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Photocopiable Resources Section 2: Mixed-ability Worksheets Contenidos Cémo utilizar las Mixed-ability Worksheets Unidad 1 Worksheets Unidad 2 Worksheets Unidad 3 Worksheets Unidad 4 Worksheets Unidad 5 Worksheets Unidad 6 Worksheets Unidad 7 Worksheets Unidad 8 Worksheets Respuestas Hoja de registro del nifio/a 411 12-19 20-27 28-35 36-43 44-51 52-59 60-67 68-71 72 Como u Las Mixed-ability Worksheets que se incluyen en Bugs 4 son un material flexible que se puede utilizar de diversas formas, Se puede usar como trabajo individual en clase, como se describe a continuaelén, 0 como trabajo adicional fuera dela clase para clertos alumnos, ‘También pueden ser parte de la programacion de los doberes o de la de vacaciones. ‘Autoaprendizaje El material de las Mixed ability Worksheets se puede {otocopiar y clasificar de manera que cada actividad tenga su propio archivador de plastico, Los ntios cogen luna fotocopia de una actividad que les interesa, vse sientan para completarla, Una vez inalizada, van al archivo de Respuestas, buscan la actividad y corrigen st. trabajo. Pueden pegar la actividad en la Ubreta, ‘Mientras los alumnos trabajan en actividades individuales, puedes entablar interacciones con distintos alumnos cada semana, o trabajar en un érea de leetura o escritura con un grupo diferente cada semana. Materiales Intenta ofrecer un niimero limitado de materiales entre Jos que escoger, especialmente al principio, ya que algunos alumnos encuentran algo abrumadora la idea de escoger entre diferentes actividades. Si ests en la Unidad 1, por ejemplo, quizé al principio quieras inelulr ‘materiales slo para las ocho primeras actividades, yaaliadir otros més adelante. Grupos Cuando uses las Mixed ability Worksheets, se sugiere ‘que dividas la clase en grupos pequerios de 5 0 6 nifios, si es posible. Cuanto mayor sea el grupo, menos tiempo ppasaran Jos itios trabajando con tos materiales. Recuerda, sin embargo, que los grupos mas pequefios necesitaréin mas habilidades de gestion de la clase. Cuando separes los nifios en grupos de distintas destrezas no tengas en cuenta s6lo su nivel de habilidades, sino también su madurey, intereses, ritmo deaprendizaje, motivacion y amistades, ademés de su dad y sexo. Cuando los grupos trabajan bien juntos, los nitios confian en los demas miembros del grupo ala hora de buscar ayuda, en vez de confiar en el docente. Puedes controlar los grupos eficazmente y solucionar cualquier problema que surja. ES Importante pensar con detenimiento en quién irda ceaila grupo al prineipio del curso. Sino conoces.a los alumnos, es aconsejable empezar con las Mixed-ability Worksheets un mes después de haber comenzado el curso, ‘cuando pueda evaluuar mejor sus puntos débiles y fuerts, Liderazgo del grupo Bs ttl hacer responsable del grupo a uno de sus ‘miembros. Cada lider de grupo puede entregar y recoger las hojas de registro, responder preguntas, hacer que su equipo siga trabajando, ete. Anima alos miembros del grupo a dirigir todas sus preguntas alos lideres, ¥ cexplica que éstos slo deben consultarte sino son ccapaces de responder una pregunta. Bste enfogue te permitird concentrarte en trabajar de forma més {ntensiva con algunos alumnos, ya sea en grupos de lectura o en interacciones individuales. izar las Mixed-ability Worsheets Los lideres dle grupo se pueden cambiar mas o menos cada mes, aunque la primera serie de lideres se podria, ‘mantener en su puesto durante algo mas de tiempo, mientras Ia clase se acostumbra al trabajo en grupo. Alalternar la responsabilidad, los nifios comprenden el significado de tener que responder ante el docente por el, ‘comportamiento del grupo; de ser responsable del trabajo del grupo; y de ser la persona a la cual éste mira, cuando quiere respuestas. Algunos nifios se adaptan bien ala oportunidad, mientras que otros lo encuentran Aific. No se debe obligar a ningiin nifio/a a ser lider de _grupo sino se siente comodo con su papel ‘Asumir la responsabilidad Los nis deciden qué actividades quieren hacer y eémo Jas van a hacer: Son responsables de leer y seguir las instrucciones y de tomar decisiones por s{ mismo, ‘Como grupo, también se tienen que organizar y aprender a valorar la ayuda y los comentarios de cada ‘uno. Esto es algo que se desarrolla a lo largo del afio, a ‘medida que los miembros del grupo se acostumbran a trabajar juntos y a respetarse. Cada nifto/a establecera sus propias metas, por ejemplo, ‘completar un nimero concreto de actividades, oun tipo especifico de actividades de un aspecto de la lengua que ‘encuentra dificil, Algunos niios tend dificultades con esto, y necesitarain tu apoyo individual. Dedica las primeras semanas decidiendo cusiles son los objetivos de Jacclase, y pideles que te muestren de qué manera han Jogrado sus metas al final. Esto les animaré a hacerse responsables de sus objetivos de aprendizaje. evar un registro Los alumnos deberian evar un registro de las actividades que hacen completando la Hoja de registro fotocopiable (ver pagina 72). EI nifio/a introduce la fecha yel ntimero de actividad; ti guardas las hojas de registro en clase, Se pueden usar para ver quién ha trabajado en qué actividades, y la cantidaad y tipo de trabajo que Ios alumnos estan haciendo de forma individual Recompensas para el grupo Cada docente tiene un sistema de recompensa preferido, pero uno especialmente eficaz consiste en premiar alos ‘grupos con estrellas por trabajar de forma individual y sin molestar alos demés, y por el niimero de actividades completadas. Las estrellas como premio también ayudan alos grupos a evaluar su trabajo y comportamiento, {Cuanto tiempo? ‘Media hora ala semana para las Mixed ability ‘Worksheets suele ser suflcionte. Puedes decidir, asi, \edicar esta media hora a una actividad de lectura ode ceseritura compartida (con grupos diferentes cada semana). Unit 1 Activity 1 Write. Find the secret word. ea | The secret word is Unit 1 Activity 2 Match. g d yi s I've got English and Maths on Monday. fr feet b pease Sie 7 pr eae anaes tls sneotmay be photocopied and used within the lassroom, I've got Geography and Art on Friday. I've got Language and Music on Thursday I've got Science and PE on Tuesday Unit 1 Activity 3 Write. Look at my timetable! Monday Tuesday Wednesday | Thursday Friday Maths Art PE Music Language Geography | English Language _| Science English 1 I've got _Maths and Geography Manda. I haven't got Ant and English Monda, 2 I've got on | haven't got on e 3 I've got on | haven't got on : 4 l've got on | haven‘t got on : 5 I've got on | haven‘t got on : Unit 1 Activity 4 Look and complete. Monday Tuesday Wednesday | Thursday Friday Maths English PE Music Maths Geography | Art Language _| Science English English Language __| Maths Geography | Language PE Science Music Art Geography Maths | Music | Science | English | PE ‘At | Languoge | Geography 1 Bs Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004, Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 1 Activity 5 Read and answer. 1 What's the boy‘s name?_Pauwt. My name's Paul and I'm ton. I get up at 5 2 How old is he?. melee and.I go to bed 3 What time does he get up?. at half past nine.I can basketball but I ne can’t rollerblade. I've got 4 What time does he go to bed?, English and Maths on Monday. I’ve got Scionce _OAHAH— and. PE eee My 5 Has he got Science on Monday?__ Curis ded ce ed 6 Can he rollerblade? 7 Can he play basketball?. 8 What's his favourite day? Unit 1 Activity 6 Look and circle true (T) or false (F). Monday Tuesday Wednesday | Thursday Friday English Science Geography _| Maths Language Maths PE Language English Science Language | Music Art PE Geography 1 I've got Science, PE and Music on Tuesdays. @ F 2 I've got Art, English and Geography on Wednesdays. T F 3 I've got Language, Maths and Music on Mondays. Te 4|'ve got English, Maths and Geography on Thursdays. = T F 5 I've got Language, Science and Geography on Fridays. TOF 6 I've got Geography, Music and Science on Tuesdays. T F I © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. <> y > this sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Unit 1 Activity 7 Find and write. I've got Language on Tuesday. Friday Thursday Tuesday — SS Wednesday Monday Unit 1 Activity 8 Write. — play-football, Merday, English, Maths, rollerblade, Sunday, play basketball, Tuesday, Art, Science, Friday, swim. 1 Days of the week 2 School subjects 3 Sports reer] Meda | ee ‘@ ‘© Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Unit 1 Activity 9 2 Circle and write. — SSN BL EEE S rlefelr[r[ifalolrlu etsTate Tatil] y ilMektfolilifelt F Ayn rlbloksteli[eltlo afl @ e[r[h] otsks [afolh s&s ofoli [kl elmg a. rfrfalhlf[ foki[n fly [h[olhIs | dhofo m1] 1[nlelo] sim ; + pie uo Unit 1 Activity 10 t Look and answer. r oe | “I Sarah Mike. Post Emily, Framk = Amanda. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 1 Is Sarah in the gym? 2 Is Mike in the library? 3 Is Paul in the corridor? 4 Is Emily in the toilet? 5 Is Frank in the classroom? 6 Is Amanda in the computer room? ~\ This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Ka 6 8i | © Elisenda Papiol and Maria ‘Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ws Unit 1 Activity 11 Look and answer. 1 How many classrooms have you got in your school? __ Fiwe. 2 How many computer rooms have you got in your school? 3 Have you got a gym in your school? 4 Have you got a library in your school? 5 How many toilets are there in your school? Unit 1 Activity 12 Read and number. © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004, Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 1 Activity 13 Look, number and complete. My Monday ecHOoL Cj Cz Dy BO FO 11 get up at : 2.1 go to school at 3 I've got Maths at 41 go to the playground at 5 I've got PE at 6 | have lunch at Unit 1 Activity 14 Count and answer. © Be me 1 How many children are there in the gym? Boccocoe tio, _ 2 How many children are there in the classroom? 3 How many children are there in the computer room? 4 How many children are there in the corridor? © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004 Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 1 Activity 15 Order and write. Number. Mon [Tuesday| PE. |Science ce Mathe| History | Lar fe | Thurs | Friday py] Fe [Fraieh} 4 library. |/is | fthel in| [Mike ae ee , |History [Science CY, 2 Z L__ Unit 1 Activity 16 Write. 1 What's your favourite subject? 2 What are you wearing? 3 Can you rollerblade? 4 What time do you go to bed? 5 Have you got Maths on Monday? ‘© Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 2 Activity 1 Look and write. is, doing a jigsaw, drawing a picture, making a cake, writing a letter, reading a comic. Unit 2 Activity 2 Look and circle. Sp) Ge LEe © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 2 Activity 3 Read and number. 1 I'm doing a jigsaw. 2I'm playing cards. 3 I'm reading a comic. 4\'m drawing a picture. 5 I'm writing a letter. 6 I'm making a cake. ay Fg La? f(a. ss OF ! Unit 2 Activity 4 1 a Look and answer. Q iy Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 2 Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. 3 1 Is he playing cards? Yes, he ia 2 Is she reading a comic? 3 Ishe doing ajigsaw? 4s she making a cake? 5 Is she drawing a picture? 6 Is she writing a letter? ua © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. eal Unit 2 Activity 5 Read and write. is ..sgot... [..can... |... can’t... [swearing | helshe’s Amanda jclever| beach ball nobberbtade | Mess and young / aw cands a pain of Maiying, Poul Mike Elisabeth Amanda is young and clever. She’s got a beach ball in her hands. She can swim but she can’t rollerblade. She’s wearing a dress and shoes. She's playing cards. Paul is young and handsome. He's got a hat on his head. He can play football but he can’t ride a bike. He’s wearing a T-shirt, jeans and trainers. He’s reading a comic. Mike is old. He’s got a pair of glasses in his hand. He can play basketball but he can’t swim. He's wearing a coat, a T-shirt, jeans and shoes. He’s drawing a picture. Elisabeth is old and clever. She’s got a book. She can rollerblade but she can’t play basketball. She’s wearing a dress and a pair of shoes. She's making a cake. Unit 2 Activity 6 Look and tick (). 1 He's wearing a T-shirt. A Biv 2 He’s happy. A B | 3 He’s wearing shoes. A el B te] 4 It's raining. | 5 He's wearing trainers. A B 6 He's drinking juice. A cl B 7 He's eating an ice-cream. A B 8 It’s sunny. A B 9 It's half past nine. aL] B 10 It’s twelve o'clock. aL |e ‘© Bllsenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited Ke ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 2 Activity 7 Write. Music, eighty-eight Scien, severty-one, beact, mountain, sixty, Maths, river, Geography, swimming-pool, fifty-five, Language, ninety, lake, 1 School subjects 2 Numbers 3 Holiday places Unit 2 Activity 8 Answer. 1 Is the King playing cards? No, he isn't. 2 Is the Queen making a cake? 3 Is the Princess drawing a picture? 4s the Prince reading a comic? 5 Is Puss in Boots doing a jigsaw? No, he isn't. Yes, he is. No, she isn’t. Yes, she is. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. MV (© Elisenda Paplol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. jas Unit 2 Activity 9 Order and write. Sixty-eight, seventy-three, fifty-nine, seventy-five, seventy, sixty-two, fftV, ninety-two, sixty, ninety-seven, fifty-five, fifty-one, one hundred, eighty-two, eighty-nine. lies Unit 2 Activity 10 Write. 3 93 1 78 —sewenty-eight 2 89 4 67 53 100 Piss] «ments pity Sn nn es ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 2 Activity 11 Write. I'm Sarah. I'm 110) tem. . [live at number 7 8 , Palm Street. I've got o Pat . It's black and white. It’s got a long if and = 7S : ) Vike ee ond eee My favourite subject is va) : I can (9 but I can’t y eee cat tail apples whiskers play football swim teh seventy-three ice-cream Music Unit 2 Activity 12 Write the questions. (© Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 2 Activity 13 Write. Unit 2 Activity 14 Find and write. Mike Ke “4S. <2 7 fie ( © Elisenda Papiol and Maria ‘Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, xe KY ti ey be poco nd wed wibin he clase Unit 2 Activity 15 Read and tick (Vv). Mike is in the library. He’s reading a comic. v Mike is in the classroom. He's reading a comic. Mike is in the classroom. He's writing a letter. [i Amanda is in the classroom. She's reading a book. a Amanda is in the classroom. She's playing cards. Amanda is in the classroom. She's writing a letter. Ruth is in the playground. She's playing football. Ruth is in the gym. She’s playing tennis. Ruth is in the playground. She's playing tennis. JI Mario is in the kitchen. He's doing a jigsaw. Mario is in the kitchen. He’s making a cake. Mario is in the library. He’s making a cake. Unit 2 Activity 16 Answer. 1 What is it? Si Its a school tog. 2 What's she wearing? 3 Where do whales live? 4 Where's the notebook? S Sez 5 Do cats like fish? 6 Can she ride a bike? an Dy ‘Q ® rena Poll ond Mara Tots 04 Bugs 4 published Manian Pashia. 19 ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 3 Activity 1 1 She's, tidying _ 2 He’s__________ 3 She’s__ up. to music. on the computer. 4He's SS She’s_ He's dinner. Tv. up. Unit 3 Activity 2 4 Write. 3 © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Unit 3 Activity 3 Find and write. Unit 3 Activity 4 Order and write. Circle true (T) or false (F). ‘Tom| |bedroom. | © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004, Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 3 Activity 5 Read and tick (Vv). <> 1 They are in the bedroom. 2 They are in the kitchen. 3 He’s drawing a picture. 4 She's playing on the computer. 5 She’s doing a jigsaw. 6 He's writing a letter. 7 He's making a cake. 8 She's washing up. 9 He's reading a comic. Unit 3 Activity 6 Look and answer. 1 What's Dad doing? i 2 What's Mum doing? 3 What's the boy doing? 4 What's the girl doing? 5 What's Grandma doing? 6 What's Grandpa doing? ts [22 | © ptisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. AQ EA tis snet mayb potoopied and used within the lasso, Unit 3 Activity 7 Look and circle. SA) 4 Mum is washing / cooking dinner. Set : : sin Sos Unit 3 Activity 8 Read and complete. He’s Daniel. He’s 10. He lives at 75, Moon Street. He’s got a pet dog. He can play football. He’s reading a comic. She's Patricia. She’s 11. She lives at 35, Palm Street. She’s got a pet hamster. She can ride a bike. She’s playing on the computer. She's Chloe. She’s 12. She lives at 42, Sun Street. She's got a pet cat. She can play tennis. She’s writing a letter. Age | Address Pet Can He / She’s Daniel | 10 2|Patricia Chloe © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, This shoet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Count and write. 29 Unit 3 Activity 9 80 BS OO 2 How many people are writing a letter? Or QOOOOO) ae i ag 3 How many people are listening to music? i a many people are washing up? BOeeee 5 How many people are tidying up? © a”, 1 am t OOOOO OOOO QOG0® 6 How many people are cooking dinner? Unit 3 Activity 10 Match. the window, please? Can you open the CD player, please? 2 [Can you turn up 3 the TV, please? Can you turn down 4 Icon you give me aruler, please? 5 [can you close with my homework, please? 6 Can you help me the door, please? CBiisenda Paplorand Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the elassroom, Unit 3 Activity 11 Read, look and number. 1 Can you open the window, please? 2 Can you turn up the TV, please? 3 Can you give me a ruler, please? 4 Can you turn down the CD player, please? 5 Can you help me with my homework, (i ‘i please? & 6 Can you open the door, please? Unit 3 Activity 12 1 Answer. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. 2 Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 1s she tidying up? No,sbe isn't > 2 Is he listening to music? 3 Is she watching TV? 4 Is he cooking dinner? 5 Is she playing cards? 6 Is he washing up? Ss a ‘© Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 3 Activity 13 Write, Unit 3 Activity 14 Write. Unit 3 Activity 15 Write. (Le Unit 3 Activity 16 Write. 1 What time is it? re 7 2 What's the weather like? 3 Where's Sue? xj 4 Where's the ruler? Es 5 What's he wearing? oe © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 4 Activity 1 Match and write. a fas a 1 ba agent's c toy grocer’s 4 pet cher’s EZ ababeny —— SEN ‘= ——— ® a Ede green shop Unit 4 Activity 2 ' ()))totlinon ? es 3 es Circle and write. 11 ° GQ % a k u i ° g m h hy] j ‘6 k clilm|tfalw b e d|wia rit Civ tO Oo oe OF bs iDi eles |e) Ui) |¢ 9 i[k['[s[wlefe[t]s[o a. o_o Ee O-O —— JA28\ otisonda Papiot and Maria Toth 200, Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limite, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 4 Activity 3 oe : Match and write. I'm going to the to buy some he _ 1'm going to the newsagent’s ome oe J 4(/'mgoingtothe to buy a & oes 3(\'mgoingtothe 7 comic apples to buy some GD __ ) cake doll eggs sweets ham hamster 5 (1m going to the to buya ¢> : 6 ( I'm going to the | tobuya R& : 7 (\'m going to the ( to buy some CxS . ) 8( I'm going to the to some @\., r Unit 4 Activity 4 Look and write. a newsagent's b bakery ¢ supermarket 7B Genie d sweet shop e greengrocer’s f toyshop @ Sen | |Yod te 11can buy comics , books and nemmpaners at the newsagent’s. 2 | con buy. and at the bakery. 3 1 can buy i and at the supermarket. 41 can buy : and at the sweet shop. Sicon buy ond at the greengrocer’s. 6 I can buy : and at the toyshop. AS © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. i Unit 4 Activity 5 Can | have a lollipop, please? 1 Euro. Yes, here you are. Thank you. How much is it? Here you are. Gaod-morning. Good morning. Unit 4 Activity 6 Read and write. I'm Barbara. I’m going to the newsagent's to buy a comic. | like comics. I'm Daniel. I'm going to the greengrocer’s to buy bananas and apples. | like apples but | don’t like pears. I’m Ruth. I'm going to the sweet shop to buy lollipops. | like strawberry flavour lollipops but | don’t like chocolates. I'm Rob. I'm going to the bakery to buy a cake. | like cakes but | don't like biscuits. KY Shop Buy ... Likes | Doesn't like 1 [Barbara |newsagent’s| comic comics ae 2 |Daniel 3 |Ruth 4 |Rob (© Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Unit 4 Activity 7 Write and tick (v). comic ¥ iL : 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unit 4 Activity 8 a gga 1,05 2,10 3 1,70 0,75 0,50 Total: Total: © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 1 Unit 4 Activity 9 Read and number. Chloe is in a hurry. She’s going to the greengrocer’s to buy some oranges. It’s late. First, she goes past the bakery and she meets a friend. She goes past the sweet shop and the pet shop. She's very tired. She goes past the butcher’s and the newsagent's. She finally arrives at the greengrocer’s. Phew! It’s open. Unit 4 Activity 10 Read and match. It’s ten past nine. Exes) . Oy i Fsnatrearsemn) SQ & (© Flisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. oa) a wy It's ten to twelve. aS) d Unit 4 Activity 11 Read and tick (v). 1 She's at the greengrocer’s. | ¥ 2 She’s buying oranges. 3 It’s ten past eleven. 4 She's buying a cake. 5 She’s wearing jeans. 6 She's wearing a dress. 7 It’s ten to eleven. Unit 4 Activity 12 Write the message. O@ENOSEEOHNA Ee De er a Unit 4 Activity 13 Write. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Unit 4 Activity 14 Look, read and circle true (T) or false (F). 1 (_Wstwentytofou._—+»)sT © 3 (Co estwentytonine +d) \yay| © lisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. {> This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 4 Activity 15 Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Find and answer. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 1 Is Sarah going to the sweet shop? x 2 Is Mike going to the pet shop? 3 Is Mum going to the newsagent’s? 4 \s Dad going to the bakery? 5 Is Grandpa going to the butcher's? Unit 4 Activity 16 Order and write. Circle true (T) or false (F). © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 5 Activity 1 Circle and write. a a fe ey) OF te leG: |e |ey-|s:|011 p. \ 1 museum hi l|[s|ijvjgjojtiela 2 a _ Hee] ate ner mi) ores an oe EP c{mju}sjelulmjelilk Bag 3 e|s{uls}|r{m|ljolols 4 blujs|s|t{a]t}ijojn Zr. i|kjole}fle/rigjg]! Ee 5 I} l{ple[s}ris|ylels 6 o}s}hjo}s{c{hf{ojo|1 E> nlo[slpliltfali{c|i 1 ama tlo]win[h[af[i[ifi]s —— 7 = 8 Unit 5 Activity 2 Look, read and circle T (True) or F (False). { es | I can see books. I'm in the library. TR ER 2 |/ ae 7 ( \ | can see doctors. I’m in hospital. wa | can see buses. I’m at the bus station. I can see a film. I'm in the cinema. I can see offices. I'm in the town hall. I can see books. I’m in the library. © Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, HOSPITAL Unit 5 Activity 3 Sooo Look and write. (OO) 7 fA a HOSPITAL 1 There's a cinema. : O11) 2 There ane two hospitals. jo) 3 Unit 5 Activity 4 Write. Eriday, Science, swirty, play football, livingroom, Language, kitchen, Maths, classroom, play tennis, Saturday, Sunday, playground, dining room, corridor 1 Days of the jects:||3 Rooms of the house: week: 2 School subjects: 4 School: a Friday | | Sclence— | timing nace 5 Sports centre: Tcotnider ‘VW, | iN © Blisenda Papiol and Marla Toth 200, Bugs 4 published by Macmillan Publishers Limited} J a7 | ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. NY Unit 5 Activity 5 Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Look and answer. Yes, there are. No, there aren't. 1 Is there a butcher's? 2 Are there two cinemas? 3 Is there a supermarket? 4 Is there a bakery? 5 Is there a park? 6 Is there a bus station? 7 Are there four museums? 8 Are there five schools? Unit 5 Activity 6 Read and tick (v). I'm Sam. | live in Blue Hill, a small town near a river. In my town there’s a park with lots of trees, a museum with pictures and statues and a beautiful school with a big playground. | like my town. I'm Rachael. | live in Purple Mountain, a big town near the mountains. In my town there are two parks, three libraries with lots of books and comics and a big hospital. There’s a bus station and a beautiful town hall. Ah! There are lots of shops. I'm Beth. | live in Silver Town. In my town there's a bus station, a park, a library and a museum. There are lots of shops and two schools. ‘museum Jhospital [park library [bus ]shops town |schoo! station hall 1 | Sam v Vv v U 2 | Rachael é 3 | Beth & & © Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. “BE ‘ ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. LS) AS Unit 5 Activity 7 Look and answer. 1 Where is he? _He'sim the nank What's he doing? He’s Listening to music. _ 2 Where is she What's she doing? 3 Where is she? What's she doing? 4 Where is he? What's he doing? Unit 5 Activity 8 Read and draw. In my town there is a library, a pet shop, a bus station, a town hall, a butcher's and a sweet shop. There are two cinemas, three supermarkets and two hospitals. O Dw . v we (8. % “ © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004, Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited “This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Unit 5 Activity 9 Circle and write. u d s[olo[3]o[4/ol[olulol<[- slelal<[ulals|a[slolsla a] —[o| fC} <[ele|—ls[ote 2K[-lelel=lel-j-lslele o|o|-lal=fel=|<| —ll-/e< =[5[—lollesel<[e[nfelel= 3]<[=]°] 5] 9] 4]°]°]*]3]< a[c[efalo[x[4{s]—falo =|=|-/3/e[x[e[slel<[< al-fel[e[=[e[e]3[olalo Unit 5 Activity 10 Write the message. Tick (V) the picture. OeabhYo mt eee c D ie F G HEOWOHRE N O we R - T SILL] ® Ve Ae APIA 0 GRECBENOE 6G GH0n0eI oO GEIE Aon > o cinema} | Supermarket va) Tae, ] C[ er Cea) DL ise a wpm Fest) PATER Bt Pes fon] Py f | (oon er 9) Hose | Supermarket] alr | Shan un a oe eaon ||" na | sn LES Pipes sas | santa Ky] ee } [40 | | © etisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004, Bugs 4 published by Macmillan Publishers Limite. >>. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 5 Activity 11 Order and write. Number. rT Unit 5 Activity 12 Add words. 1 fifty ~ Akaocks ~ senremty ; 2 eyes > ears. a 3 gym ee ee eC 5 Science - : 7 7 GIMUSCUN = ee eee UeMUM) ee scesdentaate a eccesnenneie a saesninenne de Stig © Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 5 Activity 13 Read, write and draw. I'm Daniel. | live at 34, Park Street. In my town there’s a cinema. | can play football. I've got a pet cat. | go to the beach in the summer. My favourite subject is Maths. | like ice-cream. Cit 'm Amanda. | live at 67, Moon Street. In my town there's a park. I can swim. I’ve got a bird. | go to the mountains in the summer. My favourite subject is Art. | like ice-cream. oS = ( S Address ]Thereis..Can [Pet holidays [Subject [Food Daniel | 34,Paxk St] cinema. Amanda Me Unit 5 Activity 14 Look and answer. 1 What's Chloe doing? She's doimg.a jigsaw 2 Where is she? - 3 What's Dad doing? 4 Where i:he, 5 What's Mum doing? nae 6 Where is she? 7 What's Tim doing? 8 Where is he? aa & 6 42 | © Biisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004, Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited &E ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 5 Activity 15 Draw and write. In my house there is There are Unit 5 Activity 16 Answer. 1 When's Christmas Day?_25th December 2 When’s May Day? 3 When's International Book Day? 4 When's Boxing Day? 5 When's New Year's Eve? 6 When's Halloween? © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 6 Activity 1 Read and number. LY [ee] V = " 1 [Spike is behind the door. | 2 Spike 3/ Spike is under the bench. 6 | Spike is in the school bag. Unit 6 Activity 2 Answer. 1 Where's the snake? It’s 2 Where's the tiger? It’s 3 Where's the crocodile? It’s 4 Where's the gorilla? It’s 5 Where's the leopard? It’s 6 Where's the snake? It’s ¥ {44 {| onnsenda Papiot and Maria ‘Toth 2004, Bugs 4 published by Macmillan Publishers Limited we AQYE* tis shot may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Unit 6 Activity 3 Look and answer. 1 Is the CD player on the sofa? No, it isn't. 2 Is the TV under the table? 3 Is the sofa behind the big table? 4 Is the chair next to a table? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Unit 6 Activity 4 Read and tick (v). This is my bedroom. I’ve got posters on the walls. The bed is next to the table. The window is behind the bed. The wardrobe is in front of the bed. There’s a computer on the table. My pet hamster is in a cage on the table. I've got my skateboard under the bed. neni A | jt T © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 45 Unit 6 Activity 5 Look and answer. 1 Where's the teacher's table? It's _im Jrontof the desks. 2 Where's the small table? It's the window. 3 Where's the board? It's the teacher's table. 4 Where's the plant? It's the table. 5 Where's the bin? It's the teacher's table. 6 Where's the computer? It's the table. Unit 6 Activity 6 Look and tick (v). 1 He's reading a comic. v 2 The dog is next to a tree. 3 The cat is in front of a boy. 4 The cat is behind a boy. 5 The frog is on the dog. 6 The dog is under a tree. 7 The frog is under a dog. 8 He's playing basketball. 46 | | © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2008. Bugs 4, published by Macmilian Publishers Limited ‘This shoot may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 6 Activity 7 Look and write. 1 There's _____ one teacher. 2 Theae are fourteen __ boys. 3 girls. 4 bench. 5 trees. 6 Wels, ie balls. 8 tennis rackets. Qieiiete iene COMeIO: There's There are Unit 6 Activity 8 Look and write six differences. In picture B: 1 The 2 The 3 The 4 The Sihcde 6 There are ‘© Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. 47 ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. ie Unit 6 Activity 9 Write. a ° x F F eT TTTy No b eeeeree re 9 Ll 1 It’s got two ears, two eyes and a long tail. It’s very small. 2 It goes into towns at night. It has a red coat. 3 It’s got long teeth and a bushy tail. 4 It's got two big eyes. It can see in the dark. 5 It's got two big eyes. It jumps. 6 It’s big and heavy. It’s got small eyes. It lives in the jungle. 7 It's got big ears. It can hear in the dark. Unit 6 Activity 10 ORE eo) Count and write. 1 How many tails are there? 2 How many owls are there? 3 How many bats are there? 4 How many squirrels are there? 5 How many frogs are there? 6 How many eyes are there? © Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limite. Ke ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, DY Unit 6 Activity 11 Read, draw and colour. In the picture there is a yellow house with two big brown windows and a red door. In front of the house there is a blue bench. Next to the bench there is a green tree. On the bench there is a black cat. Under the tree there is a grey and brown dog. There is a red fence behind the house. Unit 6 Activity 12 Read the clues and rearrange the letters. Write the boy's name. ‘Orange’ has got It's the first letter in ‘English’ and the last in ‘Name’, ‘Jungle’ has got ‘one and ‘Owl’ : one and ‘Jam’ has has got one, too. 1 What's the boy’s name? It’s a tae a iw oo ff AAS NEN i ay) a ta Se CN 2 Where's the treasure? R 2 ‘© lisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004, Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, 49| Unit 6 Activity 13 Read and circle. 1|I've got whiskers. | gorilla 2|I've got two big mouse | haven’t got a eyes. owl big body. crocodile | can see in the dark. | hamster 3 | I've got a bushy mouse 4|I can hear in the dark. | bat tail. squirrel || haven't got four tiger I've got long teeth. | snake legs. leopard 5 |I've got a long tiger 6| I've got four legs. | fox tongue. snake I've gota owl haven't got legs. | crocodile tail. bat 7 | I've got big owl 8| I've got a big tiger teeth. crocodile body. whale |! live in the river. | bat I live in the sea. | fox Unit 6 Activity 14 Write. 11 21 31 at 4l at 51 at 50 | | ©Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 6 Activity 15 Complete. Dear Annie, I'm in the fin wmountains. There are eg I've got my nwo 1 go to the in the morning. Then at | have lunch. In the afternoon | do my hom or | play with my friends. We play or tel - Now, I'm J to music and & this letter. Love, Amanda writing, listening, squirrels, mountains, football, foxes, basketball, swimming pool, half past three, sunny, sunglasses, camera Unit 6 Activity 16 Circle and write 18 words. co 1 _cat 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 7 18 (© Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. el Unit 7 Activity 1 Write. straight hair, long nose, big toes, curly hair, long hair, big meuth, small feet, small nose Unit 7 Activity 2 Read and circle. 1 fair hair_D 2 small toes cay af : {49 dark hair ecdling big toes 3 short hair 4 big eyes i long hair 22 | small eyes y) x 5 small mouth 6 —~ |curly hair ce | big mouth straight hair 7 big feet 8 7 short nose eins small feet YY long nose 52 | © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. > This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Unit 7 Activity 3 Read and choose the picture. vA | He’s got a long nose, a small She's got a long nose, a small mouth, short hair and big toes. mouth, curly hair and small feet. 3 a S ‘Ales @ fz | She's got a long nose, a small He's got a short nose, a big mouth, straight hair and big mouth, fair hair and big feet. toes. Unit 7 Activity 4 1] 1 can see a troll. He's got straight Read, look and answer. hair, a long nose, big eyes, a big mouth and small feet. He’s I can see a troll. She’s got short hair, small eyes, a short nose, a big mouth and big toes. She's I can see a troll. She’s got curly hair, small eyes, a big mouth, a long nose and small feet. She's | can see a troll. He’s got long hair, big eyes, a long nose, a big mouth and big toes. He’s aN © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 7 Activity 5 Look and answer. 1 Has he got big feet? Yesehos 2 Has he got a small nose? 3 Has he got big eyes? 4 Has he got a big mouth? 5 Has he got curly hair? 6 Has he got short hair? Yes, he has. No, he hasn‘t. Unit 7 Activity 6 Read and draw. This is Tina the troll. She lives in the mountains. She's got long straight hair, small eyes, a long nose and a big mouth. She's got big toes. She’s wearing a blue dress and big red shoes. fel © Binedn Ppl and Mara To 20, Bugs published by Manian Pushes Lint 54 7+ Mhis sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Unit 7 Activity 7 Find and write. Tom i: a 1 Tom is ioe onlin nen 2 Tina is a to, in front of, 3 Thomas is a behind, beret; tree, fence, bench, 4 Tess is a _. | tree, house 5 Telma is a 6 Tia is a Unit 7 Activity 8 Look and write. He's listening to music e She's She's They're He's She's ‘© Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. 55\ | ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 7 Activity 9 Write. OS Pane $8 big feet, Le rr Of mouth, _nose amd. ee Hee ea SS ae Unit 7 Activity 10 Read and number. 1 First, | get up. Then, | get dressed. oe RWNo Next, | brush my teeth. 1 And finally, | go to school. First, | buy some bread. 2 Gea Jes Then, | buy some sweets. tell! Next, | buy oranges. WN « And finally, | buy my favourite pet. fom First, she goes to the park. 2 Then, she goes to the museum. 3 Next, she goes to the town hal 2 fis 4 And finally, she goes tothe — [7~/ bus station. KN y Y 56 a{] © Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. his sheet mi classroom, QYPE his set may be photocopied and used within the ls Unit 7 Activity 11 Write. @ | PO) And. finaly ; Unit 7 Activity 12 Look at the picture. Write. cH fo BUS | Ojo STOP Bee ee First, | > © Elisenda Paplol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 7 Activity 13 47 Write. rite. - 83 56 Unit 7 Activity 14 Answer. 1 What have you got on Tuesday? I've got 2 What's Archie doing? 65 94 3 What's Emily wearing? 4 What time do you go to bed? 5 Is there a cinema in your town? 6 Where's the fox? © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 7 Activity 15 Order and write. Circle true (T) or false (F). hair eyes nose |mouth |feet clothes Amanda |curly [big long big big T-shirt, jeans Ruth —|short small small [small big dress James straight [small small |small__ big T-shirt, jeans 1 Amanda's got curly hair, big eyes, a tong nose, a big mouth »S 3 James © Blisonda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, SI Unit 8 Activity 1 Write. ee 3/'ma forerér, shoemaker, wife, baker, elves, rich man Unit 8 Activity 2 Choose and circle. 1 He's got long, dark hai He's got long, fair hair. 4 He's got short, straight hair. He's got short, curly hair. She's got long, curly hair. She's got long, straight hair. They've got short, straight hair. They've got short, curly hair. He's got long, fair hair. He’s got long, dark hair. He's got curly, fair hair. He's got straight, fair hair. © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and usod within the classroom. Unit 8 Activity 3 Read and draw. This is the baker. He’s old and ugly. He's got long, curly hair, big blue eyes and a big mouth. He’s got a long nose. He's wearing a red T-shirt, blue jeans, a long grey coat and big brown shoes. Unit 8 Aci Find and write. 4 ie Unit 8 Activity 5 Look and answer. Who is he? __He’s a fanmer Whats he doind?tssstssmcnancnacsnact Who is he? What's he doing? Who is he? What's he doing? Who is she? What's she doing? Hees Unit 8 Activity 6 VEAL Look and answer. 1 Can the shoemaker play tennis? _ Yes. i cam 2 Can the baker rollerblade? 3 Can the elf swim? 4 Can the farmer play football? 5 Can the wife rollerblade? 6 Can the rich man skateboard? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. Yes, she can. No, she can’t. ee gS 6 ‘© Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ae ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 8 Activity 7 Write. | like ... I don’t like ... Sports School subjects Food Colour Activities Days of the week Unit 8 Activity 8 Write the number. [ 2 —rewenty-nime 3 4 5 6 ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 8 Activity 9 Find ten words. Write. 4 5 C) . . 7 S 8 9 10 Unit 8 Activity 10 Write. 1 4 oe She's not old. She's young 2 He's not rich. He's A 3 Oe She's not sad. She's 4 ded 4 \e ey They're not happy. They’re__- 5 \g4%4 He's not ugly. He's Ea . 6 (3 She's not rich. She's : = N 34 | | © Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 8 Activity 11 Find and answer. 1 Is Cluedo the dog under a bench? 2 Is Mike on a bench? 3 Is Thomas in front of the cinema? 4 ls Sam in the museum? 5 Is Sarah in the town hall?. 6 Is Tim next to the bakery? 7 |s Chloe behind a tree? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Unit 8 Activity 12 Write a word for each letter. Ei ssinal — os a ° — B [oe 9 ea " ‘@ i @ k & Which letters are missing? eo =— © 2 ° Pg q ee ____ 2 ~ » Bs < o © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 8 Activity 13 Write and number. to buy a . Then, she goes to the to buy some Bo . Next, she to buya . And finally, she goes to the =~ BZ to buy a lee It's 8 o'clock. She goes home. Liz LZLLL {2 Unit 8 Activity 14 Draw and write. This is my pet. It’s a It's It's got 16 | | CBlisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Unit 8 Activity 15 Draw and write. This is my family. This is my . She's got hair, eyes, a mouth and a nose. She's wearing He’s my . He’s got Unit 8 Activity 16 Draw and write. This is my school. In my school there is 1a , a a anda There are My favourite school day is . I've got and on ‘© Elisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, 67, ‘This sheot may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Re Answer Key Unit 1 1 1 Music,2Goography 3 Art, English, 5 Science "The secret word is Maths. 2 16,26 3b, 5a 3 21'vo got Art and English on Tuesdays. 1 haven't got PE and Language on ‘Tuesdays, 2 ve got PE and Language on ‘Wednesdays. Thaven't got Music and Science on Wednesdays, {AT ve got Music and Science on ‘Thursdays. Fhaven't got Language and English on Thursdays. ‘Tv got Language and English on Fridays. Thaven't got Maths and Geography on Fridays. 4 2Monday, 3 Thursday, 4 Wednesday, 5'Tuesday 5 2ton,$ seven o'clock, 4half past nine, Sno, 6no, 7 yes, 8 Friday 6 2ESRARSTOR 7 2 ve got English on Thursday, ‘8T°'vegot Art on Monday 4Tve got Geography on Wednesday. ‘I've got Maths on Friday. 8 1 Sunday, Tuosday, Friday 2Maths, Art, Science Srollerbade, play basketball, swim 9 10 2No, he isnt 8No, he sn. 4No, she isnt. 5 Yes, he's. Byes, sheis. " > ‘2Two,3 Yes, 4 Yes, §'Three Qe R I'vegot five classrooms, one computer oom, one ibrary two toilets, one gym land one corridor in my school. 3 ‘half past elght,Snine o'clock, halt past ten, 5 leven o'lock, Stwelve o'clock, 4 2fiteen, 3 twelve, 4three 5 3424 2 ve got English on Friday ‘8Bmily is inthe gym, 4 Mike isin the library. 16 Students ownanswers. unit 2 1 2arawinga picture 3doinga jigsaw ‘treading comic Smakinga cake Swritinga letter 2 21'm playing cards 81m readinga comic. 40m writinga letter 51'm making acake 67 mdrawinga picture. 3 2.1,5,6,84. 4 2No, she isn't No, he isn't 4 Yes, she is, 5 Yes, shes, 6No, she isn't 5 Paul, oungand handsome, hat, play football, ride bike, Tshirt, jeans and trainers, reading a comic “Mike, old, pair of slases, play basketball, swim, coat, 'shirt, Jeans ‘and shoes, drawinga picture ‘tisabeth, old and clever, book, rollerblade, play basketball, dress anda pairof shoes, malting a cake 6 2B,3A,4A,5B,64,7B,8B,94, 10B 7 1 School subjects: Maths, Geography, ‘Language, Music 2Numbers: sixty, ity five, ninety, eighty-eight ‘Holiday places: mountain, river, ‘swimming pool, lake 8 2No, she isn't Yes, se is 4s, he is. 5No, he isn't, 9 ‘iy, fity-one fy-fve, tyne, sixty, sixty-two sixty-eight, seventy, seventy-three, seventy-five, eghty-two, eighty nine, ninety-two, ‘inety-seven, one hundred 10 2eighty-nine,3ninety-three, afiy-three,5sixtysoven, Sone hundred " seventy-three, cat, tall, whiskers, apples {cecream, Music, play fotball, swim R 2 Are you reading a comic? ‘Student's own answer. ‘Are you making a cake? B 2school bag, $ trainers, ion, Snose, Bten 4 2 Ruth is doing jigsaw in the playground. 8 Allan js drawing picture the classroom, 4Mariais reading a comic in the brary. 5 doe is writing letter in the brary. 15 22 Amanda isin the classroom, She's writinga letter, ‘Ruth is inthe playground, She's playing tennis. 4 Marios in the kitchen, He's making acake. 16 2She's wearing Tshirt, jeans and trainers, ‘3 Whales ive inthe sea ‘41s on the table. 5 ¥es, they do 6 Yes, shecan. Unit 3 1 2listening, 9 playing, cooking, ‘Swatching, 6 washing 2 2 bathroom, $ bedroom, 4 dining room, S livingroom, 6 kitchen 3 2 Mike is watching TV in the livingroom, ‘8 Mum is tidying up in the bedroom, 44Dad is washing up in the kitchen. 5 Grandma is playing on the computer {nthe dining room, 4 ‘2 Pamela i istening tomusie in her ‘betroom. F ‘3am is washing up in the living room. F 4 Mike is listening to music inthe bathroom. F 5 Ruth is writinga letter in the dining room. F ‘Daniel is playing cards in the kitchen. T 5 2B,34,4A,5A,6B,7B,8B,98 6 2She's cooking dinner He's playing cards, 4She's watehing TV. 5 She's making acake. 6 He's writing a letter 7 24dying, 9 watching, 4 cooking, Splaying, 6reading, 7 playing 8 1 Daniel, 10,75, Moon Street, dog, play football, reading a comic. ‘Patricia, 1,35, Palm Street, hamster, ride bike, playing on the computer: Chloe, 12, 42, Sun Street, cat, play tennis, writing letter: 9 2torelve,Selght 4 thirteen, S twenty-six, 6 thirty-six 10 2Can you turn up the CD player, please? '3Can you turn down the TY, please? 4Can you give mea ruler, please? ‘5Can you close the window, please? {Can you help me with my homework, please? " 2.1.4,3,6,5 2 20s, he is. No, she isn't. 4No, he isnt 5Yes, sho i. Yes, he isn't. B 1 Can you give me the rule, please? ‘Yes, of course! 2Can you clos the door, ploaso? Yes, of course! ‘Can you open the window, please? Yes, of course! 1“ ‘Schoo!, Science, Sun, Soon, Socks 15 11'm thdying up my bedroom, 21'mplayingeards. 8m Sarah I'm listening to music. 44m Paul Pm watehing TV 16 2it’s cloudy She's in the gym. 4 t's in the school bag. 5He's wearinga Tshirt jeansand shoes. 6Sinty six. unit a 1 2nowsagent’s,¢ Stoyshon.a “Apet shop, Sweet shop, Sbutcher’s,g ‘Tereengrocers,b l 3 21 mgoing tothe sweet shop to buy ‘some sweets ‘8T'mgoing to the supermarket to buy some eggs. 44T'm going tothe pet shop to buy & hamster ‘51'mgoing tothe bakery to buy acake. 61'mgoing tothe toyshop to buy a doll. ‘I'm going tothe greengrocer’s to buy some apples. 8Y'mgoing tothe butcher's to buy some ham, 4 2)read, biscuits and cake ‘eggs, sugar and jam ‘sweets, chocolate and lollipops Spears, oranges and bananas Ga ite, a scooter and a football, 5 1G00d morning. 2Can I havea lollipop, please? Yes, here youare. ‘4 Flow much is it? 1Euro, Here youare. ‘Thank you. 6 2Daniel, greengrocers, bananas and apes, apples, pears ‘8Ruth, sweet shop, lollipops, strawberry favor lollipops, chocolates -4Rob, bakery a cake, cakes, biscuits 7 21'm going tothe supermarket to buy some es. '1'm going tothe greengrocer'sto buy some oranges, 44X'm going tothe butcher's to buy some han, '51'mgoing othe sweet shop to buy alolipop. 6'mgoing to the bakery to buy some bread, ‘1m going to the pet shop to buy ahamster ‘8T'mgoing to the toyshop to buy toy car 8 eggs 1.05 Cakes Broad 0,75. Sweets 0,50, ‘Total 5,90 Oranges 2,10 ‘Apples 1.70, Biscuits 085 Bananas 240 "otal 705 9 3.1,4,6,2,8 10 2a,3¢44,5b,6r " 24,8B4B,5,6 BTA 2 Tm going to the greengrocer’s to bay some apples 3 210s twenty to eleven Sts twenty past three. Ye on 9 = 4t’sa quarter past nine 5lt'sa quarter toten. 6's twenty-five to eight 14 2TSRARST 15, 2Yes, he is. No, she isn’t 4Yes, he is. 5 No, heist, 16 11'm going tothe bakery F 2Can Thave some milk, please? T 3's twenty-five past tn. T ‘4 mat the supermarket. T ‘5 Chloe goes past the newsagents. F unit 5 1 2 AT STARSESF 3 ‘There's a town ball ‘ATherw’salibrary. ‘There's a museum. 6 Thereare two schools. ‘There's bus station, ‘There's a park. 4 1 Saturday, Sunday 2 Maths, Language ‘kitchen, dining room classroom, playground Splay tennis, play football 5 8 Yes, there is. 4%, there is. 5 ¥es, there is. 6 ¥es, there is. ‘No, there aren't. ‘No, there aren't. 6 2 Rachael, hospital, park, library bus station, shops, town hall ‘8 Beth, museum, park, bus station ‘shops, library. school 7 2She's in the cinema, She's watching film, 3 She's in the library. She's reading a book. 4 He's in hospital He's watching TV. 8 Student's own drawing, y | " | 10 Hi, ImLuey. In my town there's LUbrary.a supermarket, park, a bus statlon, a hosptal, school and a " 21've got Maths and Art on Monday. 3He's reading a book in the brary. 44Dad is cooking dinner inthe kitchen, S51'vogot whiskers anda long tall 65 Sho's wearing a dress, shoes and a hat 3,2,5,6,14 R Student's own answers. 13 Daniel. play football, cat, beach, ‘Maths, eo-cream, 2 Amanda, 67 Moon Street, park, swim, bird, mountains, Ar, je-cream, Me, Student's own answers. 1“ ‘2Sho's In the livingroom. ‘Ho's cooking dinner. “He's in the kitchen, She's listening tomusie. ‘She's in the bedroom, ‘He's playing cards, {He's in the dining room. 5 Student's own anawers and drawing. 16 2st May ‘2ard April ‘425th December 5alst December Gast October ‘16th November unit 6 1 58,624 behind a tree. intheriver infrontof a tre, under a tree next to the lowers. 3 2No, it isn't Bes, itis. 4No, itisn't 4 pica nextto ‘behind. ‘under . 6 2A,8A,4B,5B,0B,74,08 7 STherearenine. ‘There's one STherearenine. There arefourtoen.. ‘There aresix There arefour 9 There's one 8 2 The itis listening to musi. 8 The Grandma is watching TY. ‘The Mum is playing on the computer. Ss Therearetwocats under the table 6 There arvfour chairs next to the table, 9 ‘mouse, 2fox, dsquitrel, AoW, 5 frog, gorilla, 7 bat 10 2"Thereareeight owls. 8 There are twelve bats ‘There are six squirrels, 5 There are ten ops. 6 There are eighty eyes " Student's own drawing. 2 1 oe. 2ehind the tree, B 2ow!, squirrel, bat, 5 snake, 6 fox, ‘Terocodlle, 8 whale 1“ 21havea shower at eight o'clock. $51 gotoschoo! at five to nine ‘Thave lunch ata quarter past one 51 goto bed ata quarter tote. 5 sunny, squlrrels, foxes, sunglasses, camera, swimming pool, half past ‘threo, fotball, basketball, listening, writing 16 2dog, treo, house, 5 fence, 6bench, “fountain, 8 mountain, 8 sun, 10 box 1 sunglasses, 12g, 18 chair, 14ruler, 15notebook, 16penci, 17 table, 18 unit 7 1 {straight hair 2Tong nose, 3 big toes, ‘long hat, 6 curly hai, 7 small nose, small feet 2 2small toes, long air, small eyes, Ssmall mouth, Straight hai, 7b feet, ‘longnose 3 pies, pict, pics 4 2playing cards, doing a jigsaw, ‘listening to music 5 2No, he hasn't No, he hasn't 4 Yes, he has. 15s, he has No, heasn'. 6 Student's own drawing, 7 2on/bench, Bin/house, ‘in rontof/tree. Snextto/fence. ‘behind tree, 8 2She's writing letter. 8She'stidying up. «They're doing a jigsaw He's watching TV 6 She's cooking dinner. 9 Tong, early hair, small oyes,abig ‘mouth, along nose and big fect He's wearing jeans, a Tshirt and big trainers 10 183, 22,341 82,841 " 1 Then, we've got English. Nest, we've got PE. And finally, we've got Art. 2 First, [play football. Then, | rollerblade. Next, play tennis. And finally, 1 play basketball R ‘Then, Lgoto the park. Next,1got the cinema. And finally, goto the bus stop. B ‘twenty-one, eighty-thre, sixty-five, ‘ninety-four,fty-six, thirty-seven, seventy fou, twelve 1“ 1 Student’ own answors. 2He's drawing. picture, '8She's wearing a dress and shoes, 44Student’s own answers. Student's own answers. it’s behind tree, 5 2Dad's got bigeyes. T ‘8 They're watching TV.F 4Theboy’sgota small mouth. T 5Ushalf pastnine. F 16 ‘2Ruth's got short hair small eyes, a small nse, small mouth and big feet ‘She's wearing dress, ‘James’ got straight hai, small eyes, a ‘small nose, small mouth and big fet. ‘He's wearing a Tshirt and jeans. unit 8 1 21mashoomaker,3'ma baker, 4T'ma wife, 5'marich man, 8 We'reelves 2 2He's got short, curly hate '8She's got long, curly hale 4They've got short, straight hal ‘5He's got ong, fair hair (He's got curly fair hai. 3 Student’ own drawing, 4 21 want my hat, 31 want my socks, ‘41 want my belt, want my coat 5 1 He's roading book, 2He'sa rich man. He's playing cards, ‘He's baker. He's tidying up. 44She's the wife She's cooking dinner 6 2No, he cant. 8 Yes, he can. 4No, he can't 5 Yes, she ean. 6 No, he can't 7 Student’ own answers. 8 2fiRy-six, sixty-five, sixty seven, twenty-four, 6 forty-eight 9 2 worried, Shandsome, 4 tired, 6 young, Gold, 7happs, 9 sed, 9 poor, 10 rich, 10 2poor Shappy, sad, S handsome, poor " 11No, he isn’t 2No, he Isnt. 8 es, hei, 4Yos, he is. 5 No, she isn't. 6No,he isn. 17Yes, shes, R ‘bakery, c computer, door, e English, ‘Geography, h hospital, teecream, 3 ice, Kitchen, 1brary,m museum, ‘orange, p park, qquestion,s school, ‘town hal, under, w witeh, y young. ‘The missing letters are:f,n,1, x. and, 3 ‘sweet shop, lollipop, supermarket, eggs, ker, cake, newsagent, comle, eight 2434 14, 15, 16 Students own answers and drawing, Student's Record Sheet Name:.. Class: .. Date Activity Activity Activity gous se 2 Photocopiable Resources Section 3: Macmillan Children’s Readers Worksheets What's That Noise? i , @ : 1 ce the pictures. Write the words. EGF v 3 4 @ - 6 nat e 2 Match the words. EG 7 upsta ce 2 mi ied 3 |_worr eam 4 scr hen 5 gr irs kite 6 3 Read and match. EG a 1 She's scared of mice. 2 It’s next to the firepiace\ 3 She likes grapes. 4 He's very clever. 5 He's tired. 6 It’s broken. Macmillan Children’s Readers Worksheet © Blisonda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. What's That Noise? 4 Read the story again. Write true (1) or false (). 7” 1 Uncle Matthew lives in the mouse house. 2 Violet lives downstairs. 3 Mina likes bananas. 4 Violet has a skateboard. 5 Violet jumps on the violin. 6 Uncle Matthew is scared of Violet. Lo 7 Violet runs away. 5 Read, order and number. EG Uncle Matthew goes upstairs. Violet runs away. Mina and Merlin go to find Uncle Matthew. Violet Flowers goes to an old, blue house. 1 Uncle Matthew tells Mina and Merlin about Violet. Mina and Merlin hear a terrible noise. Violet screams and drops her violin. Macmillan Children’s Readers Worksheet © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited, ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Riverboat Bill 1 Read and draw. EC —_ Riverboat Belinda has got short, curly, brown hair. She’s got big, green eyes, a small nose and a big mouth. She doesn’t wear glasses. She's wearing a blue and black cap. 2 Read and number. EG 1 He's playing cards. 3 He's sailing. 5 He's writing a letter 2 He's listening to music. 4 He's doing a jigsaw. 6 He's singing. Z| Macmillan Children’s Readers Worksheet SF é © Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004 Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limite. Xs ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom, Riverboat Bill 3 Find and write. EG What's this? Is it a (ars wt Rare) No, ... 1It’sa_frog. 2It'sa 3it'sa 4lt’sa Sit'sa 6lit'sa : G 4 Look at the story again. Write. India Africa Australia 1 There are __hinpos Africa 2 There are and Ce 3 Macmillan Children’s Readers Worksheet (© Blisenda Papiol and Maria Toth 2004. Bugs 4, published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. ‘This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. Answer Key What's That Noise? 1 2 worried, Supstalrs, 4 grapes, Smice, scream 2 2,8 worried 4 seream, 5 grapes, ‘kiteben 3 21,24, 4b, 50, 86 4 2RSTARSRORTT 5 47,816.25 Riverboat Bill 1 Student's own drawing. 2 45,1,658.2 3 hippo, submarine, whale, ish, boat 4 2Thereare monkeys and tigers in India ‘'Thoreare kangaroos and eracodiles in ‘Australia,

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