honesty of the Curator
isn't enforced, since being a Statue is more desirable.

Red light/Green light (sometimes abbreviated as RLGL) is a variation of statues. The "it"
person stands at one end of the playing field, with the rest of the players at the other end. "It"
turns their back to the others and calls out "Green light!" or "Red Light! Green Light! 1, 2, 3!"
The players then run as fast as they can towards "it". At any time, "it" can face the players,
calling out "Red light", and the others must freeze in place. If anyone fails to stop, they are out
or must return to the starting line. Other variations include calling out "Yellow light" as a
diversion, or where they must walk instead of run to "it". The first player to reach the person
who is "it" wins and becomes "it" for the next round. In certain regions this game may be
known as "sneak up on granny"; in this version the person who is "it" is the "granny", and does
not call out "red light" or "green light".

Sleeping Tigers

All but one or two players are "tigers", and lie down on the floor, eyes closed, as if they were
sleeping. The remaining one or two players ("hunters") move about the room attempting to
encourage the tigers to move. The hunters can't touch the tigers, but may move close to them,
tell things to them, jokes, etc. Any person who moves must stand up and join the hunters.
Sleeping tigers is also sometimes used in schools as an exercise. All the children will play
"tigers" and the teacher will play the "hunter". Usually in this case the teacher will make no
effort to make the "tigers" move, because in this case the real aim of the "game" is to calm the
children down after playing other exciting games.

Simon Says

Simon Says (or Simple Simon Says) is a child's game for 3 or more players where 1 player

takes the role of "Simon" and issues instructions (usually physical actions such as "jump in the
air" or "stick out your tongue") to the other players, which should only be followed if prefaced
with the phrase "Simon says", for example, "Simon says, jump in the air". Players are
eliminated from the game by either following instructions that are not immediately preceded by
the phrase, or by failing to follow an instruction which does include the phrase "Simon says". It
is the ability to distinguish between valid and invalid commands, rather than physical ability,
that usually matters in the game; in most cases, the action just needs to be attempted.
The object for the player acting as Simon is to get all the other players out as quickly as
possible; the winner of the game is usually the last player who has successfully followed all of
the given commands. Occasionally however, 2 or more of the last players may all be
eliminated by following a command without "Simon Says", thus resulting in Simon winning the


There are two teams. In one version, one team goes off and hides. The other team counts to a
predetermined number and then proceeds to search for the first team. In another version, each
team has its own "jail", perhaps a park bench or other defensible turf. In Bay Terrace, Queens,
both teams had a park bench jail, and whichever team could capture all of the other team's
members, won. Often, the game would go on so long that it was called on account of
darkness. [b]
Anyone on the pursuing side can catch anyone on the pursued side by grabbing hold of them
and chanting "Chain chain double chain, no break away." (In the Briarwood & Bay Terrace,
Queens, neighborhoods in the 1960s and 1970s, the required chant was "Ringolevio, 1-2-3, 1-
2-3, 1-2-3!") If the person pursued breaks free at any point during this brief recitation, the
person is not caught and is considered still "in". If caught, the pursuer takes the prisoner to an
area called the jail (the area was called the base in some variations) and the captive is
considered "out"
Game ends when one team has caught all the members of the opposing team, at which point
the captured team changes roles and now counts while the opponents hide.

The Best Game

Goal: Win the category points for your team.

- The organizer will have to emcee for this game
- Download and print the List (make sure to provide objects listed as well) 

How to Play The Best Game:

1. Arrange everyone into groups of 4 or 5. Everyone has to participate in at least one round.
Explain the rules: You will be announcing a contest category for the group (for example, “The
Tallest”). Each group needs to select one person who they think will win the category. There'll
be a category contest and if a person has "the best" within the category, his or her team gets a

2. Each group needs to select one person from their group who they think will win the

3. Reveal the specific action or measurement the selected people have to do to win the contest
(example: Whoever has the “The Tallest” thumb). The person with the best action or
measurement wins a point for their team. The team with the most points wins the game.

Marshmallow Toss Game

Summary: Catch as many marshmallows in your mouth before the time runs out!

Goal: To have your team catch the most marshmallows in their mouths as possible

- Masking tape/Jump rope- make two long parallel lines on the ground
- Bags of large-sized marshmallows
- People to volunteer as marshmallow “counters”
- Towels/cleaning materials/garbage bags (this game can get messy if the marshmallows are
stepped on)
How to Play the Marshmallow Toss Game:
1. Separate everyone into teams of 4 or 5. Ask for one volunteer from each team to be the

2. All of the Catchers will need to be behind one of the parallel line, while the rest of the teams
line up by team behind the other parallel line. The object of the game is to toss marshmallows
into their team Catchers’ mouth. The Catchers need to catch marshmallows using only their
mouths (and eat them). 

3. Hand a bag of marshmallows to each team and ask each person to grab three

4. When you say “go”, the first person in line tosses his/her three marshmallows to their team’s
Catcher, then goes in the back of the line and retrieves 3 more marshmallows. Then, the
second person tosses his/her three marshmallows to the Catcher, and goes back in the line to
get 3 more marshmallows, and so forth.

5. The team whose Catcher catches the most marshmallows in their mouths and eats the most
marshmallows wins the game.

- If you have enough teams and marshmallows, you can have the top two teams of the first
round go against each other.

- You can use small marshmallow

Purses, Pockets, and Wallets

Summary: Quickly search your purses, pockets, and wallets for the called item. Great team

Goal: Be the first to bring up the items called and get the most points.

- Download and print the list

How to Play Purses, Pockets, and Wallets Game:

1. Break everyone into groups of five.

2. Explain the game. You will call out a common object. The first team to bring you the called
object wins a point for their team. Each team can only bring up items that they have in their
purses, pockets, wallets, and whatever is on them. The first team that earns 10 points wins the

- Instead of having a list of items to call out, you can ask each team to find an item for every
letter of the alphabet (for example-Hairbrush for H, Quarter for Q, etc.)- One item per letter.
The team to bring up as many items as they can that fits within the alphabet within 10 minutes,
wins the game.

- Instead of having one point per item, you can assign different point values based on the
difficulty of the item. For example, the shoelace item can be worth 3 points while the quarter
can be worth 1 point. The team to reach 20 (or so) points wins the game.

Where the Wind Blows

Summary: Great icebreaker group game- find out what people have never done before.

Goal: Avoid being the last person standing.

- One person needs to start the game by standing in the middle of the circle
- You will need everyone to sit in chairs arranged in a circle.

How to Play Where the Wind Blows Game:

1. The person in the middle needs to say a sentence of something they have never done
before. For example, “I’ve never been in an airplane”, “I never been to a buffet”, “I’ve never
been the Hawaii”, “I’ve never had a pet”.

2. If the person’s statement applies to someone sitting in the circle, that person has to move
from his or her seat and sit in a different chair.

3. The person in the middle will need to try to sit down. One person will remain standing. The
standing person starts a new round by saying a different statement.

Note: People cannot move to seats on their immediate left or right. For example, they can sit
two seats away, but they cannot move to the left or right of their current chairs.


Summary: Squeeze your teammate's hand as quickly as possible- only if the coin comes up
as heads!

Goal: Be the first team to grab the object, if the quarter comes up as heads.

- A quarter
- An object for teams to grab (ball, stuffed animal, water bottle, etc.) 
How to Play Electricity:
1. Arrange everyone into two equally numbered teams. Have both teams line up in parallel
lines. At the end of the line, place the object about five feet away (in equal distance from both
ends of the line). You’ll be at the head of the line. 

2. Explain the rules: Everyone in line will need to hold hands and close their eyes. Only the first
person of both lines can open their eyes. Flip the coin in the air, catch it, and reveal the quarter
to the first person of both teams.

3. If the quarter comes up as “heads”, the first person squeezes the next person’s hand. The
second person squeezes the next person’s hand, and so forth. At the end of the line, the last
person runs to grab the object. The team that grabs the object first wins a point for the round. If
the quarter comes up as “tails”, then no one squeezes anyone’s hand. If there’s an “accidental”
hand squeeze and the quarter comes up as “tails”, the team that grabbed the object loses a
point for the round.

4. For the second round, the first person goes to the back of the line and the game continues.
The first team that reaches 10 points wins the game.

Bob the Weasel

ummary: Simple circle game, in which the person in the middle has to find a hidden object.

Goal: Don’t end up in the middle of the circle.

- A small object (marble, ring, coin) 

How to Play Bob the Weasel:

1. Have all the kids create a circle, facing inwards. Choose one person to be “Bob the Weasel”.
The person needs to stand in the middle of the circle. 

2. Explain the rules: The object will be passed from person to person behind their backs.
Everyone in the circle needs to say “Bob the Weasel…Keep it Going…Keep it Going” while
pretending to pass the coin behind their backs to the next person’s hand, to try and fool “Bob”.
The coin can be passed in different directions. Bob will have to guess who has the object.

3. Ask Bob to close his/her eyes. Spin "Bob" around in circles. Have the kids start chanting and
passing the object. After a few seconds, tell “Bob” to open his/her eyes and try to guess who
has the coin.

4. The game continues until “Bob” guesses the correct person with the coin. The person with
the coin gets to be the next person in the middle.
The Dictionary Game

Summary: Fool other teams into choosing your team’s definition.

Goal: Get the most points by choosing the correct definition or fooling the other team into
choosing your definition.

- You’ll need a pen/paper for each group
- Download and print aoubt 4 to 7 team worksheets. Print out the key worksheet for yourself.

How to Play The Dictionary Game:

1. Split everyone into groups of 3. Pass out the worksheets (one per team). Each team will
need to create definitions for each word. The object is to create the most dictionary-sounding
definition, even if you don’t know what the word means. After about five or six minutes, collect
all of the worksheets.

2. Read the first word aloud. Read all of the team’s definition for the word, including the correct
word definition. Each team has to choose which definition they believe is correct.

3. If the team picks the right definition, they get 1 point. If a team’s definition gets chosen by
other teams, the team with the definition will get 2 points for every team they fool. Continue
with the rest of the words. The team with the most points wins the game.

Picture Guess

Summary: Guess the secret word or phrase using only your teammate's drawing.

Goal: To guess the secret word through your teammate’s drawing.

- Download and print the List
- White board and pen OR paper and pen *If you are using paper and pen, you’ll need to
distribute pieces of paper/pens to all the teams

How to Play Picture Guess:

1. Separate everyone into teams of 4. Have one volunteer from each team come up to be the
first round of drawers. The drawers are not allowed to talk or motion during the game, or draw
symbols, numbers, or letters.

2. Show the volunteers only the first word. Have the volunteers walk back to their teams. When
you say “Go”, the volunteers can start drawing the object on the whiteboard/piece of paper.
The first team that raises their hand and guesses the object correctly wins one point for their

3. Ask for another volunteer from each team to come up to draw. The volunteers will evenly
rotate in the same order, until the words are done. The first team to reach 10 points wins the
Two Truths and a Lie

Summary: Which sentence is a lie? A fun guessing game, great way for people to get to know
one another.

Goal: Correctly guess other people’s truths and fool other people into guessing your lie.

- You will need to pass out a pen/pencil and paper to each person participating.

How to Play the Two Truths and a Lie Game:

1. Have everyone write two true sentences and one false sentence on their papers. The
sentences can be in any order that they want. Make sure that all the sentences are believable,
and aren’t obvious. (Example Statements: I have three cats at home; I am related to a
celebrity; I had lost two teeth in a biking accident).

2. Each person will need to read their sentences aloud to the group. After reading each
sentence, everyone will need to think about which statements are truths are which sentence is
a lie.

3. Take a vote on which statement is a lie (“Who thinks the first sentence is a lie? Who thinks
the second sentence is a lie?”).

4. The players who chose the lie correctly will win one point. The person who wrote the
sentences will win two points for every person that they fool (for every person who voted the
truth statement was a lie).

5. Go around and follow steps 2-4 for the remaining players. Whoever gets the most points
wins the game.

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