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It all went wrong when Nash walks over to the women and doesn’t start talking for an
awkward amount of time. He then starts to talk about an exchange of bodily fluids, the
girl the proceeds to slap him because that is a weird thing to talk about with strangers. It
is clear Nash does not know how to communicate ethically because talking about an
exchange of bodily fluids is not a normal thing to talk about with pretty much anyone.
He also did not do a good job at recognizing when it is appropriate to communicate. As
he doesn’t start talking to the women until she speaks up first. Overall, Nash clearly
lacks competence in communication.
B. I would consider the communication that Nash and Alicia modeled to be transactional.
This is true because they are communicating to create a relationship with each other.
Also, it is clear they are both simultaneously communicating with each other as well.
For, example when Nash gives Alicia the crystal ball, he starts to explain why it is so
special he also looks at her face while he does it so he can read her nonverbal messages.
It is also clear that they the social norms between the two are very casual. For example,
Nash at one point gets on his knees so he can get on eye level with Alicia which is
something that that you would not really do with someone you just met. In conclusion,
Nash and Alicia model the transaction model of communication since they are
communicating to form a relationship, they are simultaneously communicating, and
have casual social norms.

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