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Watch the trailer to the animated movie "Coco" and 

comprehension questions, match phrases, fill-in some
words in the gaps.

1. Fill the gap: You could get me in ______in

trouble__________ Dante!
2. Miguel's grandma is_________music. (highlight the
correct answer)

a. into c. fond of
b. against d. keen on

3. Answer the question: Who was Miguel’s great-great

Hector Rivera, he was a great musician.

4. Complete the phrase: Welcome to the Land of the


5. Answer the question: What happens if there is no one in

the living world who
remembers you?
You disappear from this world. We call it the final death.

6. Fill the gap: If you don't do it by sunrise, you will be

here forever!
7. What is tonight about? (highlight the correct answer)

a. Friends b. Family c. Ghosts

8. Fill the gap: ___ The family___ is forever.

9. Make two (2) sentences from the words.
 Miguel, eat your food.
 Here have some more.

Put the words in

order: eat some food. Miguel, have more. your Here,
10. Fill the gap: You've got to get _________home__________
before sunrise, or you'll be stuck here

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