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Is it neccesary hurt animals to save human lifes?

Nowadays, the animals are used

to do experiments by many companies, as such beauty industry and medication
companies. About that, some people believe that “the end justifies the means” as
the famous pholitical philosopher Machiavelly thought but, Other people think that
nothing justified hurt innocents animals. Then we going to explain the different
types of postures.

The companies think is crucial finding the solve of many illnesses like cáncer,
dangerous bacteria, AIDS and others, which kill many people around the world,
since this argument they consider that they must avoid more people kill for the
same illnesses, because if they experiment on animals they are able to find the
real and effective solution to stop the spread of illnesses.

On the other hand, Other people think that must exist another way to find the
solution, they do not approve to do experiments on any animal, mainly for two
reasons, the first one is because animals who are used to do experiments they are
mistreated and imprisioned. The second one is because those animals are
genetically modified, resulting in alterations in ecosystem biology.

In conclusion, the experiments on animal are just neccesaries in order to preserve

the human life but should exist some control mecanism to restrict the number the
animals that they use and also the kind of procediment to which to submitted the

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