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******************************** BOUNCE

If you want to take cost manger down then first you need to check if any concurrent
request for cost manger are running or not.
go to concurrent request -->find request -->cost manager
if found any record regarding cost manger ,if that particular request is running
then you need to cancel that record, cancel 1 or 2 time
it should be in cancel state, after that go to below navigation and check cost
manger should be in inactive mode.
inverntory super user-->setup-->transactions-->interface managers
click on organization for which you need to check the cost manger if the window
appears, say i was checking the above for PDC(BRAZIL)
the select PDC.
the new window will come and in that you can see the cost manger is inactive.
Inventory Manager->Setup->Transactions->Interface Managers

How to bounce Cost Manager?

To cancel the Cost Manager, use one of the following methods :

a) Login using SYSADMIN
Navigate >> Request >> View
Search for Cost Manager
From here you can cancel Cost Manager.
you can use following query to get the requestid of Cost Manager and cancel it.

SELECT request_id RequestId,

request_date RequestDt,
phase_code Phase,
status_code Status FROM
fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
WHERE fcp.application_id = 702 AND
fcp.concurrent_program_name in ('CMCTCM', 'CMCMCW', 'CMCACW') AND
fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id AND
fcr.program_application_id = 702 AND fcr.phase_code <> 'C'
Cancel all the requests from the output.
b) run the cmclean.sql script which you can get from metalink. Download it from -
NOTE:134007.1 CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager
c) Now restart the Cost Manager
Navigation >> Inventory >> Setup >> Transations >> Interface Managers.
You will see Cost Managers. Click on it.
Go to Tools and click on Launch Manager. It will start the cost manager.

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