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 How important is witchcraft in the Mexican culture?

2. What happens at the Señora witches market?
3. What’s Dr. Zabaleta connection with the world of witchcraft?
4. Why were the healers impressed in their mission?
5. Why did their mission turn dangerous?
6. What happened to Dr. Zabaleta after they had destroyed all the objects
they had found?

1. It is important for many Mexicans, they find it irresistible

2. People can buy witchcraft of tools, in addition The Market have back rooms
to do whatever

3. For Zabaleta witchcraft is already very familiar, because he has studied it

since the 90s

4. For the amount of witchcraft material found

5. Because they broke spells

6. With so much evil concentrated, Zabaleta become physically ill.

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