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Arming Cap

Skills needed: Knit, Purl, knitting in the round, knitted/cable cast-on, decrease

16" size 8 (US) circular knitting needle
set size 8(US) double pointed needles
worsted weight cotton--2 balls of Lily's Sugar'n'Cream or equivalent.
stitch marker
yarn needle

Coif neck flap:

Cast on 55 stitches on the circular needle. Do not join at this point; the first section is worked flat.
Rows 1-9: Knit.
Row 10: Knit 5, purl 45, knit 5.
Repeat rows 9 and 10 until your work measures 3.5" from cast on edge, ending with a knit row.

Using cable technique, cast on 25 stitches. Being careful not to twist work, place marker and join.
Begin working in the round. (80 stitches total)
Rnd 1: Purl 5, knit 45, purl 30.
Rnd 2: Knit
Repeat last two rounds 3 more times (8 rows total from cast-on edge at forehead).
At this point, continue knitting in the round until work measures 5 inches from second cast-on.
Crown Decreases:
Rnd 1: (Knit 8, k2tog), across
Rnd 2: Knit
Rnd 3: (Knit 7, k2tog), across
Rnd 4: Knit
Rnd 5: (Knit 6, k2tog), across
Rnd 6: Knit
Rnd 7: (Knit 5, k2tog), across
Rnd 8: Knit
Rnd 9: (Knit 4, k2tog), across
Rnd 10: Knit
Rnd 11: (Knit 3, k2tog), across
Rnd 12: Knit
Rnd 13: (Knit 2, k2tog), across
Rnd 14: Knit
Rnd 15: (Knit 1, k2tog), across
Rnd 16: K2tog across.

Break yarn leaving a 12" tail. Using a yarn needle, take yarn through all stitches remaining. Draw
together and finish off work. Darn in all loose ends.

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