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The Federal Republic of Germany is hardly in a position to draw upon previous experience in the
problems of assimilating foreigners. There is, for istance, no colonial tradition to fall back on. It
is therefore not surprising that the difficulties of integrating foreign working-class children into
the german education system are on the increase, particularly in the areas where they are
concentrated such as cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and munich, and in Berlin and the Ruhr area.
Already there are classes, particularly in primary and ordinary secondary schools, in which
German children are in the minority. It is no longer a question here of how to integrate foreign
children into German classes but rather the reverse: how can German children preserve their own
national identity? Of course this is not yet the norm. The problem, however, is being increasingly
aggravated by the fact that the German birthrate has fallen drastically, while that of foreigners
has lurched upwards to a high level. Up to now, all efforts on the part of the authorities have had
little effect. The training of teachers, in particular, has not kept up with these developments.
Certainly it is possible to enrol for supplementary courses of study: in a few regions one can
even from special study-groups and the like. One has to recognise, however, that both the
training facilities (in language and culture of the countries of origin) as well as the necessary
funds are just not available. The new born government has made it plain that it will intensify its
efforts to raise the proportion of immigrant workers returning to their countries of origin. This
means that no more cost-intensive measures, such as might possibly have helped to overcome
this critical situation, will be taken in future. In addition, there is the very real difficulty that the
largest immigrant group, namely the Turks, show little willingness to be assimilated into the
German cultural background. On the contrary, orthodox moslems are careful to bring up their
children by the tenets of the koran and also, unfortunately, in the doctrines of their new political
right-wing. The turks confide too little to the Germans about their methods and customs of
transmitting information for a radical change to be brought about here. So, in the last analysis,
everything conspires to prevent a resolving of the problem and to encourage its destabilising
effects on the community. In the case of the other ethnic groups the situation appears to be less
dramatic. Immigrants from the EEC countries, in spite of many differences, belong to the
common European tradition of thought and behaviour.


Republik Federal Jerman hampir tidak berada dalam posisi untuk memanfaatkan pengalaman
sebelumnya dalam masalah asimilasi orang asing. Ada, untuk istansi, tidak ada tradisi kolonial
untuk jatuh kembali. Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan bahwa kesulitan mengintegrasikan
anak-anak kelas pekerja asing ke dalam sistem pendidikan Jerman meningkat, khususnya di
daerah di mana mereka terkonsentrasi seperti Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart dan Munich, dan di
wilayah Ruhr dan di Berlin. Sudah ada kelas, terutama di sekolah menengah primer dan biasa, di
mana anak-anak Jerman berada di minoritas. Ini bukan lagi pertanyaan di sini tentang bagaimana
mengintegrasikan anak asing ke kelas-kelas Jerman tetapi sebaliknya: Bagaimana anak Jerman
dapat melestarikan identitas nasional mereka sendiri? Tentu saja ini belum norma. Masalahnya,
bagaimanapun, semakin diperparah oleh fakta bahwa tanggal kelahiran Jerman telah jatuh secara
drastis, sementara orang asing telah meluncur ke atas ke tingkat tinggi. Hingga kini, semua
upaya pada bagian pihak berwenang memiliki sedikit efek. Pelatihan guru, khususnya, belum
mengikuti perkembangan ini. Tentu saja mungkin untuk mendaftar untuk program studi
tambahan: Di beberapa daerah seseorang bahkan dapat dari kelompok studi khusus dan
sejenisnya. Namun, seseorang harus mengenali, bahwa baik fasilitas pelatihan (dalam bahasa dan
budaya negara asal) serta dana yang diperlukan tidak tersedia. Pemerintah yang baru lahir telah
membuatnya jelas bahwa itu akan mengintensifkan upayanya untuk meningkatkan proporsi
pekerja imigran yang kembali ke negara asal mereka. Ini berarti bahwa tidak ada langkah-
langkah intensif biaya, seperti yang mungkin telah membantu mengatasi situasi kritis ini, akan
diambil di masa depan. Selain itu, ada kesulitan yang sangat nyata bahwa kelompok imigran
terbesar, yaitu Turki, menunjukkan sedikit kemauan untuk berasimilasi ke latar belakang budaya
Jerman. Sebaliknya, Muslim Ortodoks berhati-hati untuk memunculkan anak-anak mereka oleh
prinsip Alquran dan juga, sayangnya, dalam doktrin sayap kanan politik mereka. Orang-orang
Turki terlalu sedikit menceritakan kepada Jerman tentang metode dan bea cukai dari
mentransmisikan informasi untuk perubahan radikal yang akan dibawa di sini. Jadi, dalam
analisis terakhir, semuanya berkonspirasi untuk mencegah penyelesaian masalah dan untuk
mendorong efek destabilisasi pada masyarakat. Dalam kasus kelompok etnis lainnya, situasi
tampaknya kurang dramatis. Imigran dari negara-negara EEC, terlepas dari banyak perbedaan,
termasuk dalam tradisi pemikiran dan perilaku Eropa umum.

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