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ssit2r2020 Concept and Measurement of Time in Vedas Concept and Measurement of Time in the Vedas 7 comments 2 Min Ress a LT A ee PMT Rel ese eo The concept of Time in the Vedic concept is an extremely intriguing and astonishing theory that even surpasses modern Time has been measured from the largest possible notion of a Maha Yuga to the smallest measurable unit which is called Paramanu, Time calculation has been described in details in the Vedas and Manusrm«iti as NAME, DEFINITION EQUIVALENCE Paramanu (atom) 216.8 ys (microsecond) Anu 2 Paramanu £a.93.7 us (microsecond) Trasarenu (particles observed in a Anu ca01 ys (microsecond) sunlight) Truti 3 Trasarenu ca, 1/3290 s = 2.304 ps veaha 100 Truth ca. 30 ms (milliseconds) Lava 3 Vedha ca. St ms Nimesha (blink of an eye) 3 Lava ca, 0.273 s (seconds) Kshanas 3 Nimesha 0.82 s (seconds)! ssit2r2020 Concept ard Measurement of Time in Vedas kasthas 5 Kshanas a, 43 s (seconds) Nacika ' Lagnu ca. 1.8 minutes Danda a, 307 minutes Muhurta 2 Danda Yama 75 Muhorta éay(ight) 4 praharas or 4 yamas Night 8 yamas =1 Day daylight) +1 night Pakeha 15 days Fortnight Masa 2 Paksha Month ayanam 6 Maasa 6 Monthe 2 Ayanam = 1 Year The Paksha on brighter lunar cycle days is for departed ancestors (Pitrus) and the darker lunar cycle is their night. The ays from January 18° to July 15" when the sun rises with an inclination towards North-East, are called Uttarayanam land considered to be a single day of Brahma, The remaining 6 months when the sun rises with an inclination South-East are called Dakshinayanam are considered a single night of arahma. Lord Vishnu is believed to be asleep during Dakshinayanam and awake in Uttarayanam. It is for this reason that 1 human year is considered to be 1 day of Brahma, wards [An epoch or a yuga Is the next higher level of measurement and is broken down into the following: 4. Satya or krita Yuga 2, Treta Yuga 3, Dwapara Yuga, and 4, Kali Yuga (One cycle of Yuga is called Maha Yuga which is 4.32 million solar years. Yuganta, the day when Yuga gets over are also marked by the Hindu Calendar. There have been a total of six Brahma in the past, present one is the seventh one, each having a life span of 100 years. They are: 1. Virinehi 2, Padmabhu 3. Swayambhu 4, Parmeshthi 5. Suralyeshtha 68, Hemagarbha 7. Shatanand (present Brahma)! 28 ssit2r2020 Concept and Measurement of Time in Vedas 8, Next one will be Chaturmukha and 9. Hanuman completed 60 years and is on the 1 day of his 51" year. A year of Brahma is called a Kalpa and each kalpa has 14 Manvantaras. Creation takes places during the Udaya Kalpas (days) of Brahma while he rests during the 14 Kshaya Kalpas (nights). So far 6 Manvantaras ruled by 6 Manus have passed and we are going through the 7" one called Varaha Kalpa and Vaivasvata Manvantara, Read more about the concept of Yuga or Epochs Hinduism Ancient india Wingy Hinduiem Vedas vedic Science This site uses Akismet to reduce spam, Learn how your comment data is processed. © wien Im loving most of the articles published by you REPLY Prasad av T20 am Article is nice Satish at 5:20 pm! ais ssit2r2020 Concept and Measurement of Time in Vedas © < . fv oe Jathavedan meetna at 2:00 pm Till unknown to me and still difficult to understand. REPLY Dipak Panchal at 4:22 pm So nice.... happen to see this time measurement or Kal-Ganana once and that time I forgot to note it down... | was looking for this and | have the chart now. REPLY © vanita ramteke thought provking article REPLY Kumar at 6:95 am Please also provide the actual stotras and the documents in which these are mentioned. It would be helpful for people who wish to follow-up on these topics. REPLY Vikram Sidhabathuni at 2:02 pm You wrongly mentioned one year of Brahma is called Kalpa. Kalpa is actually one day of Brahma whi manvantara duration. REPLY SHREEDHAR at 4:47 pm articles are very interesting. Do you compile them into a book for sales? REPLY charles! ais ssit2r2020 Concept and Measurement of Time in Vedas REPLY © Vrajlal Rughani at 5:50 pm Eccelant Article . In shallyisit this website regularly. Very interesting! Ravi Singh at 116 pr All the information is correct but one small error as 6 months of human time cycle is equal to 1 day of Devas living in paradise and another 6 months is equal to 1 night ghich total becomes 24 hours of Devtas is equal to one year in human life cycle. Also such 100 Divya years of Devta is equal to 1 day of Brahma which is equal to 4.32 billion years, deepak singh at 193 pm Yes information given is incorrect. 1 day of Brahma = 1000 Mahayugas Not 1 solar/human year venturousoul at 2:20 am ‘As always..another thought provoking article. But, | have a query; In the table giving out details of the time measurement units it is given: 1 yama = 7.5 muhuruta; 1 muhurta = 2 danda = a bit more than an hour. By this logic ‘yama = around 75 hrs; and 1 daylight = 4 yama = 30 hrs; 1 night = @ yama = 60 hours??! How can this be? Am | reading something wrong, can someone pls explain this. © Srikanth | guess 6 months time is 1 day for devas & not Brahma. As far as | know, 100 chathuryuga is one day for him. ‘Another 100 chathuryuga will be one night. 360 such cycle is one year and his lifetime is 100 such years. Svrao! 55 ssit2r2020 Concept and Measurement of Time in Vedas @® at 11:08 am < . fv oe REPLY G.S.Satya Very informative and profound articles to enlighten the reader and salute the divine wisdom of our Sanatana Dharma Which is Bharata’s gift to the Sri Kaalaaya Tasmai Namaha, REPLY! es

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