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Summary of Banking Principles and

Bank Secrecy.
Principle of Banking :
a. Fiduciary Relation
b. Prudential
c. Secrecy
d. Know how customers principle
Law that stated about Banking in Indonesia is :
a. Law no. 14 year 1967
b. Law no. 7 year 1992
c. Law no. 1998
Bank secrecy in the wide scope of definition are everything related to information about
bank customers and information about financial conditions and bank business while the
narrow scope of definition in bank can be found in Article 1 of the 28 Performance Laws
which mentions bank secrecy is everything related to information about deposit
customers and deposits.
Muhammad Djumhana argued that the notion of bank secrets is relative and absolute.
Bank secrets are meaningless banks are allowed to open secrets the customer if for an
interest urgent, for example in the interest of country, while bank secrets are of a nature
the absolute meaning of the bank is obliged to save customer secrets known by the
bank because of his business activities in a state anything, normal or in extraordinary
circumstances. Allran's relative establishment will be willing release the obligation to
save secret for the benefit of society, who in practice it rests on the principle
proportional and subsidiary principle. Principle proportionally requires consideration
which interests are more severe, namely no unlock secrets which means save secrets
only fulfill interests limited to banking, or unlock secrets for the sake of that greater is
the interest of the state. Consideration in choosing it connected with the selection of
interests Indonesian Banking Law adheres to the notion of bank secrecy relational
means bank secrecy allowing it to be opened for reasons public interest. ^ The bank's
obligation to keep information about the Customer confidential storage and storage as
regulated in Article 40 of the Law Banking, but based on Article 41- 44A Banking Law
can breached on the basis of public interest.

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