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ASSIGNMENT FOR HISTORY FOR THE 20 PAPER'- HICTORY OF MODERN Europe Topic - NAPOLEAN AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION SUBMITTED BY APOLLO MOIRANGTHEM B.A, CHONs,) History, 5S SEMESTER RoLL No. 1- SOl6 | SUBMITTER Tos StR SANDEEP CHATERSEE DEPARTMENT oF His TORY SATYA WAT! COLLEGE (DAY) Fage -1 Noapelam , te ddd at, rwolution iva 4 abbired, ty rweludi ide. Lisus ty stoterumt in te conheadt 4 Bonapailiam im post-Awolidion France . The Krunch Rwelution ums a walindid wort im te modu Ewrepram hi whic dtlemglad te bring wrbightinmumt primcigla “We govrnemes Wu a Apidy thot woos ralional ond egalitartan, benaea Aduaud te Frome a ture, aed wor atin tu coup a 14997, Rit populardy Memaivud ina [high The public dincovuud that im style ev habit he extabitid oll the uauinite ara rupidebicane Aimplivdy amd evdion foun : uh Noapeleamn | combined the quaitin a Mpublic ana hue and eeu menatch the he atmo dicty voor alua bake amd sinodiea — Napeleam “s | Bonaparks Chownud hima ste Emperr 4 Frama. ba th pork. - nwvchidion Frame, « Napolean | Bonapasti ow tu Emputor 4 Frama , Cam be Looked om tu ways: a he wows tu qrak Jaubue cnatlidaton tthe Rwvoludin he vorbucid o rus | Kina 4 ne both in Kaance avd trroughod wope #h he wer te grist dud a he Revcluion, whe thomaformd a Mepubleam governrumd. Adi caled ae E b 4a math empin evbindy dvoid 14 7 Lbnhu . ae tage-2 SS OS Napoliam was net a suvoludionany , but he Aclidi- ud many the rwolutio romges of 189-91, me a Mngpeaid the thas oo proposals Entigherumnt phil. de amplonumlid inam al , judicial , administyalive od reegiew, rabornns meddld on thou ay the Fruumk. ADMINUTRATIVE REFORMS Napoham establishid a alheng ann roku. “Frond akak During 1800-1203, Ke war mainly conovsud widh the Orbanol etganucdhien 4 Seramct, Ihe diviaion Kronce for parpores 4 Local admimittratior wm! 440, odminishation cb public dubt amd twiredudion oy rvahric yim te 93, he biginnings ah maduun trehndegi- wal rducdin in L444, th wucdion a ombrod edminista ation anoning amd chlidimg tas vo 1493. He ale thd tp ntlude the prunrcigis taualdy vith tru indraduciion ty muti bared appourd , mms im Whide te ablat man Maardun a, thon | Past Inyoltias Wr appetid . Local gover nmunit |was dhe Umbyalinid by apponiling piled whe sunjoyed immu boal pow amd whidr im tum wie Undr the dinechion A tunbral gourd ‘ Page -3 FINAN AL REFORMS * Rmamdal adminidhalion amd tandtion , the comuas the ala mage , vos Mmbroduad Napohan. She Bank of Framu War ertablished and nitionalind vr 1280, St wos aro given te monepty iauing bake nad. Ih aytivn of celeching ton , Which tu Revohdion hod ombud te autonemonn local avthordius . was hew uviralvad avd More hou . He alto itr oduced uunitorm ton _goléoy. hpi ee RE ReMe sy Napckan with tu pow Counc at, rade , harruned aut a Anithinix bate the Miberal, custo | mang ad rating Hwy Ahworis of Revchion aor Fra Romam baw Muonus. St war embedud im We a, 2et orlila af the Napolionic (ede of 1804. The propealy ah the fram voas stung tuned 1% against the rwolu- the ngs a pivads propully owed he lend stilt the Ruvoludion was prarcrurd. Horry, he new legal ode Aap uctid podrionchal View . Thun, k wrwnd aquality hijane Law omd. gh. 5 proprrty rr, - eee Fage-4. ¢ | RELL Gtous REFORMS: eerie | Napckam's dum war te and the Athege ; ak the Rwoludtinr amd fund a malistic rdthnund je | wand te Aepanahs Apyoliam fpow Catholriam. He began jregstiation for a temcordat with the Papaay. Se | quavankind frudom eb worwhip aubject only to ty | puserudlion eh public ordin. | Tha, Napaion dircighinad Frama such ofelibad win. Life amd propey wwe moda Asvne 74 4 educaliin and Ataonbific Marrarnch “an encouraged . fom lensultai Malid te Soende Aife and ettabliched Fa stong awa atabh Seromch tat. Senet, Napeluam wn highly dusoubed as te Child a the Seencth Revlubion’ | |RENE WAL OF WAR SS | The Uonswbtcke wor duvdid te ertlimae prr- ahiow the nreruual A War im England. He ugandid Rare ence cat i Through ty Codinrdod ysl » he ont aby te Tack | wth England, The vernubar monarchy wa, made moh pow. It ruined S0ea inched “ndividuals , ud the ridht te amewlk bt puorerdud equality. St duhiuid ib. amdhoniky the prep and was tun nid that divine Atrutling St duprived pout A ab praca “from thy abscadic traddin tage-S th. amtralindiion of authority Mid to the uni}jad amd ubiquitous application 4 nakiond pour - Every pape became a mininkwu emprrdr in ha eum dapartrrwnd . This furthur ld te ‘the Aude dh tun ornuplion amd dughadation + avdhordy te Liyraorny St Wrond the pros, put down rebellions , Se hed Udy «hich vous ore ay the primis t Soomch Rwoludior The Ministry af Poles voss nuvivd vir (804 amd Krench rwlapsed mor ord. mou ihe a pein star. He abo amtratined the aducdtion avd ettablichud miliShany Advepl. Shrough he Gvil Cdk, he abe Wuwrud ic Mpinion . byron Niapoluam, waa dieadaa by the Badich amd Prumiam at thy bodily of Wabulen jin Belgium, mr (BIS ond with hu Ago, E urspeam menarcha dlumpid 0 notoraior 4 the old andar im “krone, Louis xv rwibond the Bourkon dynasty. Se thy long run oy Vienna (lea 1215) the four. Viumphant rw Pours (Britaim, Austin 1» Runin and Prumia) conhinud the duntorcdin a te ald ardin , wlth acne modibicaliio » amd put back ‘m plan tre balance a pour wilh the indi ay purcruing Mmananchival pours amd maint ainimg a Mast peas, Page-6 te end Revoludbior amd the Napelronic woos | had unlrashud that would hake thy foundedions | oy Eunepeon Anvsty. St had imapind _dermoordt Uberals |aotalids , awd nuiobulionadiu, Nepelion spriad as #5 _democraey , buty and anuoldy ama ne ede [h rprurrtahion jovormunt alk Shey ibahe [h way ragandud as ty Osta te rumen Cordadion jHowwn as hi Mam purpose var oucding @ | Arong unihied Rranu he was gradually rads a | dupdlic nulur amd qrodually deaoyed the pares “Ah Srund Reyolaition ~ liberly » uqradiy ome , Jones, Napson j Ake child of Mwoluhion p also altund the Awoldionany eas oy te Shendr Rewolion . BIBLIOGRAPHY: “Dyan Ket, ke Sunde Qevolidion ~ Reurt Aubalin amd New Controvurcts . | n) Kavid Thomson, Europe Amu Napolran i) John Merriman, 4 Jistory Modu Europe - From | the Renainsomer +o the Pruserdh . Fw) Eric Hobsbawm , Ihe Hee a5 Revolution (14 84-848), | | |

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