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So in this chart we can see leadership qualities, that people

left responses. It shows us that most of the leaders have
mostly charisma as a feature. Charisma is a special power
that some people have naturally that makes them able to
influence other people and attract their attention.

2. I think that people in my country would give the same

ranking, that is given in the chart, because these qualities
are main goals, to achieve being a good superior. Some
people may have natural leadership as they born, but
mostly they gain this throughout their lifetime.

3. In my opinion I prefer better to be a team-player rather then

a leader, because sometimes it’s the best way to me being
closer to the group, but also I don’t really like ordering
other people. The most important thing a leader must have
is positivity and a good influence on others. This way the
commander will earn others heart.

4. In my opinion, people with no leadership skills have a more

happy life, because won’t be nominated being a head of the
group, and so they are not responsible for the choices, that
the leader must take.

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